There is no question, in my mind, what-so-ever, that Santa Barbara County Health Department’s Charity Dean MD started out to create a “Pilot Program” in California where she, Charity Dean (and her “lobbyist” friends?), would examine all Medical Exemptions for vaccines according to a made-up criteria designed by her (and her “lobbyist” friends?).
Then she was going to report HER definition of “suspicious activity,” through a SECRET NETWORK, directly, to Enforcement Officers at the California Medical Board for purposes of prosecution.
However, Charity got caught. Whoops! Paperwork showed up… and the attorneys for the “Good guys” got a hold of it.
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Perhaps you have glanced at the response the State of California sent to Federal Court against the motion for an injunction against the law based on SB277:
“Moreover, an injunction against the enforcement of the statute in this case would immediately expose millions of California school children and other at-risk individuals to an increased threat of contracting potentially fatal communicable diseases.”
“The public health and welfare must not be allowed to be jeopardized by the subjective beliefs and unfounded conspiracy theories of a small minority of individuals who, against all recognized scientific and legal authority, stubbornly disregard the long-recognized safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and who fail to accept the public health threat that their unsupported opinions have on the lives of others around them.”
The above is just from the Introduction… it gets worse…
I am not a lawyer, but does it impress judges to go on some angry tirade about how screwed up the opposing party is?
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I have, right here in front of me, the State of California’s 112 page official response to the SB 277 lawsuit, opposing a Preliminary Injunction August 12th, 2016. It looks as if it was written by that goofball (a child can take 10,000 vaccines at once) Paul Offit MD.
The second paragraph of the State’s “Introduction” says it all. You are going to love what they did.
I’ll explain below.
I sit here with excitement, like, I think, the Russian battle commanders must have felt watching the beginning of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” coming their way, so well portrayed by Alfred Lord Tennyson in 1854. The Light Brigade was armed with sabers (knives) and they attacked a position armed with cannon and rifles.. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – The State Responds…
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Yesterday, Kent Heckenlively JD, in a poignant article titled “The Coming War and its Aftermath” pointed out the frustrations of trying to solve the vaccine damage issue in North America. He was right on…
One of the strangest things I have ever come across in my 72 years is the way health care is handled in the United States. It is not a business, nor a social issue. It has become the State Religion.
The State Religion? Yup…
For instance, if our health care system ran our computer industry, starting way back, we’d all, now, be using the equivalent of #2 pencils. They would cost $42,000 each, and you would need a license, and special permission (after adequate studies were performed) to use the eraser.
Eight Universities would share ownership of the pencil patents, and 2,348 peer-reviewed studies would have been done, associated with 258 Universities world-wide, proving that the lead in the pencils did NOT cause damage in school children. All pencils would secretly be made in China for less than one cent each. Continue reading The Opposition to the SB 277 Lawsuit is SHOCKED We Would Even Question Their Authority…
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I’ve been thinking a great deal about the fight against SB 277 and mandatory vaccinations in California as well as the fabulous documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, detailing the corruption in the CDC’s vaccine program and the revelations of senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson.
I find myself asking a simple question again and again: How do I become the most effective agent for change?
Nelson Mandela
Recently I ran across a quote from one of my long-time idols, Nelson Mandela, and it spoke to what I’m feeling these days. Mandela wrote: “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”
After fifteen years of advocacy, one would expect that those I love so deeply would have at least understood my position, but it appears not to be the case. As I have attempted to gather an audience for a showing of the documentary film, VAXXED, I have been surprised by the response of two people from whom I had expected better. Continue reading The Coming War and its Aftermath…
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While the people of California have some challenging times ahead of them in the fight for health freedom, there are folks that are gathering and willing to work together with TRANSPARENCY and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
55.000 Member Texas Health Freedom Coalition Guides Texas State legislation and more…
(1) The meeting was significant in a number of ways. First, the participants agreed to cooperate under the umbrella of the newly formed Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC).
