Part 4 in the developing, “California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At it Again…”
Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California
While California Senator Richard Pan is frantically sending out feel-good media propaganda pieces in a desperate attempt to cover-up the fact that Senate Bill 18 gives the state complete control over ALL California children, word is spreading.

In John Rappoport’s excellent article, “Bombshell: sacrificing children to the state of California: SB18,” the unraveling of WHO and WHY is behind Senate Bill 18 becomes clear.
Rappoport says:
“Catch the flavor of the wording. It emerges like swamp gas: “The Legislature finds and declares that all children and youth, regardless of gender, class, race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, or ability, have inherent rights that entitle them to protection, special care, and assistance, including, but not limited to, the following: The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest. The right to form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being. The right to live in a safe and healthy environment. The right to social and emotional well-being. The right to opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development. The right to appropriate, quality education and life skills leading to self-sufficiency in adulthood. The right to appropriate, quality health care.”
As if all these outcomes could be delivered to children on a silver platter.
And the State would make it so?
This bill is basically setting up the population of California for state regulatory agencies to fill in the blanks later, to make specific controls out of the vague generalities in the bill. Get it? “Medical care and nutrition and parenting and education are what we say they are. We define and enforce, you obey.”
Rappoport goes on to explain WHERE all of this is coming from: