Tuesday 15th January 2019, with a massive majority of 432 to 202, British Members of Parliament rejected totally the Brexit deal proposed to them by the Prime Minister Theresa May.
To fully understand this, we have to look a little into its history.
The European Union is a collective of nation states created and ruled by the banking cartel.
Most of the leading political figures in those nation states are also appointees of the cartel. There is no democratic institution in the EU; its ruling council is an oligarchy of cartel employees who serve their masters with no regards to the people of Europe. You may have heard that there is a European Parliament but this is nothing more than a debating chamber with no power to make or to amend any laws.
Having seen just how much harm had been willfully done by the cartel’s ruling council to the European people as a whole and to the British people specifically,
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The main thing that upsets the liberal media, and the globalist “Hate Machine”that calls itself the US Democratic Party, is the simple fact that the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, listens to, and acts upon what he hears from “We the People…”
That concept called “listening to the people,” is totally foreign to liberals – who scream out, constantly, that Americans, especially those they perceive as the “the great unwashed,” need to be governed harshly by the likes of Hillary Clinton. They believe that all of middle America needs to get up in the morning, out of their gender-confused beds, and turn on CNN to find out what to sneer about in the Starbuck’s line that morning.
The fact that Trump Supporters are NOT gender-confused, don’t watch CNN, and understand very well how a government is supposed to work STUNS liberals.
The idea that a majority of Americans still, actually, think for themselves, gets liberal’s blood boiling – and they start thinking about opening up those Obama-Nation FEMA camps where “the great unwashed,” can be lined up, vaccinated until their brains almost dissolve, force them to drink heavily fluoridated water, chip them, and re-register them all as Democrats where they can “volunteer” to sponsor one, or more, of the 17,000 children per year, imported by human traffickers across the southern border until such time as the “Sanctuary City” fathers can integrate those children into the sex-trade, or chop them up for replacement body parts.
Think I’m exaggerating? Keep reading – reality is coming your way. There are Official Reports The Liberal Media Won’t Show You…
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Just below is a ten minute video by Sharyl Atkisson I want you to watch. It talks about an Affidavit recently produced by a government expert, Dr Andrew Zimmerman, who was dismissed from an important Autism case at the last minute, to cover up the fact that he had told the DOJ attorneys in private that “In fact, vaccines do cause Autism.”
For those who are unaware of the history of this issue…
…in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.
I know I should probably write more about this video…
…but the truth is after sixteen years of articles, two books, more than a hundred radio interviews, I’m tired of saying the same old thing: “Vaccines cause autism and we are being lied to on a massive scale.”
And even the government’s chief medical witness in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding knew this and because he was going to talk about it, the government removed him.
An all of this happened in 2007. It’s now 2019. Yes, this happened in the Bush years, lay undisturbed in the Obama administration, and now we are in the Trump Presidency.
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What if it was possible to make insurers stop denying claims for legally delivered alternatives to conventional medicine today?
What if doing this would also address rising healthcare costs?
With your help, we intend to attain these two goals by leveraging the legal defense for a provider who is otherwise going to be crushed by a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan (that plan is Horizon).
It is our belief that the fastest way to force insurers to comply with existing law is to win a lawsuit against one…
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Many people may mistake our boldness at BolenReport as not being open to other viewpoints.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Here at BolenReport we WELCOME ROBUST DEBATE.
It’s no secret we lean right, but that’s simply because we believe the pharmaceutical companies have captured our government agencies which protect the health of the public. It is a nightmare of both the left and the right.
Powerful corporations controlling an even more powerful and intrusive government. It is government which compels and it is this coercion which concerns us. We understand there are many important dimensions to this struggle.
Which is why at BolenReport we recognize valuable allies and warriors who may fight on different battlefields. However, we all fight for a common objective, the health of humanity.
Which is why when I received this request from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his current campaign I knew it was something I should bring IMMEDIATELY to readers of BolenReport. I have already donated two-hundred and fifty dollars. I encourage you to donate whatever you can spare.
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For the past week, as a nation, we have been torn apart in one of the nastiest and most divisive political fights we’ve ever had in this country. We are all exhausted.
