The California Democratic Party, a political party made up of an eclectic collection of societies’ cast-offs, with a strong emphasis on Secular Humanism, has so far, using the fake Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis, managed to shut down jobs, Churches, social events, and just about anything and everything that would encourage Judeo-Christian heterosexual activities…
So, we have to ask – What’s next?
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The answer is obvious.They’ll be coming after Californians’ firearms. They’ll need to do that so as to make the steps after that easier. What would be next after that?
Well, just like in China – (1) Massive mandatory vaccinations of the entire California population, with micro-chips included, so everyone can be tracked, (2) Cameras in dissidents’ homes, (3) massive property seizures in rural areas (Climate Change) forcing people into the inner cities. (4) Re-education camps.
Is this real? Yup. The Democrats are talking about this openly, even in the media.
So let’s ask that question asked above once again. “What Group Does Governor “Gruesome Newsome” Plan To Use To Seize Californian’s Guns?
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Let’s start right out by summarizing what is REALLY GOING ON in this so-called Covid-19 Crisis.
Everything we are hearing, and are subjected to, by the Democratic State Governors, re-inforced by the liberal media, is an elaborate, America destroying, hoax. We need to realize this, and act on that realization.
Think “Firing Squads…”
Tucker Carlson said it best in this short seven minute video:
Why Is This Happening At All?
There are a few good reasons. Let’s look at them one at a time.
(1) Here is the IMPORTANT one – liberals have found out that THEY, as a group, because of their general life-style preferences, are, in fact, the largest susceptible group to Covid-19 infection. So, in their minds EVERYONE ELSE needs to be quarantined – not them.
We will look, as an example, at San Francisco.
Let’s ask this simple question “So, why then do NORMAL people have to stay home? “
(a) Why are schools closed? Children are NOT susceptible (at great risk).
(b) Why do families have to stay home? Their whole age group is NOT susceptible (at great risk).
(c) Why do healthy people of any age have to stay home? They are NOT susceptible (at great risk).
We are told that we have to stay home to protect the “susceptible.” So, who, exactly are the “susceptibles” we are staying home to protect?
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Yes, Of Course It Is. The Question Is: “What Are We Going To Do About It?”
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The whole “CoronaVirus”thing sprang on the American scene before the ink was dry on the US Senate’s written Decision on the liberal Democrat’s “Impeachment Hoax”ending one more attempt to interfere with the activites of a duly elected US President.
This new attempt, the “CoronaVirus”situation, was a bit different in that it was aimed right at Trump Supporters, and was designed to punish all of us for daring to support our President. It was aimed directly at two main conservative bastions: (1) older people with savings and common sense, and (2) our private sector economy. Did you notice that it was America’s small businesses, typically Republican, that took the “shutdown” hit?
There is NO QUESTION that this so-called Covid 19 was designed, and built out, in a high end bioweapons lab. Having said that, it becomes obvious that it was AIMED at a specific segment of Planet Earth.
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Yes, I think we must. We need to save the country…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the so-called “CoronaVirus”pandemic was specifically created to destroy the United States of America, and hence, Western Civilization.
The whole happening was just a little too convenient, following, almost immediately, after the failed “Trump Impeachment” attempt.
I also have no doubt that there really is a form of CoronaVirus out in our community, and that it is already in spray cans to be used on Trump Supporters should we try to hold an election.
Of course there is – liberals are of that mind.
It is time to realize, and deal with, what is REALLY going on here…
President Trump needs to announce “Foul Play” in the “CoronaVirus” attack on America – so as to activate NDAA (1021) rules…
I will explain – The US Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), under the ObamaNation, and there was a section in it (1021) that said, according to Wikipedia:
” includes the power to detain, via the Armed Forces, any person “who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”, and anyone who commits a “belligerent act” against the U.S. or its coalition allies in aid of such enemy forces, under the law of war, “without trial, until the end of the hostilities authorized by the [AUMF]”.
It is time to make the appropriate declaration and use the US Armed Forces to start rounding up the perpetrators.
Who are those perpetrators in the US? That’s easy. Just ask the question “Who Gains?” and you have your answers.
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Easy. Ride it out. Look for ways to profit. Watch Trump Teach These Assholes A Lesson…
Make some popcorn – this is going to have a bigger audience then the SuperBowl. America is going to be the BIG winner…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Fake CoronaVirus Pandemic? Of course it is.
