Am I Reading All This Right? Hillary Clinton’s Muslim Jihadist Lesbian Lover is Married to Ex-Congressman Pervert Anthony Weiner?
And Weiner Has 10,000 of Hillary’s Top-Secret e-mails on His Computer in a File called “Life Insurance?” Alongside of His Naked Selfies He Sends to Fifteen Year Old Girls?
You Can’t Make This Stuff up…
Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
I have two YouTube videos for you to see. They sound very much like conspiracy theory – but when you look closely, they definitely ARE NOT. The sources are excellent.
I, Tim Bolen, am one of the most outspoken anti-vaxxers on Planet Earth. I believe, and do not hesitate to point out that, pro-vaxxers are made up of some of the worst slime humanity could ever produce. Why? Because vaccines are a complete, and utter hoax. They are so dangerous, and so damaging, that all production needs to cease as soon as possible – and those responsible for the vaccine construction jammed into the depths of the worst prisons we can find…
During the campaign in Sacramento to try to defeat SB 277, the legislation to make childhood vaccines MANDATORY, parents, with immense effort, brought their vaccine damaged children into the legislative halls so Senators and Assemblymen could see, for themselves, what vaccines were really doing to the community.
What did the California Democratic Party controlled legislators (76%) do in response? They shut down the legislature in their face – celebrating “Gay Pride Day,” heading, I guess, for the gay bars, and the bath houses, to do whatever they do there “to celebrate.”
It was a massive, and very pointed message, for “families” from the Democratic Party about what their priorities were. Homosexuality was at the top. Families, and family concerns, were not even on the chart. I pointed all this out at the time, raising some ire. There were some, at the time, that thought this was just a coincidence.
It is NOT a coincidence.
The California Democratic Party controlled legislators passed SB 277, almost literally spitting on families.
But then, the 2016 Presidential election campaign started, and we started to get a look at what the national Democratic Party was really made up of – with Hillary Clinton at the apex.
And it is worse than we thought…
So, let’s see some video…
The first video, eight information-packed minutes, explains who Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Presidential Campaign Vice-Chairman, actually is – and points out, quite correctly, that this woman, who, by the way, is married to ex-Congressman pervert Anthony Wiener, would end up as Hillary’s Chief-Of-Staff in the White House…
Be VERY AFRAID of that…
Continue reading “Weinergate” Again? Hillary is a Hoot… No one in Hollywood Would Buy This Script. It is Too Unreal…
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