At odds are the he said/she said sexual encounter of nearly 40 years ago that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford swore happened to her and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s absolute denial that he was even there.
Last night, one of the guests on the TV show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, offered a plausible explanation.
He believes the explanation may lie in the medical records of Dr. Ford’s from back when she first recalled the memory of the event she now reports as truth.
Judge Fitzpatrick believes that she may be suffering from confabulation, a mental disorder that creates false memories which the patient remembers as absolute truth.
“In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a memory error defined as the production of fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive. People who confabulate present incorrect memories ranging from “subtle alterations to bizarre fabrication”, and are generally very confident about their recollections, despite contradictory evidence.
The malfunction could be caused by something as simple as a thiamine deficiency or triggered by some other neurological condition. In any case, the person can seem quite normal, yet have no idea that the memory they are recalling is no memory at all. Its error in brain function.
If you would like to see Judge Fitzpatrick’s explanation, check out this video below.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Yes, I criticize US Democrats almost endlessly, and in almost every way, in this Health Care newsletter. Why? Because Democrats are BLOCKING any change to the US Health Care System – insisting on preserving Big Pharma’s one-size-fits-all ObamaCare system – and Trump and the Republicans want change. ‘
Trump has a plan. I have a real good idea where he is going with it, and, so far, I approve.
If, and when, I do not approve I let Donald know almost immediately.
So, let’s talk some more about the necessary destruction of the 2018 Democratic Party. Who knows, maybe one day they’ll wake up and start thinking about the needs of Americans again…
Will “Real.ID” Show That California Is Already a “Red State?”
“Real.ID” is, in essence, a national ID card that meets Homeland Security guidelines. It will soon become required to vote, get on airplanes, enter Federal buildings, etc. It will be a very important tool to eliminate Voter Fraud.
A study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2012 showed that Illinois, specifically Chicago, was the third most corrupt State, concerning “Voter Fraud,” in the United States.
Chicago was passed only by New York and California…
Isn’t THAT interesting?
More, the source of this information was NOT a conservative publication. It came from the ultra-liberal, normally narcissistic, girly-boy-panty-waving, Hillary Apologist Salon magazine.
Apparently EVEN the liberal media is aware, and completely comfortable with, the US Democratic Party’s descent into absolute corruption and debauchery.
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The best news I got last week was that the $289 million dollar verdict against Monsanto for their use of the herbicide Round-Up, led by Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. and his brave band of “Untouchables” caused an $11 BILLION DOLLAR drop in the price of its parent company, Bayer.
An article in Bloomberg News put it in perspective:
“The reliance of the U.S. company, and now, its German acquirer, on Round-Up extends far beyond just selling it as a weed-killer. Monsanto genetically engineered the DNA of corn, soybeans and other crops to make them resistant to Round-Up; it now makes more revenue from seeds and traits than it does from herbicide.”
The market value of the entire Monsanto company is only $66 billion dollars. A few more weeks like that and we’ve made some serious progress in destroying one of the most evil companies on the planet.
I mean, really, we can strike a blow against PESTICIDES AND GMOs at the same time?
These are good days to be alive.
The other good news last week is that President Trump called on the attorney general to sue pharmaceutical companies which produce opioids.
From The Wall Street Journal…
“In a cabinet meeting Thursday at the White House, Mr. Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring a ‘major lawsuit’ against drug companies that ‘are really sending opioids at a level that it shouldn’t be happening.’ He said he wanted the attorney general to bring the suit at the federal level, rather than join existing litigation brought by the states.”
You can read the Wall Street Journal article HERE:
I want to put an idea into your mind as to what MAY be happening.
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As President John F. Kennedy once said, “Our most common basic link is that we all inhabit this planet. We breathe the same air. We cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”
On the afternoon of Friday, August 10, 2018, just a few hours ago, in fact, a jury in San Francisco, CA delivered a stunning verdict against the chemical giant Monsanto and its herbicide, Round-Up. The chemical glyphosate is used in Round-Up and has been identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable human carcinogen.
