You know what “science” is, don’t you? It’s that magical, talismanic word that settles any bar bet with the same type of certainty that in the middle ages any priest could use by saying, “That’s not what it says in the Bible.”
However, any person who has spent even the slightest bit of time in Bible studies knows that there is a rich intellectual tradition and that the interpretation of the words of the Bible, considering cultural traditions at the time, as well as the different and imprecise translations of words and concepts, can take up a lifetime. Just as any Talmudic scholar.
My point is that any person who wants to settle an argument by saying “it’s science” or “That’s not what it says in the Bible” is probably a moron and you should probably find another place to sit in the bar. Continue reading “Science” and the Causes of Autism…
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Yesterday, Kent Heckenlively JD, in a poignant article titled “The Coming War and its Aftermath” pointed out the frustrations of trying to solve the vaccine damage issue in North America. He was right on…
One of the strangest things I have ever come across in my 72 years is the way health care is handled in the United States. It is not a business, nor a social issue. It has become the State Religion.
The State Religion? Yup…
For instance, if our health care system ran our computer industry, starting way back, we’d all, now, be using the equivalent of #2 pencils. They would cost $42,000 each, and you would need a license, and special permission (after adequate studies were performed) to use the eraser.
Eight Universities would share ownership of the pencil patents, and 2,348 peer-reviewed studies would have been done, associated with 258 Universities world-wide, proving that the lead in the pencils did NOT cause damage in school children. All pencils would secretly be made in China for less than one cent each. Continue reading The Opposition to the SB 277 Lawsuit is SHOCKED We Would Even Question Their Authority…
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While the people of California have some challenging times ahead of them in the fight for health freedom, there are folks that are gathering and willing to work together with TRANSPARENCY and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
(1) The meeting was significant in a number of ways. First, the participants agreed to cooperate under the umbrella of the newly formed Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC).
The rationale was that a large umbrella organization acting cooperatively would be more influential, by virtue of their greater numbers, at the state legislature than a number of smaller groups, and simultaneously would be less vulnerable to attacks by the trade union organizations seeking to monopolize various segments of the health care field.
(2) Second, since the THFC would be the actor of record, the credit for victories and advances would be shared among the groups as a coalition. Each group would play its own meaningful role, and it was agreed that no single group would claim primary credit. As Radhia so aptly stated, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
(3) Third, our interactions among the groups would be transparent. While each group would, of course, continue to operate within their own governing structure, their THFC-related activities and decisions would be visible to all. No behind-the-scenes jockeying for advantage, no intramural squabbles, and no ego trips.
(4) Fourth, the groups agreed to work together on issues of common interest, with no public criticism of another group’s individual organizational agendas. Those common interest items were two: advancing health freedom of choice legislation in Texas and opposing the Texas dietitians who, as it turned out, had betrayed the clinical nutritionists and were now pursuing exclusionary licensing legislation benefiting only themselves.
Additionally, every one of the Texas leaders attending that meeting did so in their collective capacity as volunteers. There were no professional state level organizational leaders, which meant that no one had an overriding personal (i.e., economic) agenda.
The final agenda item was the selection of the THFC chair. To my surprise, I was asked to fill that position. In hindsight, it made sense. The combination of my military/organizational background and the equally important fact that I represented no organization other than one advocating strictly for health freedom meant that I could assume the role of honest broker, should any intramural disputes arise.
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There is no question that this SB 277 case will go all the way to the United States Supreme Court. It is designed to do exactly that. The issues argued in it are THAT important to the American scene.
So, get ready for a knock-down, drag-out fight, with those, within our government system, and private drug corporations, who believe that THEY own our bodies, and our children’s bodies, and that THEY, the government of the moment and their corporate cronies, can do whatever THEY want to any American, at any time they choose.
The people we are up against believe in total control of our lives, with THEM making all of the decisions for, and about, us.
It is, if you think about it, the SAME argument coming forward in our Presidential election. Establishment Hillary Clinton is all about BIG Government running us all, and Trump is about bringing the REAL America, economy and all, with its Constitution, back to life.
The fact is that the next US President will decide who fills the empty seats on that US Supreme Court – and will make a difference what kind of Supreme Court we will be standing in front of with our SB 277 case.
So, people, four days ago we were a little anxious about what would happen with the implementation of SB 277. Today, we have landed at Normandy, so-to-speak. Now we need to fight our way into the enemy’s heartland, and take it away from them. Can we do that? Yup…
The Cavalry Has Arrived…
So let’s talk about the upcoming battle.
Now that the lawsuit attacking SB 277 has been filed with the San Diego Federal Court (last Friday, July 1st 2016) it goes into the system.
On Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 it will be given a case number, and will be assigned to a specific Judge, who’s Staff will put it on the schedule for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) action.
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I have here, on my desk, a DRAFT copy of the lawsuit to be filed tomorrow, Friday, July 1st, 2016 against SB277 in California. I can’t show you a copy of the final version until the exact moment it is filed. I am sworn to secrecy.
