PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

One of my favorite figures in the Conservative Movement is, without a doubt, Michelle Malkin…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Seriously, how can you not love somebody who has for her Twitter description, Little brown woman.  Big mouth.  Wife.  Mom. Entrepreneur. Geek.”

For those of you not familiar with her, Malkin is a conservative author, working first as a columnist for the Los Angeles Daily News, then the Seattle Times, founded the website Hot Air, then published several New York Times best-selling books with titles such as Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Crimnals, and Other Foreign Menaces in 2002, and her most recent book, Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction in 2019.

For years she was a frequent commentator for Fox News, and often hosted for The O’Reilly Factor.  In 2007 she got into a dispute over comments made about her by Geraldo Rivera, and in the years since has made few appearances on Fox, with the exception of Sean Hannity’s show or Fox and Friends.

For many years I’d heard that she was very sympathetic to our cause because of her own experiences with vaccines, and indeed she’d published several fearless articles about Big Pharma.  Still it seemed like it might be something of a jump to talk to such an incendiary figure as myself, but I thought it was worth a shot.

I asked if she’d be willing to read an advance copy of my book…

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION: Michelle Malkin Joins the Team…

Twit-Two; Who’s WHO…

The World Health Organization (WHO) Doesn’t Like Us…

Uh-Oh – At The BolenReport we tell it like it is.  Sometimes we are WAY AHEAD of other news media breaking a story, explaining the reality of a situation, in our usual non-PC way.  Our Writer Kent Heckenlively (the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer) got us banned in Australia, and frowned on in China.  Now Karma Singh in Europe has shown the self-illustrious World Health Organization (WHO) what they can expect from honest media…

Read this below… (and laugh)… – Tim Bolen

From Europe by Karma Singh

At 10.00 a.m., London time, Thursday 16th April, a press conference was given by the World Health Organization (WHO Europe) to which ExtremNews, Germany was invited. As the conference was held in English, they asked me to participate on their behalf.

This is my report:

In general I must “congratulate” the WHO for, other than when “answering” my question, studiously avoiding giving misleading information. This they achieved by avoiding giving any information at all: Instead they confined themselves to vague platitudes.

“We will continue to monitor the situation.” “Our sympathies go out to those hurt by this necessary action.” “We cannot give any answers until we’ve tested the data.” Etc., etc..

Two of the speakers, Dr. Hans Kluge and Natasha Azzopardi Muscat actually managed to say nothing. They spoke at some length with high-sounding words devoid of context and meaning. When this “noise” was filtered out, neither of them had said anything at all!

The other, Catherine Smallwood, was not quite so well-schooled as the others and almost attempted to answer my question with a bare faced lie before she continued with the platitudes.

It did seem to me very obvious that the invited journalists had been carefully selected, almost all of them coming from the pharmaceutical owned press. They were not expecting my question which almost flummoxed Mistress Smallwood into saying something. I suspect that ExtremNews will not be invited again.

(Instead, something quite unexpected happened – see the note at the end of this article)

There were my questions:-

Continue reading Twit-Two; Who’s WHO…

The Phantom of the Opera-tion…

The “operation” is to scare people into running away from nothing; to get them to destroy all social bonding for fear of nothing…

From Europe By Karma Singh

I don’t have a tally of how many times the pharmaceutical cartel has done this over the last century but I do remember eight such events from about 1964 to 2009.

How many more there were is of little interest and, at the time, I, along with most other people simply ignored the propaganda. This wasn’t good enough for the pharmaceutical cartel and the bankers who own it; they want everyone to take every so-called vaccine that they’ve ever manufactured.

The marketing problem that they have is that there is no hard evidence that the viruses which they are supposed to render harmless even exist!

All is guesswork, supposition and assumption: In 2016, Germany’s highest court ruled that these do not qualify as evidence because they are not demonstrable facts. There is a further problem in that all epidemiological evidence shows uniformly that the only discernible effect of vaccination is to spread and to cause disease (see ). As it became clear that ever more people were becoming aware of this, it was clear to them that they would have to do something enormous or lose billions in profit.

