Why Have The Democrats Stopped The Rain in California?
More – Why Are They Burning The Forests, Turning Off The Water To The Farmers, Force-Vaccinating The Population, Shutting Down The California Economy With “Covid-19 Shutdowns,” Demonizing White People, Battering The Homeless, Letting All The Violent Criminals Out of Jail, Subsidizing Illegal Aliens, etc.?
Easy answer – They are quickly converting the State from Capitalism to a Globalist Communism.
They have already stopped the California rains with Geo-engineering…
Everyone on Planet Earth knows California is burning. I am going to show you two relatively short videos. Both, together, will show you why that is happening.
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The various citizen-journalists posting at the Bolen Report have covered growing censorship implemented by Big Tech’s Social Media. Tim Bolen’s message “Social Media — the Crash is Coming.” tells us —
“…get yourselves all the Social Media Accounts you need to be ELSEWHERE. And take your friends with you. Be part of the destruction. Smile.”
So here is how to set up two of the recommended, free Alt Social Media (we’ll provide information on others in future postings).
[1] Minds.com — Minds is a fast-growing, uncensored social media which uses its own blockchain tokens as internal currency to promote your messages. Tim and I have had some interesting conversations with Minds’ founder. He is strongly anti-censorship. In some ways it operates like Facebook.
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Because Liberals Are Not Just Afraid of Us – They Are Literally TERRIFIED…
And they should be. They“Bet The Farm…” And We Are The Bank.
Opinion By “Even More Deplorable Than Ever Before” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
I don’t even bother to turn on network news anymore, after the so-called 2020 presidential election. Every time I accidentally fall onto one of their channels I sit there, for a few moments, thinking I must have tuned into one of those far-out science fiction programs where the “Brave New World” futuristic government cranks out the daily propaganda everyone (Bravos, Deltas and Epsilons) is/are supposed to accept as fact.
But one very important thing is clear. These news people are TERRIFIED. Their supposed news stories are so “OUT THERE” you have to wonder if someone is after them with a net – so as to return them to the loony bin.
But, guess what? It doesn’t take you long to figure out that these people actually believe their own garbage. They are REALLY into it.
If any of us were able to, or even wanted to, sneak into CNN’s building and got near the program production department to yell out loudly “There are twenty Trump Supporters in the building…” I think every employee in there would need a sudden change of underwear. Many probably already are dependent on “Depends…”
It is called “Catastrophic Thinking…” and, it, officially, is all there is to 2021 liberal thinking.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Here at the BolenReport we are known for being way out ahead of many issues, explaining what is really going on long before most thinkers have found where they left their coffee cups. We were way out ahead on the delivery of the Covid-19 hoax as the destruction tool for everything American.
Unfortunately, we are even further out ahead on what will be the results of Presidential Election 2020, with Biden as President. America is finished as a world power. The Democrats are not America oriented – they are globalists, and the destruction of everything “America”was and is, their goal and objective.
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Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Very good sources are telling me that our presidential candidate Donald Trump really did win the US presidential election in a landslide, and the after-poll-hours ballot shenanigans of the Democrats were completely expected, monitored, and will now be exposed. I am about to show you how Democrats walked right into a sting operation.
If any, or all of this is true, then the US Democratic Party is no longer a political party. It has become a crime syndicate.
We’ll start with some videos.
The first video came to me this morning, and it, I think, may be the beginning of the end of the US Democratic Party. I will show it to you first.
I was sent two other very interesting videos a few days ago.
The second video I am going to show you was an interview by The War Room’s Owen Shroyer of a guy I know of named Steve Piecenik. It was about president Trump’s teams setting a trap for the Democratic Party rigging voter ballots in States they control.
The third video was a detailed exposé of the Democrats attempt to violently take over Washington DC should Trump be reelected.
I am going to show all three of them.
(1) We’ll start with Fox News Maria Bartiroma’s two minute interview of Sidney Powell, the attorney for General Michael Flynn.
It’s short and it speaks for itself. It says: “Yes, there was MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD.”
My informants tell me that Trump’s people know how the voter fraud was done and they are closing in.
(2) Who is Steve Piecenik? Is he credentialed?
Yes, very much so…
Many of you will remember him for his work with author Tom Clancy developing certain series.
