Quackbuster Assaults:  Clark, the One that Worked in Reverse… 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The US “quackbuster” operation, suffers humiliation almost daily these days.  When you listen to their leadership discuss this problem they inevitably blame one person for their woes – scientist, and author, Hulda Regehr Clark PhD.

76 year-old Clark, an independent scientific researcher and author of six best-selling books on health care and what’s wrong with it, is clearly the most hated person in quackbusterland.  Why?  Is it because they can’t beat her down, can’t stop the sale of her books, can’t have her imprisoned, can’t destroy her reputation, can’t frighten her into submission, and can’t destroy her work through innuendo and smear tactics?  Continue reading Quackbuster Assaults:  Clark, the One that Worked in Reverse… 

US HealthCare System Implodes – “Health Freedom” is Here…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The US healthcare system  is falling in on itself, and it is about time.  Change is in the air, and it won’t take long.  Rated 72nd in quality worldwide – but number one in cost, it has become the number one killer of Americans.

American industry, quietly, over the last few years, took the Bush Administration by the throat, so-to-speak, and demanded, and got, legislation moving consumer health choices out of the hands of the mega-greedy health insurance industry and into the hands of those same consumers. Continue reading US HealthCare System Implodes – “Health Freedom” is Here…

The “Most Dangerous Woman in America – (to the Medical Establishment)” to Speak in Chicago…

Opinion by Health Freedom Advocate Tim Bolen


The “most attacked” proponent of change to the “drugs, drugs, and more drugs” medical paradigm, scientist and author Hulda Regehr Clark PhD, is the primary speaker, Saturday (10:00am, and Sunday 10:00am), with an additional three hour “laboratory workshop” on Sunday afternoon at the Health Freedom Expo Convention in Chicago, June 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2006.  Clark will be doing book signings in her booth at the Expo. Continue reading The “Most Dangerous Woman in America – (to the Medical Establishment)” to Speak in Chicago…

“Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Just a little north of the US border, in Waterloo/Kitchener, Ontario,  is the home, and acne care business, of Terry Polevoy MD, Canada’s number one self styled quackbuster.”   Polevoy, well versed in bigotry and scare tactics, operates a “hate” operation.  His hatred is for those that espouse “alternative medicine,” in any form.  His website, healthwatcher.net, is a miasma of crazy talk, odd colors and combinations, and a presentation that seems clearly out of the mind of a seriously disturbed individual. Continue reading “Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

FTC Vindicates Hulda Clark…. 

Research Scientist Hulda Clark, quietly this last weekend, attended the American College for Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) meeting in San Diego, California.  I was there also.  It was a superb meeting.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

If there was a quiet smile on Hulda Clark’s face, and there was, it was for two reasons:  (1) because her attorney, Carlos Negrete, had just informed her that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioners had signed a settlement agreement over an internet website issue involving Clark’s name. Continue reading FTC Vindicates Hulda Clark…. 

The Gathering of the Forces…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


This October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2004, I’ll be in Seattle, Washington, with 500 of my friends at the annual RIFE 2004 International Health Conference. Like last year, it will be held at the DoubleTree Guest Suites Hotel – Southcenter.  There you’ll find the future of health care – everything Big Pharma can’t sleep at night over…

Like last year, there is a plethora of superb speakers, including Dr. Richard Loyd, PhD – Seattle (the host), Dr. Carl Taylor, M.D. – Canada, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, M.D. Peter Walker – Cologne, Germany, Dr. Martin Blank, PhD – New York, Dr. Nenah Sylver, PhD – New York, Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen – San Juan Capistrano, and of course Hulda Regehr Clark PhD. Continue reading The Gathering of the Forces…

Top “Non-Drug” Cancer Researcher Under Attack, Again…

Independent Research Scientist Hulda Regehr Clark PhD is the most frightening woman in the world to “Big Pharma.”  Her five best-selling books provide scientific basis, and argument, for significant social change in North American Health Care. Clark severely criticizes current cancer methods.  She says that the whole “War on Cancer” is an expensive, and deadly, scam. I’m not surprised she’s under attack, once again.

