WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?

“Self-Serving” Research and Scientific Ethics…

By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


The US Health Care system is in shambles.  Revising or repealing ObamaCare, by making the US system less costly, is only one of the issues, and not the main one.

Our US health care system is paying for expensive nonsense (chemotherapy, Statin Drugs, vaccines, mammograms, etc) , that has little, or no validity, and does NOT improve health.  Worse, is that what DOES work, and is far less costly, is suppressed.

One of the problems is that the “science” system we rely on to make decisions on what works, and what doesn’t work, is a bad joke, controlled by Big Pharma.

The “Science” bad joke…

Let’s start in 2015 with the then editor of The Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton[1]

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Richard Horton[1]

There’s More…

But that’s not the only editor of a prestigious medical journal who has pointed to the obvious problems with the way “science is done” in the globalized economy.

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) opined:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine”[1]

These science scholars, seeing the problem from the perspective of the responsible parties in science journal world, decry the lack of real science being reported.

How did the science become so distorted? What structural conditions have contributed to this sorry state of affairs?

There is a lawyers’ secret that may explain what happened to the science, especially with regard to health care. Let’s call it the “Crony Corp Square Dance.” It’s a way of dancing around legal restrictions.

The dance goes like this:

Step One…
do-si-do to the market researchers and find a potentially profitable medical condition.

Step Two… identify a patentable chemical that suppresses symptoms of the condition.

Step Three… run a pilot study on the so-called “afflicted” as Dr. Horton notes by the panoply of crony conflicts. Repeat as clinical trials. Remember to remove anyone who dies during treatment, since they didn’t complete the experiment.

Step Four… apply for a Patent based on the “sanitized” crony clinical trials.

Step Five… apply to FDA for drug approval based on the approved Patent claims.

And now here is the lawyers’ trick:

Continue reading WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?

Vaccines – Are They the New “Crimes Against Humanity?”

Part 1…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

The Nuremberg IG Farben “Crimes Against Humanity” War Crimes Trial Began 27 August 1947….

The text below was part of the opening statement of General Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor of the Nazi War Crimes Trial of IG Farben where 23 top executives were put on trial for their leadership in Hitler’s war effort.  To believe these men, among the most respected businessmen and scientists in their industry, knowingly, willingly, and with purpose, put their companies at the disposal of Adolf Hitler seems beyond comprehension.

The Trial started with this statement below:

“God gave us this earth to be cultivated as a garden, not to be turned into a stinking pit of rubble and refuse.  If the times be out of joint, that is not accepted as a divine scourge, or the working of an inscrutable fate which men are powerless to effect.  At the root of these troubles are human failings and they are only to be overcome by purifying the soul and exerting the mind and body….

The crimes with which these men are charged were not committed in rage or under the stress of sudden temptation; they were not the slips or lapses of otherwise well-ordered men….What these men did was done with the utmost deliberation and would, I venture to surmise, be repeated should the opportunity to recur.  There will be no mistaking the ruthless purposefulness with which the defendants embarked upon their course of conduct.”   

Before the war…

Otto Ambros (standing) during the pronouncement of the judgement in the I.G. Farben Trial… June 30 1948

IG Farben, a community of companies that banded together for common purpose, dominated the chemical industry with relationships reaching into every major country on the globe.  IG Farben was the fourth largest industrial organization in the world.  Some of Farben’s scientists were Nobel Prize winners and world famous for their contributions to the advancement of medicine.

So the question we must all ask is, how did this happen, and is it happening again?

Continue reading Vaccines – Are They the New “Crimes Against Humanity?”

Tucker Carlson! The World Needs Your Help!!

Great Job With Robert Kennedy, Jr.!  Can You Take It To The Next Level?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Tucker, I was enormously pleased by your interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the issue of vaccine safety.  I have received so many positive comments from people who NEVER imagined they would compliment Fox News that I think you are building an entirely new audience for your network.

With every fiber of my being, I want you to keep up the fight.  You can ONLY become a GIANT-KILLER by killing actual GIANTS.  Consider what Robert Kennedy, Jr. said at the “Revolution for Truth Rally” on March 31, 2017 in Washington D.C. about the CORRUPTION that exists across the broadcast media about vaccines.

Kennedy said, “The press has been compromised, 5.4 billion dollars annually [from the pharmaceutical industry]. I talked to Roger Ailes, who I’ve known since I was seventeen years old. He was very sympathetic with this issue. He saw the film, Trace Amounts. I said to him, ‘I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.’

He said to me, ‘I can’t allow you on any of them. I would have to fire any of my hosts who allowed you on my station. Because,’ he said, ‘my news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.’ And if you turn on the evening news, you will see it’s just a vehicle for selling pharmaceutical ads. So the press is gone.” (Kennedy speech at the Revolution for Truth Rally, Washington D.C., March 31, 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KEoMNxxJRc, 31:40-31:30)

Tucker, you know that’s not journalism.

That’s corruption.  That’s evil.  That’s God, the devil and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.  If you will not stand up for children at this moment in time, do you think God will welcome you into heaven when you arrive?  You know, they’ve got EXTREME VETTING to get into the place!