It has happened so many times before, in almost exactly the same way, that the paper the script is on is starting to turn yellow. What’s different this time is our friend Donald Trump and the way he decided to react to it.
Smile, for we are about to watch a new ending to this latest pandemic story – one, if you are an anti-vaxxer like me, you are going to like very much.
But, I’ll be blunt – Big Pharma, Mainland China, the Globalists, and the US ultra-liberals are already seeing the darkness coming their way.
Let’s outline what is happening…
This so-called pandemic has all of the same players in all of the same places, all telling the same story (yawn) we heard just a few years ago over the so-called “Measles Outbreak.”
That outbreak(?) was a huge Big Pharma/Liberal Democrat plot to force mandatory vaccinations on America’s children. It ONLY won in three States – California, New York, and Maine. Forty-seven (47) States said “Hell No…” The”anti-vaxxer” movement stopped it dead.
There is absolutely no difference now. The so-called “CoronaVirus”pandemic is just one more Big Pharma marketing campaign, just like the bullshit “Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Asian Flu, H1N1, Zika, measles, blah, blah, blah…”
The intent was to sell more drugs and more vaccines, in fact, making vaccines mandatory for every man, woman, and child in America.
But, instead of that victory they all hit the wall…
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If, by the end of today, YOU and your family are NOT taking a minimum of 500 milligrams, per person, per day, of Vitamin C, YOU are TOO DUMB to read the BolenReport…
Get with the program people. Stop being Big Pharma sheeples…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The liberal media is NOT telling the public that literally TONS of Vitamin C is being shipped into Wuhan, China to treat, and stop, their CoronaVirus outbreak. They are also not telling anyone that the city of Shanghai (population 24.2 million) has adopted Vitamin C as their treatment of choice. I am hearing reports that the country of Taiwan is doing the same.
So, what the hell is wrong with the United States of America?
Listen closely – go out and buy a family sized bag of Vitamin C right now. Read the rest of this article later if you have to. Get whatever form you can get…
I’m 76 years old – so by the media’s estimate I’m first in line to die of the CoronaVirus. No thanks, I’m busy that day…
I take a minimum of 2,500 milligrams of Vitamin C per day, and have been for years, in powder form stirred into sixteen (16) ounces of water. If I feel a cold, or allergies, coming on I’ll double that by taking more six hours later.
I get my “China Free” Vitamin C from a secret source. You can buy your Vitamin C anywhere you want, but try to get the best quality. Try to get the Ascorbic Acid variety as your first choice.
The stuff I get, when mixed with sixteen ounces of water, tastes like a very good pink lemonade, and I use it as the liquid to take my supplements every morning.
What supplements does an old guy like me take, you ask? Besides the Vitamin C, I take two 425 mg Magnesium Malate (old guys need magnesium), three Prostrate Formula (yup, I’m there), two 1000 mg Triphala (look this one up), two 2,500 mg Flax Seed/Fish Oil Complex, two 500 mg Vitamin B12 (keeps me pretty), one 500 mg Selenium, two 5,000 mg D3 (sunshine in a capsule), and a blood pressure pill (I’m married, and sometimes we don’t always agree).
Andrew Saul, over at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service writes:
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Although Massive Damage Has Been Done To America’s Children – “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Winning The War…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Those of us who have been around the health care world a while know that every now and then there is a new pandemic, epidemic, or “you-name-it,” always seeming to come out of China.
It is hard to remember all of them – Asian Flu, Bird Flu, H1N1, Swine Flu, SARS, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,,,
And every one of them is going to “end the world,” blah, blah, blah…
The one commonality in all of them is the emergency cry we always hear: “We need a new vaccine!!!” Or worse “we need to make all vaccines mandatory.”
Yup, another vaccine promotion. A vicious, pre-planned, attack to sell more drugs, drugs, and more drugs.
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Trump supporters had best stock up on “Not Made in China” Vitamin C and start taking it immediately.
Just like when airplane passengers pop a little bag full of Emergen-C into a glass of water and drink it down before they get on an airplane where everyone is breathing the same unfiltered air, it is a good idea to start a prevention program immediately.
Because “Impeachment” failed.