And, under attack she is…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Top “Non-Drug” Cancer Researcher Under Attack, Again…

Hulda Clark’s 4/21/04 Letter to Tim Bolen…

Dear Tim,

You were asking about news from Mexico. Here it is: or should I say “Here’s the news from one arm of the Mexican contingent of cancer researchers.”

I know you have more readers than I ever could have, so if I want people to know about this, your websites and newsletters are the best.

Our former patients, at Century Nutrition, are currently being called by FDA investigators to tell them that they, the FDA, are doing a criminal investigation of me. Some, or all, get questionnaires to fill out (about 5 or 6 pages) and at the end, there is room for comments. Continue reading Hulda Clark’s 4/21/04 Letter to Tim Bolen…

Cure vs. Treatment…

Big pharma is in a death struggle in North America, trying to preserve its operation. It has taken years, and billions of dollars of investment, to set in place “Treatment,” not “Cure”, as the health modality of North America. There hasn’t been a “Cure” for ANYTHING in Western Medicine since polio in 1954. Big pharma doesn’t want one. “Curing” people doesn’t make any money. “Treatment” does.  “Treatment” meaning treatment with drugs.

“Treatment” deals with, and masks, symptoms of a problem.  “Cure” means finding the cause of the problem and removing it. Continue reading Cure vs. Treatment…

The Most-Attacked Health Advocate On the Face of The Earth…

Big pharma is in trouble in America.  They’re losing the battle between health and medicine.  They’re fighting a desperate, and evil, battle. But, despite the fortune they’re spending, they’re not going to win.  The North American Health Freedom Movement is too much for them.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading The Most-Attacked Health Advocate On the Face of The Earth…

Who is Hulda Clark?

the_cure_for_all_cancersThe Scientist

Hulda Regehr Clark began her studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where she was awarded the Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, and the Master of Arts, with High Honors.

After two years of study at McGill University, she attended the University of Minnesota, studying biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate degree in physiology in 1958.

After doing government sponsored research for almost ten years at Indiana University, she began private consulting in 1979 on a full time basis.  Continue reading Who is Hulda Clark?

California Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters…

A California Appeals Court, yesterday, April 22, 2003, bludgeoned the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), and their whole argument about what constitutes good and bad health care.  

The quackbuster’s operating theme, the argument they use against alternative proponents, came under a major American Court’s scrutiny.  The Court, basically, in their decision, said the the quackbuster’s arguments were hogwash, and they had no business meddling in California’s system.

The Court also declared that top quackbusters Stephen Barrett (quackwatch.com), and Wallace Sampson MD (Scientific Review of Alternative and Aberrant Medicine)  “were found to be biased and unworthy of credibility.”  

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Continue reading California Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters…

Failed MD Stephen Barrett

What kind of man would drop out of the medical profession and dedicate his life to STOPPING advancement in the health sciences?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that…

It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King BioCalifornia Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters), to be “Biased, and unworthy of credibility.”

What that statement means, in layman’s terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY – NOTHING BARRETT SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON. Continue reading Failed MD Stephen Barrett

Quackpot Barrett LOSES Motion for Reconsideration ~ Rosenthal’s SLAPP Motion Upheld

I’ll bet the Judge’s laughter, when he read Barrett’s so-called Motion, could be heard all around the bay area… Barrett never learns, I guess. He still thinks HE makes the rules.