You can find his complete bio here. But first look at this excerpt:
“Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University, trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.
He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan. Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses. Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed. He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.
Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.
Dr. Pieczenik was the principal International Crisis Manager and Hostage Negotiator under Secretaries Kissinger and Vance. During this time he developed conflict resolution techniques that were instrumental in saving over five hundred hostages in different terrorist episodes, including the Hanafi Muslim Siege in Washington, DC, the TWA Croatian Hijacking, the Aldo Moro Kidnapping, the JRA Hijacking, the PLO Hijacking, and many other incidents involving terrorists such as Idi Amin, Muammar Quaddafi, Carlos, FARC, Abu Nidal and Saddam Hussein. Based on these experiences, Dr. Pieczenik, along with other senior officials at the State Department developed the mandate to create Delta Force and other quick-strike special forces units that could be used in future hostage situations and international crises. Dr. Pieczenik resigned over President Carter’s handling of the Iran Hostage siege. He was recruited by Dr. Richard Solomon to the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA to develop the strategy and tactics using the principles of psychological warfare to dismantle the Soviet Union without the use of military force.
He was subsequently recruited into the Reagan Policy Planning Staff at the State Department. While at the State Department, Dr. Pieczenik was tasked with creating and implementing regime change in Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega. As a result, General Noriega repeatedly accused Dr. Pieczenik in the Panamanian newspaper, La Critica, of being an “assassin” and neutralizing several of Noriega’s associates. This is a charge Dr. Pieczenik neither confirms nor denies…”
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Activist Tim Bolen
If I were to try to assemble a list of Planet Earth’s top “Anti-Vaxxers” for the purpose of giving awards I’d have to first get a Grant from some trillionaire Foundation just to get the trophies made up.
The Awards Ceremony, with speeches, would go on longer than the combined Democratic and Republican Conventions. The “Anti-Vaxxer” movement is THAT big, and within its ranks you will find the world’s finest people.
Of course here at the BolenReport we have our own Kent Heckenlively JD, who we have labeled, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, “The World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer.”We did that to bait the opposition and lure them into strange positions – and the fools walked right into our minefields. Australia (grin here) publicly banned his book tour.
Activism can be fun when you can get your opposition to look, and act, like the original “Keystone Cops…”
I’d give a Top “Anti-Vaxxer” Award (Special Circumstances) to California Senator Richard Pan…
Why? Because Dicky Pan did MORE to focus the “Anti-Vaxxer”Movement than anyone else – he SO ANGERED concerned citizens when he forced through California Senate Bill #277 (SB277). His arrogance was unmatched. His absolute uncaring attitude about children was a GIFT to the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement. For…
He evoked a community rage…
Pan, single-handedly, increased the “Anti-Vaxxer”ranks a thousand-fold almost overnight. His continued activities, including his treatment of others, was probably the biggest growth factor of the now completely global “Anti-Vaxxer”Movement.
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The events of the last weeks taken together with the mounting evidence that “Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark” bring one inescapably to the conclusion that humanity as a whole has been subjected to the biggest fraud ever attempted and that this is planned to continue as the “justification” for killing about half of the world’s population.
It began more than ten years ago as witnessed by the results of research in Switzerland, echoed by others in the USA, that all those showing a positive Covid-19 test had received a ‘flu vaccination during the preceding ten years.
After a “vaccine” had been patented, Dr. Death (Tony Fauci) began prophesying the new pandemic. (A technique which he had used many times previously.)
In the Autumn of 2019, a world-wide test-exercise was run on controlling the narrative about the forthcoming “pandemic” and how the Tech Giants, Google, Twitter and Facebook together with CNN, BBC, et. al., were to play a pivotal role in preventing truth reaching the public at large.
The six minute video below shows how they organized the world takeover last October 2019…
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Few People Ever Expected The “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement to Get This Big, This Powerful, This Connected, This Influential…
But it did, and for good reason…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
When you turn on the nightly news every night this last week you see something VERY unusual. You see the reactions of the globalists/socialists to the simple fact that they have lost control of the social dialogue in America and in Western Civilization.. So they are resorting to looting and destruction of America’s cities, in an attempt to get attention and re-assert their old power through fear.