Coronadaisy is their chosen method. Hereby, we must note a few things:-

1. There are over 1100 different putative Corona “viruses”.
2. The Corona tests will give a positive reading no matter which one it “finds”, i.e.  the so-called test is NOT specific for COVID-19.
3. Coronadaisy is one of the many known ‘flu variants; it is known to be an especially mild ‘flu form.
4. The Corona “viruses” have been well-known for at least ten years.
5. Every year, between 290.000 and 500.000 aged and infirm people die whilst going through the ‘flu process, i.e. their systems were on the verge of collapse with other illnesses and the ‘flu was just too much.
6. Even including the false figures dictated by the pharmaceutical cartel and the satanic sect which controls it (also via the satanic temple in the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin) the present (16.00 on Thursday 9th April) death toll is only 229.381 – less than half that for a bad ‘flu year.
7. ‘Flu is not an illness but a natural detoxification process. This is why you feel lighter and look younger following a bout of ‘flu.
8. The so-called “viruses” are wastes which your own body produces as part of the detoxification process, i.e. they do NOT come from outside of you.

Colds and ‘flu are the most common minor maladies right around the world. Each season brings forth a slightly different “virus” as, each Winter, different problems are being resolved. This makes ‘flu an ideal scaremongering tool because it gives the possibility to claim that “this year’s variant” is a brand new super-deadly one.

(The apparent contradiction to this, “Spanish ‘Flu” which did kill possibly as many as 50 million people, was, as Dr. John Bergman has made very clear, a direct result of mass-vaccination…

Continue reading The Phantom of the Opera-tion…


Releasing “a virus book” in the middle of a global pandemic is either really good, or really bad planning…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Yes, like every writer I have an enormous ego and believe the fate of the world rests on what I’m concerned about.

But the events of the past few days have been absolutely ridiculous.  Even my ego never imagined this scenario.

The day before PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION was released I was noting that Amazon was showing only one hardcover book available.  I quickly emailed my publisher, because last week they told me they were printing a second edition, anticipating a big run on the book because pre-orders had been so strong. 

I also knew there were some fixes you could do on Amazon if the books ran out, like shuffling books in the system, maybe a link for them to order the book, and informing them it might take a week or two to receive it.  My publisher said they’d do the best they could.

When I started to hyper-ventilate about all of this, I recalled the words of my publicist, who said that because of world events, this book was “evergreen,” meaning it would be relevant for a long time.  Each time a glitch came up, I just whispered to myself, “Evergreen, evergreen, this book is evergreen!”

On the day of release I saw Amazon was struggling to keep up, sometimes showing three hardcover books, then nine, then one, and finally at the end of the day it all crashed and it said there were no books available, and they didn’t know when or if they would get any additional copies.

When I emailed my publisher, they said Amazon was acting funky, and our distributor, Simon and Schuster, was trying to get the work order expedited.

And of course, on the night of the book release, my coauthor, Dr. Judy Mikovits and I were scheduled to go on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, with an audience of two million listeners.

What was I supposed to tell them?

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Sorry!

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Support the Real Science Defenders!

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD, co-author of PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION

The recent worldwide panic from the Chinese Corona virus makes clear how much science has suffered from the persecution of independent voices who seek to improve public health. 

That persecution stops today with the release of my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION.

We move from defense to offense and I don’t care who I upset.  In this emergency there are far too many people suffering for us to be timid. If we are rekindling some of the idealism of the 1960s let me boldly say I am the new Malcolm X and I will speak the truth about the injustices perpetrated against honest scientists and advocates.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield who first raised alarms about the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine and the development of autism when the rate was less than one in five hundred children, has been persecuted more viciously than either Galileo or Darwin. Those figures of history could at least count on their supporters in science.

Big Pharma has become the new Catholic Church, and their paid minions in science and medicine the shock troops of a new inquisition.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Support the Real Science Defenders!

Is The CoronaVirus Situation A Cleverly Designed And Executed Program To Bring Down The United States and, Hence, Western Civilization?

Yes, Of Course It Is.  The Question Is:  “What Are We Going To Do About It?”

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The whole “CoronaVirus” thing sprang on the American scene before the ink was dry on the US Senate’s written Decision on the liberal Democrat’s “Impeachment Hoax” ending one more attempt to interfere with the activites of a duly elected US President.

This new attempt, the “CoronaVirus” situation, was a bit different in that it was aimed right at Trump Supporters, and was designed to punish all of us for daring to support our President.  It was aimed directly at two main conservative bastions:  (1) older people with savings and common sense, and (2) our private sector economy.  Did you notice that it was America’s small businesses, typically Republican, that took the “shutdown” hit?

There is NO QUESTION that this so-called Covid 19 was designed, and built out, in a high end bioweapons lab.  Having said that, it becomes obvious that it was AIMED at a specific segment of Planet Earth.

What ARE we going to do about this?

Continue reading Is The CoronaVirus Situation A Cleverly Designed And Executed Program To Bring Down The United States and, Hence, Western Civilization?

Why is the CoronaVirus Death Rate in Germany and everywhere else falling so rapidly?

From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh

Day by day we see the death rate from Corona-whatever rapidly falling: Not merely in Germany where it has now fallen to 0.563% but also in other countries which have been carrying out mass-testing over the last 2 weeks. There are very good reasons for this.

The Corona test is unspecific, will register a positive if any of the hundreds of Corona type “viruses” are detected.

Almost all of us have most common “viruses” present in our bodies but which do nothing because they have no recycling job to do. If you just happened to have one single Corona “virus” in your body and the test swab happened to get it, you now have no such “virus” in your body but your test will still be positive!
The test gives no information at all about the density of “viruses” present. It needs millions to “make you ill” but your test will still be positive even if you have just one.

Further than this, the tests are not for the “virus” itself, but for the “antibodies” which, according to medical theory, are proof that your own natural immune system has destroyed the virus!

So a “positive” test means that your natural immune system is working properly and you are not ill. You are then, nonetheless, imprisoned for the crime of being healthy!

Because of these unspecific tests, we have a steadily rising number of “infected” against a falling number of ‘flu related illness and deaths as the annual ‘flu season comes to a close.

In the United Kingdom, such tests indicate that at least 60% of the population is “infected” without presenting any symptoms of illness and, in view of this, many medical experts are advocating the immediate lifting of the house arrest under which most people are presently living in order to facilitate the rapid attainment of natural “herd immunity”.

It cannot be stressed too strongly here that many of the typical annual ‘flu related deaths are being reclassified as CoronaVirus deaths with no medical justification whatsoever.

Quoted to me as a typical case was a woman in Lombardy (the region in Italy which has always had the highest numbers of annual deaths) with terminal lung cancer who, for bureaucratic reasons, was tested and found to be positive with one of the Corona viruses. On her death certificate is written COVID-19 as cause of death although the cancer had killed her and no test for the presence of COVID-19 exists!

We should also note that Lombardy, as with Wuhan, has high levels of industrial air pollution which has, for years, made this a hot-spot for respiratory illnesses.

Add to this the 5G which changes the oxygen molecules in the air so that your blood cannot absorb them and has been widely rolled out in Lombardy and we have a European Wuhan.

Then we have the enormous disparity between the claims about the numbers of people being hospitalised and the reality on the ground.

I have been told of one hospital in Bavaria of which it was said that they had run out of space, that patients were lying in the corridors and the doctors and nurses were working continuous 12 hours shifts.

When a journalist went there to get the story first hand and some pictures, medical personnel were complaining of the boredom because they had nothing to do and many had been sent home due to the lack of work. The same is the case with most other hospitals where day to day treatments have been cancelled to make way for the flood of Corona patients which have never arrived and now never will.

This video (in German with English sub-titles) tells the story and more besides.

The detailed statistics on the European Monitoring of excess Mortality website make abundantly plain that the ‘flu death rate (including the fabulous COVID-19) is, with the small exception of Italy, at or below normal. I.e. the real figures show that there is no “dangerous disease” going around! Italy is the exception because it has an ageing population which is, of course, more susceptible to ‘flu related deaths. Nonetheless, the (now rapidly falling) death rate has not come near the rate recorded in 2016 – the last major problem with seasonal ‘flu.

Especially noteworthy is that the accumulated ‘flu death rate in the entire United Kingdom is way below average and so any justification for the draconian measures being imposed upon us is completely missing.

Continue reading Why is the CoronaVirus Death Rate in Germany and everywhere else falling so rapidly?

A Declaration of Intent…

This week, two of the most evil men on the planet, both former British prime ministers, made an open declaration of the intent behind the “fake” Corona / COVID pandemic.

They claim that the only answer is an immediate “One-World Government…”

From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh

Tony Blair

Years ago Tony Blair took over a Britain well set up in national self-confidence and a thriving, compassionate, coherent society.

Over the next 10 years, together with his side-kick and deputy, Gordon Brown, he successfully set about destroying the coherence and character of the British peoples. Amongst many other acts, he established roving bands of licenced robbers which, to this day, still plague the nation.

He established the “nanny state” in which it is no very great exaggeration to say that many are afraid to fart without “official” permission. He destroyed many flourishing businesses because they offered quality and self-respect. Massive increases in drug addictions due to the despair that he engendered are still being dealt with today.

In 2007, he was promoted by his banker bosses to a higher position in Brussels from where he set about creating the same destruction as he had wrought upon the British peoples throughout the entire European Union.

Gordon Brown

Following his promotion, his side-kick, Gordon Brown, who had been his chancellor, took over the post of prime minister and created the massive indebtedness of the British peoples to make good the pseudo-losses of the banking cartel due to their gambling activities. He lost the following general election but was also promoted to a high-paid job by the bankers. The country then entered a period of stasis until Nigel Farage began to resurrect the pride and natural coherence of the British peoples.

This week, knowing full well that this is yet another in the series of phony pandemics called by the pharmaceutical controlled World Health Organisation, they both declared that this non-existent problem, affecting tiny numbers of people with mild ‘flu-like symptoms, requires that all countries surrender their national sovereignty to a single world authority. The only such body available is the WHO, i.e. they are both saying that we should place governmental authority in the hands of the pharmaceutical cartel and their owners; the banking cartel.

So, now you know what this is all really about and you can expect others of similar repugnant character to join the chorus singing the song of pharmaceutical slavery.

It would not surprise me in the least to learn that Tony Blair actually designed this entire hoax and the enslavement plan behind it.


Continue reading A Declaration of Intent…

CoronaVirus – Should We CANCEL The 2020 Presidential Election and Activate NDAA (1021)?

Yes, I think we must. We need to save the country…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the so-called “CoronaVirus” pandemic was specifically created to destroy the United States of America, and hence, Western Civilization.

The whole happening was just a little too convenient, following, almost immediately, after the failed “Trump Impeachment” attempt.

I also have no doubt that there really is a form of CoronaVirus out in our community, and that it is already in spray cans to be used on Trump Supporters should we try to hold an election.

Of course there is – liberals are of that mind.

It is time to realize, and deal with, what is REALLY going on here…

President Trump needs to announce “Foul Play” in the “CoronaVirus” attack on America – so as to activate NDAA (1021) rules…

I will explain – The US Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), under the ObamaNation, and there was a section in it (1021) that said, according to Wikipedia:

” includes the power to detain, via the Armed Forces, any person “who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”, and anyone who commits a “belligerent act” against the U.S. or its coalition allies in aid of such enemy forces, under the law of war, “without trial, until the end of the hostilities authorized by the [AUMF]”.

It is time to make the appropriate declaration and use the US Armed Forces to start rounding up the perpetrators.

Who are those perpetrators in the US?  That’s easy.  Just ask the question “Who Gains?” and you have your answers.

Who gains?

Continue reading CoronaVirus – Should We CANCEL The 2020 Presidential Election and Activate NDAA (1021)?

2020 – The Year Science STOPPED Being a Religion!

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

Is the willingness to challenge authority in the genes?

I tend to believe it is.  Family legend holds that my ancestor is the central figure behind the Reformation, Martin Luther, who successfully challenged the more than a thousand years of control by the Catholic Church.  Supposedly that information is contained in the records of the Mormon Church.  So, does that mean that since the 1500s my family have all been good Lutherans?

What I can confirm is that there are several generations of ministers and reverends in my family, with the final member belonging to an obscure branch of Lutheranism called the New Pietist movement in the late 1800s.  So you see, while each generation was strongly religious, they kept switching denominations.  They weren’t satisfied with the previous generation’s answers.

Maybe the restlessness is in the blood…

Now, more than five hundred years after my supposed ancestor nailed his 95 questions to the Catholic Church on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church on October 31, 1517, I may be doing something just as revolutionary with the upcoming publication of my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, on April 14, 2020.

By publishing the Bible in the language of the common people, Luther took religion out of the hands of the corrupt priests and let the people draw their own conclusions about the Word of God.  In PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION I’m taking science out of the hands of the scientists and explaining what they’ve REALLY been doing in their labs.

In the book I am telling a counter-narrative, that people like Dr. Tony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, are the witting or unwitting ringmasters of this horrible debacle known as to Corona Virus pandemic.

Let me briefly state the main argument of my book…

Continue reading 2020 – The Year Science STOPPED Being a Religion!

How Do You Deal With a Fake “CoronaVirus” Pandemic?…

Easy.  Ride it out. Look for ways to profit.  Watch Trump Teach These Assholes A Lesson…

Make some popcorn – this is going to have a bigger audience then the SuperBowl.  America is going to be the BIG winner…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Fake CoronaVirus Pandemic?  Of course it is. 

It has happened so many times before, in almost exactly the same way, that the paper the script is on is starting to turn yellow.  What’s different this time is our friend Donald Trump and the way he decided to react to it.

Smile, for we are about to watch a new ending to this latest pandemic story – one, if you are an anti-vaxxer like me, you are going to like very much.

But, I’ll be blunt – Big Pharma, Mainland China, the Globalists, and the US ultra-liberals are already seeing the darkness coming their way.

Let’s outline what is happening…

This so-called pandemic has all of the same players in all of the same places, all telling the same story (yawn) we heard just a few years ago over the so-called “Measles Outbreak.” 

That outbreak(?)  was a huge Big Pharma/Liberal Democrat plot to force mandatory vaccinations on America’s children.  It ONLY won in three States – California, New York, and Maine.  Forty-seven (47) States said “Hell No…”  The”anti-vaxxer” movement stopped it dead.

There is absolutely no difference now.  The so-called “CoronaVirus” pandemic is just one more Big Pharma marketing campaign, just like the bullshit “Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Asian Flu, H1N1, Zika, measles, blah, blah, blah…”

The intent was to sell more drugs and more vaccines, in fact, making vaccines mandatory for every man, woman, and child in America.

But, instead of that victory they all hit the wall…

There’s a pattern…

Continue reading How Do You Deal With a Fake “CoronaVirus” Pandemic?…

An “Infectious” Summary Of the So-Called “CoronaVirus” Outbreak…

Over the last few weeks, we have all been hearing and, in some cases, seeing, the latest “plot” by those about to lose their power and privileged positions.

From Europe By Karma Singh

A good big scare story is just the thing to divert attention away from what is actually happening and to hinder the orderly hand-over of power from the self-appointed elite” (the bankers and friends) to you and me where it now belongs.

You may well be aware that we, in the Northern hemisphere, are just coming to the end of the ‘flu season – a natural detoxification process which removes “fear of death” accumulated during the months of Winter. You are probably also aware that, each year, a significant number of the aged and infirm are too weak to complete the process and leave this incarnation.

The so-called “Coronavirus,” if you read a little further than the label, is declared to be a very mild form of ‘flu (or, in some cases, a cold).