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett filed a “Motion for Reconsideration of the Court’s Order of July 25, 2001” (granting the Special Motion to Strike filed on behalf of Defendant Ilena Rosenthal). In his court papers Barrett had claimed that because Christopher Grell (the attorney) had dismissed HIS OWN CASE against Rosenthal, that the Judge had NO Jurisdiction to rule on Barrett, et al.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Here is what the Judge said about that on the Court’s website:

TR – Motion for Reconsideration – Denied

“This Tentative Ruling is issued by Judge James Richman. The Motion by Plaintiffs Stephen J. Barrett, M.D., et al., for Reconsideration of the Court’s Order of July 25, 2001 Granting the Special Motion to Strike filed on behalf of Defendant Ilena Rosenthal is DENIED. The proffered “new” evidence in the form of the June 4, 2001 dismissal establishes that only Plaintiff Christopher Grell voluntarily dismissed his action as against Defendant Ilena Rosenthal following the Court’s May 30, 2001 hearing on the Special Motion to Strike. Plaintiffs provide no authority to support their contention that a voluntary dismissal by one Plaintiff deprives the Court of jurisdiction to consider whether any remaining Plaintiff has met his burden to establish a probability of success on the merits of any claims that any remaining Plaintiff has against Defendant Rosenthal. Each of Plaintiffs’ alternative arguments in support of the Motion for Reconsideration is denied for failure to present any new or different facts, evidence or law to support it.”

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen

Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

California law is VERY clear on the fate of those caught filing SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) against honest California citizens expressing their opinions on social issues, and exercising their First Amendment rights. California legislators couldn’t care less what a subversive group working out of a basement in Allentown, PA, THINKS the law should be. The law is clear – you get caught abusing a California court process to harass a Californian – you pay – and you pay damn quick.

And if you don’t pay damn quick? California Judges can, and do, issue CONTEMPT citations. With this they can send law enforcement officers, with shackles, to round up those that ABUSE California courts.

The Quackpot menace is learning a HARD lesson in the “sunshine” State.

Opinion By Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

Quackpot Menace “Left Their Heart In San Francisco…”

The “quackbuster conspiracy” is having a “bad day” in America – EVERY day. Anyone, and everybody, that takes them on seems to beat them EASILY. This time the victory was in San Francisco – and a SWEET one it was…

The bottom line – the quackbusters are a paper tiger – all sound and fury – and absolutely NO bite.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Menace “Left Their Heart In San Francisco…”

Barrett’s “Back” BROKEN (figuratively speaking)…

Say goodbye to the “HealthFraud Discussion list.” The lid’s been put on the cesspool.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

In a message, the other day, members of the “HealthFraud Discussion List” were informed that the list would cease operation August 31st, 2001. They didn’t say why they were shutting the list down. But, I suspect that it’s because they got named in the lawsuit filed against Barrett, et al, by New Century Press (NCP). Details of the suit can be found at www.healthfreedomlaw.com. Commentary at www.savedrclark.com. Continue reading Barrett’s “Back” BROKEN (figuratively speaking)…

Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett (and several of his henchmen) got sued last Monday, July 23, 2001 in Alameda Superior Court in California. The quackbusters were charged, among other things, with Racketeering (RICO), Violation of Civil Rights, Abuse of Process, and Malicious Prosecution.

And, it’s only the beginning…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

The same Judge, in the same Court, that declared delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, et al, as SLAPP artists, ruled again against the questionable actions of the quackbuster conspiracy. SLAPP stands for “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.”

Barrett, and his bludgeon squad, isn’t doing well in California…

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Stephen Barrett, who claims to be a “retired Psychiatrist,” but court documents show that he never was able to fulfill the minimum qualifications to be board certified as such, along with Canadian Polevoy, and their attorney Christopher Grell had tried to circumvent normal court procedure in “serving” alleged defendants. The Judge was not amused – and HAMMERED the trio into submission. Continue reading Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

“Quackbuster” Barrett LOSES in California Court…

I beat delicensed MD Stephen Barrett in Court last week. It was ridiculously EASY… (yawn).

Barrett, who operates www.quackwatch.com out of his Allentown, PA basement, is apparently trying to silence me through intimidation, by sort of suing me.

Sort of? Yeah, sort of… Keep reading.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading “Quackbuster” Barrett LOSES in California Court…