I say this as a friend. I have generally liked Fox News. I believe that no other network has been as fearless in taking on the liberal narrative of the mainstream media. I consider myself a libertarian. If it’s big, it’s probably bad. If force has to be used to get people to do something, it probably means their liberty is being taken away. Show me a big government, and I will tell you it’s probably corrupt. Show me a big company, and I will say the same. I strongly believe in the idea that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

Tucker, you really are the new face of journalism.

You were born near me, in San Francisco and you went to Trinity College where you studied history, one of my favorite stubjects. I appreciate, how like many of our generation you bounced around in many jobs, from CNN to MSNBC, and started the political news website, Daily Caller. I have already been effusive in my praise for allowing Robert Kennedy, Jr. on your show to at least scratch the surface of this issue.

You come by your journalistic skills honestly,

Continue reading Tucker Carlson! The World Needs Your Help!!

Vaccines are Ten Thousand Times More Dangerous Than We Were Led To Believe…


The CDC and the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Contractors are Doing Everything They Can to Hide This Scandal…

But with Trump running the show ALL is about to be revealed…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

How the Cover-Up works…

There are two government programs that supposedly monitor the safety of Vaccines in the US.

(1)  The first is an industry joke, a voluntary report called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  

Why is it a joke?  Because pediatricians who jam seven to nine Made-in-China vaccines into a small child at one time NEVER want to turn themselves in for that 108 degree fever, and the beginnings of autism, they caused.  They’d be drummed out of the pediatrician clique – and those trips to Europe paid for by big Pharma would quit.  They can come up with endless reasons why they will NOT file a VAERS report – and they simply do NOT file them.

But it is the second system that is most important…

(2)  The second system is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and it is an entirely different thing – and the data collected is totally TOP SECRET.  Every possible trick is used to hide this data, including, I’m told, contracting out the storage of the twenty-seven years of data to companies in foreign countries so it cannot be subpoenaed by lawyers involved in vaccine litigation.

Got that?

If there is no problem with vaccines why can’t Independent Investigators look at that twenty-seven years of data recording the health records of MILLIONS of American children after they were vaccinated with each, and every, CHILDHOOD VACCINE from January of 1991 to the present?

I think we ALL know the answer to that…

Continue reading Vaccines are Ten Thousand Times More Dangerous Than We Were Led To Believe…

Hillary Is “The Resistance?”

Hillary And Obama Declare War on America…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Shocked that our election of President Trump interrupted their dream to transform America into a socialist utopia, Hillary, Obama and their fellow travellers, have joined forces to bring President Trump and his Majority of Americans supporters, to their knees.

They just haven’t figured out, yet, that America DOES NOT WANT to be another North Korea; servants to the elite.  And that we elected Trump to reverse all that crazy thinking.

Make no mistake, these Clinton/Obama people are hardcore socialists who have been using well-honed Marxist organizing techniques for decades to build an army to overthrow our capitalist system without a shot being fired.

To them – If they can bring down capitalist America, what they see is a high-tech world run by them and their globalist elite friends.

Just so you know…

Obama and the Clintons have been beneficiaries of what is known as the Shadow Party,  a  well-organized, and well-financed, worldwide movement organized by George Soros.  Soros has amassed legions of well-heeled leftists to use their money to do anything necessary to forward their shared goals.  These goals include diminishing the power of America in the world, subjugating America’s sovereignty in favor of one world government and implementing a socialist redistribution of wealth – both in the U.S. and across national boarders.

In addition to using the tactic of Political Correctness to turn people against each other and re-write history in order to create confusion, this unholy alliance has also encouraged lawless behavior and encouraged people to disrespect police and others who represent law and order.  They  are using the techniques of Community Organizer Saul Alinsky who published  a book in the 1970s called “Rules for Radicals“.

Obama was a professional  Community Organizer who taught Alinsky’s methods in Chicago for several years before he went into politics.  He has now announced that he is returning to that profession in order to impeach or force Trump  to resign. 

It gets weirder…

Continue reading Hillary Is “The Resistance?”

What Trump is Doing to Revise US Health Care – An Overview…

Taking Control of the “Administrative State” is the Key…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I’ve said this before, and I will say it again – “The vaccine issue is a microcosm of what is wrong with US Health Care.  And, US Health Care is a microcosm of what is wrong with America…”

Finding the mechanism to solve the vaccine issue is the key to solving US Health Care, and that same mechanism will solve America…

The Trump Team knows exactly what to do, and is doing it – we are getting “America” back…

Richard Dreyfuss, the actor, points out, quite correctly that the teaching of “Civics” has been removed from the US Public School curriculum since about 1970.  Consequently, more than one generation of Americans has NO IDEA how their own government was designed, nor how it actually works.  So, they do NOT know how to fix problems with it.  This is preposterous.

How did this happen?  As Dreyfuss says:

“To teach our kids how to run our country, before they are called upon to run our country…if we don’t, someone else will run our country.” Richard Dreyfuss

The United States government system was designed to be a check and balance system, so that no one agency could assume ultimate control. The main three divisions were The Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary.

More, within each of those were protective devices to keep each of those divisions honest.

Keeping them honest?

Exactly.  Every federal, State, or local agency has some form of watchdog entity constantly examining what employees of that agency are up to.  Why?  Employee abuse of power happens every day.