But, There ARE some things I can tell you right now:
(1) My friend Diane Miller JD, sometime Author for the BolenReport, and the head of the Health Freedom Congress, is flying in from Minnesota tomorrow to attend, and speak at, the Santa Monica Rally organized by Wendy Silvers. She will speak on the details of the lawsuit. Go there to hear what she has to say.
(2) I can tell you the names of the attorneys involved and tell you what I know about them. You will be pleased.
(3) I can tell you the basic outline of the case – what the points are, and why the attorneys are going in THOSE SPECIFIC directions. Once again, you will be pleased.
(4) I can tell you WHY there was so much secrecy in the organization of the case – and why I agreed with that tactic.
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By Peter McCarthy ND – Chairman Texas Health Freedom Coalition
If you pay regular attention to virtually any media organization in this country, from time to time (very infrequently!) you may encounter an obscure story about how the influence of money has negatively impacted the quality of scientific research in virtually every field of science.
Those of us who are chronologically advantaged (read that: old!) can remember when that was not the case. In the 1970s and before, much scientific research was conducted in government laboratories. Perhaps more important, regardless of where government-funded research was conducted, none of the researchers or their organizations could profit from the results of that research.
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It had to happen sooner or later. BolenReport Authors and articles are first rate, so, of course we attracted an official Roman Catholic Church Saint to write for us…
Let us consider the picture: Disease is something that happens that nobody likes. It can be very dangerous. Every year, untold lives are ended prematurely and unpleasantly because of disease.
What can be done to prevent disease is a question pondered by people of medicine since time began.
No one likes to get sick, no parent likes to see their child suffer, diseases can be dangerous—and, with the vaccine, science today claims to have found an approach that fulfills its expressed purpose. Because of what they tell us, the public has grown to not question the holy sacrament of vaccination. Indeed, neither have the scientists, who are currently working on hundreds more vaccines intended to be “fast tracked” upon the public (1). Vaccines are credited with the eradication of many diseases. But let’s take a closer look at what has actually happened. What do the facts really tell us? What have we not been told?
Are Vaccines Necessary?
Injecting foreign proteins into the human body is a medical intervention. We know that medical error constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States. (2) With the convenience of the internet and readily available information, word is getting out. Medical science doesn’t have all the answers.Continue reading Why Do We Need Vaccines?
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Under the guise of protecting the immunocompromised, last year the California State Legislature passed senate bill 277 and senate bill 792.
Senate bill 277 took away people’s informed consent rights by eliminating the personal and religious belief exemptions for the vaccines required for a public and private education.
Senate bill 792, also targeted adults, which includes; preschool teachers, day care workers and parent volunteers, for removal of informed consent rights, in regards to compulsory vaccination.
The MOST ABHORRENT part of this whole usurping of parental AND adult rights, was the claim that the immunocompromised, need UNRELIABLE, UNSCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN Vaccine-Induced HERD IMMUNITY for their protection.
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I am NOT supportive of the case filed by T. Matthew Phillips. At first I thought to give it a chance, since there didn’t seem to be much else coming forward. But then I watched Phillips’s performance on the various FaceBook groups attacking people I know. Enough said.
Then too, the primary proponent for the case, Sharon Brown, and her performance, to me, lacks a whole lot. A whole lot…
In short, I recommend that everyone just give this package a wide berth. There are other battles to get involved in.
IS there anything else?
Yes, there is something I know is in the works, but I am not going to be specific. Why? Because I promised I would not reveal stuff. Am I in favor of what I am hearing, so far? Yes. Continue reading About Those Lawsuits Against SB 277…
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For those of you whom I don’t know, and don’t know me, I have the privilege of chairing the Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC), recognized as the largest state level natural health advocacy organization in the United States, with over 50,000 natural health practitioners and advocates from over 20 organizations affiliated with our group.
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The one REALLY GOOD thing that came out of the passing of California’s Mandatory Vaccine bill SB277 is that it pissed-off and woke-up, a giant political entity. And that entity woke up in a VERY BAD MOOD.
Prior to SB277 certain people were “concerned” about vaccines. Why? EVERYONE knows someone with a vaccine-severely-injured child.
After SB277 “concerned” turned to “very informed” and “keep your needles away from my child you asshole..” thinking.
There hasn’t been such a national political movement since the Vietnam War protests in the 1960s.
And, just like in the Vietnam War protest days, the campaigns are getting more and more sophisticated every day. Why? Because the protesters are SMART people. It is the SMART people who first woke up to the fact that the US Vaccine programs, both Childhood, and Adult, are a massive, murderous, money-making hoax. Continue reading California Legislators Can Run – But They Can’t Hide…
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DISCRIMINATION is a dirty word in politics today. California, generally a very liberal state, tends to FROWN UPON Discrimination.
So Why are Countless Vaccine Damaged Children and Their Families Facing DISCRIMINATION when it comes to a PRIVATE or PUBLIC EDUCATION?
