(Conspiratorium: “A group of free-thinking individuals with certain belief systems who trouble the authorities with their persistent questions. This group also harbors suspicions that governments of the right and left are ALWAYS lying about the important issues for the government’s benefit.”)
Like many of you I’ve been thinking a lot about Q and the “Conspiratorium” which has gathered around him – not necessarily considering if Q is real or a Psy-Op, whether he is Artificial Intelligence, or he’s Trump, or in league with Trump, but something much deeper.
The most important questions are spiritual ones and I respectfully wonder if Q is spiritually advanced enough to handle what has been placed in his/her/its hands.
I refer to the Q posts in which it is said that not everything can be disclosed because the ninety-five percent of the population who has not entered one of the hallways of the conspiratorium would go absolutely nuts if the truth was revealed.
This is a matter of faith. I have no evidence or facts to back this up. But neither does Q. It is a gut-level feeling and I will tell you mine.
The ninety-five percent of the population who is in the dark about the wickedness and corruption which haunts so many parts of our world can handle the truth. I believe in them, even though at this moment many of them may believe I am nuttier than a fruitcake.
The five percent of us who have struggled with the darkness will take them gently by the hand and lead them to a better place. I believe my fellow members of the conspiratorium have become kind and powerful spiritual warriors. That is what being vilified by the mainstream media, and being ignored by family and friends has done to us. We have become better people through what for many of us has been unimaginable suffering in our families.
We are fierce warriors, especially against those who lie, and yet we have a gentleness about us which would astonish our enemies.
I have no hesitation in letting people know my wing of the conspiratorium deals with vaccines and autism.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The Anti-Vaxxer movement is so strong, so powerful, and so large, in North America that not one thing, nor combination of things, the Big Pharma thunder-funded pro-vax machine does to counter them works any more.
The best example of that is Paul Offit MD. His sneering, condescending, arrogance in public, regarding vaccination issues has become a form of street theater – comic relief. People wait for the NEXT stupid thing he’s going to say, his NEXT claim to expertise in something he heard about just yesterday. He’s getting mocked openly everywhere he goes.
So, why, do you think, does Big Pharma keep sending him out? Because he is the best they’ve got.
Seriously – where’s Offit’s backup? Do you think, for even a minute, Big Pharma would send out into the public forum “Orac the Nipple Ripper” Detroit’s Cancer Breast Surgeon David Gorski?
Laugh even louder…
David Gorski MD – “Orac”
Gorski is like an overly-used wind-up toy. Set him off (and that is EASY to do) and he’ll write 16,751 spittle-words overnight on his blog “sort-of” on the subject. God help any woman scheduled for breast cancer surgery the following morning. I hope the hospital has a prohibition against the use of chain saws in the Operating Room.
Don’t laugh at that…
What would be funny, VERY funny, is if we could convince “Orac” to have “just one more” double-double cappuccino before he went up on a public stage in front of video cameras we had access to.
We’d have MONTHS of laughter on the internet forums…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The really interesting thing about the world-wide “skeptic”operation is that they try, desperately, to justify horrific actions against those they HATE – actions unacceptable to normal people.
Meryl Dorey
We saw all that happen in Australia with the attack on the Australian Vaccination network’s Meryl Dorey where they threatened her, trying to get her to stop talking about vaccine dangers, using a number of violent approaches including phone calls in the middle of the night to her children telling them they were about to die by fire.
Then, after we look carefully at what happened to Meryl, we are going to look at the attack on Dr Suzanne Humphries MD…
Lets look at that Australian “Skeptic” attack for a moment…
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Are We Sick of The Threats, Lies and Misdirection?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The photo at the top of this article is indeed worth a thousand words, for it explains a lot about WHO, and WHAT, attacked “Vaxxed” producer Del BigTree.
Let’s explore that WHO, and WHAT. Yes, the attack was easily repulsed THIS TIME, and yes, there will be a reckoning. For it is time for a reckoning.
For as long as I can remember there has been a version of the current “Skeptic” organization operating in North America. Each time they appear, so to speak, they have been beaten, and shoved back into the septic tank with the lid closed tightly, right where they belong.
The earlier version of the current “Skeptic” organization was called the “Quackbusters.” They were led by Stephen Barrett of the infamous quackwatch.com scenario. It took a while to crush him and them, but, in fact, crush them we did – lawsuits, traps, media campaigns, you-name-it-we-did-it operations designed to rid the North American health care world of a cockroach infestation.