In any agency that has police power (the power to arrest someone) that sub-agency is called “Internal Affairs.”  In agencies without police power they are usually called “Inspector Generals” or something similar.

Trump has control over “The Executive Branch” – EVERY Part of it…

Continue reading What Trump is Doing to Revise US Health Care – An Overview…

Tucker Carlson Does It Again – This Time With His “DailyCaller” Website…

Viewers Were Shocked When He Interviewed Bobby Kennedy Jr About Vaccines, But His Newest Exposé Dwarfs That…

Not everyone knows that Tucker Carlson is behind the DailyCaller.com website.

Those people who were, and are, worried that Tucker might have gotten in trouble with FOX News management for bringing up the Kennedy/Vaccine story OBVIOUSLY didn’t do their homework about Tucker.

It is all tied together…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Tucker Reveals Who the Liberal Democrat Leadership REALLY is…

In earlier articles here in the BolenReport we have revealed the makeup of the liberal Democratic Party leadership, explaining the role of the (1)  fake “Climate Change” Agenda 21 nutbags, (2)  the entrenched bureaucrats making up the “Administrative State,” controlling US health care for Big Pharma, and (3)  the  LGBTPQ/Feminist community.  But Tucker goes a few steps further…

Documents Tie Berkeley Riot Organizers To Pro-Pedophilia Group, NAMBLA –

by Peter Hasson

The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.

Continue reading Tucker Carlson Does It Again – This Time With His “DailyCaller” Website…

California Government Becomes Sci-Fi Equivalent of “The Borg”…

California has become SURREAL.  It’s like we are living in a “B” movie…

The Borg” are a fictional alien race that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind, called “the Collective” or “the Hive”.

The Borg” use a process called assimilation to force other species into the Collective by injecting microscopic machines called nanoprobes, as well as with surgically adding cybernetic parts.

The Borg “Queen of the Hive.”

The Borg” are driven by a need for ‘perfection’, and assimilate other races to further that goal.[1]

Also referred to as the “hive mind” or “collective consciousness”, the Borg Collective is a civilization with a group mind. Each Borg individual, or drone, is linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance.  -Wikipedia

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

A Very Astute, AWAKE California member pointed out:

“As the sickest of all industrialized nations, what assures our uninterrupted de-evolution is the decline of intelligence and education where perfectly healthy people willingly accept being forced to take potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines. Without a squawk.

Exempting one’s child from vaccines has always been a path chosen by a small percentage of the most educated people. The militantly uneducated will always accept as many vaccines as they are told. That will never change.

What has changed dramatically is that now we have arrived at a dangerous and uncharted new crossroads in national politics, where the will of the uneducated mob is being imposed by law on the educated. Such a trend will ensure the continuation of the academic, ethical, and moral deterioration that we have witnessed since 9/11. Today’s measles hysteria is just a symptom of that more systemic, more profound malaise.

Continue reading California Government Becomes Sci-Fi Equivalent of “The Borg”…

Trump’s “Deconstruction of the Administrative State”…

What it means for US Health Care…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


If you liked Jonathan Emord’s two-minute video in my last article you are going to LOVE the twenty-four minute video we have below. Jonathan explains, in simple language, but with great detail, what Trump is up to in revising US Health Care.

But, before we go there…

If I could wave my magic wand…

I’d like to see that every kid in America was excited about learning history so after he or she grew up, the world would make more sense. 

As it is, we depend on the press to explain events to us. Unfortunately, right now, the mainstream press is in such a tizzy, the bilge that is spewed out is a public disgrace.

Our Founding Fathers believed a free press was essential to educating the public on matters of public concern, so we could be able to govern ourselves.   So why are we watching wall to wall malcontents screaming invectives, spewing out hate and making up the “facts” as they go?  The fact that some of the worst screamers are well-known reporters is appalling.

Right now, we are living through one of the greatest moments in American history. 

It is bigger than anything anyone could have imagined before Trump came onto the scene.  He is not operating like a regular politician so he is hard to understand in comparison to the permanent ruling class in DC  we’ve been living with for decades.

The swamp is a little cleaner today. And tomorrow is coming…

He is not influenced by popularity polls with an eye for the next election.  So, even if he gets panned in the press, he is unaffected because he said he’d clean up the swamp and a lot of people voted for him without really caring to know the details.

He said he wanted to create jobs, bring industry back to America, wanted to control the flow of illegal immigrants, and he wanted to make sure America was respected around the world again.

For those of us in health freedom, he very specifically stated he thought vaccines caused autism.

I recently ran across a 24-minute Youtube video called Deconstructing the Administrative State.  It is a rebroadcast of part of a Jeff Rense radio show interview with Constitutional and Administrative Law attorney Jonathan Emord, the fellow I’ve mentioned in earlier postings on BolenReport.

I urge you to take the time to watch it, as it covers an astounding description of what President Trump’s goals are to radically change how America operates.

He is, in fact, repealing what is called the “administrative state” where, we the people, are being ruled by a permanent and un-elected horde of bureaucrats at the behest of the big business interests who put them in charge.

