The World Health Organization (WHO) Doesn’t Like Us…
Uh-Oh – At The BolenReport we tell it like it is. Sometimes we are WAY AHEAD of other news media breaking a story, explaining the reality of a situation, in our usual non-PC way. Our Writer Kent Heckenlively (the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer) got us banned in Australia, and frowned on in China. Now Karma Singh in Europe has shown the self-illustrious World Health Organization (WHO) what they can expect from honest media…
At 10.00 a.m., London time, Thursday 16th April, a press conference was given by the World Health Organization (WHO Europe) to which ExtremNews, Germany was invited. As the conference was held in English, they asked me to participate on their behalf.
This is my report:
In general I must “congratulate” the WHO for, other than when “answering” my question, studiously avoiding giving misleading information. This they achieved by avoiding giving any information at all: Instead they confined themselves to vague platitudes.
“We will continue to monitor the situation.” “Our sympathies go out to those hurt by this necessary action.” “We cannot give any answers until we’ve tested the data.” Etc., etc..
Two of the speakers, Dr. Hans Kluge and Natasha Azzopardi Muscat actually managed to say nothing. They spoke at some length with high-sounding words devoid of context and meaning. When this “noise” was filtered out, neither of them had said anything at all!
The other, Catherine Smallwood, was not quite so well-schooled as the others and almost attempted to answer my question with a bare faced lie before she continued with the platitudes.
It did seem to me very obvious that the invited journalists had been carefully selected, almost all of them coming from the pharmaceutical owned press. They were not expecting my question which almost flummoxed Mistress Smallwood into saying something. I suspect that ExtremNews will not be invited again.
(Instead, something quite unexpected happened – see the note at the end of this article)
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I don’t have a tally of how many times the pharmaceutical cartel has done this over the last century but I do remember eight such events from about 1964 to 2009.
How many more there were is of little interest and, at the time, I, along with most other people simply ignored the propaganda. This wasn’t good enough for the pharmaceutical cartel and the bankers who own it; they want everyone to take every so-called vaccine that they’ve ever manufactured.
The marketing problem that they have is that there is no hard evidence that the viruses which they are supposed to render harmless even exist!
All is guesswork, supposition and assumption: In 2016, Germany’s highest court ruled that these do not qualify as evidence because they are not demonstrable facts. There is a further problem in that all epidemiological evidence shows uniformly that the only discernible effect of vaccination is to spread and to cause disease (see ). As it became clear that ever more people were becoming aware of this, it was clear to them that they would have to do something enormous or lose billions in profit.
Coronadaisy is their chosen method. Hereby, we must note a few things:-
1. There are over 1100 different putative Corona “viruses”.
2. The Corona tests will give a positive reading no matter which one it “finds”, i.e. the so-called test is NOT specific for COVID-19.
3. Coronadaisy is one of the many known ‘flu variants; it is known to be an especially mild ‘flu form.
4. The Corona “viruses” have been well-known for at least ten years.
5. Every year, between 290.000 and 500.000 aged and infirm people die whilst going through the ‘flu process, i.e. their systems were on the verge of collapse with other illnesses and the ‘flu was just too much.
6. Even including the false figures dictated by the pharmaceutical cartel and the satanic sect which controls it (also via the satanic temple in the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin) the present (16.00 on Thursday 9th April) death toll is only 229.381 – less than half that for a bad ‘flu year.
7. ‘Flu is not an illness but a natural detoxification process. This is why you feel lighter and look younger following a bout of ‘flu.
8. The so-called “viruses” are wastes which your own body produces as part of the detoxification process, i.e. they do NOT come from outside of you.
Colds and ‘flu are the most common minor maladies right around the world. Each season brings forth a slightly different “virus” as, each Winter, different problems are being resolved. This makes ‘flu an ideal scaremongering tool because it gives the possibility to claim that “this year’s variant” is a brand new super-deadly one.
(The apparent contradiction to this, “Spanish ‘Flu” which did kill possibly as many as 50 million people, was, as Dr. John Bergman has made very clear, a direct result of mass-vaccination…
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The recent worldwide panic from the Chinese Corona virus makes clear how much science has suffered from the persecution of independent voices who seek to improve public health.
That persecution stops today with the release of my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.
We move from defense to offense and I don’t care who I upset. In this emergency there are far too many people suffering for us to be timid. If we are rekindling some of the idealism of the 1960s let me boldly say I am the new Malcolm X and I will speak the truth about the injustices perpetrated against honest scientists and advocates.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield who first raised alarms about the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and the development of autism when the rate was less than one in five hundred children, has been persecuted more viciously than either Galileo or Darwin. Those figures of history could at least count on their supporters in science.