And, it is NOT working.
Instead, we, as a society, are gearing up to subject them, and their funding and organizing sources, to mass arrest and incarceration using the 1807 Insurrection Act.
America’s conservatives have awakened.
I have been saying to my friends for quite a while now:
“It is NOT the liberals in this country who are the problem. It is WE – the conservatives.
Why? Because WE, the conservatives, are the adults in this conversation. WE are the ones that let the liberals get away with this crap all this time while we sat here in our complacency playing with our expensive adult toys.
WE, the conservatives, know how to act. We know what has to be done. We know who has to be bitch-slapped into proper behavior. What are we all waiting for?
When dealing with the liberal progressives it is like dealing with your own teenagers. There comes a time when you have to take away the car keys.”
It has become VERY obvious that the “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement has adopted this paradigm in their processing of their efforts to destroy the evil vaccine (drug) industry.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Of course the whole “Covid-19” thing is a massive hoax. People all over the country are figuring that out. It is a massive, well organized attack on America and Western Civilization. All of the evidence of this collusion is starting to leak out, and best of all, it failed. In fact, it is working completely against the globalists who are/were behind it.
One of the most horrifying things is the intentional killing of our older members of society – those trapped in Nursing Homes where they could not get away…
…just to create numbers of deaths quickly so as to justify the complete shutdown of not just the US economy, but activist gatherings that challenged globalist thinking – like “Mandatory Vaccinations for all.”
Everyone knew, from information coming from China, early on, that people in Nursing Homes were at risk, but Democratic State Governors DID nothing to protect our aged loved ones who needed help. In fact they did the opposite. They isolated “THE HEALTHY.”
Why were the Democrats isolating “THE HEALTHY?” For an answer look at their first, and most important shutdown targets – churches, and any other places NORMAL people gather to see each other. For sure the liberals wanted to prevent “Trump Rallies” from happening.
They also needed to prevent the MASSIVE “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement from visiting local State, and Federal, elected representatives…
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Kent Heckenlively – “Banned in Australia – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” SO TERRIFIES Liberal Media they can’t say his name, or the name of the book “Plague of Corruption.”
When one is young and reads about crusading writers or journalists who change the world, you never really expect that’s going to happen to you, right?
Yes, you want to be a writer, but to believe you’re going to make that much of an impact, well, let’s just say even my ego isn’t that big.
And yet on Sunday afternoon I started receiving messages that Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press”had denounced my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without expressly mentioning the name of the book.
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Maybe I’m naive, but I’ve always believed in good people from many different backgrounds coming together in a common cause for the betterment of humanity. I know that makes me a little unique among most leaders today, who seem to prefer some sort of rigid conformity.
Not me. Give me the mutts and the mongrels of good character. I’m Catholic. What of the rest of my family? Christians of different denominations, atheist, Jewish, even Muslim. And I love them all.
For most of the past ten years I feel as if I’ve carried the burden of the Dr. Judy Mikovits story. Yes, I know she has many admirers, but there’s a certain skill set in being able to tell a story, to craft a narrative against the oppressive system of control put in place by Big Pharma. People are held hostage by this system, and they don’t even realize it. It’s ever worse than Stockholm Syndrome, where hostages start to identify with their kidnappers.
In this instance, most of humanity doesn’t even realize they’ve been taken hostage by Big Pharma.
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I don’t have a tally of how many times the pharmaceutical cartel has done this over the last century but I do remember eight such events from about 1964 to 2009.
How many more there were is of little interest and, at the time, I, along with most other people simply ignored the propaganda. This wasn’t good enough for the pharmaceutical cartel and the bankers who own it; they want everyone to take every so-called vaccine that they’ve ever manufactured.
The marketing problem that they have is that there is no hard evidence that the viruses which they are supposed to render harmless even exist!
All is guesswork, supposition and assumption: In 2016, Germany’s highest court ruled that these do not qualify as evidence because they are not demonstrable facts. There is a further problem in that all epidemiological evidence shows uniformly that the only discernible effect of vaccination is to spread and to cause disease (see https://www.tprip.com ). As it became clear that ever more people were becoming aware of this, it was clear to them that they would have to do something enormous or lose billions in profit.
