Merck’s “Mandatory Vaccine” Program Backfiring Nationwide… California, However, is, As Yet, Screwed Up…

California “NO on SB277” Groups Grinding Away…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Sleazy Drug Lord Merck, through it’s cash strewing lobbying teams nationwide, set out the same “Mandatory Vaccine” legislation in about twenty States.  Now they are suffering the consequences.  Backlash.

Never before has there been such a worldwide “anti-vaccination” campaign, extolling the horrors of vaccines. The Vaccine Construction, made up of Merck, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), State Public Health agencies, are, suddenly getting much more deserved scrutiny then ever before.

The cutting-edge media doesn’t miss a day, revealing, and analyzing, the fake claims that “Vaccines are Safe and Effective.”  Vaccines are, as everyone knows, neither safe nor effective.   I think we are well on our way to shutting the whole vaccine hoax down – once, and for all.

I am very pleased… Continue reading Merck’s “Mandatory Vaccine” Program Backfiring Nationwide… California, However, is, As Yet, Screwed Up…

The Battle of Bull Run… The Second American Civil War Has Begun… And It Started Over Vaccines…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Tens of thousands of parents of vaccine injured children, in California, woke up one morning, not long ago, to find that their Democratic Party controlled legislature had given up any semblance of representing the people that elected them.  They had become only about special interest.  Money talks.

I’m surprised that the Democrats still let citizens approach government buildings in Sacramento, the State capitol, any more. (sarcasm intended). Continue reading The Battle of Bull Run… The Second American Civil War Has Begun… And It Started Over Vaccines…

Democrats Sell California Children For Campaign Money… Merck Bought the California Senate Health Committee Vote  – 6 to 2.

California “NO on SB277” Groups, Formerly Stumbling, Now Involved In Major Assault…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

What I predicted would happen over the California Mandatory Vaccine bill SB277, for innocent children, in the California Senate Health Committee did happen.  The bill was approved in committee six to two, with one abstention.  California was the one place Merck needed to win.  What happens in California spreads across the nation.  We’ll see what happens next. Continue reading Democrats Sell California Children For Campaign Money… Merck Bought the California Senate Health Committee Vote  – 6 to 2.

Mandatory Vaccinations? FEMA Camps? Dystopia – the End Result…

Let’s start right out with where this is going.  Vaccines are crap.  The whole US Vaccine Program is a hoax.  There is nothing wonderful about any part of it.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Vaccines cause Autism, other neurological issues, and are responsible for our entire US youth core being constantly sick.  We, the so-called anti-vaccine groups, have the science – not the other way around, The Vaccine Construction involved in promoting vaccines knows this, and despite that knowledge, continue to attempt to inject barrels of foreign made filth pus into our children.

Death wielding pro-vaxxers, are, literally, human scum, and they need to be treated accordingly. Continue reading Mandatory Vaccinations? FEMA Camps? Dystopia – the End Result…

It is Time To End the US Vaccine Program… This Dangerous “Vaccine Construction” Needs to be Disassembled…

We Need to Save Our Nation…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


A few days ago members of the Oregon State Vote No On SB-422 coalition discovered that the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had created and funded a subversive organization for the express purpose of removing rights of Americans.

The CDC has apparently been funding this anti-American hate group, calling itself NACCHO, for some time, to the tune of 25 million dollars ($25,000,000) per year.  NACCHO stands for National Association of County and City Health Officials.

NACCHO’s Mission Statement says: “the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) urges that personal belief exemptions be removed from state immunization laws and regulations.” Continue reading It is Time To End the US Vaccine Program… This Dangerous “Vaccine Construction” Needs to be Disassembled…

It Is Time To Kill The Drug Lord Vampires… Get out the Silver Bullets.  Sharpen the Wooden Stakes.  Grab Some Garlic.  Let’s Go Hunting…

We Need to Save Our Children...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The most insidious United States health project out there is what’s called the CDC Vaccines For Children Program.” It is the basis for making our local Public Health Agencies the street-corner drug pusher – whose activities are aimed at our children.

Here, within the US, basically five corporations are attempting to force Unquestionable Mandatory Vaccines on an unsuspecting population – Merck, Sanofi-Pasteur, Glaxo Smith Kline, Novartis, and Pfizer.  NONE OF THESE ARE US-BASED CORPORATIONS.  THEY ARE ALL FOREIGN-OWNED – kept beyond US watchdog scrutiny.  You never see their leadership, ever.  Certainly not during the light of day.

