FDA FOLLIES – The FDA is Big Pharma’s Best Friend…..

The US FDA is FAR MORE CORRUPT Than The CDC.  Not Even Close…

What Trump is up against…

Watch our two (2) minute video, just below, before you read the rest of the article.

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

“When a republic has been corrupted, none of the ills that arise can be remedied except by removing the corruption and recalling the principles; every other correction is either useless or a new ill.”     – Montesquieu

Eight years ago…

I wrote a review of Jonathan Emord’s book, The Rise of Tyranny:  How Federal Agencies Abuse Power and Pose Risks to Your Life and Liberty which I republished here on Bolen Report.  It’s a great book to learn the original intent of our Founding Fathers and how what they laid out for us got corrupted in the 1930s and how the FDA now operates.

Those of us who treasure “health freedom” hold Jonathan Emord in very high esteem.  Emord is a Constitutional and Administrative Law specialist who has won more lawsuits against the FDA than any other lawyer in American history.  His clients are doctors and product manufacturers who offer serious competition to Big Pharma.

Now that we have hope to see real change in the way Washington works,

Continue reading FDA FOLLIES – The FDA is Big Pharma’s Best Friend…..

Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Before I get into an analysis of a MONUMENTAL moment in the fight for vaccine truth…

I want to simply provide a transcript of the discussion between Tucker Carlson and Robert Kennedy, Jr. which aired on Tucker Carlson Tonight on April 20, 2017.

Tucker teased the story before a commercial break, saying:

“Up next, President Trump is suggesting he wants to investigate the safety of vaccines and if he does he has an ally in a member of the Kennedy family.  We sat down with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to talk about his meeting with the President about vaccines.  It’s an interesting conversation.  Stay tuned.”

The screen then went to a commercial break. 

The first commercial was about Chantix, a medication designed to help people quit smoking.  It was a beautiful commercial in which “Thomas” was able to quit smoking and become a better dad to his son.

However, the warnings just after those wonderful domestic scenes painted a different picture:

“Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix.  Some reported seizures or sleep-walking with Chantix.  If you have any of these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away.  Tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse, or of seizures.  Don’t take Chantix if you’ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it.  If you have these, stop Chantix and call your doctor right away, as some could be life-threatening.  Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms.  Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.  Decrease alcohol use while taking Chantix.  Use caution driving or operating machinery.  The most common side effect of Chantix is nausea.”

When the show returned, this is what they said:

Continue reading Tucker Carlson is a Great American!  Allows Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Pharma Corruption and Vaccines!…

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Tucker Carlson Tonight…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Our community has been waiting for a champion with the guts, integrity, and mainstream audience to break out the vaccine-autism-cancer story out into the open.  Have we found it in Tucker Carlson, the new face of Fox News? 

In an email sent out to a group of activists today, Robert Kennedy, Jr. told an amazing story about how he came to be interviewed by Tucker Carlson for a segment that will run tonight.

Tucker is on at 6:00 PM PST (about 6:40 PM), 7:00 PM Mountain, 8:00 PM Central, and 9:00 PM EST.

The only other well-known media personality who has even allowed this subject to be discussed in the last ten years has been Bill Maher.

Continue reading Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Tucker Carlson Tonight…

Cancer Report:  Vaccines Cause Cancer – We Need to Get Prepared…

International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP) – 15th Annual Conference…

By Frank Cousineau – President, Cancer Control Society

Note from Tim Bolen – I have been a huge critic of the mainstream Cancer treatment establishment for a very long time.  President Richard Nixon funded the “War on Cancer” in 1972, challenging mainstream to solve the cancer problem.  They promised to do that within eighteen months if given enough money.  In forty four years they have made ZERO progress.  American have found that there are alternatives to mainstream that work very well, are cheaper, and you, and/or your loved ones get to live.  And, you get to travel…

And, since we now know that mandatory vaccines cause cancer we had best get prepared…

What is this?  