Coronadaisy is their chosen method. Hereby, we must note a few things:-
1. There are over 1100 different putative Corona “viruses”.
2. The Corona tests will give a positive reading no matter which one it “finds”, i.e. the so-called test is NOT specific for COVID-19.
3. Coronadaisy is one of the many known ‘flu variants; it is known to be an especially mild ‘flu form.
4. The Corona “viruses” have been well-known for at least ten years.
5. Every year, between 290.000 and 500.000 aged and infirm people die whilst going through the ‘flu process, i.e. their systems were on the verge of collapse with other illnesses and the ‘flu was just too much.
6. Even including the false figures dictated by the pharmaceutical cartel and the satanic sect which controls it (also via the satanic temple in the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin) the present (16.00 on Thursday 9th April) death toll is only 229.381 – less than half that for a bad ‘flu year.
7. ‘Flu is not an illness but a natural detoxification process. This is why you feel lighter and look younger following a bout of ‘flu.
8. The so-called “viruses” are wastes which your own body produces as part of the detoxification process, i.e. they do NOT come from outside of you.
Colds and ‘flu are the most common minor maladies right around the world. Each season brings forth a slightly different “virus” as, each Winter, different problems are being resolved. This makes ‘flu an ideal scaremongering tool because it gives the possibility to claim that “this year’s variant” is a brand new super-deadly one.
(The apparent contradiction to this, “Spanish ‘Flu” which did kill possibly as many as 50 million people, was, as Dr. John Bergman has made very clear, a direct result of mass-vaccination…
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Day by day we see the death rate from Corona-whatever rapidly falling: Not merely in Germany where it has now fallen to 0.563% but also in other countries which have been carrying out mass-testing over the last 2 weeks. There are very good reasons for this.
The Corona test is unspecific, i.e.it will register a positive if any of the hundreds of Corona type “viruses” are detected.
Almost all of us have most common “viruses” present in our bodies but which do nothing because they have no recycling job to do. If you just happened to have one single Corona “virus” in your body and the test swab happened to get it, you now have no such “virus” in your body but your test will still be positive!
The test gives no information at all about the density of “viruses” present. It needs millions to “make you ill” but your test will still be positive even if you have just one.
Further than this, the tests are not for the “virus” itself, but for the “antibodies” which, according to medical theory, are proof that your own natural immune system has destroyed the virus!
So a “positive” test means that your natural immune system is working properly and you are not ill. You are then, nonetheless, imprisoned for the crime of being healthy!
Because of these unspecific tests, we have a steadily rising number of “infected” against a falling number of ‘flu related illness and deaths as the annual ‘flu season comes to a close.
In the United Kingdom, such tests indicate that at least 60% of the population is “infected” without presenting any symptoms of illness and, in view of this, many medical experts are advocating the immediate lifting of the house arrest under which most people are presently living in order to facilitate the rapid attainment of natural “herd immunity”.
It cannot be stressed too strongly here that many of the typical annual ‘flu related deaths are being reclassified as CoronaVirus deaths with no medical justification whatsoever.
Quoted to me as a typical case was a woman in Lombardy (the region in Italy which has always had the highest numbers of annual deaths) with terminal lung cancer who, for bureaucratic reasons, was tested and found to be positive with one of the Corona viruses. On her death certificate is written COVID-19 as cause of death although the cancer had killed her and no test for the presence of COVID-19 exists!
We should also note that Lombardy, as with Wuhan, has high levels of industrial air pollution which has, for years, made this a hot-spot for respiratory illnesses.
Add to this the 5G which changes the oxygen molecules in the air so that your blood cannot absorb them and has been widely rolled out in Lombardy and we have a European Wuhan.
Then we have the enormous disparity between the claims about the numbers of people being hospitalised and the reality on the ground.
I have been told of one hospital in Bavaria of which it was said that they had run out of space, that patients were lying in the corridors and the doctors and nurses were working continuous 12 hours shifts.
When a journalist went there to get the story first hand and some pictures, medical personnel were complaining of the boredom because they had nothing to do and many had been sent home due to the lack of work. The same is the case with most other hospitals where day to day treatments have been cancelled to make way for the flood of Corona patients which have never arrived and now never will.
This video (in German with English sub-titles) tells the story and more besides.