The first two minutes of the Youtube video is of Steve Bannon, a special advisor to Trump, who explained Trump’s blueprint to the audience at CPAC, the conservative political organization that met earlier this year.  Then our guy Jonathan…

Jonathan Emord’s portion of the Youtube video is actually part of a radio interview Jeff Rense had with him recently that fills in the details of what Bannon’s presentation outlined.

How Trump is “Deconstructing the Administrative State,” and what it means for American Health Care…

Continue reading Trump’s “Deconstruction of the Administrative State”…

“Nerds Against Humanity” – the So-Called “March for Science”…

“Science” in American Universities is Very Much Like Professional Wrestling.  It is Just a Show…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


If someone were to offer a hundred million dollar Grant to prove that the Earth was flat seven hundred (700)  University Presidents would be submitting proposals the next morning.  “Science” is for sale.

It’s been like that for a very long time.

American Universities are a huge welfare system for pompous, over-educated, nose-in-the-air nitwits, with little, if any, common sense, and an almost pathological desire to wear an outfit with matching belt and the right shoes – and those are the men.

Conformity, in University, is required. Conformity is NOT what we want in science.  We need innovation.  Our American University “Science” programs are absolutely worthless – a malignant bureaucracy.

Should We Trust the 2017 Version of Scientists?

Absolutely not.  They are the VERY LAST PEOPLE we should be listening to.  Look at the “Climate Change” pack of lies – a massive four-billion dollar-a-day delusion designed to effect a specific social engineering plan – Agenda 21.

Those of us in health care activism see a far worse scenario. What could THAT be?

Continue reading “Nerds Against Humanity” – the So-Called “March for Science”…

FDA FOLLIES – The FDA is Big Pharma’s Best Friend…..

The US FDA is FAR MORE CORRUPT Than The CDC.  Not Even Close…

What Trump is up against…

Watch our two (2) minute video, just below, before you read the rest of the article.

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

“When a republic has been corrupted, none of the ills that arise can be remedied except by removing the corruption and recalling the principles; every other correction is either useless or a new ill.”     – Montesquieu

Eight years ago…

I wrote a review of Jonathan Emord’s book, The Rise of Tyranny:  How Federal Agencies Abuse Power and Pose Risks to Your Life and Liberty which I republished here on Bolen Report.  It’s a great book to learn the original intent of our Founding Fathers and how what they laid out for us got corrupted in the 1930s and how the FDA now operates.

Those of us who treasure “health freedom” hold Jonathan Emord in very high esteem.  Emord is a Constitutional and Administrative Law specialist who has won more lawsuits against the FDA than any other lawyer in American history.  His clients are doctors and product manufacturers who offer serious competition to Big Pharma.

Now that we have hope to see real change in the way Washington works,

Continue reading FDA FOLLIES – The FDA is Big Pharma’s Best Friend…..

Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Before I get into an analysis of a MONUMENTAL moment in the fight for vaccine truth…

I want to simply provide a transcript of the discussion between Tucker Carlson and Robert Kennedy, Jr. which aired on Tucker Carlson Tonight on April 20, 2017.

Tucker teased the story before a commercial break, saying:

“Up next, President Trump is suggesting he wants to investigate the safety of vaccines and if he does he has an ally in a member of the Kennedy family.  We sat down with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to talk about his meeting with the President about vaccines.  It’s an interesting conversation.  Stay tuned.”

The screen then went to a commercial break. 

The first commercial was about Chantix, a medication designed to help people quit smoking.  It was a beautiful commercial in which “Thomas” was able to quit smoking and become a better dad to his son.

However, the warnings just after those wonderful domestic scenes painted a different picture:

“Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix.  Some reported seizures or sleep-walking with Chantix.  If you have any of these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away.  Tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse, or of seizures.  Don’t take Chantix if you’ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it.  If you have these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away, as some could be life-threatening.  Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms.  Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.  Decrease alcohol use while taking Chantix.  Use caution driving or operating machinery.  The most common side effect of Chantix is nausea.”

When the show returned, this is what they said:

Continue reading Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The issue of the corruption in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is so huge, this is the first of several articles I’m writing to expose the agency’s large contribution to “the swamp” in Washington.

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


The swamp Trump promises to clean up.   If you have even one “silver” filling in your teeth, this one’s for you.

So-called “silver” fillings are 52% mercury

Below is part of a 2011 article posted by  Charlie Brown, head of Consumers For Dental Choice , and mastermind behind years of legal action to force the FDA to follow the law.  It offers a bird’s eye view of how the FDA operates.

FDA’S Thirty Two Years of Concealing Amalgam’s  Mercury From You...

I. Captive of corporate America:  the US Food & Drug Administration

The United States Food and Drug Administration, once the world’s “gold standard” for food, drug, and device regulation, has evolved from industry regulator to industry captive. 

Political scientists are not surprised –  The evolution from tough regulator to passive regulator to industry captive is a pattern in Washington.  Unless an agency engages in a major system of reinvigoration, the spiral continues.  But FDA seems comfortable being the hand-maiden for industry; it has brought big bucks to the agency and lucrative jobs after time at FDA.

The big bucks are in FDA’s pay-to-play approval system.  Drug companies pay seven-figure amounts into FDA coffers to gain approval of their drugs. FDA staff knows that the cash means higher salaries and more perks in the agency budget.  The drug companies know the high fees prevent small competitors with good ideas from getting their products to market.  The coziness between FDA and major drug and device companies gets tighter, while innovative entrepreneurs are shut out and the public loses twice: good drugs aren’t being considered and controversial drugs are rubber-stamped.