Big Pharma has become the new Catholic Church, and their paid minions in science and medicine the shock troops of a new inquisition.
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Yes, Of Course It Is. The Question Is: “What Are We Going To Do About It?”
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The whole “CoronaVirus”thing sprang on the American scene before the ink was dry on the US Senate’s written Decision on the liberal Democrat’s “Impeachment Hoax”ending one more attempt to interfere with the activites of a duly elected US President.
This new attempt, the “CoronaVirus”situation, was a bit different in that it was aimed right at Trump Supporters, and was designed to punish all of us for daring to support our President. It was aimed directly at two main conservative bastions: (1) older people with savings and common sense, and (2) our private sector economy. Did you notice that it was America’s small businesses, typically Republican, that took the “shutdown” hit?
There is NO QUESTION that this so-called Covid 19 was designed, and built out, in a high end bioweapons lab. Having said that, it becomes obvious that it was AIMED at a specific segment of Planet Earth.
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Day by day we see the death rate from Corona-whatever rapidly falling: Not merely in Germany where it has now fallen to 0.563% but also in other countries which have been carrying out mass-testing over the last 2 weeks. There are very good reasons for this.
The Corona test is unspecific, will register a positive if any of the hundreds of Corona type “viruses” are detected.
Almost all of us have most common “viruses” present in our bodies but which do nothing because they have no recycling job to do. If you just happened to have one single Corona “virus” in your body and the test swab happened to get it, you now have no such “virus” in your body but your test will still be positive!
The test gives no information at all about the density of “viruses” present. It needs millions to “make you ill” but your test will still be positive even if you have just one.
Further than this, the tests are not for the “virus” itself, but for the “antibodies” which, according to medical theory, are proof that your own natural immune system has destroyed the virus!
So a “positive” test means that your natural immune system is working properly and you are not ill. You are then, nonetheless, imprisoned for the crime of being healthy!
Because of these unspecific tests, we have a steadily rising number of “infected” against a falling number of ‘flu related illness and deaths as the annual ‘flu season comes to a close.
In the United Kingdom, such tests indicate that at least 60% of the population is “infected” without presenting any symptoms of illness and, in view of this, many medical experts are advocating the immediate lifting of the house arrest under which most people are presently living in order to facilitate the rapid attainment of natural “herd immunity”.
It cannot be stressed too strongly here that many of the typical annual ‘flu related deaths are being reclassified as CoronaVirus deaths with no medical justification whatsoever.
Quoted to me as a typical case was a woman in Lombardy (the region in Italy which has always had the highest numbers of annual deaths) with terminal lung cancer who, for bureaucratic reasons, was tested and found to be positive with one of the Corona viruses. On her death certificate is written COVID-19 as cause of death although the cancer had killed her and no test for the presence of COVID-19 exists!
We should also note that Lombardy, as with Wuhan, has high levels of industrial air pollution which has, for years, made this a hot-spot for respiratory illnesses.
Add to this the 5G which changes the oxygen molecules in the air so that your blood cannot absorb them and has been widely rolled out in Lombardy and we have a European Wuhan.
Then we have the enormous disparity between the claims about the numbers of people being hospitalised and the reality on the ground.
I have been told of one hospital in Bavaria of which it was said that they had run out of space, that patients were lying in the corridors and the doctors and nurses were working continuous 12 hours shifts.
When a journalist went there to get the story first hand and some pictures, medical personnel were complaining of the boredom because they had nothing to do and many had been sent home due to the lack of work. The same is the case with most other hospitals where day to day treatments have been cancelled to make way for the flood of Corona patients which have never arrived and now never will.
This video (in German with English sub-titles) tells the story and more besides.
The detailed statistics on the European Monitoring of excess Mortality website make abundantly plain that the ‘flu death rate (including the fabulous COVID-19) is, with the small exception of Italy, at or below normal. I.e. the real figures show that there is no “dangerous disease” going around! Italy is the exception because it has an ageing population which is, of course, more susceptible to ‘flu related deaths. Nonetheless, the (now rapidly falling) death rate has not come near the rate recorded in 2016 – the last major problem with seasonal ‘flu.
Especially noteworthy is that the accumulated ‘flu death rate in the entire United Kingdom is way below average and so any justification for the draconian measures being imposed upon us is completely missing.