The detailed statistics on the European Monitoring of excess Mortality website https://www.euromomo.eu/index.html make abundantly plain that the ‘flu death rate (including the fabulous COVID-19) is, with the small exception of Italy, at or below normal. I.e. the real figures show that there is no “dangerous disease” going around! Italy is the exception because it has an ageing population which is, of course, more susceptible to ‘flu related deaths. Nonetheless, the (now rapidly falling) death rate has not come near the rate recorded in 2016 – the last major problem with seasonal ‘flu.
Especially noteworthy is that the accumulated ‘flu death rate in the entire United Kingdom is way below average and so any justification for the draconian measures being imposed upon us is completely missing.
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When my mother was preparing her will she came to a curious decision. “Kent,” she said, “there’s a section in which I have to name a person to decide, if I’m incapacitated, whether heroic measures should be made to save my life. I think your father and brother would get too emotional about it. But I think you’d make the rational choice.”
Kind of a dubious honor, don’t you think? Getting to decide whether your mother lives or dies? And does this mean I was her favorite? Luckily, we had a family discussion and decided it would be a group decision between the three of us.
I tell this story to underscore the point that throughout most of my life I’ve been regarded as the calm, rational one. A nickname for me in the family is “the diplomat” because of my ability to see both sides of a dispute, and not offer offense to anybody.
Which is why it was absolutely puzzling to me when I started raising questions about the harm from vaccines, so many of my friends and family acted like I’d gone completely nuts. After all, what happened to the previous thirty-nine years of being the calm, rational, honest to a fault person?
Which is why when I read Malcolm Gladwell’s recent book, it was as if a light went off in my head. The main question raised in his book is why interactions with people often go spectacularly wrong.
One of the most interesting parts of the book was his discussion of the disgraced financier, Bernie Madoff, who stole billions from investors. It should have been an open and shut-case. Madoff was reporting consistent returns for his clients, regardless of what the stock market was doing. Could he really be that good? I mean, is there anything more black and white than a balance sheet?
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Millions of Parents Of Vaccine-Damaged Children Want To Know…
Opinion By “Deplorable, Smelly, WalMart Shopper” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We live in interesting times…
The valiant “Anti-Vaxxer” community, operating across Planet Earth, dedicated to saving humanity from the clutches of the Big Pharma globalist conspiracy, smashing their way through Big Pharma’s propaganda machinations, have made, and proven, something very important…
Big Pharma OWNS the US Democratic Party outright…
Heroic “Anti-Vaxxers” throwing themselves against Big Pharma’s social and political barricades, have driven Pharma stooges to desperation – We have forced them to come out in the open, and the smell is/was as expected.
We forced them to play the cards we wanted them to play right here, and right now – Pharma tried the “Mandatory Vaccine” gambit, hoping against hope that by implementing “Mandatory Vaccines” where they completely control the dialogue (or where they THOUGHT they controlled it) they could reverse the massive “Anti-Vaxxer” worldwide gains. But…
The “Blue Pill” failed to give them the political erection they needed…
There is no question that the now completely Socialist/Marxist, US Democratic Party is on the ropes.
They should be – for they offer NOTHING to the American public except HATRED for normal Americans. The idea that we, the NORMAL Americans, would vote for, and install in office, a President (Donald Trump) that ACTUALLY LISTENS to our American needs, and ACTS on our concerns, drives these Socialist/Marxists right up the wall. To them we are all supposed to be OBEDIENT…
Big Pharma, and their wholly owned US Democratic Party have been stopped TWICE now in their, what they thought, were their bastions of liberalism, in their efforts towards national “Mandatory Vaccines…”
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Although this has been staring me in the face for a long time, I have held myself back from writing about it as it is not only “invisible” to many but also “unthinkable” to many more.
What is to me very obvious and should, by their actions, be very obvious to others but, for some rationalisation, appears not to be.
I know that it’s probably not very helpful to mention it here but, in Germany, I’ve done this several times on television just before an election:
From a photo, without a name, I have been able to accurately describe the character, abilities and suitability for office of political candidates. Such is one of the “normal” abilities which everyone possesses but, through religious indoctrination, suppresses. It’s not that you have to learn anything new in order to do it; you only need to forget that you can’t do it and then practice, practice, practice.