What is consistent in the “Skeptic” and the “Quackbuster” worlds is the “quality” of the people that run them.
In my earlier article on the attack I showed you another important photograph, reprinted just below. It shows some VERY important things about “skeptic leadership.” Let’s look at it again:
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The North American Anti-Vaccination movement is huge – growing larger by the minute – and unstoppable.
But to Big Pharma that fact hasn’t sunk in just yet, and they still send their minions, like the “skeptics,” into the fray attempting to disrupt us. It is all working against them. Big Pharma is getting battered, and “the handwriting is on the wall…”
The Anti-Vaccination movement is everywhere. You can’t turn in any direction and not find our efforts, and effects. I could write ten pages of words right here, and still not even OUTLINE the number of anti-vax warrior groups out here working, right this minute.
One of the more obvious groups is the “Vaxxed” Team. They are virtually EVERYWHERE. And, their message is pervasive.
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We also know that when we talk about “Medical Boards,” we’re really talking about the stalking horses for pharma. These are where the great battles are truly fought, among relatively small groups of people, having an enormous impact on the rest of us. The good things are killed in the dark, away from the prying eyes of the public.
From the work I did covering the Autism Omnibus Hearings, and my later work detailed in the book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, it’s clear that if the CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson had just a little more courage, or if Dr. Frank De Stefano or the head of the CDC at that time, Dr. Julie Gerberding were really interested in public health, we would be living in a completely different world with much more hope for our children.
That’s why the recent news that Dr. Mark Geier, one of the truly courageous people involved in the Autism Omnibus Hearing who was unfairly sidelined, had won a $2.5 million dollar suit against the Maryland Board of Physicians, is so deeply satisfying.
As reported in The Washington Post, ““But the regulators who stripped Geier’s credentials are now in the hot seat, ordered to each personally pay tens of thousands of dollars in damages by a judge who says the board abused its power in an attempt to humiliate the doctor and his family.” (“Regulators Who Targeted Anti-Vaccine Doctor May Pay Million for Humiliating Him,” By Fenit Nirappil, The Washington Post, February 3, 2018)
That’s really got to annoy the “skeptics,” or the pharma-mafia cheiftans like Dr. Paul Offit or Tony Faucci. They never liked lawyers to begin with, which is why people like them spear-headed the removal of lawyers from vaccine liability with the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
But justice is slowly finding its way back. Just ask all those sexually harassing Congressmen who are suddenly deciding not to run for re-election because they want to “spend more time with their families.” If you believe that explanation I’ve got a story to tell you about the Easter Bunny laying candy eggs.
How hard did the judge slap the Maryland Board of Physicians?
“But Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Ronald B. Rubin sided with the Geiers, awarding them $2.5 million in damages. He called the order a significant breach of medical privacy and accused the board and its staff of failing to preserve emails related to the case and pleading ignorance about the order on the witness stand.”
“If their testimony were to be believed, which the court does not, it is the worst case of collective amnesia in the history of the Maryland government and on par with the collective memory failure on display at the Watergate hearings,” Rubin wrote in a December opinion.
“He ordered 14 board appointees, the board’s lead attorney and the lead investigator on the Geier case to pay half of the damages out of their own pockets, between $10,000 and $200,000 apiece, depending on their net worth.”
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Or, Are The “Skeptics” Manipulating Easily Tricked FaceBook Algorithms and Staff?
It Is Time We Did Something…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Everyone I know is complaining about FaceBook. It simply is NOT the same FaceBook we all knew and loved. It is NOT friendly any more. It is like living next to a bad neighbor that always, and in every way, finds fault.
The Anti-Vaxxer Community is HUGE, and it is spread all across Social Media. It makes up a very large portion of FaceBook society. There are so many separate groups discussing details of the dangers of vaccines, and the policies therein, it is mind-boggling.
So, why, we have to ask, would FaceBook be so dumb as to mess with that situation? Good question. But, they do.
Or do they?
The Wikapediatrician, Susan Gerbic is the co-founder of Monterey County Skeptics, a Steering member of the Independent Investigation Group (IIG) and a self-proclaimed skeptical junkie. Susan is also founder of the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia, and World Wikipedia projects.”