Another bitter legacy of federal regulation is the “revolving door,” where insiders bounce between well-paid positions in industry to high-ranking FDA positions that regulate that industry.  Those in the political party out of power hold cushy jobs awaiting their return to power, at which point – in the game of Washington musical chairs – those in the party leaving power in turn take the high-paying jobs in industry.  The current FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, coming to FDA from Henry Schein, Inc., the largest seller of dental products and a major seller of medical products too, is a perfect example.  Hamburg was a high official in the Clinton Administration, so Schein’s CEO Stanley Bergman, an active Democrat, tapped Hamburg for the light work of being a board member during the Bush II years, paying her millions of dollars to sit in meetings and file occasional reports.  When Bergman’s party returned to power in 2009, he escorted Hamburg back through the revolving door – as Commissioner of the world’s most powerful food and drug regulator, FDA.

II. FDA covers up amalgam’s mercury from consumers – for 32 years…

Continue reading FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The FDA is Full of “NUTS”…

The FDA Says WALNUTS Are Illegal Drugs…

 By William “Bill” Faloon – Life Extension Foundation

Note from Tim Bolen – Bill originally wrote this article in 2011. We are re-publishing it for obvious reason.  Trump wants the FDA ripped to pieces, and this kind of  FDA “nuttyness” is one of the reasons why.  The FDA is responsible for regulating 35% of the US economy.  We cannot fix US health care without fixing the FDA.  It is far worse corrupt then the CDC…


Life Extension® has published 57 articles that describe the health benefits of walnuts.

Some of this same scientific data was featured on the website of Diamond Foods, Inc., a distributor of packaged walnuts.

In 2010 the FDA determined that walnuts sold by Diamond Foods cannot be legally marketed because the walnuts “are not generally recognized as safe and effective” for the medical conditions referenced on Diamond Foods’s website.

According to the FDA, these walnuts were classified as “drugs” and the “unauthorized health claims” cause them to become “misbranded,” thus subjecting them to government “seizure or injunction.”

Diamond Foods capitulated and removed statements about the health benefits of walnuts from its website.

Let’s take a look at the science supporting the consumption of walnuts to see what the FDA censored…and what you can do to stop it in the future!

Eating Walnuts Cuts Heart Disease Risk

Ingesting nuts used to be considered unhealthy because of their high fat content. This misconception has changed over the past 18 years as human studies have revealed sharply reduced incidence of heart disease in those who consume walnuts.

Unlike some nuts, walnuts provide a unique blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3s), along with nutrients like gamma-tocopherol that have demonstrated heart health benefits.

The March 4, 1993, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published the first clinical study showing significant reductions in dangerous LDL and improvement in the lipoprotein profile in response to moderate consumption of walnuts.  Later studies revealed that walnuts improve endothelial function in ways that are independent of cholesterol reduction.

One study published by the American Heart Association journal Circulation on April 6, 2004, showed a 64% improvement in a measurement of endothelial function when walnuts were substituted for other fats in a Mediterranean diet.

The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk.As most Life Extension members are aware, the underlying cause of atherosclerosis is progressive endothelial dysfunction.  Walnuts contain a variety of nutrients including arginine, polyphenols, and omega-3s that support the inner arterial lining and guard against abnormal platelet aggregation.  These favorable biological effects explain why walnut consumption confers protection against coronary artery disease.

FDA Ignores the Science

The federal agency responsible for protecting the health of the American public views this differently.

On our website, we reprint the FDA’s entire warning letter to Diamond Foods. Nowhere in this bureaucratic albatross is there any discussion of the science cited by Diamond Foods to support their health claims.

Instead, the FDA’s language resembles that of an out-of-control police state where tyranny reins over rationality. To enable you to recognize the absurdity of all of this, I excerpted a few paragraphs from the FDA’s warning letter to Diamond Foods starting below.

Excerpt from FDA Letter

“Based on our review, we have concluded that your walnut products are in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) and the applicable regulations in Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR).

“Based on claims made on your firm’s website, we have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.

“Because of these intended uses, your walnut products are drugs within the meaning of section 201 (g)(1)(B) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(B)]. Your walnut products are also new drugs under section 201(p) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(p)] because they are not generally recognized as safe and effective for the above referenced conditions. Therefore, under section 505(a) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 355(a)], they may not be legally marketed with the above claims in the United States without an approved new drug application.

“Additionally, your walnut products are offered for conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis and treatment by individuals who are not medical practitioners; therefore, adequate directions for use cannot be written so that a layperson can use these drugs safely for their intended purposes. Thus, your walnut products are also misbranded under section 502(f)(1) of the Act, in that the labeling for these drugs fails to bear adequate directions for use [21 U.S.C. § 352(f)(1)].”

This verbiage makes it clear that the FDA does not even consider the underlying science when censoring truthful, non-misleading health claims. The chilling effect on the ability of consumers to discover lifesaving medical information is a wake-up call for all who recognize the ramifications of this latest act of FDA malfeasance.
The number of people logging on to the website of Diamond Foods was miniscule. I suspect that before the FDA took this draconian action, hardly anyone even knew this website existed.