The rationale was that a large umbrella organization acting cooperatively would be more influential, by virtue of their greater numbers, at the state legislature than a number of smaller groups, and simultaneously would be less vulnerable to attacks by the trade union organizations seeking to monopolize various segments of the health care field.
(2) Second, since the THFC would be the actor of record, the credit for victories and advances would be shared among the groups as a coalition. Each group would play its own meaningful role, and it was agreed that no single group would claim primary credit. As Radhia so aptly stated, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
(3) Third, our interactions among the groups would be transparent. While each group would, of course, continue to operate within their own governing structure, their THFC-related activities and decisions would be visible to all. No behind-the-scenes jockeying for advantage, no intramural squabbles, and no ego trips.
(4) Fourth, the groups agreed to work together on issues of common interest, with no public criticism of another group’s individual organizational agendas. Those common interest items were two: advancing health freedom of choice legislation in Texas and opposing the Texas dietitians who, as it turned out, had betrayed the clinical nutritionists and were now pursuing exclusionary licensing legislation benefiting only themselves.
Additionally, every one of the Texas leaders attending that meeting did so in their collective capacity as volunteers. There were no professional state level organizational leaders, which meant that no one had an overriding personal (i.e., economic) agenda.
The final agenda item was the selection of the THFC chair. To my surprise, I was asked to fill that position. In hindsight, it made sense. The combination of my military/organizational background and the equally important fact that I represented no organization other than one advocating strictly for health freedom meant that I could assume the role of honest broker, should any intramural disputes arise.
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There’s a lot of work that goes on, in the background, taking an SB 277 type lawsuit forward, especially one with twenty-one (21) Plaintiffs and ten (10) Defendants. Each of the Defendants has to be individually “served” with a copy of the lawsuit, and then the person who “served” the Defendant has to sign some papers showing where and when that process occurred. Then the attorney has to file those “serving” papers with the Court. Once each of the Defendants have been “served” they get about twenty (20) business days to lawyer up, and respond.
According to what I’m looking at in the Court Records, it looks like all of the Defendants have been “served.” But, as of this morning, it looks as though only one of them has lawyered-up to respond. They better get moving, for an August 12th, 2016 Preliminary Injunction Hearing is coming at their faces abruptly. And for this kind of Hearing Judges DO NOT give delays and extensions.
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SB 277 Author Senator Richard Pan MD MPH with Santa Barbara Health Department Leader Charity Dean MD MPH at California Medical Association (CMA) annual meeting. Question – How CLOSE ARE these two?
The SB 277 lawsuit document titled “First Amended Complaint“ is a VERY thorough, detailed, layout of the problems inflicted on California’s family population by California Senator Richard Pan’s Senate Bill #277 (SB277).
In that document is a VERY important section talking about the activities of one Charity Dean MD, MPH of the Santa Barbara County Health Department, shown, with Pan, in the photo on the right.
Apparently, she wants to bite some doctors, so-to-speak.
But, the huge working group supporting the SB 277 lawsuit was closely watching Pan and Dean’s activities and started gathering evidence – the results of which ended up sticking Dean’s activities in the lawsuit itself.
I’ll show all that to you in a minute. But first let me show you what one of the California warrior teams have come up with about this subject.
We’ll start, today, with what Christina Hildebrand of “A Voice For Choice”opines:
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The whole purpose of the lawsuit against SB 277 is to stop it, and its spin-off activities, from being activated.
A Motion for Preliminary Injunction is a request to the Court for an Injunction before we begin arguing the lawsuit. There will be an actual Court Hearing for this August 12th, 2016, 1:30PM in Courtroom 13A, Federal Court Building, San Diego, CA. (shown in the photo above).
What is an Injunction?
According to the Cornell School of Law it is:
An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action. Temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions are temporary injunctions. They are issued early in a lawsuit to maintain the status quo by preventing a defendant from becoming insolvent or to stop the defendant from continuing his or her allegedly harmful actions. Choosing whether to grant temporary injunctive relief is a discretionary power of the court. Permanent injunctions are issued as a final judgment in a case. Failure to comply with an injunction may result in being held in contempt of court.