Is FaceBook, itself, being manipulated?
Very possibly. We do know, for instance, that Wikipedia’s Health Care offering is a total loss – that it is COMPLETELY controlled by the ten-million-dollar-per-year-in-funding “skeptic” bag-of-losers menagerie. So, why wouldn’t they make a try for control of FaceBook?
Confidential sources tell me that, in fact, the “skeptics” ARE in the process of attempting to control FaceBook – and their “Plan of Action,” manipulating the FaceBook algorithm,has been described to me. I am told that those same “skeptics” have acquired the services of two HIGH LEVEL FaceBook engineers to help them with their nefarious plans. I have been shown proof of that. Anti-Vaxxers are paying attention.
Manipulating the FaceBook algorithm…
Yes, we all know there is a “liberal bent” to those working in Social Media. We also know that liberals, as a unit, DO NOT believe in the US First Amendment. They believe that Free Speech ONLY applies to them, used in a setting that ONLY THEY approve of – and to them that First amendment NEVER applies to anyone that disagrees with them. Look at Berkeley – the so-called “Liberal Bastion of Free Speech.”
Project Veritas, recently, released a blockbuster video DOCUMENTING the bragging of Twitter employees detailing the exact mechanisms they use to block Conservative messaging on Twitter – also claiming that FaceBook and Google were far better at blocking those Conservatives.
You will find Social Media engineers at Twitter bragging about how they control online content. As Project Veritas’s James O’Keefe says of Twitter in the video…
“Its culture behind closed doors is one of blatant censorship, systematic bias, and political targeting. While many suspected this was the case, today we present the proof, out of their own Twitter mouths…”
This video clearly shows how “Insiders”at a Social Media can manipulate the system according to their own bias…
But, can “Outsiders” Manipulate the FaceBook algorithm?
Oh yeah…
There are training sessions on how to do exactly that…
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It’s not the differences with your allies which should worry you, but the DESTRUCTION your common enemy has planned for everybody who is even remotely on your side.
With the establishment on Thursday of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights, Trump has laid the groundwork to smash every single vaccine mandate as well as turn BIG PHARMA into little pharma.
Don’t think this new division of Conscience and Religious Freedom at HHS is a big deal?
THINK AGAIN. It gives many different groups a BIG TENT under which to fight. I think it is time that Christians and Libertarians, and people of other religious faiths realize that we have a COMMON INTEREST in fighting against a FASCIST HEALTH ESTABLISHMENT.
Yes, we should protect Catholic nuns who don’t want to buy an insurance plan that provides for birth control. And we should protect nurses who don’t want to take part in abortions. And we should protect those who do not want vaccines with aborted human tissue injected into their children, Muslims and Orthodox Jews who do not want vaccines with pig products, vegans who do not want vaccines made with ANY animal products, or the conscientious parent who does their own research and comes to the conclusion that ALL VACCINES ARE A REALLY BAD IDEA.
Is it clear by this time I believe all of you are capable of coming to your own conclusions about vaccines? I have my own opinion and I am happy to share, but I will not impose my will upon any other person.
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This action is one of the most important steps our guy has taken SO FAR to revise US health care. I’ll explain…
Trump is eliminating Big Pharma’s strangling influence over US health care one step at a time. We already, for instance, saw how the Trump Team went after:
(a) the “Opioid Crisis” violators (early morning smash and grab federal agent raids) and
(b) the “Generic Crisis” by activating the State Attorney Generals. You can read about that here.
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It is with a heavy heart I must challenge Bill Nye, “the Science Guy”once one of my idols, to a debate regarding his dangerous views on genetically modified foods (GMOs) and vaccines. I fear Nye has trespassed against the gods of science and the souls of Aristotle, Galileo, and Darwin cry out from their graves for me to rescue him from his error.
This is what I have on the wall of my science classroom:
Science means I will be faithful to the cause of free inquiry, and will accept truth where I find it, no matter how relentlessly it may tear out the roots of prejudice and superstition. I will not be blinded by the new or spectacular, condemning the old and tried, simply because it is old and tried. I will not distort or weigh evidence to support a favored theory, suspending judgment for more nearly adequate evidence. This I pledge as an ideal of Science.