Why is this important?  This (IOICP) – 15th Annual Conference is a premiere training program for physicians to learn how to implement the most up-to-date Integrative Protocols to improve the outcome for cancer patients.

This year, Annie Brandt, Founder of Best Answer for Cancer and a 16-year cancer survivor has organized another excellent physician-training program at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego (Hotel Circle on I-8), California.  Please follow the links below for more information and to make your reservations.


What is IOICP?  

It is the International Organization for Integrative Cancer & Chronic Disease Physicians.  IOICP is a group of physicians (MD’s, ND’s, RN’s, PhD’s and others) dedicated to providing the best patient-oriented protocols to their patients.  The organization supports its members with basic training, as well as advanced courses in the latest, most effective techniques consistent with the prime admonition of the Hippocratic Oath, Primum est nil nocereFirst do no harm.

Continue reading Cancer Report:  Vaccines Cause Cancer – We Need to Get Prepared…

The Cancer Lurking in Every Vaccine…

It’s been a rough few weeks for me...

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California


I just found out a third homeschooling mentor-friend of mine was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that has spread.

She’s had both breasts removed and now they are talking about removing her uterus…

So far, she seems to be following the allopathic model for cancer treatment.

Unfortunately, the success rates for surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are not all that promising.

One homeschooling mentor-friend lost her battle with cancer (she fought for 2 years with alternative and complementary therapies). She also had an especially aggressive form of breast cancer.

Even those in the cancer industry shun the conventional treatment…

Continue reading The Cancer Lurking in Every Vaccine…

FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The issue of the corruption in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is so huge, this is the first of several articles I’m writing to expose the agency’s large contribution to “the swamp” in Washington.

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


The swamp Trump promises to clean up.   If you have even one “silver” filling in your teeth, this one’s for you.

So-called “silver” fillings are 52% mercury

Below is part of a 2011 article posted by  Charlie Brown, head of Consumers For Dental Choice , and mastermind behind years of legal action to force the FDA to follow the law.  It offers a bird’s eye view of how the FDA operates.

FDA’S Thirty Two Years of Concealing Amalgam’s  Mercury From You...

I. Captive of corporate America:  the US Food & Drug Administration

The United States Food and Drug Administration, once the world’s “gold standard” for food, drug, and device regulation, has evolved from industry regulator to industry captive. 

Political scientists are not surprised –  The evolution from tough regulator to passive regulator to industry captive is a pattern in Washington.  Unless an agency engages in a major system of reinvigoration, the spiral continues.  But FDA seems comfortable being the hand-maiden for industry; it has brought big bucks to the agency and lucrative jobs after time at FDA.

The big bucks are in FDA’s pay-to-play approval system.  Drug companies pay seven-figure amounts into FDA coffers to gain approval of their drugs. FDA staff knows that the cash means higher salaries and more perks in the agency budget.  The drug companies know the high fees prevent small competitors with good ideas from getting their products to market.  The coziness between FDA and major drug and device companies gets tighter, while innovative entrepreneurs are shut out and the public loses twice: good drugs aren’t being considered and controversial drugs are rubber-stamped.

Another bitter legacy of federal regulation is the “revolving door,” where insiders bounce between well-paid positions in industry to high-ranking FDA positions that regulate that industry.  Those in the political party out of power hold cushy jobs awaiting their return to power, at which point – in the game of Washington musical chairs – those in the party leaving power in turn take the high-paying jobs in industry.  The current FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, coming to FDA from Henry Schein, Inc., the largest seller of dental products and a major seller of medical products too, is a perfect example.  Hamburg was a high official in the Clinton Administration, so Schein’s CEO Stanley Bergman, an active Democrat, tapped Hamburg for the light work of being a board member during the Bush II years, paying her millions of dollars to sit in meetings and file occasional reports.  When Bergman’s party returned to power in 2009, he escorted Hamburg back through the revolving door – as Commissioner of the world’s most powerful food and drug regulator, FDA.