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…during those moments when the moon exactly blocks the disc of the sun (some intelligent direction here, maybe?), you will see a ring of fire around the black disc. In all cultures around the world this is taken to mean God’s / Goddess’s message that, even in the darkest hour, light will always triumph over darkness.
In the higher ranks of black magic, ipsissimusupwards, there is a “rule” – primarily an ego trip to show their “superiority” – that you must declare your intent to your victims and also indicate how they can escape your plans.
In the press owned by those black magicians (around 95% of the total)…
…we are told that corona means crown. Whilst it is true that, in certain circumstances, corona or halo can also be expressed as crown, the ring of fire is its true, original meaning. This is important as this is the escape route which opens before us. It is useful, of course, to see clearly just what it is that we have to escape from!
Almost from day one, we have seen that there is a direct connection between 5G and the mythological “corona virus”.
Now 5G, sold to us as an ultra-high-speed internet system is, in fact, a weapons system.
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If, by the end of today, YOU and your family are NOT taking a minimum of 500 milligrams, per person, per day, of Vitamin C, YOU are TOO DUMB to read the BolenReport…
Get with the program people. Stop being Big Pharma sheeples…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The liberal media is NOT telling the public that literally TONS of Vitamin C is being shipped into Wuhan, China to treat, and stop, their CoronaVirus outbreak. They are also not telling anyone that the city of Shanghai (population 24.2 million) has adopted Vitamin C as their treatment of choice. I am hearing reports that the country of Taiwan is doing the same.
So, what the hell is wrong with the United States of America?
Listen closely – go out and buy a family sized bag of Vitamin C right now. Read the rest of this article later if you have to. Get whatever form you can get…
I’m 76 years old – so by the media’s estimate I’m first in line to die of the CoronaVirus. No thanks, I’m busy that day…
I take a minimum of 2,500 milligrams of Vitamin C per day, and have been for years, in powder form stirred into sixteen (16) ounces of water. If I feel a cold, or allergies, coming on I’ll double that by taking more six hours later.
I get my “China Free” Vitamin C from a secret source. You can buy your Vitamin C anywhere you want, but try to get the best quality. Try to get the Ascorbic Acid variety as your first choice.
The stuff I get, when mixed with sixteen ounces of water, tastes like a very good pink lemonade, and I use it as the liquid to take my supplements every morning.
What supplements does an old guy like me take, you ask? Besides the Vitamin C, I take two 425 mg Magnesium Malate (old guys need magnesium), three Prostrate Formula (yup, I’m there), two 1000 mg Triphala (look this one up), two 2,500 mg Flax Seed/Fish Oil Complex, two 500 mg Vitamin B12 (keeps me pretty), one 500 mg Selenium, two 5,000 mg D3 (sunshine in a capsule), and a blood pressure pill (I’m married, and sometimes we don’t always agree).
Andrew Saul, over at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service writes:
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Firstly, there are three things that we need to bear in mind when reviewing this:
1) The symptoms are indistinguishable from normal ‘flu or a heavy cold and, just as with these two, well-known detoxification processes, most recover fully within a few days and are cleaner, healthier and slightly younger. See “The ‘Flu Fairy Tale”for a very detailed explanation of this.
2) The present “death toll” as of Monday 10th February is reported to be 1016 in the entire Chinese territory and none elsewhere. When we bear in mind that the death rate from ‘flu in China for 2017 was just over 68,000 (later figures not available) and we’re now at the height of the annual ‘flu season, this number can only be viewed as very encouragingly small since the first cases of this “novel”‘flu were recorded in mid-December last year.
This said, however, it now appears that the deaths reported were from pneumonia…
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There is no question that there is an “Insurrection” going on against a legally constituted government. Call in the Military. Make mass Arrests. Fill up the camps.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
What, exactly, is an “Insurrection?”
According to the Collins dictionary – An insurrection is violentaction that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office.
Are the Democrats involved in that? Oh yeah. We have only to look at the Liberal Democrat’s ANTIFA army being groomed across the US, armed and trained in weaponry, and attack tactics. There, without question, is the violence. Their recent activities in Minneapolis and Portland are not isolated incidences. They are evidence of a carefully planned armed revolt designed to terrorize the American public into accepting Democrats’ corrupt deviant life style.
It is a violent communist/socialist/sexual deviant revolt. It is time to shut it down as HARSHLY as possible.
Is there precedent for this?
Absolutely. President George Washington used the Insurrection Act to put down the so-called “Whiskey Rebellion” in 1779.
It was invoked by President Eisenhowerin 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas to ensure the enrollment of African-American schoolchildren in the face of state defiance of a federal court order.