Now when I look at Nye’s views on GMOs it seems as if he simply gets overwhelmed with the new and spectacular, rather than thinking through the wisdom of the effort.
In explaining why he changed his view on GMOs, here’s an example of his thinking from a July 13, 2015 Business Insider article. “He explained that what changed his mind was a fateful visit to the lab [a Monsanto lab] where scientists do the actual gene modification. There, he watched them scan the entire genetic sequence of the crops they wanted to modify. The process he saw, was startlingly precise, far more than it had been 20 years ago.”
The process may be precise, Bill, but you still have no idea what effect it will have on living organisms.
I draw your attention to research published in the journal, Environmental Science Europe in 2014 on genetically modified corn and the pesticide Round-Up, on toxicity in rats. This research was viciously attacked by Monsanto, especially since it represented a financial risk to their company’s efforts.
“Biochemical analyses confirmed very significant chronic kidney deficiencies, for all treatments and both sexes; 76% of the altered parameters were kidney-related. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5 to 5.5 times higher. Marked and severe neuropathies were also generally 1.3 to 2.3 times greater. In females, all treatment groups showed a two-to-threefold increase in mortality and deaths were earlier. This difference was also evident in three male groups fed with GM maize.”
The takeaway is that feeding rats genetically modified corn, which is then treated with the pesticide Round-Up, is causing kidney problems, liver issues, neuropathies (nerve death), and decreased life span. Yes, it’s cool that you can splice genes into organisms that could not have done so before, but maybe there’s a reason nature doesn’t do it on her own.
And maybe this is just from my legal training, Bill, but maybe you shouldn’t be so trusting of research which is funded by the people trying to sell you the product?
I also struggle with Nye’s flawed reasoning when it comes to vaccines. I found an article entitled “5 Things Bill Nye Has to Say to Anti-Vaxxers,” from The Record, May 8, 2017.
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On Friday, October 13, 2017, I sat in a movie theater in San Francisco and watched Miranda Bailey’s remarkable new documentary about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, entitled, “The Pathological Optimist.”
I viewed the film with a conflicting mix of emotions…
As an advocate on the vaccine issue for the past fifteen years it has become clear to me that the powers that be do not want this subject to be debated by the public, even if that simply means twelve average citizens sitting in a jury box.
The global vaccine market is projected to reach near fifty billion dollars a year by 2022 and there is NO meaningful oversight. The game is going too well for the pharmaceutical industry and their supporters for any real questions to be asked.
They have paid off our politicians, bribed the media, neutered our legal system, and through some kind of dark magic have kept the public at large from asking the very simple question of why we have the sickest generation of kids in history.
In short, I consider any attempt to use the legal system for justice on this issue to be a fool’s errand. And yet at the same time I want to believe that some attempt at getting the truth through our legal system will eventually succeed.
As I watched Dr. Wakefield try time and time again to get his case heard…
First when his co-author, Dr. John Walker-Smith (with whom he was convicted) was exonerated, and second, in a defamation action against the British Medical Journal and hack writer, Brian Deer, I knew well in advance what the final disappointing result would be.
The case in front of the British Medical Council was impossible to bring because Wakefield’s legal insurance would not pay for the cost of the appeal, even though they had done so for Dr. John Walker-Smith.
The defamation case was dismissed on the grounds that the state of Texas did not have jurisdiction. That mean not a single piece of evidence was ever heard in either of the cases. Why am I not surprised?
However, like Andrew Wakefield, I am also a pathological optimist. I know that someday in the future this battle will be a distant memory, and I will be one of those old men who tell the young stories of those who fought and triumphed. The war for the future of humanity will be won.
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I am the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer. Seriously, I deserve the title. Who else has come up with an idea for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES as well as a plan for the COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF PHARMA CONTROL OF MEDIA?
Who else has been as relentless in promoting the idea that one of the MAIN REASONS FOR THE FAILURE of our movement, has been the HIGH PROFILE PARENTS OF VACCINE-INJURED CHILDREN who REMAIN SILENT?
I will NOT be quiet…
I know that makes some people angry, but I want our community to ROAR LIKE LIONS, rather than COWER LIKE MICE. It’s just the future of the human race at stake.
It’s also your eternal soul you have to worry about when you die one day and face God and He asks what YOU DID TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER AND MAIMING OF THE INNOCENTS.