But, you can see their minions.  They are busy, in twenty States, trying to create panic over a hundred and two measles cases, and use that panic to get the public to create a Mandatory Vaccine program for all children, and then us. Their Mandatory Vaccines proposal is not about protecting against measles.  It is about the drug lords taking control of you, your body, and your children’s bodies.. Continue reading It Is Time To Kill The Drug Lord Vampires… Get out the Silver Bullets.  Sharpen the Wooden Stakes.  Grab Some Garlic.  Let’s Go Hunting…

It is Time to Stop This Vaccine Nonsense… It is all One Monstrous Horror Show…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

There is no question that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective.  Despite the billions of dollars spent by the drug lords to say differently, facts are facts.  Science is science.  Vaccines are crap.  it’s time we simply shut down the entire Vaccine Construction.  It isn’t doing America any good.  In fact, the opposite.

Mainstream US media claims that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But, the rest of Planet Earth’s media tells entirely different stories – stories we NEVER see or hear in the US about the dangers of vaccines, and the VERY WRONG thing they are being used for.   We’ll look at this more, below, in the section on what vaccines were used for in the country of Kenya just three months ago.  What they did in Kenya they’ll do here.

Any American who watches television, at all, knows the truth of the words I am about to write just below.  Manufactured drugs are dangerous in any form.  The most dangerous are those INJECTED into the human body bypassing the body’s built-in protective network.  The US Supreme Court has declared vaccines to be “unavoidably dangerous.” Continue reading It is Time to Stop This Vaccine Nonsense… It is all One Monstrous Horror Show…

Of Course I’m Anti-Vaccine… I Have a Brain.

I don’t care one bit about the fact that 102 people across the country have measles.  I do care, very much, however, that one in sixty-eight children in America are now Autistic (vaccine damaged).  I care even more that one in six children in America are neurologically damaged.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I had measles, as a child, and I got to stay home with Mom, who, on my third day in bed, inveigled me out of my room into the kitchen with the distinctive smell of her coffeecake in the oven.  Before that Mom dosed me with Cod Liver Oil (vitamin A).

The measles outbreak story is just one more bullshit pro-vaccine campaign conducted by the Vaccine Construction.  There is NOTHING to it.  Read what expert Marcella Piper-Terry from  says about it here.  She puts the whole thing into its true perspective. Continue reading Of Course I’m Anti-Vaccine… I Have a Brain.

There’s a Hole in the Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza… Then Fix It, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry… Repairing the Floundering Autism Leadership …

On January 24th, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota an event was held sponsored by a self-styled Autism Leadership group calling itself either the “Canary Party or “Health Choice,” whichever name,  I think, sounds catchier to whomever they are talking to at the time.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The event, allegedly a book-signing at a University, by authors of ten books on autism issues, was advertised by hiring a billboard somewhere near Minneapolis, and the most meager of FaceBook campaigns.  Of course, no one showed up.  The event was a massive failure.  The temperature outside in Minneapolis on an average January 24th was high of 32 and a low of 26.  It was a grandstanding to NO audience.  Authors flew in from all over the country to sign books for each other.

Just one more massive failure, by this group, to add to the list.

Like the characters in the old Children’s Song titled above, some of what is known as Autism Leadership, have been locked into a solution pattern that did not work in the past and will not work in the future.

Thankfully though, there is a big, long overdue, power shift going on in the autism community. The move is away from the Canary Party/Health Choice  partying, preening, and posturing, towards determining actual solutions – then working towards actuating those solutions.  Continue reading There’s a Hole in the Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza… Then Fix It, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry… Repairing the Floundering Autism Leadership …

HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Damages Hearing to Follow.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I predicted that this, or something like this, would happen.  The Maryland Medical Board, and the employees that work there, are and were, completely out of control.  They believed, and they believe now, that they are the ultimate law of the land, that they have no oversight, and that they are immune from scrutiny by the Maryland Legislature and the court system.  They also believe that they are not required to engage in “due process,” and that whatever rule or procedure they make up, for the moment, is uncontestable.  I have seen, in my career, Boards that exhibited bad attitude, and were, hence, brought back under control, but I had never seen before anything like the employees of the Maryland Medical Board exhibited. Continue reading HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

What I have to tell you, below, about the sea-change in the Autism Leadership world is way more than startling.  For awhile I have been seeing measured changes happening – an awakening, and an encouragement, of organization primarily centered around AutismOne, the biggest annual event of what I call the REAL Autism movement.