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(1) Illegal Immigrant’s (a) Housing, (b) Medical Costs, (c) Primary, High School, and College Educations, (d) Driver’s Licenses so they can vote, and (e) Sanctuary Cities………
(2) Government Employee Labor Union Demands, and Extravagant Public Employee Pension Plans…
(3) Forced Vaccinations of citizens…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Watch this short video…
California’s homeless problem is worse than anywhere else in the world. Every day it get even more horrible. It is a Planet Earth tragedy.
And THAT was just Los Angeles…
This is happening ALL OVER the State of California.. Further South in Orange County, Black White, and Asian families are living along bike paths designed for the Democratic Party Elites to ride their bikes along stream beds. Liberal Democrats LOVE bike trails…
There are videos about ALL of the California homeless situations – In LA alone an estimated 25,000 people live in old motor homes, parking for three days, then having to move constantly to avoid being hauled away.
According to the Sacramento Bee, not only are there huge numbers of homeless in California but an also huge number of people are fleeing California.
Yes, there has always been a homeless problem – but NEVER like it is now –California gets more than its share of it for the simple reason that people know that if you have to be homeless it is better to do it where the weather is warm – not where the temperature drops to 20 degrees below zero at night.
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I was recently able to spend about half an hour visiting with environmental attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., discussing the case he, and other attorneys, have brought in San Francisco against Monsanto for the use of their product, Round-Up.
Round-Up is alleged to cause cancer, and in this instance specifically, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
We first talked briefly about Robert’s new book American Values: Lessons I Learned From My Family which I highly recommend. I consider it to be one of the best political memoirs I have ever read. I was amused to find that Robert and I share a common love for an obscure comic book series, Turok: Son of Stone, and that while we may come from different perspectives, we see a very similar set of problems.
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The “Swamp” – the convoluted corridors and moss-hung byways of the Federal Bureaucracy – holds our freedoms in its clawed grasp through impossibly complex rules and regulations.
While at one time the idea that “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” may have had some validity, when the rules become too voluminous for any human mind to comprehend, such old legal concepts can only serve tyranny.
The Swamp wants to know everything about each of us. Does the law allow that?
Congress in its sometimes wisdom, seeks, in fits and starts, to rein-in the powers of the bureaucracy.
One such act was the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). This law restricts the Swamp’s capacity to demand information from us. It says that Americans are free to ignore Federal Government “Collection of Information”unless the request has an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number on it.
What is a “Collection of Information” request?
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) tells us, in 5 C.F.R. §1320.3(c)”
“(c) Collection of information means, except as provided in § 1320.4, the obtaining, causing to be obtained, soliciting, or requiring the disclosure to an agency, third parties or the public of information by or for an agency by means of identical questions posed to, or identical reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements imposed on, ten or more persons, whether such collection of information is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain a benefit.”
In the past when the authors have studied FDA Regulations in 21 CFR…
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On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS. The link to the show is below. I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.
Here is today’s installment with Jefferey Jaxen talking about what happened in American Samoa.
Del: The science is proving we are right. The science is proving the parents were right. And about this horrible incident in Samoa, I had Jeffrey Jaxen look into it, reach out to Samoa and see if we could get to the bottom of this story. Get some more facts than we’re getting from the mainstream media. So Jeffrey, are you with me?
Jeffrey: Yes I am.
Del: You reached out to the ministry of health in Samoa and the news agency that broke this in Samoa, so what can you tell us? What happened in this story? What are the details?
Jeffrey: It’s a fascinating thing going on behind the scenes right now. On July 6 is when both these children passed. [After receiving a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) shot] TV 1 Samoa got the jump, not only on the international media, but it appears they were out front before the Prime Minister released his statement on his grandson.
Del: Let me read that because I think this is so powerful and what makes this story so interesting. He has a personal story to tell, but let me read it. “As a father and a grandfather, I can relate to the grief by the families for their loss. I also almost lost one of my grandsons several years ago under similar circumstances. But with the grace of our father in heaven, my grandson survived with the proper treatment, but he will never be the same as he has lost the ability to speak.”
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On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS. The link to the show is below.
I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.