II. FDA covers up amalgam’s mercury from consumers – for 32 years…

Continue reading FDA FOLLIES – Dental Amalgams…

The Mixed-Up Mind of an Anti-Vaxxer…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

People I’ve never met before often tell me I am a hero.  It’s happened to me about thirty or forty times as I’ve done my radio tour for my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.  The hosts will invariably have to tell me their own stories of suspected vaccine injury, tell me that my book put the entire issue into a clear and understandable narrative, and even sometimes tell me they believe God has prepared me for this mission.  It’s pretty heady stuff.

Or there are the times I go to a conference or rally, and I introduce myself, or somebody sees my name tag and there’s that momentary pause as they look into my eyes as their own go wide, as if they’re meeting somebody they never actually expected to meet in the flesh.  (It’s kind of the same look I get from my six-grade students when they run into me at the grocery store or the movies.  They don’t think I exist in the REAL world.)  I try to be friendly and agreeable and ask them about themselves.  Some want to tell me everything and others get shy, as if I am some higher being who couldn’t possibly be interested in their story.

People I’ve known all my life tell me I’m dangerous…

Continue reading The Mixed-Up Mind of an Anti-Vaxxer…

Heart Attack or Stroke?

It can happen to you, or right in front of you. What is the difference?  What do you do?…

By David A. Steenblock, MS, DO 


A heart attack occurs from blockage of the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart. This usually causes chest pain on one’s left side, and the left arm or neck. The pain is constant and may go from a dull ache to a more sharp pain in the left chest with exertion or stress. Nausea may be present as well.

If you are having CHEST PAIN , NAUSEA and/or SWEATING call 911 and go to the nearest emergency room for medical care!

A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is impeded or blocked.

Sometimes these symptoms will go away after a few minutes or hours. When this happens it is likely you are having a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) which means that a blocked blood vessel to your brain has opened up and the blood flow has been at least partially restored.

For years doctors have thought that this type of event did not cause damage to the brain though recent studies have demonstrated that it not only does, but can result in long term problems like memory loss. If these symptoms return in a few hours, days or even weeks, the original symptoms usually stick around and may signal a full blown stroke.

If you should have this type of seemingly temporary problem, then insist that your doctors do a complete brain blood vessel evaluation and brain MRI so the exact cause of the symptoms can be determined and either repaired or treated to prevent the progression of the TIA into a full blown stroke.

Call 911 if….

If you or someone your observe exhibits any of the signs of stroke. Do not delay because timely treatment is critical to survival and recovery. Be safe rather than sorry! CALL NOW!

Summon an ambulance…

If the symptoms pass quickly this may indicate a brief blockage of blood flow to the brain (called a transient ischemic attack or TIA) that is often a forerunner of stroke. Do not ignore this warning sign.

In situations in which a stroke is due to a blood clot, an enzyme treatment (TPA) must be initiated within the first 3-6 hours of the onset of symptoms. If your pulse is irregular and or you have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation or other forms of irregular heartbeat, your chances of having a blood clot as the cause of a stroke is high.

If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and especially if you have not been taking your blood pressure pills and TIA or stroke symptoms develop, your chances of having a “BLEEDING” type of stroke is high and the enzyme drug TPA cannot be used.

Bleeding into the brain is more likely to cause serious problems and even death than the blood clot type, especially if one’s blood pressure is high and remains so. Most preventable strokes are due to people not taking prescribed blood pressure lowering drugs or lifestyle changes or failing to measure their blood pressure on a regular basis and missing unusual changes.


Continue reading Heart Attack or Stroke?

How Can a Vegan Get a Vaccine?

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I’m not a vegan, but some of my best friends practice this way of eating.  They avoid all animal products.  It usually starts out as something of an ethical concern for animals, then broadens into a worry about the effect of animal agriculture on the planet, and then they start to investigate whether the consumption of animal products is even healthy for human beings.