Who else has been as diligent in documenting the corruption of the very soul of science as shown in my books, PLAGUE and INOCULATED? If you have any question about why our species is barreling toward extinction, then you need to read these books.
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Oskar Schindler saved about 1,200 Jews from the Nazis in World War II and Steven Spielberg made an Academy Award winning film about him.
My ambitions are much greater.
My five year moratorium on childhood vaccines (especially with the changes I’ve suggested to be implemented in those five years) mean that CONSERVATIVELY I WILL BE SAVING 250,000 CHILDREN FROM AUTISM AND 15,000 BABIES FROM SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME.
I really do have to stress that this is a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. The true effects are likely to be MUCH GREATER.
When you look at the numbers for the numbers of children diagnosed with autism you get a lot of variation in the numbers. 50,000 a year is a conservative estimate. It’s likely to be much higher.
That’s not counting all the kids with ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and all of the other associated learning problems I believe should be laid at the feet of vaccines.
It’s estimated that the cost of raising a child with autism is about three million dollars, a good deal of it paid for by the government, insurance, or borne by the families. Let’s look at just the lost opportunity costs. 250,000 kids and each one costing $3,000,000, that’s a savings of $750 BILLION DOLLARS.
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“Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald is said to be deep in discussions to lead the sprawling agency, according to sources who requested anonymity to discuss confidential details. They stressed the negotiations were not finalized and that several administrative hurdles remained before an official announcement is made.
Fitzgerald would succeed Dr. Anne Schuchat, who became the CDC’s acting director in January 2017 after Dr. Tom Frieden resigned. The role is one of the most prominent in public health and in metro Atlanta: The CDC has thousands of employees and several campuses across the city.
Trained as an obstetrician-gynecologist, Fitzgerald has served as the commissioner of Georgia’s public health department since her 2011 appointment by Gov. Nathan Deal and oversees a range of health programs, including the state’s emergency medical response and infectious disease and immunization initiatives.
Fitzgerald did not respond to requests for comment.
Big Pharma’s“Skeptic”zealots fell all over themselves in glee, screaming across the internet how pro-vaccine Fitzgerald is/was…
Yup, on the Georgia Health Department website it sure appears that way.
But, as usual, the “skeptics” didn’t do their homework…
But I, Tim Bolen, did… So, I am about to show you what those slithering “Skeptics” missed.
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It boils down to Control. They are out there inciting a civil war to control the population. To satisfy their own agenda. To bask in their ability to control.
Every day the narrative on main stream media is HATE.Hate Republicans. Hate anyone associated with them. Hate anyone who dares to agree or think as they do. Hate our duly elected president. Hate anyone who opposes the left-wing ideas of one world government.
Their main goal is to abolish the USA, the Constitution and our laws. To gain the control over the USA and change it to a world-socialist society. It has nothing to do with the people, other than control.
Why are they so hateful? Why are they propagating the lies, false information, hate messages? Why are they trying to turn America against itself?
Because America works. Our Constitution works. Our founding fathers guided by their faith and their experiences of an unjust society crafted a rock-solid document that works! Our founding fathers found the way to truly make all the people equal. To protect and cherish their God-given rights. Our government has always been the hated government. Why? Because it works. We have always lead the world as the beacon of justice. The beacon of truth. The society to model after. Americans have always supported the beliefs and laws of our country, even if they didn’t agree with their leader. Americans supported America.
We now have a poison in our midst, no less dangerous than the worse street drug being peddled…
It is called liberalism. It is a hate sickness that is based on greed and control. I’m not really sure if it’s actually partisan anymore. It seems to be taking its place as a new philosophy. A new regime. A new religion.
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“Throughout their professional relationship, Lipkin made clear that he expected Plaintiff to be his largely-silent and always subservient partner, forced to work almost exclusively on his projects and to give him undue credit for her own work, to the detriment of her own professional growth, stature in their shared field, and productivity.”
That’s why my approach was always to ask questions, listen to the answers, and act as if I totally got what they were saying. You’ve probably seen the same act on pretty much every cop show.
But what I was REALLY doing was seeing how they answered the questions.
You see, among lawyers, the LOGICAL presumption is that if you catch them lying about ONE THING, you’re probably going to catch them LYING about a LOT of other things.