Because “Russian Collusion” failed.
Because “Michael Avanatti” failed.
Because“School Shootings” failed.
Because “All white people are racists” failed.
Because their “We need Open Borders” failed.
Because “Every dumb-assed thing CNN, and the rest of the fake news media, claimed” failed.
Because “Everything they have tried to do to remove our President Trump” has failed.
Trump, and his supporters are heading for re-election in 2020, and 2024…
Trump supporters are in the drivers seat in America. Democrats are DESPERATE.
Everybody knows that the “CoronaVirus” scam is an attack on Trump and his supporters…
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California’s Senator Richard Pan Is Probably Already In Diarrhea Mode…
Trump Has No Intention Of Making Vaccines Mandatory…
Opinion By “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you are one of those people that have NOT figured out the relationship between Mainland Communist China, Big Pharma, The “Progressives” of the US Democratic Party (especially California), and the Deep State’s “Public Health” corruption, then you have been living under a rock.
But don’t worry – for the Trump Administration has it figured out, and so have the Republicans in Congress, and the Conservative American media.
All hell is about to break loose…
Already, the financial relationships between the US liberal “fake news” media and China are being revealed – and it ain’t pretty. Check out this story below, and watch the short video in it, about China and the liberal media flagship “Politico.” Similar stories are appearing about the financial relationships between China, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and California Employees’ Retirement fund.
It is all part of a much larger story – about who is really controlling the so-called US liberal elite. Watch the Tucker Carlson video below. Pay close attention to the part about California…
There is no question about who it was that set up and controlled the “fake impeachment” of our President…
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I am watching the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement operate all across America and I am very pleased. I am seeing stumbling, bumbling, fall-down-and start-over, groups and mini-groups, look carefully at what is going on in US healthcare, get up once again, and go forward with a brand new attack, inching incrementally towards victory, teaching themselves, and their others, how to defeat what HAD appeared to be an insurmountable enemy.
I sit here like a proud parent of an infant, watching the determination of that youngster, dirty diapers and all, teaching itself the coordination to walk, embedding the moves necessary to operate into their psyche. With their eye on where they are going.
I am watching the evolution of a brand new, up-to-date, Health Freedom Movement…
I am impressed. This one is going to be bigger than the last one, and its opportunities to affect change are almost endless. Currently called the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement it is anything but something that simple. It is a true Health Freedom Movement and it is headed for immense success…
California is the key battleground. Why? For several reasons, the primary of which, is the simple fact that it was the emerging “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement’s first big DEFEAT. Not only a major DEFEAT, but a resounding walloping. From that walloping grew a national, and international, anger, and a switch in the way the emerging “Anti-Vaxxer”Movement operated.
California’s SB 277 (Mandatory vaccinations for children) is, I think, going to go down in history as the catalyst that began the destruction of the globalist Big Pharma/China conglomerate…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We, as Americans, have been too comfortable in our existence for far too long.
We assume that the basis for our lives, the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, documents based on Judeo/Christian values, are the law of the land. Why? Because, in the US, that’s our basic philosophy. What we fail to remember is that other parts of the world see things differently.
Much differently…
One of the strangest things I have seen develop in California (and LOTS of strange things happen here) is the simple fact that the California political structure, overwhelmingly “Progressive Democrat,” not only ALLOWED, but strongly developed a Chinese Communist value structure for its statewide health care system. That development is personified in State Senator Richard Pan.
There is nothing “American” about Richard Pan’s thinking…
Of course the idea of “Mandatory Vaccines” for children flies in the face of Judeo/Christian values. 47 American States took this very view when they were forced by Big Pharma’s cash-heavy minions to politically examine this issue – and very loudly proclaimed not only “NO”, but “Hell No” to the idea of damaging their valuable children in this way.
It is obvious that if Richard Pan had his way EVERY Californian would be subjected to “Freeway Closures” where all citizens would be funneled through “Inspection Points,” with “papers” demanded, and if you didn’t have written evidence with you of compliance to a CDC vaccine schedule, you’d be dragged out of your vehicle, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with EVERY Made-in-China vaccine Dicky could think of. Right then.
Think not? Think again. Richard Pan is NOT from a Judeo/Christian background like most Americans. He’s Chinese. Let me give you some specific example of what, exactly, that means.