I can’t really say my concern for animals is as strong as the majority of vegans.  But when they talk to me about the enormous toll that animal agriculture takes on the Earth, and some recent scientific findings about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, it makes me think.  In my time I have loved my steaks, my Chicken McNuggets, and my beef jerky, but I really won’t be surprised if I one day end up as a vegan.

I like the idea of living a healthy life on a healthy planet.  Being good to animals is just a bonus.

Continue reading How Can a Vegan Get a Vaccine?

Privatizing Tyranny – Liberty and the Crony Corporate State…

The Vaccine Construction…

By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


When Governor Jerry Brownshirt of California signed SB277 into law in 2015 he gave California parents an unconstitutional choice between their child receiving the so-called “free public education” promised by the California Constitution, or, their family exercising the universal right to Informed Consent by interposing their conscientious objection to vaccines.

The California governor violated basic norms of civilization. He enlisted not just the government’s schools, but even private and religious schools in his plan to force children to receive dozens of “unavoidably unsafe” and uninsurable vaccines. The state pretends to recognize our traditional right to freedom of choice, but it actively seeks the abrogation of that right.

History teaches us that…

During the early centuries of the Roman Empire the old forms of the Roman Republic also remained, with annual Consular elections and traditional magistrates. But that state had in fact been turned over to the Imperator who had life and death power over all others. “I am the only free person in Rome.” Caligula

The ancient city had no room for liberty. Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, commented,

“The city had been founded on a religion and constituted a church. Hence its strength; hence, also, its omnipotence and the absolute empire which it exercised over its members. In a society established on such principles, individual liberty could not exist. The citizen was subordinate in everything, and without any reserve, to the city; he belonged to it body and soul. The religion which had produced the state, and the state which supported the religion, sustained each other…”

That ancient order was, it is said, overthrown in recent centuries by the great liberal (in its original sense) revolutions which established the primacy of individual freedom.  Our “US Declaration of Independence” says:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Control of the population…

Control over most humans had been maintained for millennia through the use of religious and, later, political ideologies inevitably justifying the dominance of the few over the many, even when the controllers pretend to speak for, and protect,  the “majority”.

Through the use of what early freedom theorists such as the American abolitionist Lysandor Spooner saw as the great monopolies created by political power, this strict social control dominated human society for most of its existence. These included the monopolies over conscience embodied by state religions, over the bodies of certain people (e.g., chattel slavery; prisoners, war captives, caste system members, etc.), or the property rights of approximately half of the species (the legal “infirmities” of women, etc.) and over all property through royal claims to “own” the land and economic activities of a territory (feudalism and mercantilism).

The new “Control System” – Bureaucracy…

But in more modern times the structure of bureaucracy itself has been redesigned to become, not just to serve, the control system.

Consider, for, example, how the regulatory structure of the Military Draft was used in the USA during the 1960s and ‘70s to “channel” students into certain fields, such as science, engineering and weapons design, which were considered of benefit to the state.

Now we see the same process at work with the incessant demands for ever more vaccines, and for forcing adults and children to receive all the vaccines that crony corporatist-tainted science can concoct without regard for either scientific validation or personal rights.

Fortunately, the system falters…

However, in 2009, during the Swine Flu Vax Panic, the would-be tyrants, who planned to vaccinate every American “starting with the volunteers” with unsafety tested vaccines (with the supply “stretched” by adding the adjuvant Squalene, at levels shown to cause irreversible infertility in Patents held by the US government) found themselves stymied by a population that refused to cooperate and who, in the millions, told their “representatives” so.

The plan collapsed and even the first responders were able to escape state vax mandates unharmed, though that took a law suit. There was no pandemic.

The incipient tyrants learned an important lesson from the power of our Push Back: overt Federal mandates will be resisted.