Concurrently we have, therefore, two different ‘flus; “Type A” and “Coronaflu”. Only the one which the “elite” want to promote gets any mention and the other one is just an “also ran”. When we take a look at the statistics, however, we see a very different story to the one being pushed onto us.

Source Normal ‘flu
Deaths Coronaflu
RobertKoch Institute,








Center for Disease








National Health Service
United Kingdom








* precisely why there is such a wide variance in these figures is unclear. It is, however, notoriously difficult to say with certainty that influenza caused the death as those who die are always the weakest members of the population, often with multiple other health issues.

** For normal ‘flu the British National Health service does not give accumulated figures but week by week as a proportion of the population. So, this last week, it was 1,497,832 cases of ‘flu.

Specific ‘flu death statistics are not given – merely the overall numbers of deaths from all causes; this week was 10,841.

The amazingly low death rate in Germany is, according to a WHO survey…

Continue reading An “Infectious” Summary Of the So-Called “CoronaVirus” Outbreak…

Vitamin C and CoronaVirus –

If, by the end of today, YOU and your family are NOT taking a minimum of 500 milligrams, per person, per day, of Vitamin C,  YOU are TOO DUMB to read the BolenReport…

Get with the program people.  Stop being Big Pharma sheeples…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The liberal media is NOT telling the public that literally TONS of Vitamin C is being shipped into Wuhan, China to treat, and stop, their CoronaVirus outbreak.  They are also not telling anyone that the city of Shanghai (population 24.2 million) has adopted Vitamin C as their treatment of choice.  I am hearing reports that the country of Taiwan is doing the same.

So, what the hell is wrong with the United States of America?

Listen closely – go out and buy a family sized bag of Vitamin C right now.  Read the rest of this article later if you have to.  Get whatever form you can get…

I’m 76 years old – so by the media’s estimate I’m first in line to die of the CoronaVirus.   No thanks, I’m busy that day…

I take a minimum of 2,500 milligrams of Vitamin C per day, and have been for years,  in powder form stirred into sixteen (16) ounces of water.  If I feel a cold, or allergies, coming on I’ll double that by taking more six hours later.

I get my “China Free” Vitamin C from a secret source.  You can buy your Vitamin C anywhere you want, but try to get the best quality.  Try to get the Ascorbic Acid variety as your first choice.

The stuff I get, when mixed with sixteen ounces of water, tastes like a  very good pink lemonade, and I use it as the liquid to take my supplements every morning.

What supplements does an old guy like me take, you ask?  Besides the Vitamin C, I take two 425 mg Magnesium Malate (old guys need magnesium), three Prostrate Formula (yup, I’m there), two 1000 mg Triphala (look this one up), two 2,500 mg Flax Seed/Fish Oil Complex, two 500 mg Vitamin B12 (keeps me pretty), one 500 mg Selenium, two 5,000 mg D3 (sunshine in a capsule), and a blood pressure pill (I’m married, and sometimes we don’t always agree).

Andrew Saul, over at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service writes:

Continue reading Vitamin C and CoronaVirus –

Liberal Democrat “Globalists” have created thirty-seven (37) genders in an attempt to NORMALIZE the craziness of what those CHILDHOOD VACCINE PROGRAMS are doing to America’s future…

Although Massive Damage Has Been Done To America’s Children – “Anti-Vaxxers” Are Winning The War…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Those of us who have been around the health care world a while know that every now and then there is a new pandemic, epidemic, or “you-name-it,” always seeming to come out of China.

It is hard to remember all of them – Asian Flu, Bird Flu, H1N1, Swine Flu, SARS, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,,,

And every one of them is going to “end the world,” blah, blah, blah…

The one commonality in all of them is the emergency cry we always hear: We need a new vaccine!!!”  Or worse “we need to make all vaccines mandatory.”

Yup, another vaccine promotion.  A vicious, pre-planned, attack to sell more drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

Along comes the CoronaVirus (yawn)…

Continue reading Liberal Democrat “Globalists” have created thirty-seven (37) genders in an attempt to NORMALIZE the craziness of what those CHILDHOOD VACCINE PROGRAMS are doing to America’s future…

PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

In law there’s an expression that “A good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judge.”