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is an old joke that goes “I used to be a Democrat but then the pimples cleared up…”
These days it is hard to make a joke about the current Democratic Party, for they are not within an American description. Democratic legislators, and certainly All 2020 presidential candidates, focus ONLY on socialist/communist/sexual deviance concepts – massive government intruding on every aspect of daily life with orders issued by its own self-styled elite that allows NO deviation from the script.
As far as Health Care goes, the Democrats, during the mid-term elections, made promise-after-promise to focus on issues like Health Care. But did they? Nope. All they have time for is impeaching our President. Not one second to reduce prescription costs.
Realization has hit them hard…
Today’s Democrats live in their own bubble convincing themselves, over their Starbucks lattes, that they, in fact, are America’s elite, blah, blah, blah…
Election 2016 hit them solidly on the nose, and those they labeled “Toothless Deplorables”went to a Trump Rally and on to the voting booths across America. Only in places like “Voter Fraud Central” California were the Democrats successful.
The Dems, totally in shock, decided that the election was some kind of grand fluke, that THEY, in fact, had the power to turn things around for didn’t they own the liberal media outright? Hadn’t Obama appointed key people into key agencies so as to control the government? They decided that a “Russian influence” story would do the trick. Look where THAT went.
The Marxist Secular Humanist Democrats had TOTALLY miscalculated the situation.
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also known as the IPCC – (please note “intergovernmental” not international) – was created as a political lobby to sell the concept of man-made global warming to the world at large. Whilst it pretended to have a large body of top-notch climate scientists behind it, many of these “2500 world class scientists” were, in fact, students, journalists, commentators, bureaucrats and others.
Just below is the entire one hour sixteen minute “The Great Global Warning Swindle” produced by HONEST scientists…
The “climate change concept which they were trying to sell… based upon a suggestion from a Swedish scientist in the 1960’s when the changes in the world temperature led many to fear that we were heading for a new Ice Age. His suggestion was that if we could burn a lot more coal and oil then we just might be able to produce so much CO2 that we could create a sort of “greenhouse effect” and stave off the global cooling. It must be noted that this was a time in which the rapid expansion in the production and use of consumer goods (including cars) had already given rise to an increase in CO2 produced by we humans but this was nowhere near the levels needed for his proposed greenhouse effect. Human activity currently produces about six per cent of all CO2. To get the effect he proposed, we would have to increase this to more than 30%, i.e. more than FIVE TIMES the present level. Fortunately, just as human produced CO2 actually fell off due to the oil crisis in 1973/74, sun spot activity, which had almost stopped in the early 1950’s, resumed and temperatures began to rise again.
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Although this has been staring me in the face for a long time, I have held myself back from writing about it as it is not only “invisible” to many but also “unthinkable” to many more.
What is to me very obvious and should, by their actions, be very obvious to others but, for some rationalisation, appears not to be.
I know that it’s probably not very helpful to mention it here but, in Germany, I’ve done this several times on television just before an election:
From a photo, without a name, I have been able to accurately describe the character, abilities and suitability for office of political candidates. Such is one of the “normal” abilities which everyone possesses but, through religious indoctrination, suppresses. It’s not that you have to learn anything new in order to do it; you only need to forget that you can’t do it and then practice, practice, practice.
Almost exclusively amongst Democrats whom, you will note, make the most ridiculous assertions and promote policies that would kill millions and destroy the livelihood of many millions more is this very visible.
The (to me) plain fact is that these people are not themselves.
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While some might consider my expressed views on what happened last year to Alex Jones and,namely, being “banned”[a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] by nearly all the major social media during one 24 hour period, a conspiracy theory, I assert that the evidence does support the theory that these major corporate actors were acting in concert and that their actions violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and the 14th Amendment.
The sordid story continues and gets worse.
Not long ago Facebook imposed a “total ban” on even mentioning Alex Jones (and Rev. L. Farrakhan and others). Unless you preface your reference to the banned with the “compelled opinion” that you renounce the banned speakers, your reference to these ‘Unpersons” will be likewise banned. Shades of the Soviet Encyclopedia with its repeated airbrushing of historic photos and policy of “banning” any mention of the victims of Stalinist repression.
Facebook hasn’t hired any hit squads (yet) so I suppose American social media isn’t quite Stalinesque, but I think anyone so “banned” by the Deep State Social Media Crony Corporations has good grounds to sue.
We are told that the “bannings” were not unlawful censorship since the banning entities are all “private companies”, not subject to the First Amendment’s injunction, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech…” I disagree.