Almost exclusively amongst Democrats whom, you will note, make the most ridiculous assertions and promote policies that would kill millions and destroy the livelihood of many millions more is this very visible.
The (to me) plain fact is that these people are not themselves.
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Folks, understand this…..the Anti-Vax Movement is now at ground zero in the global fight for preserving our individual sovereignty as human beings. For the first time, the true colors of Big Pharma and their partners, the Marxists, have been revealed. This past week, all was laid bare by Del Bigtree in his TV show called High Wire. The episode called “Calipharma” is a must watch. It is available for viewing here:
This episode covers the key elements of what we are up against.
The California legislature has just passed an even more draconian law to force all parents to vaccinate their kids without any way out. Standing in the wings is legislation to force all adults to be fully vaccinated or they will not be able to get drivers licenses or conduct business of any kind where you are required to show an ID.
On Del’s show, you will see highlights of the demonstrations of ordinary people trying a last ditch effort to stop the bill. You will also see an extended interview with a mother whose child died from a vaccine and how the Minnesota public health department is trying to intimidate her and refuses to provide autopsy evidence so she can go to Vaccine Court to make a claim.
Del has a lengthy interview with Jefferey Jaxen of the Jaxen Report going over the key details regarding all the lawsuits being brought against Opioid drug manufacturers. Dozens of states attorneys general are suing and forcing huge settlements and/or bankruptcies for lying about the safety of these drugs. Purdue Pharma, a family held company, is declaring bankruptcy and the Sackler family who control Purdue are also being sued. You can google for major stories covered by mainstream press for even more details. Reuters and The Washington Post are just two.
Del also included the press briefing on the game changing lawsuit the Oklahoma Attorney General, Mike Hunter, has just won against the Johnson & Johnson drug company, the kingpin source of Opioid ingredients for drug makers selling Opioid drugs.
While the great wall of silence about the dangers of vaccines still exists in the public square, it too, may fall soon.
Del included a short out-take of a public meeting called by Oklahoma legislators to force a public discussion about the safety of vaccines. You’ll see Del confronting health department officials with the lies they have been telling to promote vaccine mandates. Yes, I said, public discussion with Del speaking truth!!!!! AT THE OK CAPITOL! In front of God and everybody!
Just so you know, Oklahoma is unique in this country due to our state constitution.
People here have much more power than in other states. In 1920, this situation provided ordinary Oklahoma citizens an opportunity to reject an attempt by Big Pharma, through its drug-promoting medical trade group, the American Medical Association, to create a monopoly like they have in all other states.
The politics of this referendum started with the first legislature in 1908 and through various political twists and turns over the years, anti-monopoly forces never gave up. It took 12 years to win the fight. By statewide referendum, the people of Oklahoma voted, by over 46,000 votes, to reject Big Pharma. The essence of the argument was and still is as follows:
Said bill is the natural progeny of a gigantic “trust” that by fastening its tentacles, octopus-like, upon the very vitals of society, dominates the religious life and the policies of the country, largely, and without whose kindly (?) office and ministrations none DARE to be born, hope to live or presume to die.Under this bill, if it becomes law, the people of Oklahoma cannot live, move nor have any sort of being, without the control, absolute domination, of the “Allopath Medical Trust.”
Since then, Chiropractors and all other Drugless Practitioners as they were called back then, have been freed from the grip of Big Pharma and its trade group, the AMA. We Okies are blessed with open access to all the drugless healing modalities anybody could possibly want, including Indian Medicine Men some of whom have offices on main street for people of all cultures to consult.
One of the topics Del discussed is the role of the Democratic Party as being the promoters of Big Pharma’s drive to create ironclad vaccine mandates state by state.
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And At Least ONE Democratic Party 2020 Presidential Candidate Is Working With Them Openly, And Directly…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Many people in the English-speaking-world hear the words surrounding the concept of “Globalism,” but few have examples of what that concept means exactly. I am about to explain it and give you a very strong example – the relationship between Big Pharma, Mainland Communist China and US Health Care policy.