Continue reading Privatizing Tyranny – Liberty and the Crony Corporate State…


By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Well, folks, over the last couple of years, the issue of vaccinating children has been front page news all over the net.  You will never hear about it in the mainstream press, unless, of course, the flavor of the story is to trash anyone who has any questions about vaccine safety.  These inquiring minds are automatically condemned as ignorant “anti-vaxxers” or worse.

As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, of World Mercury Project, explained it,

“America is one of only two nations in the world that allows pharmaceutical ads on television. Drug companies are the largest advertisers on TV and radio. They spend $3-$5.4 billion annually to saturate the airwaves with 80 advertisements every hour. Anyone who watches network news quickly understands that it has devolved into a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. That lucre seems to have neutralized the news divisions at CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS. Fox News alone is uncorrupted, but only because its shameless purpose, from its inception, has been to promote the ascendancy of corporate power. Fox’s former CEO, Roger Ailes, was sympathetic with the cause but he told me that he would have to fire any of his hosts who allowed me on his network to discuss mercury in vaccines or autism if I cost them an advertiser. He said, “Bobby, if I let you on to talk about vaccines, Rupert would be on the phone with me in ten minutes.”


Kennedy, as you may recall, is in conversation with President Trump about setting up a Presidential Commission to clean up the swamp at the CDC.  Trump believes vaccines cause autism.   Armed with the movie VAXXED: From Coverup to Catastrophe, Trump and millions of Americans know that the CDC, as an agency, has been caught in a whopping lie about the safety of MMR shots.

From their own studies showing  that these shots were causing damage, and lots of it, particularly to little black boys, agency officials decided to destroy the evidence so they could say, with a straight face, that they had no evidence showing harm. Thus, that is how the swamp at the CDC protects its political agenda to promote more and more vaccines.


The Nation of Islam Joins the Fight for Vaccine Truth…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I encourage you to look closely at this remarkable picture of me with Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, taken at the Revolution for Truth Rally in our nation’s capital.  Minister Tony grew up on the mean streets of Atlanta, Georgia, and was raised by a single mother with ten children.   And me?  I grew up on the fourteenth hole of Round Hill Country Club in Alamo, California, one of the wealthiest zip codes in the United States.

Do we look like friends?  Do we look like the members of a mutual admiration society?  Personally, I consider Minister Tony Muhammad to be my brother.  He is a fellow warrior for truth and like the members of a well-trained military unit, I would gladly take a bullet for him.

I know many of you may be asking yourself why a white guy like me is so enamored of the Nation of Islam.  Aren’t they a black separatist group who hates white people?

Well, after fighting in the trenches of the vaccine/autism war for more than a decade I’ve become a little wary of believing everything the mainstream media says about a group

I mean, if you listen to what the mainstream media says about people like me, I supposedly want kids to die of disease.

I interviewed Minister Tony Muhammad for my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, to find out how he and Minister Louis Farrakhan became involved in this issue.

Minister Tony Muhammad is in charge of the Los Angeles Mosque of the Nation of Islam and is responsible for most of the Nation’s activities west of the Mississippi.  About a year ago, Minister Tony got a call from one of his members, saying that Robert Kennedy, Jr. wanted to meet a member of the black community who had the courage to take on the vaccine/autism issue.

The minister agreed to the meeting. 

He was shocked by the story told to him by Robert Kennedy, Jr. of how Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control was alleging a cover-up of data showing that African-American males were at an increased risk of autism from earlier administration of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Minister Tony immediately realized the significance of the information and put in a call to the head of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, to tell him about what he’d heard.  Minister Farrakhan asked the group if they would be willing to fly out to Chicago to discuss the information with him personally.

Continue reading The Nation of Islam Joins the Fight for Vaccine Truth…

Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

At California Senator Richard Pan’s most recent Town Hall Meeting regarding Senate Bill 18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, many parents claimed that they were completely shut out of these Town Hall Meetings.

These so-called Town Hall Meetings are supposed to be open to all members of the public.

Parents allege that they were prevented from speaking, while many seemingly paid proponents of the bill were invited to speak, and often past their allotted amount of time.

