We Certainly Know A LOT About Politics in Australia…
After the triumph of the Ben Garrison cartoon highlighting the brave individuals Australia has chosen to BAN because of their political views, the Supreme Commander of the Australian Freedom Force has decided to kick things up a notch.
While it is true that countries have the right to decline entry to their country of certain individuals, the same rules do not apply to diplomatic personnel.
President Trump has announced his intention to make a state visit to Australia in July of this year. It is customary for the President to bring along on his visit certain individuals interested in the affairs of that country. I am sending an official letter to President Trump requesting that the members of the Australian Freedom Force accompany him on his state visit to Australia.
If there is not enough room for all the members of the Australian Freedom Force, I am happy to take a seat on one of the F-16 fighter escorts, and I promise not to push any buttons which might fire missiles and do something like blow up a control tower.
So, here it is…
Dear President Trump:
I know you’ve been busy with the border, the Russian collusion-delusion, North Korea, the Middle East, and generally all the things that go into Making America Great Again, but I’d like to take just a few minutes of your time.
You may not know that the globalists have targeted Australia as a place to implement their censorship plans and have really been doing a bang-up job of it. They have not only BANNED me, a simple middle-school science teacher for the crime of writing books, but beautiful Polly Tommey, hilarious Milo Yiannopolous, strong Gavin McGinnes, and threatened not to let into the country, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in case he wants to visit the parents of his girlfriend, the lovely super-model Elle McPherson.
Continue reading “Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?