The companies may be private enterprises, but they are public actors, acting “under color of law” through their state corporate franchise and their use of the Internet Public Utility, or Public Commons, for commercial profit.
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And At Least ONE Democratic Party 2020 Presidential Candidate Is Working With Them Openly, And Directly…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Many people in the English-speaking-world hear the words surrounding the concept of “Globalism,” but few have examples of what that concept means exactly. I am about to explain it and give you a very strong example – the relationship between Big Pharma, Mainland Communist China and US Health Care policy.
In earlier articles on the BolenReport our writer from Europe, Karma Singhexplained the relationship between Big Pharma, Germany, the European Union, and Big Banks controlling world currency. Karma’s important articles, found here make for an interesting explanation of Big Pharma’s attempted stranglehold of Europe. Karma didn’t pull any punches…
So now, let’s go over to Asia…
The relationship between Big Pharma and Mainland Communist China…
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Over the years, The BolenReport has been publishing articles about the evils of vaccines, the lies about crooked science, the arbitrary political forces that want to dictate how parents take care of their children medically and run our lives.
The anti-vax community is the largest activist group in the world, with communications networks everywhere. Even though from time-to-time The BolenReport’s connections are removed from Facebook and many of our articles are officially blocked, our news is still circulated worldwide thanks to you.
Just so you know…….
When Donald Trump came on the scene, a lot of the venom that had been aimed at the anti-vaxxer movement was shifted to him.
One of the earliest political statements he made was regarding his concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Trump followed through immediately after the election by asking Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the scion of the great liberal Kennedy dynasty, to help get to the truth about the entire industry.
We need to understand why Trump set this up, quit whining about why we don’t like him, and not get distracted by side issues the Marxist left keeps bringing up for the purpose of creating angry headlines and general chaos. It is part of an overall strategy to destabilize our country.
Trump is NOT the problem, despite all the propaganda being peddled about him. It is the goals he is in the process of achieving to protect our Western Civilization that are driving his detractors crazy.
Here’s why Trump went after vaccines first. Mandatory vaccinations represent ultimate control of the population.
The goal of the anti-Trump forces is to take down our government and transform our country into a controlled Marxist state. Call it a social democracy if you like; it amounts to the same thing. First, a nice friendly socialist state with free health care for all that then morphs into a controlled communist state Bernie Sanders and his fans forget to mention.
…the horrors of the Marxist state are never taught in our public schools. Even more worrisome, according to the Southern California Young Communist League, “Whoever controls the minds of the next generation basically controls the future.” In other words, for example, students are not told that during Mao’s Cultural Revolution, 3 million Chinese were killed and somewhere between 20 to 43 million died of starvation in the worst famine in world history which Mao proudly called “The Great Leap Forward.”
Another detail never mentioned is that during this famine, children were killed, boiled, used for fertilizer or eaten. These facts are hardly topics worthy of classroom discussion, apparently.
Think “Bernie Sanders” when you realize the death rate in Marxist countries worldwide, during the 20th century, is estimated to be between 85 million to 100 million. What Trump has said from the beginning, he’s for getting America back on track and cleaning out the Swamp of the corruption, such as that which we all know exists in the vaccine industry.
As for Trump’s understanding of the medical industry…
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To A “Progressive” Democrat American “Nationalism” is A Bad Thing. Being “White” is Worse…
They Seem to Want Heterosexual Christians and Jews Killed Immediately, and Their Children Ripped Apart At Birth, or Vaccinated Into Zombies…
First, Of Course, They Want Our Guns Confiscated…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Watching the ultra-left Democratic Party presidential candidates attempting to come up with a strategy that would give them ANY chance, at all, of getting a candidate elected President in 2020 is getting VERY interesting.
It has brought them all out of the closet, so-to-speak…
At first, the counter-move to OUR electing Donald Trump as our President in 2016 was to make the claim that “Trump is an agent of the Russian government.”
When that STUPID story was shown to be nonsense the liberals had massive egg on their faces – so they IMMEDIATELY came out with a new thing. Trump, and by association, all of his supporters, are “Racists…”
Their latest gambit is to try and set up a HATRED of all white people who want to “Make, and Keep, America Great Again.” Think about that… Somehow, in the minds of Democrats, a strong America, with people working, buying homes, buying cars, is a BAD thing. Blacks, whites, browns, yellows, etc. working together as one nation is, to a “Progressive” Democrat, a bad thing.
There is NO question that MOST 2020 Democrat presidential candidates want America destroyed in favor of total UN-Run (Agenda 21) One-World Soviet Style Communism.