At the bottom of this article there is a request that you contact the White House with the information we are providing, and ask the president to act immediately. Let’s start a fire…
Part 1 – I open this series with what was without a doubt the most exciting news from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Del says: Here is what took place. Bobby Kennedy and I, and a group of people, as I pointed out, went to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to meet. It was set up by Donald Trump. We had the opportunity to talk to the heads of our health departments and explain what issues we had.
We looked into the eyes of these people, staring right into their eyes, and they had no response to the lack of safety testing, to the fact that they don’t have a surveillance system, to the fact that their own surveillance system that we’re talking about, capturing adverse vaccine events, is in their own words, unreliable, because it only captures less than 1% of the total injuries.
There were 59,711 reported injuries in 2016. So, if we’re to take HHS’ 1 % word for it, the people we were sitting across the table from, that means there could have been 5.9 million vaccine injuries in America in one year alone.
Does that mean the 432 deaths that were reported become 43,200 deaths? These were the conversations Bobby Kennedy and our team were having as we left that meeting. How do we trust Health and Human Services?
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You are about to enter a brand new world...The US Health Care System is BASED on what transpired in Germany after WWII. Today we have added on a European Correspondent (Karma Singh) for good reason. We will begin by explaining what is happening in Germany RIGHT NOW – then maybe we can explain how health care works in Europe. Big Pharma has its roots in Germany. Big Pharma is the essence of globalism. The “Populist Uprising” is not just in the US – Tim Bolen
Defeating “Globalism” At Its Center…
By Karma Singh
Major events are unfolding here in Germany. Corruption in the “highest places” as “business as usual” is being challenged.
German investigators have named a Tunisian refugee, Anis Amri, as the jihadist whom they suspect carried out Tuesday’s mass-murder attack. Amri is believed to be the man who drove a truck through a Christmas festival in Berlin, killing twelve and wounding four dozen others in an atrocity reminiscent of the attack in July, when 86 people were killed at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice.
The first major revelation broke at the weekend. The government agency responsible for assessing asylum seekers (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge – BAMF for short) had just waved many through with no investigation, including 80 known terrorists to which German security had raised objections. This, was, of course, already known and had appeared in the press several times over the previous days.
What IS new is that Merkel herself knew of this and personally approved giving known terrorists free entry to the country!
In the German parliament, there are now calls for the calling of a Board of Enquiry into Merkel’s activities (many other criminal acts were recorded in Parliament last November). This is a necessary precursor to what is known in America as “Impeachment”.
The response from Andrea Nahles, the leader of the Sozialistische Demokratische Partei (Social Democrat Party), the partner of Merkel’s party in the coalition government, was to try to play the whole thing down, “This is just normal business. There’s nothing to get upset about.”
Many “Abgeordnete” (members of the German Parliament) are furious; not only about allowing known terrorists to have free access to the whole of Germany but also about the attempts to play it down as though it were of no importance.
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There could be Mandatory Childhood Vaccine programs in the majority of States within three years if we don’t make a shift.
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In 2015 I watched from the sidelines as the California Anti-SB277 (Mandatory Childhood Vaccines) activists conducted the worst campaign I have ever seen trying to defeat legislation. Ir was like the leadership had a prescription for “dumb” pills. Their primary communications tool was FaceBook – and that, itself, was a HUGE mistake.
I truly considered that possibly the Anti-SB277 leadership was, in fact, Big Pharma itself.
The operating principle of the Anti-SB277 California group was:
“We know that vaccines are safe and effective (sniff, sniff), but we just want personal choice (whimper, whimper).
The California legislature responded with a major sneer, treating the participants as whiney, self-absorbed, over-privileged adult-sized children who needed a nap. The legislature even went so far as to shut down in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride,” making it VERY clear who their prefered constituency was.
Prefered constituency? Yup – The California Democratic Party’s primary candidate for Governor this year is Gavin Newsome – a San Francisco/Bay Area anti-gun homosexual.
But, SB277 backfired on Big Pharma…
It may have been easy to convince a legislature dominated by homosexual interests, like California, that “Mandatory Vaccines” for children was a good idea, but the rest of America, dominated by heterosexual parents of children, were abhorred and repelled by that concept.