In earlier articles on the BolenReport our writer from Europe, Karma Singhexplained the relationship between Big Pharma, Germany, the European Union, and Big Banks controlling world currency. Karma’s important articles, found here make for an interesting explanation of Big Pharma’s attempted stranglehold of Europe. Karma didn’t pull any punches…
So now, let’s go over to Asia…
The relationship between Big Pharma and Mainland Communist China…
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“What Can We, As the Anti-Vax Movement, SPECIFICALLY DO to WIN the Vaccine War?”
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Considering the ACTUAL situation I am going to lay out a simple course of action that involves a simple strategy and even simpler tactics.
Will this strategy, and the individual tactics work? Absolutely. Why? Because the “Ant-Vax” Movement is ALMOST there.
Considering that there are literally millions of people in the world-wide “Anti-Vax” Movement HOW will this solution work? It will work BECAUSE there ARE so many of us.
When someone like me (a Crisis Management Consultant) designs a campaign the VERY FIRST consideration is “What is the makeup of our own fighting force?” For instance, in a war, if the enemy has a huge Navy, and we don’t, we are NOT going to engage in a naval war. We are going to arrange a different battlefield – one where WE have the advantage.
What is OUR advantage? Sheer numbers of REALLY PISSED OFF activists that are smart, innovative people. People who are DONE being nice. We have people who are trained to address legislators, and the media, NICELY, and we have those who, like the liberals do, can SPIT on legislators and the media, screaming at them, if we have to. And we have those who know how to get the public’s attention – as you will see demonstrated below.
We have SO MANY people we can conduct simultaneous projects at locations thousands of miles apart that have seemingly entirely different focuses. Why do that? Because our opposition is made up entirely of mercenaries who have to get permission, Instructions, funding, and training from “Pro-Vax” Central before they even put on their silk panties first thing in the morning.
What will we accomplish? Further down in this article I discuss two areas in conducting campaigns that are MISSING in the “Anti-Vax” Movement – “Strategies and Tactics”and “Mission Statements”and “Objectives.”
In short, the “Anti-Vax” movement is SO BIG that there has not been an attempt to properly organize it. My tactic, as a people mover, has been to just let it run – for the anger build, and the result of that, is a strategy and tactic all of its own.
Using the sheer numbers…
One of the things we learned from earlier “Anti-Vax” campaigns was that our opposition is not that large and has to use tricks to seem large and scary. On the other hand the “Anti-Vax” Movement REALLY IS large and scary – which is why Big Pharma went to the World Health Organization (WHO) and to US Democratic Party legislator Adam Schiff, (laugh here) to ask for help in desperation.
300(?) “Skeptics” between internet forays…
What we found is that the internet trolls that hide on our discussion groups are but a few. What they do is to create “sock-puppets,” perhaps as many as 300 each, to make it appear that MANY others support their argument, when, in fact, NO ONE actually does.
But, the “Anti-Vax”Movement caught on to that crap quickly. And countered.
But let’s talk about how to use those sheer numbers…
Know the difference between “Strategy” and “Tactics…”
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Recently, Jeff Bezoz, the founder and president of Amazon announced that Amazon would, with immediate effect, ban all books critical of vaccination.
Amazon sells a lot of different stuff but not vaccines (as yet?) so why should Mr. Bezoz concern himself with this? Well, the general rule these days is, “follow the money”.
You see, the pharmaceutical industry has a very large world-wide problem.
Too many people are realising that pharmaceutical medicine just doesn’t work.
Even worse, many are finding out WHY it doesn’t work. It was with this problem in mind that, some decades ago, Rockefeller set about buying up all the news media which the pharmaceutical industry, through various proxies, now controls about 93%. The purpose was and is to prevent the truth reaching the public.
Thanks to the internet, many millions of people have learned the truth, especially about vaccination: So much so that the vaccination business is in imminent danger of collapse. Some countries have already banned it and switched to the much more effective, safer and cheaper homoeopathy (see video below).
As this is one of the three major sources of income for the pharmaceutical cartel, worth several billions each year, you can perhaps perceive why the pharmaceutical industry is in such a world-wide tizzy.
But what has this got to do with Jeff Bezoz and Amazon?
It only continues to trade at all because the bankers find it a useful tool in the destruction of small and medium businesses. By continually extending credit, the bankers keep Amazon afloat.
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