The wild-eyed “Green New Deal”would completely bankrupt America in a matter of months, shutting down MOST of America’s industries, putting MOST Americans out of work, giving Mainland Communist China the ability to crush America overnight. And, for the “Anti-White” Democrats, the result would be sweet – the end of Western Civilization.
“Medicare For all” is another nation buster. Just envision millions of out-of-work people standing in line to get their 2,364 “Mandatory Vaccinations.”
$96,000 For a BA in Hispanic Transgender Gay & Lesbian Studies and I can’t find work…
“Free College for all” is another line of BS. American Universities have become nothing more than a baby-sitting service for liberal Prima-Donnas whining about how hard their privileged lives are as they dope-smoke their way between safe-spaces. The idea of graduating from college and getting an actual job is simply NOT in their plans. with “Free College for all” they could stay right there, as a student, until their hair falls out.
“Mass Shootings” – Liberal Democrats are completely responsible for this situation. Every person killed or wounded can be traced back to “liberal” values. Our country is faced with the liberal’s long-term plan to destroy family units, removing the guidance of fathers from the child-raising picture.
Don’t even start me on the “Childhood Vaccination Program.” 54% of America’s children are chronically ill. American Millenial generation males have 50% of the testosterone their father’s had… One plus one equals two. Two plus two equals four.
“We Want America Destroyed” is the war cry of almost every 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate…
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“Political Correctness” is the central tactic used to try to silence The Anti-Vax Movement…
…and if America goes Marxist, as Bernie Sanders is promoting (he calls it Social Democracy), our concerns about safety, and our desire for choice not to vaccinate. will be silenced forever….
If you read my article Trump Opens Door So We Can Purge Marxism From Public Schools on how Marxists actively took over America’s public schools to teach students not to think critically, it was the first of several forthcoming articles about how the Marxist movement has insinuated mind-numbing Marxist thinking into many other spheres of public life here in the U.S. – like honest discussions about health care.
This article focuses on how “Political Correctness”came into being and why we need to put a stop to it to restore order. As you will learn, “Political Correctness”is a well-developed method of mind control designed to herd people with low self-esteem into “following orders”.
Karl Marx – A Man Filled With Self-Loathing…
Karl Marx
Back when Karl Marx was alive and started to write, he was already a sick man. While his middle class parents tried to teach him personal discipline like eating right and getting regular exercise and other middle class self-discipline values, Marx was clearly a misfit. When he went off to college, he was charged with drunken and disorderly behavior, carried guns, squandered his money and was otherwise a wild kid, out of control. His father even moved him from Bonn to Berlin, where he finally finished his university studies.
According to medical experts, Marx suffered from a lifelong condition called hidradenitis, a skin disease that is known to create psychological problems including self-loathing and alienation. Victims suffer from horrible and painful boils under the armpits and in the groin. The disease also causes widespread infection resulting in painful swelling in other parts of his body. Marx also suffered from hemorrhoids.
To add to his low self esteem was that Marx had a thick accent and lisped. That, along with suffering eye problems that caused red eyes and the open sores on his face from other ailments, he must have been quite a sight. After his studies were over, he took to writing and over the years his angry and hostile articles justified officials in France, Germany and Belgium to throw him out of their countries, so he spent the rest of his life living in self-imposed poverty, living off handouts from a rich uncle and his pal Friedrich Engels. During his years in the slums of London, Marx continued to smoke and drink too much and suffered from a variety of ailments associated with living in filth and poverty. Several bouts of depression were prompted by the deaths of several of his seven children who died of diseases brought on by poverty. His ever-present worry was to have enough cash to buy potatoes and bread, the main diet of the entire family.
To tell the truth, Marx never worked a day in his life, instead spending every day at the library writing hateful articles and books telling people how the world was bad and that everyone ought to revolt.
What Marx Believed…
Marx saw the world as made up of two kinds of people – Those who owned all the wealth and those who were not only forced to work for a living but even forced to compete against each other to get low-paying meaningless jobs from the wealthy. He believed people who worked for others were basically serfs locked into the drudgery of work that gave them no time to be free spirits pondering the wonders of the universe.
Marx, a lifelong atheist, believed that a belief in God and the teachings of Christianity were a way to lull workers in being satisfied with their lot in life. He called religion “the opiate of the masses” because he was convinced that it was the wealthy who encouraged the practice of religion to keep everyone in line. Besides, Christianity had too many restrictive rules on how to live your life.