But what just happened came out of nowhere, so to speak, and represents a take-over of the autism dialogue, and, as I see it coming, the beginnings of a winning strategy team that works together.  What was just accomplished was astounding.  A reorganization, and a victory, of monumental proportions.  Let me tell you about it.  For sure read the paragraph below about WHY they did what they did more than once.

The “skeptics,” and their paymasters, are NOT going to like this… Continue reading Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

Suing Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) – It Has Always Been an “Alter Ego” Case…

Stephen Barrett, and Quackwatch, Have Always Been Just the Figurehead.  The Judgment Money Will Be Seized Elsewhere – from the Cabal.

There is no question that Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch Inc, and the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) are going to lose the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case.  It is a foregone conclusion.  There are only two real considerations for the Court to decide:  (1)  How much Actual and Punitive damages to award, and (2)  Who, specifically, is going to have their assets seized to pay the award.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It is obvious when you look at what is happening behind the scenes in the case, that Barrett and the other Defendants have no Defense at all – and never did.

When you look at the fact that, right from the start, Doctor’s Data was looking for twenty million in damages, and Barrett, in his egomaniacal arrogance, after the lawsuit was filed, added MORE injury, you get a picture of what a Federal jury is going to be looking at.  More, history shows that courts do NOT like Stephen Barrett. On the stand he is his own worst enemy.

The strategy, all along, it looks to me, has been to sue, and name as the visible Defendants, that which the real cabal running the operation wants us to see.  Then, once the case is finished, and the visible Defendants lose, then comes the next process – Collection.  And with Collection comes the ability to IDENTIFY who the REAL Defendants are.

This is where the fun starts… Continue reading Suing Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) – It Has Always Been an “Alter Ego” Case…

The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

O.K. people – it is time to GLOAT again.  Get on the internet, find a sleazy “skeptic,” drag out your favorite way to rub someone’s nose in something icky, and deliver this article, and all of its strong points, and wait for the explosion.  It will be worth the wait.  You’ll be able to FEEL the rise in blood pressure of your target.  The first response will be DENIAL, then will come an attack on me, Tim Bolen, personally, claiming I am “not reliable,” blah, blah, blah…

But, you can start smiling in anticipation right now… Continue reading The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Oh My, Oh My!!!! The CDC Whistleblower Story Just Keeps Getting Better…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Last Friday, August 29th, 2014 I attended, and spoke at, the combined AutismOne/Thriiive conference in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Cancer Control Society – held at the Universal Sheraton Hotel in Universal City, California.  Brian Hooker PhD spoke just before me.  Dana Gorman right after.

There were SIX IMPORTANT NEW REVELATIONS: two newly released pieces of evidence, and four startling Conclusions, that came out of Brian Hooker’s speech.

Many of you have probably already heard that CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson has written a letter, and posted it on his lawyer’s website, VERIFYING Brian Hooker’s complaints.  The Big Pharma “spin” machine is operating at full power – but their efforts to contain the whole story are laughable.  The story is growing, appropriately, as it should, for there is no denying that the CDC got caught with their pants down, and, consequently, their credibility is gone.  Fini.  The whistleblower, in his letter, verified EVERYTHING Hooker said happened.  Read William Thompson’s letter hereContinue reading Oh My, Oh My!!!! The CDC Whistleblower Story Just Keeps Getting Better…

Inept “Skeptics” Attack NVIC FaceBook Page… Laughter Erupts

A Story about the stumbling, bumbling activities of two nincompoops (E. Allison Hagood and Stacy Mintzer Herlihy) attempting to damage the NVIC FaceBook page…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I received a message from my friends over at the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) the other day, asking for some help defending against an all-out attack on their NVIC FaceBook page – an attempt to downgrade their credibility level.  So, I went to investigate, in my usual thorough manner, finding, along the way, a few interesting things I didn’t already know about the pro-vaccine baby killers.

The trouble was that, before I got up to speed to “reveal” the giant conspiracy against the NVIC, and call for action, NVIC stalwarts manned the barricades, intercepted the “skeptic” assault, spanked them thoroughly, and sent them home to bed without dinner.  I’ll let you read one of the “skeptic’s” TOP STRATEGIST’S comments about what happened to them down below.  You will laugh. Continue reading Inept “Skeptics” Attack NVIC FaceBook Page… Laughter Erupts

Ebola Toolkit… What do we need in our US homes to defeat Ebola?  Why?  Because  it looks like we are going to have to fight this one ourselves, with no help, and, in fact, hindrance, from our own US health care system…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I was reading stories on the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)  website early this morning, about what is happening in Liberia and Sierra Leone, in the US CDC directed supposed “Stop the Ebola” project.