What the FDA Allows You to Hear

What the public hears loud and clear, however, are endless advertisements for artery-clogging junk foods. Fast food chains relentlessly promote their 99-cent double-cheese burger as being bigger than their rivals. These advertisements induce many consumers to salivate for these toxic calories that are a contributing cause of coronary artery disease. Yet the FDA does not utter a peep in suggesting that their advertising be curtailed.

On the contrary, the FDA has issued waves of warning letters to companies making foods (pomegranate juice, green tea, and walnuts) that protect against atherosclerosis.  The FDA is blatantly demanding that these companies stop informing the public about the scientifically validated health benefits these foods provide.

The FDA obviously does not want the public to discover that they can reduce their risk of age-related disease by consuming healthy foods. They prefer consumers only learn about mass-marketed garbage foods that shorten life span by increasing degenerative disease risk.

FDA Allows Potato Chips to Be Advertised as “Heart Healthy”

Frito-Lay® is a subsidiary of the PepsiCo, Inc., makers of Pepsi-Cola. Frito-Lay® sells $12 billion a year of products that include:

Lays® Potato Chips,  Doritos®, Tostitos®, Cheetos®, andFritos®

You might not associate these mostly-fried snack foods as being good for you, but the FDA has no problem allowing the Frito-Lay® website to state the following:

“Frito-Lay® snacks start with real farm-grown ingredients. You might be surprised at how much good stuff goes into your favorite snack. Good stuff like potatoes, which naturally contain vitamin C and essential minerals. Or corn, one of the world’s most popular grains, packed with thiamin, vitamin B6, and phosphorous—all necessary for healthy bones, teeth, nerves and muscles.

“And it’s not just the obvious ingredients. Our all-natural sunflower, corn and soybean oils contain good polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which help lower total and LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and maintain HDL ‘good’ cholesterol levels, which can support a healthy heart. Even salt, when eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet, is essential for the body.”

Wow! Based on what Frito-Lay® is allowed to state, it sounds like we should be living on these snacks. Who would want to ingest walnuts, pomegranate, or green tea (which the FDA is attacking) when these fat calorie-laden, mostly-fried carbohydrates are so widely available?

According to the Frito Lay® website, Lays® potato chips are “heart healthy” because the level of saturated fat was reduced and replaced with sunflower oil.  Scientific studies do show that when a polyunsaturated fat (like sunflower oil) is substituted for saturated fat, favorable changes in blood cholesterol occur.

Fatally omitted from the Frito-Lay® website is the fact that sunflower oil supplies lots of omega-6 fats, but noomega-3s.  The American diet already contains too many omega-6 fats and woefully inadequate omega-3s.

Excess omega-6 fats in the diet in the absence of adequate omega-3s produce devastating effects, including the production of pro-inflammatory compounds that contribute to virtually every age-related disease, including atherosclerosis.

For the FDA to allow Frito-Lay® to pretend there are heart benefits to ingesting their unhealthy snack products, while censoring the ability of walnut companies to make scientifically substantiated claims, is tantamount to treason against the health of the American public.

Don’t Forget the Acrylamides

When carbohydrate foods are cooked at high temperature (as occurs when potatoes are fried in sunflower oil to make potato chips), a toxic compound called acrylamide is formed.

According to the National Cancer Institute,“acrylamide is considered to be a mutagen and a probable human carcinogen, based mainly on studies in laboratory animals. Scientists do not yet know with any certainty whether the levels of acrylamide typically found in some foods pose a health risk for humans.”

In response to these kinds of concerns, the FDA funded a massive study to ascertain the acrylamide content of various foods. The FDA found that potato chips and other fried carbohydrate foods were especially high in acrylamides.

The FDA, however, has not stopped companies selling high acrylamide–containing fried carbohydrates from promoting these foods as “healthy.”

Pharmaceutical Companies Benefit From FDA’s Misdeeds

As the aging population develops coronary atherosclerosis, pharmaceutical companies stand to reap tens of billions of dollars each year in profits. An obstacle standing in their way is scientific evidence showing that a healthy diet can prevent heart disease from developing in many people.

It is thus in the economic interests of pharmaceutical giants that the FDA forcibly censor the ability of companies making heart healthy foods to inform the public of the underlying science. The fewer consumers who know the facts about walnuts, pomegranate, and green tea, the greater the demand will be for expensive cardiac drugs, stents, and coronary bypass procedures.

Once again, the FDA overtly functions to enrich Big Pharma, while the public shoulders the financial burden of today’s health care cost crisis.

In this particular case, however, processed food companies also stand to profit from the FDA’s attacks on healthy foods as competition from walnut growers is stifled.

FDA/FTC Wants More Control Over What You Are Allowed to Learn

The FDA and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) are proposing new regulations that will stifle the ability of natural food companies to disseminate scientific research findings.

One proposal being discussed within the FTC would require that supplement companies conduct studies analogous to what the FDA requires to approve new drugs. In a perfect world, Life Extension would agree with some of the FTC’s objectives. As far as we are concerned, the more scientific research to validate a health claim, the better.