While he never held a job, preferring to spew out writings full of hate year after year, his main political goal was to convince people to overthrow the rich industrialists so their wealth, like the spoils of war, could be given away to the masses. He didn’t care what happened next and to this day, Marxists never offer a blueprint about what to do next, once the Capitalist government has been overthrown. They live in a Never Never land like Peter Pan, who never grew up.
Workers Of The World Unite For All Out War…
What Marx and his followers hoped for was a workers’ revolt to basically overthrow all the governments in Europe to destroy Capitalism.
When such an event didn’t happen after WWI, Marxists of that day decided that workers were way too happy with Capitalism and teachings of the church as a rudder to guide them in the stable society in which they lived. Keep in mind, Capitalism and Christianity are central to the values of Western civilization. High self esteem, personal prosperity and hard work are valued.
Two of the more prominent Marxists at the time, an Italian philosopher named Antonio Gramsci and George Lukacs, a literary philosopher from Hungary, came to the conclusion that in order to promote a successful economic revolution they’d have to destroy all the key values of Western civilization. They had to create a cultural revolution.
In order to do so, they made a list of the key cultural values of Capitalism that needed to be destroyed.
They included:
Belief in God referenced in our Declaration of Independence as “Our Creator” where we got our inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Belief in Christian values like “love your neighbor, help people who need help, live a virtuous life, work hard, value success, feel good about yourself and feel good about your community.”
Belief in normal family relationships of a father and mother who are responsible for raising children, making sure to teach them honesty, personal character, proper behavior and useful lessons on how to set personal goals, think for themselves and lead a successful life.
Have a firm idea about history, learn from it and build on it.
Learn useful skills in order to make a good living.
Gramsci was thrown in jail by Mussolini in 1926 because he thought Gramsci’s Marxist ideas were the enemy of his Fascist regime. Gramsci spent the rest of his days writing his “prison notebooks” exploring how, by subversive tactics, the promoters of Marxism could overrun the pillars of Capitalism in stages.
Georg Lukacs was appointed Minister of Culture in the short- lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. In charge of education, he introduced some of the first sex education classes designed to destroy family values, the stabilizing centerpiece of Western culture. Strange but true, here in the US there are now public schools that start sex education classes in the first grade, actively promote transgenderism, teach the techniques and virtues of what religious people call “sodomy” and assist children in obtaining sex change operations without their parents knowledge or consent.
This particular campaign, to my mind, is the most corrosive of all the Marxist strategies. Sexuality is basic to all human existence. It is how the human race continues and the creating and raising of the next generation is central to all cultures. The idea that parents, who are already forced to surrender their children to state authorities for long hours each day, should be particularly concerned. Here in America, some parents are able to avoid surrendering their children to state authorities by being able to either home school or send their children to private schools where they have control of the content of the education. See my article about Marxism in the public school.
Whatever your beliefs are about matters of sex and/or sexuality is not the issue here.
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“What Can We, As the Anti-Vax Movement, SPECIFICALLY DO to WIN the Vaccine War?”
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Considering the ACTUAL situation I am going to lay out a simple course of action that involves a simple strategy and even simpler tactics.
Will this strategy, and the individual tactics work? Absolutely. Why? Because the “Ant-Vax” Movement is ALMOST there.
Considering that there are literally millions of people in the world-wide “Anti-Vax” Movement HOW will this solution work? It will work BECAUSE there ARE so many of us.
When someone like me (a Crisis Management Consultant) designs a campaign the VERY FIRST consideration is “What is the makeup of our own fighting force?” For instance, in a war, if the enemy has a huge Navy, and we don’t, we are NOT going to engage in a naval war. We are going to arrange a different battlefield – one where WE have the advantage.
What is OUR advantage? Sheer numbers of REALLY PISSED OFF activists that are smart, innovative people. People who are DONE being nice. We have people who are trained to address legislators, and the media, NICELY, and we have those who, like the liberals do, can SPIT on legislators and the media, screaming at them, if we have to. And we have those who know how to get the public’s attention – as you will see demonstrated below.
We have SO MANY people we can conduct simultaneous projects at locations thousands of miles apart that have seemingly entirely different focuses. Why do that? Because our opposition is made up entirely of mercenaries who have to get permission, Instructions, funding, and training from “Pro-Vax” Central before they even put on their silk panties first thing in the morning.
What will we accomplish? Further down in this article I discuss two areas in conducting campaigns that are MISSING in the “Anti-Vax” Movement – “Strategies and Tactics”and “Mission Statements”and “Objectives.”
In short, the “Anti-Vax” movement is SO BIG that there has not been an attempt to properly organize it. My tactic, as a people mover, has been to just let it run – for the anger build, and the result of that, is a strategy and tactic all of its own.