It was there that I found that virtually NOTHING is being done for patients to try to stop the Ebola within individual patients.  All they are doing is isolating patients behind what looks like construction fencing (see photo below left), where they can be watched dying.  With that, we can assume that an Ebola outbreak in the US would be treated exactly the same way.  Continue reading Ebola Toolkit… What do we need in our US homes to defeat Ebola?  Why?  Because  it looks like we are going to have to fight this one ourselves, with no help, and, in fact, hindrance, from our own US health care system…

What Russian Media Says About Ebola… They say it is “Made in America…

Note from Tim Bolen:  When I was a kid our teachers used to tell us that all Russians had was “controlled media,” and all the Russians got to read was propaganda put out by their government.  We, in the US, started something called “Radio Free Europe,” so we could tell the Russian people what was really going on in the world.

These days, it is America that has the “controlled media,”  so why not see what the Russians, who have now thrown off communism, say about what’s going on in the US?

There are two BIG Russian media – Pravda and Russian TV (RT).  So let’s, first, look at Pravda’s take on Ebola…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Just below you can find way much more information about Ebola and its precursors that you will EVER find in US Mainstream Media.  From the article:

“Ebola: Manufactured disease by U.S. Federal Government By Lord Howard Hurts 

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation if Islam wrote this a few days ago, “Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.” In essence Mr. Farrakhan said that the U.S. Federal Government is behind the Ebola virus outbreak. Mr. Farrakhan is incorrect, as his usual, in many respects dealing with the issue of the Ebola virus, but he is correct about Ebola being a ‘manufactured’ disease by the U.S. Federal Government. Here is the true story about the Ebola virus.  Continue reading What Russian Media Says About Ebola… They say it is “Made in America…

Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Big Pharma would have us all believe, through their stranglehold on US media, that the drugs, vaccines, drugs, vaccines, drugs, and more drugs and vaccines approach is ALL there is in the world.  But the fact is, there are MANY other approaches to health care on planet earth.  Ayurvedic Medicine, for instance, has been around for over three thousand years, so read THIS interesting approach to dealing with Ebola…

TR Shantha MD is a former client of mine who, after a major assault on his practice, completely cleared his name – although you’d never know it from’s article on him.  You can read about that situation here.


By:  Dr. T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA


The news about Ebola and its possible fatal end is everywhere in the news – created by many hypochondriacs.  The virus is deadly and spreads only by contact with body fluids.  Once the person gets the infection, their life hangs on a thin thread.  Mortality from the infection is as high as 50% – 60%.   Another deadly disease that kills about 35,000 people in the east, mostly young, is rabies, which is 100% fatal compared to 40-60% mortality by Ebola virus infection. Ebola will be and is curable, but not rabies. Continue reading Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Ebo-Lie…  Here’s What I Think…

by: Kenneth P Stoller, MD, FACHM


With so much misinformation floating around about the latest viral scare, it is hard to know what is real and what isn’t.

Tim Bolen asked me to write this post after I posed a question to him… “When is a Federal agency, such as the CDC, no longer protected by the immunities a Federal agency normally has because they are engaged in activities that are not consistent with their own regulations and procedures?” 

The CDC is responsible for vaccine safety and yet they own patents on, for example, the Ebola virus and could potentially profit from an Ebola vaccine – a vaccine that would not be needed if the virus doesn’t spread far and wide. Yet if the CDC helps control the spread of the virus they would be working against their own financial interest. Continue reading Ebo-Lie…  Here’s What I Think…

Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Interspersed throughout this article are photos from the 2014 event.

Guest article by Diane Miller JD – Health Freedom Coalition


2014 Health Freedom Congress held at Hamline University

Whew!!  The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress was the best ever and leaders are continuing to strengthen the unified voice of health freedom!  Thank you to all those leaders and organizations who participated this year, and greetings to those leaders who could not make it but will be joining us in the future.  We here at NHFC are working on drafting an overall summary of the Congress to send out to a large public database like we do each year for our NHFC website.  However I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you, and we are looking forward to our future work together.

A special note to all of you:  The NHFC Board of Directors has made a decision to host the Congress in 2015 and we are now in the discussion of location and dates and program beginnings.  If there are people interested in the design of the next Congress please contact me directly at [email protected]. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…