In addition, the people that spoke in support of the bill, had presumed financial incentives and ties that would directly benefit themselves and state agencies by the passage of SB18.

Sounds like SB277 deja vu all over again…

Conflicts of Interest…

People who made negative comments on an autism post on Senator Richard Pan’s facebook page were allegedly moved to the overfill room and prevented from speaking at the “Town Hall Meeting.”

When one parent, emboldened by not being allowed to speak, decided to stand up and speak anyway at the end of the meeting, the lights were shut off.

People began chanting their opposition to Senate Bill 18 and the stealing of parental rights.

The lights continued to stay turned off, as people chanted and stumbled through the dark.

I sure hope that Senator Pan didn’t cause anyone to be injured by this reckless and irrational behavior.

Continue reading Communist California Taking Steps to Own You and Your Child From Cradle to Grave…

The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…


By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


This Law Note responds to the erroneous idea that the international humanitarian right of Informed Consent only applies in cases of war.

In Supreme Court Decision Missouri vs McNeely the court said:

“…this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests.”

When people cite the Geneva Conventions [1] as a source of the right they are sometimes told that the Conventions only apply in time of war. We assert that the Conventions recognize a right of Informed Consent (by operation of the Nuremberg Code) but are clearly not the only source of legal support for the humanitarian right of Informed Consent.

There are many international agreements that were made in Geneva, the original home of the League of Nations and now the European base for the United Nations. Among those agreements are the Geneva Conventions proper, which relate to armed conflict. Among other matters, they cover the handling of criminal charges against prisoners of war. In that context, at the end of WWII, the Nuremberg Code was proclaimed.

The Nuremberg Code requires respect for Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”

Continue reading The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…

Hey, President Trump. Let’s Get Real About Infectious Disease Policy…

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

I wanted y’all to see what I sent to President Trump as well as my Oklahoma elected officials as part of the national Revolution For Truth campaign.

Dear President Trump:

As a longtime health policy analyst, I am delighted that there is talk that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., would be officially asked to look into the swamp at the CDC.   It is time to expose what is going on, particularly the cover-up depicted in the film, VAXXED: Coverup to Catastrophe.  Kennedy is a perfect choice for this job.  One only needs to read his article Deadly Immunity, published 12 years ago about the Simpsonwood scandal, to see the measure of his courage, commitment and understanding of the task.


As one who has researched and written about the failure of our health care system to truly serve the public interest, I suggest you make sure that Mr. Kennedy spends some quality time with former U.S. Representative Dan Burton, who was head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee which held 10 years of hearings on mercury in vaccines and dental amalgams.

It is important to note, that after the conclusion of those hearings, head counsel for the hearings, Liz Birt, wrote a report on July 15, 2005, to Lauren Fuller, Chief Investigative Counsel for Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, to provide Burton’s committee findings of a cover up regarding Thimerisol (mercury).

  1. FDA: Criminal Negligence in failure to regulate the safety and effectiveness of biological products.
  2. HHS, CDC, and FDA: Criminal negligence in the failure to regulate and promote vaccines as provided for under the National Vaccine Injury Act.
  3. FDA: Criminal negligence in not instituting a Class I recall of all vaccines administered to infants containing in July of 1999 and again in June of 2000 when the results of the VSD were discussed at Simpsonwood.
  4. HHS, FDA, CDC and ACIP employees and contractors: Criminal conspiracy to defraud the government by deception or artifice and to obstruct the wholesome administration of the laws and affairs of the United States.
  5. HHS, FDA CDC, ACIP employees and contractors: Criminal obstruction of justice.

What I fear is that Mr. Kennedy will be engaging in another 10 years of high profile hearings as Rep. Burton conducted, and still nothing will change.


The plain fact of the matter is that our infectious disease policy, from the beginning of the 20th Century, was designed for the financial benefit of the drug industry with no regard for what was good for the general public.