Using the sheer numbers…
One of the things we learned from earlier “Anti-Vax” campaigns was that our opposition is not that large and has to use tricks to seem large and scary. On the other hand the “Anti-Vax” Movement REALLY IS large and scary – which is why Big Pharma went to the World Health Organization (WHO) and to US Democratic Party legislator Adam Schiff, (laugh here) to ask for help in desperation.
300(?) “Skeptics” between internet forays…
What we found is that the internet trolls that hide on our discussion groups are but a few. What they do is to create “sock-puppets,” perhaps as many as 300 each, to make it appear that MANY others support their argument, when, in fact, NO ONE actually does.
But, the “Anti-Vax”Movement caught on to that crap quickly. And countered.
But let’s talk about how to use those sheer numbers…
Know the difference between “Strategy” and “Tactics…”
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Let me begin by observing that some lowly twenty-something White House staffer has ALREADY BEEN YELLED AT, or WILL BE CHEWED OUT IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, for such a colossal screw-up.
Everything that follows in this article comes with the warning that we must NOT OVERREACT to the screw-up of this lowly White House staffer. However, this is an ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY to move things in a POSITIVE DIRECTION.
Those who have been paying attention know of the claims that the tech giants, Google, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon are doing their best to squelch conservative commentary, as well as those allied with the health freedom movement.
President Trump has been talking publicly about these issues and decided to convene a Social Media Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 with many prominent figures who have been targeted by these media platforms. Cartoonist, Ben Garrison was among those invited.
I’ve had personal experience with Ben, having him work on a cartoon depicting my banning from Australia because I wanted to talk about pharmaceutical corruption. We hit it off immediately, as he shared with me how many of his cartoons had been altered to make them appear anti-Semitic.
Ben understood how the claim that individuals like me are “anti-science”was out of the same playbook. It appears that the biggest purveyors of the lie that Ben Garrison is anti-Semitic is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which had a copy of one of his cartoons which was altered with Nazi-type propaganda. Whether the ADL knew of these alterations to Ben’s original work is unclear.
Because some low-level White House staffer fell for these lies…
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is a simple way to tell the difference between a liberal and a conservative in a public place – their cell phone proximity.
It has been right here in front of us all this time. There is a way to tell exactly who’s who in the political scheme of things. No one can hide any more. The secret is out.
In Public – Liberals’ faces are glued to their Smart Phone screens, earbuds in place, as they absorb today’s personal programming. You see this happening everywhere – not just at Starbucks.
In Public – Conservatives, if they have a cell phone in their hand at all, are talking on it to someone else, probably arranging a lunch, a meeting, an outdoor activity, etc. where people congregate and communicate with each other personally – actually LOOKING at each other while they communicate not only with words, but body language, and other senses.
I HATE Smart Phones…
I am “Old School.” With me cell phones are for phone calls. LARGE computer screens are for websites and email. Since I am a political conservative I have a FULL, interesting life.
I have a modern up-to-date flip phone. Works everywhere. Phone rings – flip it open, smile, say hello. Life is good…
The other day my wife’s flip-phone dropped dead. Time to get her a new one.
So, we ask, what do we need? She doesn’t want the the same phone as me. Says mine looks like a black hand grenade. (It does). And, MAYBE it is time to add on a few NEW features. For an upcoming trip maybe we should get one of those “Navigation” features, better than the one on my car, and something she can use to send endless photos to her FaceBook page, like everybody else.
So, I start looking around. Why me, you ask? When you are married to someone for over fifty years there are clear divisions of labor. I do the technical stuff – all of the research, setting up, tech support, you-name-it. Then I show her how to use it. If it stops working, I find it on my desk.
I make the coffee. She makes it too weak. When I make espresso/cappaccino she drinks a glass of water with it.
So, after some coffee we climb in the car…
…and head for a store I know has a big selection of phones. I am looking for “simple.” I know there are smart(?) phones out there that in order to answer them you have to stick your right index finger into a little hole in the back of the phone, while you press your left ear to the upper left corner of the screen while also pressing your tongue to the lower right corner and answering your security question with the words “Abra-Cadabra”, and “Albert Einstein.” Don’t slur your words, for the phone needs “precise.” On about the fifth ring, I’m told, a little white box appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen that says “Are you certain you want to answer this call? Your mood reading shows you are anxious…”
It gets better – for after that ANOTHER little white box appears saying “Perhaps you should let this call go to message until after you have a bowel movement?…”
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