If you catch them acting ABNORMAL OR CORRUPTLY in one circumstance, you have a window into how they’re likely to act in similar circumstances.
On the night of September 19, 2013 I spent time with Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig at a small cocktail party in Manhattan.
I knew who they were and they knew who I was. I had HOPED that there was the possibility of making movement in answering important questions about chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and autism.
In light of Mady Hornig’s lawsuit against Ian Lipkin and Columbia University, it is interesting to review my visit with the two of them.
I have ALWAYS believed that if my enemies want to end this war, I will be happy to go the extra mile for peace and truth. Some of my fellow autism activists thought it was a fool’s errand. But I always like to get an up-close look at my enemy. Sometimes I will discover I have misjudged them. Other times I will realize that there is no way we can be allies and that there is only ONE Way all of this will end.
I give you the account of my night with Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig as detailed in my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.
“I must confess that I was nervous as I dressed in my New York hotel room for what was billed as a “Cocktail Reception to Celebrate the Work of The Center for Infection and Immunity Featuring W, Ian Lipkin, M.D., Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health – Hosted by Emanuel Stern at the SoHo Grand Hotel, 310 West Broadway, New York City.” I couldn’t help but feel like some barbarian tribal leader, summoned by Caesar to Rome for an audience. I dressed in black and when I looked at myself in the mirror thought I looked a little like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi, surrendering myself to Darth Vader to be taken to the Death Star. I mean, isn’t that what heroes are supposed to do? Venture into the very lair of the enemy? Luke at the Death Star? Frodo and Sam at Mount Doom?
Soho Grand Hotel – New York City
I took a cab to the SoHo Grand Hotel, entered the lobby, got directions to where the event was being held, and made my way to the location. I opened the doors, expecting to see some grand ballroom, but instead saw a cramped little space with six to seven tables, a buffet and drink table set up at the back with folders on the work of the center, along with some cute little blue plastic circular hand sanitizers emblazoned with the crest of the Center for Infection and Immunity as well as a line drawing of a microscope, and a podium with microphone at the front for the speakers. There were maybe thirty people in the room. I’d seen bigger crowds at a PTA meeting. “This is the grand citadel of science?” I thought to myself.
Looking around the room I quickly identified Mady Hornig. She is an attractive woman, with a lean, angular face, surrounded by ringlets of dark hair. I made my way over to her and introduced myself.
She smiled broadly, cocked her head a little to the side, and extended a hand. “Kent! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“Really?” I asked, with a laugh. “It’s nice to meet me?”
“Yes. Why not?”
“Well, I’ve written articles which have criticized some of your research.”
“Were they mean? Or rude?”
“I don’t think so. I didn’t make it personal.”
“Then we don’t have a problem.”
“Okay, Mady, I’ve got a question I wanted to ask you for years.”
I paused for a moment and she gave me a look which seemed to say, “Proceed.”
“I consider your article, ‘The Neurotoxic Effects of Thimerosal are Mouse Strain Dependent’ to be one of the most important papers in autism. But you published that in 2004 and now it’s 2013. Why no other papers?”
She rolled her eyes and said, “You don’t know?”
She proceeded to tell me that after the publication of her paper, a blogger named Autism Diva had published many articles criticizing her work, referring to it as the “Rain Mouse” experiments[i] and it had caused her a great deal of difficulty with the Columbia administration. “I felt like I was under probation for like five years after that paper came out.”
“Did this Autism Diva person have any academic credentials that would make the administration sit up and take notice?” I asked.
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“A Columbia University scientist claims her boss – and former lover – repeatedly dropped his drawers and demanded she diagnose a lesion on his butt.”
Associate Professor Mady Hornig says her boss at the university’s Mailman School of Public Health [Ian Lipkin] also demanded co-credit for her work; kicked her under the table at meetings to keep her from speaking; presented her work as his own, and kept her from getting tenure, Hornig claims in a Manhattan federal court lawsuit.”
Sometimes reality far outstrips the imagination of even the greatest fiction writer. For those of you unfamiliar with the dynamic duo of Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig, let me clue you in.
This is the team that went after Dr. Andrew Wakefield
and his claims of a connection between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism with a vengeance.
They are also the same duo that went after Dr. Judy Mikovits and her findings
of a retrovirus being linked to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Do I need to tell any of you that their investigations of both Wakefield and Mikovits were biased, dishonest, and corrupt?