I call your attention to an article I recently published on the BolenReport entitled, Is This the End of Vaccines?  In it, I provided the history of how homeopathy, in particular, has been systematically excluded from not just our medical system as a whole, but specifically excluded from consideration in any part of our infectious disease policy.  This exclusion was done, quite deliberately, to create a need for vaccines, which were invented at the end of the 1800s.  Unlike homeopathic products, vaccines are patentable so they make an ideal and very profitable array of products for international trade.

Continue reading Hey, President Trump. Let’s Get Real About Infectious Disease Policy…

Mr. Heckenlively Goes to Washington…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.


On the afternoon of March 31, 2017 you will find me on the steps of the United States Capitol, taking part in the Revolution for Truth Rally, put together by Michelle Ford and many others.  I will actually arrive a day earlier, and it will be a busy time.  Many of the activists will be meeting with their representatives, and the community is being asked to make calls to their representatives and the White House to support our rally.

On Friday morning, we will rally in front of the White House, march to the National Press Club to support an event there, then proceed to the U.S. Capitol for an afternoon rally.

It is an impressive list of speakers, starting with Robert Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, Minister Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, Del Bigtree, the producer of VAXXED, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Toni Bark, Marcella Piper-Terry of VaxTruth, Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, Sheila Lewis Ealey, and of course, me.

Here is what I intend to say:

Continue reading Mr. Heckenlively Goes to Washington…

A Revolution For Vaccine Truth – Washington DC…

By: Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


The anti-vaccination movement is growing so fast it is almost impossible to keep track of everything that is happening.  Social media is NOT the friend of social activists in most ways, but what it DOES provide is the ability to spread information quickly, and thoroughly, no matter how hard FaceBook tries to suppress it – and it does try to do that.

But, no matter how many barriers FaceBook puts up, social activists have figured out how to move right around them, ignoring the brainless advertising, and propaganda delivery, proceeding toward important information delivery.

One of the important activities social activists involved in the anti-vaccine movement have achieved is the outright elimination of racial strife.  

And how was THAT done, you ask?

Los Angeles area resident Michelle Maher Ford, one day, ignoring years of socially perceived racial strife between blacks, whites, etc., picked up the phone and started calling activists in the black community trying to bring attention to the findings of the CDC whistleblower William Thompson, and what he explained to Brian Hooker about how little black boys were three times as likely to be injured by vaccines as other children.  Fearless in her endeavor, Michelle reached EVEN into what some white people see as “the most angry of black activist groups, the Nation of Islam,” ultimately having a cordial meeting of minds with Minister  Louis Farrakhan himself in his home.

And she struck gold…

Continue reading A Revolution For Vaccine Truth – Washington DC…

Do We Really Want to Inject Our Children with Vaccines Made in China?

By Janet K. Kern PhD

There are serious concerns being raised regarding contamination in vaccines, especially in light of the fact that many vaccines are now made in China.

Most childhood vaccines are now made in Chinese vaccine manufacturing facilities (Bolen Report, 2017). Unfortunately, foreign pharmaceutical companies are not subject to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quality control regulations.

China has a history of producing tainted and/or toxic products.

For example, in 2008, an estimated 300,000 infants fell victim to contaminated infant formulas made in China. Six of the infants died. Four years after that, Chinese baby formulas were found to contain dangerous levels of mercury and were forced to recall six months’ worth of production. Then one month after that, China authorities discovered more shipments of contaminated infant formula, this time poisoned with a cancer-causing toxin aflatoxin, a carcinogenic substance produced by fungus or mold. It was found in “excessive” amounts (The New York Times, 2012).

In 2007, a nationwide inspection of China’s food industry uncovered 23,000 cases of tainted or expired food (NPR, 2007a). Then in 2012, when Rendezvous explored the issue of food safety in China they described it as “a mess” (The New York Times, 2012).

It gets worse…

Continue reading Do We Really Want to Inject Our Children with Vaccines Made in China?