There is a BIG difference in the “value of life” between China and the US…
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Millions of Parents Of Vaccine-Damaged Children Want To Know…
Opinion By “Deplorable, Smelly, WalMart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We live in interesting times…
The valiant “Anti-Vaxxer” community, operating across Planet Earth, dedicated to saving humanity from the clutches of the Big Pharma globalist conspiracy, smashing their way through Big Pharma’s propaganda machinations, have made, and proven, something very important…
Big Pharma OWNS the US Democratic Party outright…
Heroic “Anti-Vaxxers” throwing themselves against Big Pharma’s social and political barricades, have driven Pharma stooges to desperation – We have forced them to come out in the open, and the smell is/was as expected.
We forced them to play the cards we wanted them to play right here, and right now – Pharma tried the “Mandatory Vaccine” gambit, hoping against hope that by implementing “Mandatory Vaccines” where they completely control the dialogue (or where they THOUGHT they controlled it) they could reverse the massive “Anti-Vaxxer” worldwide gains. But…
The “Blue Pill” failed to give them the political erection they needed…
There is no question that the now completely Socialist/Marxist, US Democratic Party is on the ropes.
They should be – for they offer NOTHING to the American public except HATRED for normal Americans. The idea that we, the NORMAL Americans, would vote for, and install in office, a President (Donald Trump) that ACTUALLY LISTENS to our American needs, and ACTS on our concerns, drives these Socialist/Marxists right up the wall. To them we are all supposed to be OBEDIENT…
Big Pharma, and their wholly owned US Democratic Party have been stopped TWICE now in their, what they thought, were their bastions of liberalism, in their efforts towards national “Mandatory Vaccines…”
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Yes, The Democrats Were Doing EXACTLY What Big Pharma Told Them To Do – But NONE Of It Worked…
By “Deplorable, Smelly, Walmart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In 1843 Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his journal “Never strike a king unless you are sure you shall kill him.” The Democrats tried, with a fake “Impeachment” hoax, to destroy our President Trump, ending his/our efforts to save America.
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America Is The Agenda 21 “Elite’s” Number One Target…
And, They ALMOST Won…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Let’s put all of the cards on the table – Vaccines are the “Elite’s” primary tool used to modify people so as to accept the craziness of world government. Got that?
Most Americans have figured out that had we elected “Hillary” as President that, by now, most Americans, adults and children, would have been forcibly yanked out of their homes and/or vehicles, thrown on the ground, and vaccinated with the full compliment of CDC recommended vaccines (74 for children, 92 for adults). She’d be using UN troops (probably Chinese) to get that done.
After all, the “elites”would surmise, “why not make the whole US population as dingy, and useless, as the over-vaccinated millennials?”
See the short, humorous, but very-true video below to see what I mean.
Frankly, You have to be “Over-Vaccinated” to accept the “Climate-Change” story as real…
…or the idea that “Open Borders” letting in millions, if not billions, of Planet Earth’s ignorant unwashed poor, to overload our system, is a good idea.
…or the idea that we should, like Europe did, let in ANGRY young Muslim males to the equivalent of 5.5% of our population (16,500,000) who will NEVER assimilate.
…or that we should give up our carefully designed and implemented electrical grid, and force everyone to have a wind turbine, chopping up birds, in their front yard.
…or that we should give up our coal, gas, and oil based system, grounding all airplanes, cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles, scooters, lawnmowers, chain saws, road graders, heating systems, you-name-it…
…or the idea that Americans should have their guns taken away from them..
Vaccinations are playing an important role in the “Elite’s” world domination game…
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Let’s be clear – Vaccines are not the main problem. It is the people forcing them on us and their not caring about the damage they are causing.
The evidence of “immense vaccine damage” is everywhere in our younger people in the US. It isn’t just expressed with Autism. It is far more serious than that. Look at how over-vaccinated Millennials in Colleges and Universities need “safe spaces.” 54% of America’s children are chronically ill. Our School Districts are overwhelmed with “Special Needs” children.
Vaccine-damaged millennial male(?)
Our younger generations are having trouble with “gender identity.” The US military is very seriously wondering where it is going to get soldiers in the future since America’s young men are being feminized.
To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.
Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the American school system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.
And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.
The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society. Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked. It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.
Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods: mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals.
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There is no question that there is an “Insurrection” going on against a legally constituted government. Call in the Military. Make mass Arrests. Fill up the camps.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
What, exactly, is an “Insurrection?”
According to the Collins dictionary – An insurrection is violentaction that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office.
Are the Democrats involved in that? Oh yeah. We have only to look at the Liberal Democrat’s ANTIFA army being groomed across the US, armed and trained in weaponry, and attack tactics. There, without question, is the violence. Their recent activities in Minneapolis and Portland are not isolated incidences. They are evidence of a carefully planned armed revolt designed to terrorize the American public into accepting Democrats’ corrupt deviant life style.
It is a violent communist/socialist/sexual deviant revolt. It is time to shut it down as HARSHLY as possible.
Is there precedent for this?
Absolutely. President George Washington used the Insurrection Act to put down the so-called “Whiskey Rebellion” in 1779.
It was invoked by President Eisenhowerin 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure the enrollment of African-American schoolchildren in the face of state defiance of a federal court order.
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is an old joke that goes “I used to be a Democrat but then the pimples cleared up…”
These days it is hard to make a joke about the current Democratic Party, for they are not within an American description. Democratic legislators, and certainly All 2020 presidential candidates, focus ONLY on socialist/communist/sexual deviance concepts – massive government intruding on every aspect of daily life with orders issued by its own self-styled elite that allows NO deviation from the script.
As far as Health Care goes, the Democrats, during the mid-term elections, made promise-after-promise to focus on issues like Health Care. But did they? Nope. All they have time for is impeaching our President. Not one second to reduce prescription costs.
Realization has hit them hard…
Today’s Democrats live in their own bubble convincing themselves, over their Starbucks lattes, that they, in fact, are America’s elite, blah, blah, blah…
Election 2016 hit them solidly on the nose, and those they labeled “Toothless Deplorables”went to a Trump Rally and on to the voting booths across America. Only in places like “Voter Fraud Central” California were the Democrats successful.
The Dems, totally in shock, decided that the election was some kind of grand fluke, that THEY, in fact, had the power to turn things around for didn’t they own the liberal media outright? Hadn’t Obama appointed key people into key agencies so as to control the government? They decided that a “Russian influence” story would do the trick. Look where THAT went.
The Marxist Secular Humanist Democrats had TOTALLY miscalculated the situation.
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Of course the Democrats are in a rage over OUR election of Donald Trump. They had PLANS for our country. PLANS we would NOT like. “WE” the Trump Team pulled America from the edge of the Abyss…
And we have no intention of going back…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Obama had started the process of cancelling “Western Civilization” and Hillary was supposed to finish it. Under the Democrats America itself was doomed.
But here we are, with Donald Trump, basking in the best economy in the history of Western Civilization – jobs everywhere, people coming from all over the world trying to climb over our border fences to get a piece of what “Western Civilization success“ looks like.
Now, the Democratic Party Marxists nitwits are screaming “Impeachment…”
Democrats who were FURIOUS after Election 2016 are now “over-the-top frothing at the mouth.”
They simply cannot accept the idea that Americans, especially those they considered to be toothless “deplorables”would rise up and say “NO” to a one-world government run by secular humanist “globalists.” They thought they had America “in the bag…”
Instead, America played its Trump Card…
The Democratic Party has abandoned NORMAL Americans…
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Why? Because “Free Speech” is An AMERICAN CONCEPT Set In Place By The First Amendment To The US Constitution…
75% of Tech Employees in The Silicon ValleyAre Hindu (from India) and Muslim (from Pakistan, Bengladesh) Foreign Workers Brought In By Obama Under The H-1B Program. They Come From Places That have NEVER Even Heard of, much less are accustomed to, the Ideas Laid Down For Americans By Our forefathers In The US Constitution…
No wonder they cut off Judeo/Christian Americans from Social Media so easily…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We, here in the English speaking world tend to forget that our system of laws is NOT duplicated throughout Planet Earth. MOST of the world has NOTHING like the laws, and the idea of laws and rights laid down by the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights…
We ALL need to remember that unapologetic globalist Barack Hussein Obama once said that the US Constitution “was just a piece of paper…”
His “constitutional deep flaws,” I think, apparently were the “Rights of Americans…”
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