And why would Democrats, the supposed party of CARE and CONCERN, encourage DISCRIMINATION against vulnerable, defenseless, vaccine-injured children and their families?
The California Democratic Party voted last year to include FORCED VACCINATION MANDATES as part of their party platform.
Democratic California State Senator Richard Pan has allegedly been at the forefront of this DISCRIMINATION; that also includes, Hate Speech Attacks on Vaccine-Injured Children and their Families.
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The Honourable Jane Philpott
Minister of Health
Parliament Buildings,
Ottawa, ON K1A OA6
Dear Honourable Minister Philpott,
Re: Conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the Meningitis Death of their Son
First, please allow me to say how grateful I am for the many positive ways in which your government has been restoring Canadian values and the Canada I have always believed in.
I am writing to you with very grave concerns about the state of the healthcare system in Canada. I am not referring to surgery wait-times or a shortage of family physicians, I am referring to the fundamental basis on which medicine is being practiced in Canada, and the dangerous role that pharmaceutical companies are now playing.
With the recent conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the tragic death of their son from meningitis, it is clear that our entire medical establishment, with the support of government, media and the courts, has become beholden to the pharmaceutical industry.
Nineteen month old Ezekiel Stephan’s death from meningitis is a story that is all too familiar. However, it is usually medical professionals who make the news for missing the correct diagnosis and failing to act quickly enough to save their patients. When parents or victims themselves fail to react to the symptoms in time, it is more common but less newsworthy. We never hear about them being charged with negligence causing death or failing to provide the necessaries of life. Continue reading Open Letter to Canada’s Health Minister re: the Conviction of David and Collet Stephan in the Death of their Son
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Do you remember that old “science” experiment where a frog immediately jumps out of a pot of boiling water when placed directly into that boiling water?
However, when the frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the temperature of the water is very slowly raised to a boil, the frog stays in the pot and boils to death?
At this point, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with California, vaccine mandates, and BOUGHT, Pharmaceutical-owned politicians?
Stay with me here.
Imagine now that the frog is the public at large, the boiling water represents vaccine mandates and the Pharmaceutical Industry; and the cold water represents the California State government.
This is ALL very good imagery to explain HOW the Pharmaceutical companies became so entangled and enmeshed within the California State government.
Like the frog being brought to a boil, slowly, the California public has been led to forced vaccination medical experimentation and mandates.
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Once again, parents of the vaccine injured, advocates and activists, health care providers, practitioners, and speakers are gearing up, as they have for the last 14 years, for the AutismOne 2016 Conference.
AutismOne is one of the most progressive of autism or health- related educational conferences by telling parents, physicians, and the public what really happened to cause the autism epidemic and other health conditions in children.
The CDC tells us that 1 child in 68 has autism and that 1 in 7 American children ages 2-8 have a mental, behavioral, or developmental problem, but they don’t tell people why, so that something positive can be done. The AutismOne conference goes on to tell attendees what can be done to protect the health of our children and where there’s already a diagnosis, how we can recover health and skills. Continue reading What’s Really Going On At AutismOne?
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Whew!! The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress was the best ever and leaders are continuing to strengthen the unified voice of health freedom! Thank you to all those leaders and organizations who participated this year, and greetings to those leaders who could not make it but will be joining us in the future. We here at NHFC are working on drafting an overall summary of the Congress to send out to a large public database like we do each year for our NHFC website. However I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you, and we are looking forward to our future work together.
A special note to all of you: The NHFC Board of Directors has made a decision to host the Congress in 2015 and we are now in the discussion of location and dates and program beginnings. If there are people interested in the design of the next Congress please contact me directly at [email protected]. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…
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With, literally, Millions of Health Freedom Fighters operating; handling political, government, health care, practitioner, and product issues, sometimes it just becomes something that is just there, like a mountain range by the sea.
So, let’s talk about the Health Freedom Congress of 2014, held at Hamline University in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 26th and 27th, with a “Meet and Greet” held on the 25th at the Hilton Airport Hotel. There were NO doldrums here – for more than one reason. There was even drama. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Flies… Doldrums Disappear at 2014 Event…
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I was five days, four nights, at the Chicago events – first the National Health Freedom Coalition on Wednesday night, and Thursday, then the Health Freedom Expo on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thank the Lord I can sleep on airplanes. One minute I’m leaving Chicago, the next I’m climbing down the rear staircase at Jet Blue’s Long Beach Terminal.
The Coalition meeting was interesting to say the least, and a lot was accomplished. I’m not going to say what all, just yet, but it was good seeing everyone once again. Continue reading Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries…
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As my readers know there has been an effort to form alliances between the North American Health Freedom movement and the Autism world. It is succeeding…
Both the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo and AutismOne worked well together. And now we are heading for the third, and fourth, collaborations – both in Chicago. Continue reading Two Important Events…
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In early March of this year a trial coalition was formed between the North American Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents. The first combined group meeting occurred at the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo, March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2012, and it was a huge, high energy success.
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