Mady Hornig and Ian Lipkin “Hot for Research.”
And those are the nicest words I can think to use to describe their studies.
Got it? These are the two scumbag scientists that millions of sick people and their families have to thank for derailing the work of good scientists who were trying to alleviate human suffering.
I even have an entire chapter entitled “The Lipkin-Hornig Team” in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.
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Why is it a joke? Because pediatricians who jam seven to nine Made-in-China vaccines into a small child at one time NEVER want to turn themselves in for that 108 degree fever, and the beginnings of autism, they caused. They’d be drummed out of the pediatrician clique – and those trips to Europe paid for by big Pharma would quit. They can come up with endless reasons why they will NOT file a VAERS report – and they simply do NOT file them.
But it is the second system that is most important…
(2) The second system is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and it is an entirely different thing – and the data collected is totally TOP SECRET. Every possible trick is used to hide this data, including, I’m told, contracting out the storage of the twenty-seven years of data to companies in foreign countries so it cannot be subpoenaed by lawyers involved in vaccine litigation.
Got that?
If there is no problem with vaccines why can’t Independent Investigators look at that twenty-seven years of data recording the health records of MILLIONS of American children after they were vaccinated with each, and every, CHILDHOOD VACCINE from January of 1991 to the present?
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Shocked that our election of President Trump interrupted their dream to transform America into a socialist utopia, Hillary, Obama and their fellow travellers, have joined forces to bring President Trump and his Majority of Americans supporters, to their knees.
They just haven’t figured out, yet, that America DOES NOT WANT to be another North Korea; servants to the elite. And that we elected Trump to reverse all that crazy thinking.
Make no mistake, these Clinton/Obama people are hardcore socialists who have been using well-honed Marxist organizing techniques for decades to build an army to overthrow our capitalist system without a shot being fired.
To them – If they can bring down capitalist America, what they see is a high-tech world run by them and their globalist elite friends.
Just so you know…
Obama and the Clintons have been beneficiaries of what is known as the Shadow Party, a well-organized, and well-financed, worldwide movement organized by George Soros. Soros has amassed legions of well-heeled leftists to use their money to do anything necessary to forward their shared goals. These goals include diminishing the power of America in the world, subjugating America’s sovereignty in favor of one world government and implementing a socialist redistribution of wealth – both in the U.S. and across national boarders.
In addition to using the tactic of Political Correctness to turn people against each other and re-write history in order to create confusion, this unholy alliance has also encouraged lawless behavior and encouraged people to disrespect police and others who represent law and order. They are using the techniques of Community Organizer Saul Alinsky who published a book in the 1970s called “Rules for Radicals“.
Obama was a professional Community Organizer who taught Alinsky’s methods in Chicago for several years before he went into politics. He has now announced that he is returning to that profession in order to impeach or force Trump to resign.
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Taking Control of the “Administrative State” is the Key…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
I’ve said this before, and I will say it again – “The vaccine issue is a microcosm of what is wrong with US Health Care. And, US Health Care is a microcosm of what is wrong with America…”
Finding the mechanism to solve the vaccine issue is the key to solving US Health Care, and that same mechanism will solve America…
The Trump Team knows exactly what to do, and is doing it – we are getting “America” back…
Richard Dreyfuss, the actor, points out, quite correctly that the teaching of “Civics” has been removed from the US Public School curriculum since about 1970. Consequently, more than one generation of Americans has NO IDEA how their own government was designed, nor how it actually works. So, they do NOT know how to fix problems with it. This is preposterous.
How did this happen? As Dreyfuss says:
“To teach our kids how to run our country, before they are called upon to run our country…if we don’t, someone else will run our country.” – Richard Dreyfuss
The United States government system was designed to be a check and balance system, so that no one agency could assume ultimate control. The main three divisions were The Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary.
More, within each of those were protective devices to keep each of those divisions honest.
Keeping them honest?
Exactly. Every federal, State, or local agency has some form of watchdog entity constantly examining what employees of that agency are up to. Why? Employee abuse of power happens every day.
In any agency that has police power (the power to arrest someone) that sub-agency is called “Internal Affairs.” In agencies without police power they are usually called “Inspector Generals” or something similar.
Trump has control over “The Executive Branch” – EVERY Part of it…
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