Getting an injunction is NOT an easy process. A US Supreme Court Decision called “Winter vs Natural Resources Defense Council” set the four-factor preliminary injunction standards that are being used today in Federal Courts.
What the court will want to be convinced of is that for the Plaintiffs:
(1) there is a likelihood of irreparable harm with no adequate remedy at law;
(2) the balance of harm favors the movant;
(3) there is a likelihood of success on the merits of the case;
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Yes, this is a lot to read. But, here, after laying out the situation for the Court, comes the details of exactly what laws the people responsible for SB 277’s passing, and implementation, broke. Yes, the language is strong and forceful, for it has to be.
What you are about to read is the essence of America – the expression, in language our forefathers would have used, to state what we, as Americans expect. The attorneys who wrote these words pulled no punches. They told it like it is.
We are on the march…
Below, is from the lawsuit First Amended Complaint document:
First Claim for Relief Against All Defendants (Violation of Freedom of Religion, Assembly, Parental Rights, 42 U.S.C. § 1983)
136. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference the foregoing paragraphs of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
137. Defendants deprived and continue to deprive Plaintiffs of their right to Free Exercise of religion, as secured by the First Amendment and made applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment, by discriminating against Plaintiffs and their children because of the Plaintiffs’ religiously-motivated conduct in making exemption claims, including declining certain vaccines derived from or containing ingredients to which Plaintiffs object, including aborted fetal cells.
138. Defendants are also depriving Plaintiffs and their children of the right to freedom of assembly by depriving children of the right to attend secular or religious private schools of their choosing and by requiring that both public and private schools deny admission and education to children with PBEs.
139. Additionally, Defendants are infringing Plaintiffs’ rights to control the upbringing and education of their minor children according to the religion, system of values, and moral norms they deem appropriate and their rights to the care, custody, education of and association with their children.
140. Defendants are enforcing SB 277 under color of State law and are depriving and will continue to deprive Plaintiffs of numerous hybrid rights secured by the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Continue reading SB 277 Lawsuit – Claims for Relief (The Nitty-Gritty)…
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I make no secret of the fact that I VERY MUCH like the writing and construction of this lawsuit, both as a legal tool, and as a clear concise, explanation of the issues that we, the people of Planet Earth, face in regards to mandatory vaccine programs.
I know there is a lot of reading that needs to be done to comprehend the magnitude of the problem we face, but..
It’s all right here. Just read it a piece at a time.
The “General Allegations”…
I am going to break this section of the First Amended Complaint in to sub-sections to make it easier to comprehend where the legal arguments are going. Yes, there is a lot here to read, but it all makes sense, especially if you break it up into those sections. So, let’s do that…
(41) Amid media-created hype and irrational panic over the Disneyland measles outbreak, SB 277 was rushed through the Legislature and signed into law in the course of four short months, bypassing key legislative committees and precluding careful and thoughtful analysis of whether SB 277 was warranted or whether it could coexist with the robust legal framework that exists to protect California’s schoolchildren from marginalization and discrimination.
(42) Without any factual basis, children with PBEs were saddled with all of the blame for the outbreak, resulting in prejudice and intolerance against them that was so pervasive and so severe as to result in legislation to exile them from schools and daycares. Thus, for the first time in its history, California created a new category of “second-class citizens,” who would forever be barred from its schools in contravention of the United States and California Constitutions, numerous state and federal laws, and decades of California and federal jurisprudence that forbid SB 277’s draconian result.
(43) California’s children have a fundamental right to attend school and participate in society, free from discrimination and marginalization. Children with disabilities have the right to attend school with their non-disabled peers and not be relegated to learning in isolation. Parents have the right to direct the upbringing of their children in accordance with their deeply-held convictions and their religious beliefs. SB 277 totally and fatally conflicts with these and other fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed to Plaintiffs and their children and to thousands of families who are suffering the aftermath of SB 277. Plaintiffs, therefore, seek a declaration that SB 277 is unconstitutional under both the United States and California Constitutions and a preliminary and permanent injunction preventing Defendants from enforcing SB 277.Continue reading SB 277 First Amended Complaint “General Allegations…”
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On July 1st, 2016 a lawsuit was filed in a San Diego Federal Court asking the court to declare infamous California Senate Bill 277 unconstitutional, and prevent its enforcement. It was an excellent read. Its filing compared, in war terms, to the June 6th, 1944 “D-Day” Invasion of Normandy. The “good guys” were on the beach beginning the counterattack against the forces of evil.
The news traveled across Planet Earth like a soothing spring rain.
Then, yesterday and today, July 14th and 15th, 2016, new filings are appearing starting with what is called, simply enough, a “- FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY, INJUNCTIVE AND OTHER RELIEF.” And, although I liked the first filing VERY MUCH, and said so.
I like these legal filings even more.
Before I show them to you, and explain, in simple terms, what is actually going on there are TWO important points I need to make. They are::
(1) This whole event, these legal actions, and all of the investigations and sorting of material leading to all of this legal action is the work of a giant, secret, army who managed to work quietly, and unobtrusively, gathering and sorting, making new alliances, for the express purposes surrounding the issues so carefully, and powerfully, explained in the legal papers. Look around. There they are. There YOU are…
Here WE are… The doors are open. Come and play.
(2) So MUCH is happening with this First Amended Complaint that I am going to break the explanation of it all into separate parts – so, after this article, there is MUCH MORE good stuff coming. You WILL love this….
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The SB 277 bill that was signed into law last year is now the subject of a Federal lawsuit, which has the interest of the many who are against mandatory vaccines and lack of informed consent. But there is precedent for mandatory vaccines. The Jacobson decision in 1905 upheld mandatory vaccination. As a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that the freedom of the individual must sometimes be subordinated to the common welfare and is subject to the police power of the state.
I have been monitoring the discussion back and forth between two highly respected attorneys who have experience in dealing with vaccine issues as they critiqued the new lawsuit.
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Yes, Senate Bill 277, the legislation passed in California to mandate Chinese-made-vaccines force-jammed into California’s innocent children was/is horrible. Yes, the people behind SB 277 qualify as human scum.
Yes, the campaigns to stop, or reverse, SB 277 have been a not funny joke run by people who just do not know how to think things through before they act.
That was then – this is now…
The big kids have stepped onto the playground…
I watched the behind-the-scenes machinations of the people trying to figure out, not only the legal strategies that would work, but the logistics of getting a REAL lawsuit together to attack SB 277, with interest. I could a write a book chapter on all that went on to get where we are right now. Some of it would be humorous. Continue reading SB 277 Litigation Stuff You Need To Know… And Things You Could Do That Would Help…
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San Diego Federal Judge Dana M. Sabraw denied the Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) presented by the Plaintiffs, so far, for two reasons – BOTH of which attorneys for the Plaintiffs are remedying as fast as possible.
In essence, Judge Sabraw wants two things: (1) the Defendants’ attorneys involved in the hearing, and (2) A better, more specific example of why there is an emergency requiring a TRO in the first place. Continue reading Fed Judge Denies SB 277 TRO – Wants More Info…
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What Exactly is this Nontoxic Approach for Disease Prevention?
Homeoprophylaxis— also known as Homeopathic prophylaxis or even “HP”– is a nontoxic method of disease prevention in use since 1799. The term “homeo” means “like or similar”—note that it does not mean “same”, only similar.
“Prophylaxis” refers to the prevention of a disease. Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine. It utilizes the energies found in plant, animal, and mineral sources to promote healing and wellness. In like manner, when homeopathy is used as a prophylactic, it utilizes an energetic form of the disease to promote immunity. It has been documented to do this with about 90% success. The body is exposed to an energetic form of the disease and is found to respond appropriately, “as if” it had been exposed to the disease itself. Thus, all the benefits of natural disease are derived without any of the risks.
Let’s define, as well, what a “vaccine” is. The idea of inserting a particle of a disease into the body to promote an immunological response has technically been done for about a thousand years (1), not always successfully. During Edward Jenner’s time, he noted how milkmaids, who were around cows all the time, did not seem to get the horrid smallpox. He noted that cows would get a similar disease, known as cowpox, and postulated that it was perhaps this exposure to cowpox that prevented smallpox in milkmaids. Thus began his fussing about with the pus of cowpox to provide immunity to smallpox in people. From this came the term, “vaccine”, from the Latin word, vacca, for cow. Mass vaccination for smallpox was later discontinued in the U.S. due to many cases of brain damage as a result of the vaccine, as well as the virtual disappearance of smallpox. (2)
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It’s always been a mystery to me how President Reagan, generally known for his suspicion of unchecked governmental power, could have signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which established the so-called “Vaccine Court.” To the parents of many children with autism, this legislation is the direct cause of the autism epidemic.
While researching my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, I came across the answer in the pages of the New York Times. (Full disclosure – In my younger days I was a “Youth Delegate for Reagan” to the 1984 Republican Convention in Dallas. Forgive me. I was young and foolish.) In an article by Robert Pear, which was published on November 15, 1986, in the New York Times entitled, “Reagan Signs Bill on Drug Exports and Payment for Vaccine Injuries,” (and easily accessible through a simple Google search), Reagan laid out his thoughts. Continue reading What Did President Reagan Think About “Vaccine Court?”
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There is no question that this SB 277 case will go all the way to the United States Supreme Court. It is designed to do exactly that. The issues argued in it are THAT important to the American scene.
So, get ready for a knock-down, drag-out fight, with those, within our government system, and private drug corporations, who believe that THEY own our bodies, and our children’s bodies, and that THEY, the government of the moment and their corporate cronies, can do whatever THEY want to any American, at any time they choose.
The people we are up against believe in total control of our lives, with THEM making all of the decisions for, and about, us.
It is, if you think about it, the SAME argument coming forward in our Presidential election. Establishment Hillary Clinton is all about BIG Government running us all, and Trump is about bringing the REAL America, economy and all, with its Constitution, back to life.
The fact is that the next US President will decide who fills the empty seats on that US Supreme Court – and will make a difference what kind of Supreme Court we will be standing in front of with our SB 277 case.
So, people, four days ago we were a little anxious about what would happen with the implementation of SB 277. Today, we have landed at Normandy, so-to-speak. Now we need to fight our way into the enemy’s heartland, and take it away from them. Can we do that? Yup…
The Cavalry Has Arrived…
Statue of American Civil War General US Grant
So let’s talk about the upcoming battle.
Now that the lawsuit attacking SB 277 has been filed with the San Diego Federal Court (last Friday, July 1st 2016) it goes into the system.
On Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 it will be given a case number, and will be assigned to a specific Judge, who’s Staff will put it on the schedule for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) action.
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So, I called attorney Jim Turner about 5:00AM PST this morning and say “Where’s the case, dude?” He laughed… He’d been up all night. Right now it’s 5:00PM PST on Friday, July 1st, 2016 and I’ve got the final copy of the case against SB 277 in my hands. It will take a while to get this article out – a lot to read, and make phone calls about. But…
I LOVE it.
The case I talked about two days ago has been electronically filed by Carl Lewis in the San Diego Federal Court. I have attached copies of each of the individual document sets to this article. They will be easy to find. Take the time to familiarize yourself.
The actual name of the filing is “Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief – Temporary Restraining Order Sought.” Below I will explain what all that means.
And, there’s a bunch of backup documents. You can see every one.
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