The reality is that natural foods do not carry high prescription drug price markups, so it would be economically impossible to conduct the same kinds of voluminous clinical studies as pharmaceutical companies do. As readers of this column know, many of the clinical studies the FDA relies on to approve new drugs are fraudulent to begin with. So even if it were feasible to conduct more clinical research on foods and supplements, that still does not guarantee the precise accuracy the FTC is seeking.

If these agency proposals are enacted, consumers will be barred from learning about new ways to protect their health until a food or nutrient meets stringent new requirements. A look at the warning letter the FDA sent to Diamond Foods is a frightening example of how scientific information can be harshly censored by unelected bureaucrats.

If anyone still thinks that federal agencies like the FDA protect the public, this proclamation that healthy foods are illegal drugs exposes the government’s sordid charade.


Headquartered in Stockton, California, Diamond Foods is a processor and marketer of nuts, with distribution in over 80% of US supermarkets. Most of Diamond’s 1,700 walnut growers are family farmers with orchards in the heartland of California’s Central Valley. Their association with Diamond guarantees a market for their crops and provides the company with high-quality walnuts.

In response to independent scientific studies validating the health benefits of walnuts, Diamond Foods made financial investments to educate the public and supply them with walnuts. With one misguided letter issued by the FDA, all of Diamond Foods’s good work was undone.

This kind of bureaucratic tyranny sends a strong signal to the food industry not to innovate in a way that informs the public about foods that protect against disease. While consumers increasingly reach for healthier dietary choices, the federal government wants to deny food companies the ability to convey findings from scientific studies about their products.

Companies That Sell Healthy Foods Try to Fight Back

The combined sales of the companies attacked by the FDA are only a fraction of those of food giant Frito-Lay®. Yet some of these companies are fighting back against the FDA’s absurd position that it is illegal to disseminate scientific research showing the favorable effects these foods produce in the body. The makers of pomegranate juice, for example, have sued the FTC for censoring their First Amendment right to communicate scientific information to the public.

As a consumer, you should be outraged that disease-promoting foods are protected by the federal government, while nutritious foods are censored. There is no scientific rationale for the FDA to do this. On the contrary, the dangerous foods ubiquitously advertised in the media are replacing cigarettes as the leading killers in modern society.

The federal government is heavily lobbied by companies selling processed foods. As Life Extension revealed long ago, an insidious activity of lobbyists is to incite federal agencies and prosecutors to eliminate free competition in the marketplace.

The simple fact is that walnuts are healthy to eat, while carbohydrates fried in fat are not. The FDA permits companies selling disease-promoting foods to deceive the public, while it suppresses the dissemination of peer-reviewed scientific information about healthy foods.

Now the Good News…

Continue reading The FDA is Full of “NUTS”…

Anti-Vaxxers – Don’t Worry About Scott Gottlieb Running The FDA…

Trump is His Boss…

If Scott Gets Out Of Line His Next Assignment Could Be Working the FDA South Pole Fertilizer Study – Spending His Days Weighing Penguin Poop…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Scott Gottlieb, I think, will do just fine for us.  He will have a specific job to do, and he is fully qualified to do it.  Keep reading.  I’ll explain his REAL mission below.

A little background music…

A friend of mine was telling me that he was watching a CNN “panel on vaccines” the other day headed by Gloria Vanderbilt’s little boy Anderson Cooper.  My response was “So, you were one of the eighteen people who watched CNN that day? Laughter ensued.

There is NO DOUBT that mainstream media is on-its-ass.  It’s attempt to vilify Donald Trump, and hence, his gargantuan following, has put their very existence at risk.  Good.

But, I have to tell you that I do monitor the liberal-whiner-press if only to enjoy their discomfort, taste their defeat, and determine the latest “spin” the globalist “running dogs” employ on American everyday problems.

I want to tell you about something important I found. 

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers – Don’t Worry About Scott Gottlieb Running The FDA…

Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

At California Senator Richard Pan’s most recent Town Hall Meeting regarding Senate Bill 18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, many parents claimed that they were completely shut out of these Town Hall Meetings.

These so-called Town Hall Meetings are supposed to be open to all members of the public.

Parents allege that they were prevented from speaking, while many seemingly paid proponents of the bill were invited to speak, and often past their allotted amount of time.

In addition, the people that spoke in support of the bill, had presumed financial incentives and ties that would directly benefit themselves and state agencies by the passage of SB18.

Sounds like SB277 deja vu all over again…

Conflicts of Interest…

People who made negative comments on an autism post on Senator Richard Pan’s facebook page were allegedly moved to the overfill room and prevented from speaking at the “Town Hall Meeting.”

When one parent, emboldened by not being allowed to speak, decided to stand up and speak anyway at the end of the meeting, the lights were shut off.

People began chanting their opposition to Senate Bill 18 and the stealing of parental rights.

The lights continued to stay turned off, as people chanted and stumbled through the dark.

I sure hope that Senator Pan didn’t cause anyone to be injured by this reckless and irrational behavior.

Continue reading Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…


By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


This Law Note responds to the erroneous idea that the international humanitarian right of Informed Consent only applies in cases of war.

In Supreme Court Decision Missouri vs McNeely the court said:

“…this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests.”