Jim Steyer, of SB18’s Common Sense Media, and What’s-Her-Name…
California, after their SB277 success, even tried to take complete control of California’s children (SB 18), turning authority for those children over to a homosexual run private organization with Hillary Clinton ties. That group promoted children to get involved with certain web sites identified as “child sexual predator” hunting areas.
Read California activist Karri Lewis’s article series on this problem here.
However, the primary tool used to backlash SB277 and Big Pharma over the vaccine issue was Social Media.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
On March 18th, 2018 I wrote an article about who it was, and is, that is censoring Conservative Judeo/Christian Americans on Social Media.
I had discovered that 75% of Social Media employees working in Silicon Valley were non-citizens imported from non-Christian countries to work on special programs created under the Obama-Nation.
It was OBVIOUS that the plan was to inhabit ALL of the Social Media decision jobs with Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish, Anti-Conservative, Anti-Free Speech people from countries that OPENLY express hatred for “The Great Satan” America.
The BolenReport was the ONLY known publication that covered this story, anywhere. We experienced the usual FaceBook throttling down.
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You Are Being Intentionally Distracted – And We Have Issues We Need To Deal With…
Like Vaccines, Health Care, Liberal Control of Social Media, Election Fraud, Human Trafficking, Border Walls, Jobs, Cracked-California, and the Preservation of America…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Mr President:
We know that OUR opposition is trying desperately to distract you from your work, and I know how uncomfortable that crap must make you, and your family, feel sometimes. We thank you for your efforts. America is with you, We’ve got your back.
So I want to remind you that “We the People” elected you to lead the way, in America, to get certain things done, to fix long-standing problems that ALL of us recognize.. You have accomplished a lot in your first year, but, as you know, this job is massive. The changes we need to accomplish are immense.
America knows this.
So, Donald, I Have a Complaint…
Sometimes it seems as though you are getting distracted by those that DID NOT elect you. You treat them as though they had some value, as though their opinions were of some importance, as though their constant harping at you is worth listening to.
Please stop that.
We need to focus….
“We the People,” those that elected you, don’t care one bit about the globalist “liberal”political position. We rejected it long ago. We, the American people, made the mistake of NOT watching what was going on and allowed America to be “Changed” into an “Obama-Nation.”
We ALMOST lost our national identity.
In 2016 we listened to YOU, Donald Trump. YOU, like us, had said “Enough is Enough.” So, we elected you, and you have made it very clear that you are one of us.
We are in this together.
Ignore the distractions. Stay on the road…
We need to deal with “those distractions” differently.
Let me give you some examples…
(1) Sometimes, you are just too damned nice, Donald.
Sometimes you just handle things wrong BECAUSE you are a nice, caring, good-hearted person. Sometimes a man has to be a “roaring asshole” to get something done – raise your voice so-to-speak.
Maybe, Donald, you need to revise the way you, and yours, sometimes look at things.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Almost three quarters of the Silicon Valley tech workforce are foreign workers in the United States on a Green Card. None of them are Caucasion or Judeo/Christian. All of them come from countries that have hatred issues with America, and/or Judeo/Christianity, and what it stands for. These are the people who recently blocked Americans from Social Media…
I believe this was all, very carefully, “arranged.”
Let’s send them all home… And give those jobs to Americans.
Ever since the dazzling victory of America’s Hero Donald Trump November 8th, 2016, for the presidency of the United States, there has been a steady, and increasing, restriction of Social Media to those that elected him.
Lately, outright censorship befalls anyone who dares to deliver, or wants to receive, pro-Trump messages on Social Media. This same situation exists for those that criticize vaccines, or suggest that something other than “drugs, drugs, and more drugs” is a better way of health care for Americans.
We need to investigate who is behind this outright attack on American thought, hunt them down, and deal with them…
So, we ask…
“Who Is It SPECIFICALLY That Is CENSORING America’s Use of The Internet…”
There is no doubt in my mind that this situation was created and planned by the Globalists with the intention of the ultimate destruction of America in mind.
I am about to show you the parts of the plot – and how they come together.
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From the opening paragraph:“The Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit charging that a Wisconsin nursing home’s insistence that all employees get annual flu vaccinations amounted to religious discrimination and a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
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