A Call To Action! Our Veterans Need Us!

By: Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

“America’s veterans deserve the very best health care because they’ve earned it.”  Jim Ramstad, U.S. Congressman

My husband died eight years ago and I took the opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery that, for a time, led me to Austin, Texas, and then back home to Oklahoma City.

Within days of returning home, I learned that an old political buddy, Bill Duncan, was in town, doing something interesting.   So who is Bill Duncan, you ask? He’s the fellow my Fifth District US Congressman, Ernest Istook, hired in 1995 to clean up the medical system.

Clean Up?

At the time, I served as head of Ross Perot’s Reform Party Health Committee so this gave me a good reason to pay attention to what was going on with Bill.  Reformers were in the business of finding ways to clean up government. A third of Bill’s job was to make sure the new Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health wouldn’t get screwed up.

When the NIH Director attacked it, Bill created the legislation, passed by Senator Tom Harkin, that created the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). It’s very existence was as welcome as ants at a picnic because our American medical system is based on using drugs, surgery and other high tech (read expensive) modes of treating illness and injury.

Allopathy?  What’s THAT?

Technically, the medical philosophy that our medical establishment practices is called “allopathy”.  Consequently, the CAM department had many enemies, and still does. As an economist by training, Bill’s overall assignment was to make the U.S. healthcare system more effective, more efficient, and less expensive. His doctorate is in political science, economics, and public law, but he also has an MBA from Boston University.

In his program, which he took in Germany, Harvard professors came to Germany and taught the program from Harvard’s books.  This gave him a great basis for understanding the mandate from Rep. Istook. This included reducing regulatory burdens, increasing market availability of affordable health insurance, and driving new and effective treatments and technologies, including ones with no patent, into use.

The fight over proper health care in the US has been around for a VERY long time…

Continue reading A Call To Action! Our Veterans Need Us!

INOCULATED Needs to be a Bestseller…

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I’ve done what I can.

For a solid year I labored on the definitive book on vaccines and autism, backed up by documents turned over to the office of Congressman William Posey by senior Centers for Disease Control (CDC) scientist, Dr. William Thompson.  These documents definitively show that by the early 2000s the administration of the CDC knew that vaccines were linked to autism, specifically through earlier administration of the MMR vaccine and the presence of mercury, and possibly other substances, like aluminum.

I expected to get little coverage in the mainstream media. 

It’s why I paid a publicist more than $4,000 dollars to get me on more than fifty radio stations across the country.  My agent took the book around to publishers, even those who had published similar topics, and every one of them was absolutely terrified.  To get it published, I had to put out some of my own money.

I expected the mainstream media to ignore me. 

What concerns me even more is that the autism community itself does not even seem to support such books.  It’s probably why publishers like Skyhorse aren’t putting out that many titles in the area.  They just don’t sell.  If the pro-vaccine forces knew how much we don’t support our own community, they’d probably breathe a sigh of relief.

Don’t believe me? 

This is what other disease communities do.  I wrote PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism and Other Diseases with Dr. Judy Mikovits, and the chronic fatigue syndrome/ME community responded by buying more than 10,000 hardcover copies and putting up 137 reviews on Amazon.

How is INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism doing after four months of being on the market?  It’s sold a little under a thousand copies and there are 25 reviews on Amazon.  Frankly, I’m kind of ashamed of my community.  How can we defeat the pharmaceutical industry if we don’t even stand together?

I know that dealing with autism all the time gets parents down. 

There is no vacation.  I live it every day.  I understand it.  I know it seems overwhelming.  But you have to get up off of your back and fight.  We are so close.  We know have a President who supports getting to the bottom of the vaccine/autism issue.  He has even said that he knows of many children who were fine before getting their shot and were different afterwards.  I cover all of that in my book.

I believe there are scientists who are getting to the bottom of HOW the vaccines derange the immune and neurological system of the developing child. 

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