When people cite the Geneva Conventions [1] as a source of the right they are sometimes told that the Conventions only apply in time of war. We assert that the Conventions recognize a right of Informed Consent (by operation of the Nuremberg Code) but are clearly not the only source of legal support for the humanitarian right of Informed Consent.

There are many international agreements that were made in Geneva, the original home of the League of Nations and now the European base for the United Nations. Among those agreements are the Geneva Conventions proper, which relate to armed conflict. Among other matters, they cover the handling of criminal charges against prisoners of war. In that context, at the end of WWII, the Nuremberg Code was proclaimed.

The Nuremberg Code requires respect for Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”

Continue reading The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…

Hey, President Trump. Let’s Get Real About Infectious Disease Policy…

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

I wanted y’all to see what I sent to President Trump as well as my Oklahoma elected officials as part of the national Revolution For Truth campaign.

Dear President Trump:

As a longtime health policy analyst, I am delighted that there is talk that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., would be officially asked to look into the swamp at the CDC.   It is time to expose what is going on, particularly the cover-up depicted in the film, VAXXED: Coverup to Catastrophe.  Kennedy is a perfect choice for this job.  One only needs to read his article Deadly Immunity, published 12 years ago about the Simpsonwood scandal, to see the measure of his courage, commitment and understanding of the task.


As one who has researched and written about the failure of our health care system to truly serve the public interest, I suggest you make sure that Mr. Kennedy spends some quality time with former U.S. Representative Dan Burton, who was head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee which held 10 years of hearings on mercury in vaccines and dental amalgams.

It is important to note, that after the conclusion of those hearings, head counsel for the hearings, Liz Birt, wrote a report on July 15, 2005, to Lauren Fuller, Chief Investigative Counsel for Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, to provide Burton’s committee findings of a cover up regarding Thimerisol (mercury).

  1. FDA: Criminal Negligence in failure to regulate the safety and effectiveness of biological products.
  2. HHS, CDC, and FDA: Criminal negligence in the failure to regulate and promote vaccines as provided for under the National Vaccine Injury Act.
  3. FDA: Criminal negligence in not instituting a Class I recall of all vaccines administered to infants containing in July of 1999 and again in June of 2000 when the results of the VSD were discussed at Simpsonwood.
  4. HHS, FDA, CDC and ACIP employees and contractors: Criminal conspiracy to defraud the government by deception or artifice and to obstruct the wholesome administration of the laws and affairs of the United States.
  5. HHS, FDA CDC, ACIP employees and contractors: Criminal obstruction of justice.

What I fear is that Mr. Kennedy will be engaging in another 10 years of high profile hearings as Rep. Burton conducted, and still nothing will change.


The plain fact of the matter is that our infectious disease policy, from the beginning of the 20th Century, was designed for the financial benefit of the drug industry with no regard for what was good for the general public.

I call your attention to an article I recently published on the BolenReport entitled, Is This the End of Vaccines?  In it, I provided the history of how homeopathy, in particular, has been systematically excluded from not just our medical system as a whole, but specifically excluded from consideration in any part of our infectious disease policy.  This exclusion was done, quite deliberately, to create a need for vaccines, which were invented at the end of the 1800s.  Unlike homeopathic products, vaccines are patentable so they make an ideal and very profitable array of products for international trade.

Continue reading Hey, President Trump. Let’s Get Real About Infectious Disease Policy…

SB 18 – California’s “Socialist Collective” Takeover of Children…

SB 18, Falsely Billed as a “Children’s Bill of Rights,” is So Blatantly Hillary-ish You Can Visualize the Dead Bodies…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Liberal Democrats cannot get over the fact that they lost the 2016 Presidential Election.  It has not sunk in yet that those of us who won are FULLY INTENDING to restore America back to the values, and processes, that made the American Republic great.

The people of the United States are NOT interested in becoming good little  communist/socialist obedient citizens eagerly awaiting the next edict from the likes of Hillary Clinton..

For sure, we are NOT interested in having “The State” force their “collective opinion” on adults or children.  “We the People” run the United States government, not the other way around.

The liberal Democrat government of California has other ideas…

They are intending on passing legislation, called SB 18, taking COMPLETE CONTROL of California’s children away from individual parents and making them all wards of the State, trained by the State, to follow the “collective.”  

In effect, California is establishing a form of State Religion (secularism) which will be taught, and enforced, first on children.

The first order of business in this new State Religion taught to children is the blurring of gender.  No longer, in California will children be “Boys and Girls.”  They will be taught, as Obama demanded, that there are thirty-four genders available, and that each child should begin to explore those possiblities starting at seven years old.

Continue reading SB 18 – California’s “Socialist Collective” Takeover of Children…

Is This The End Of Vaccines?

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


While the media is having a field day reporting fake news, no real reporters (if there are any left) are covering the single most important medical issue of today.  Are vaccines the best way to deal with infectious diseases?

Right now, at the request of President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is organizing a way for responsible people to investigate the scientific fraud that is going on at the CDC regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.  If you are unaware of this project, you might want to check out the press conference Kennedy held at the National Press Club recently that the mainstream press didn’t attend.

The real issue is that vaccines have never been the safest and the best way to deal with epidemic diseases.  How they became promoted as the great savior of humanity is largely an untold story until now.

Continue reading Is This The End Of Vaccines?