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Although my normal beat is the corruption of science, one of my regular sources provided me an unexpected windfall of information about the judge overseeing the Judicial Watch case against Hillary Clinton for use of her private email server while Secretary of State.

It was just TOO GOOD not to share with my readers.

According to my source, one of his friends is VERY CLOSE to Judge Royce Lamberth, and provided information about the judge.

My source wrote that in the opinion of his friend, the judge is :

[C]onservative leaning and balanced in his judgments, and apparently enjoys a fairly popular position with other judges in the Washington area.  He currently plays poker, which he loves, and has a standing monthly game with five of his legal friends, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the relative newcomer to the group.

Further on in his communication with me my source wrote: 

Everyone who hates what liberals do, are likely familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which is headquartered in San Francisco.  It turns out that Lambreth confided one of his favorite things to do.  As a Senior Federal District Judge, Lambreth has a perk of being able to pick and choose any particular district in which he might want to work for a short time.  Lambreth confided that he periodically likes going to the Ninth Circuit Court to “have some fun.”

From what my source learned from his friend he was of the opinion that Lambreth is:

An individual of the highest order in terms of character and balance and a sense of fair playing fields for everyone.  It also would stand that he is very likely not to like, or cower to bullies and thugs and power broking wannabees.

My source then provided me with a publicly available copy of Judge Lambreth’s order from March 2, 2020 (Docketed Judicial Watch Memorandum Order) and suggested I go through it.  I did and it was amazing.  As I read the order it seemed to me this judge was clearly tired of Clinton’s evasions on the question of her email server.

Here are some excerpts from the order.

Continue reading PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – Hillary Clinton and the Judge…

Will the Democrats Be Issuing Spray Cans Full of The Laboratory-Made CoronaVirus To ANTIFA For Use On Trump Supporters?”

Yes, Of Course They Will.  That’s Coming Next…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Trump supporters had best stock up on “Not Made in China” Vitamin C and start taking it immediately.

Just like when airplane passengers pop a little bag full of Emergen-C  into a glass of water and drink it down before they get on an airplane where everyone is breathing the same unfiltered air, it is a good idea to start a prevention program immediately.


Because “Impeachment” failed.

Because “Russian Collusion” failed.

Because “Michael Avanatti” failed.

Because“School Shootings” failed.

Because “All white people are racists” failed.

Because their  “We need Open Borders” failed.

Because “Every dumb-assed thing CNN, and the rest of the fake news media, claimed” failed.

Because “Everything they have tried to do to remove our President Trump” has failed.

Trump, and his supporters are heading for re-election in 2020, and 2024…

Trump supporters are in the drivers seat in America.  Democrats are DESPERATE.

Everybody knows that the “CoronaVirus” scam is an attack on Trump and his supporters…

Continue reading Will the Democrats Be Issuing Spray Cans Full of The Laboratory-Made CoronaVirus To ANTIFA For Use On Trump Supporters?”

“Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

Sherlock Holmes said: Only a solution which includes ALL of the facts can be true.”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Unless you’re from Bhopal, India or have other good reasons to remember it, you’ll probably have to do an online search for the details. In short, years ago, some chemical plant in Bhopal, India sort of exploded and pumped several tons of poisonous gas into the town. Many thousands died. 600,000 people were affected.  From The Atlantic…

“Bhopal: The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster, 30 Years Later”

Bhopal – Thirty years ago, on the night of December 2, 1984, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released at least 30 tons of a highly toxic gas called methyl isocyanate, as well as a number of other poisonous gases. The pesticide plant was surrounded by shanty towns, leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed to the deadly gas cloud that night. The gases stayed low to the ground, causing victims throats and eyes to burn, inducing nausea, and many deaths. Estimates of the death toll vary from as few as 3,800 to as many as 16,000, but government figures now refer to an estimate of 15,000 killed over the years. Toxic material remains, and 30 years later, many of those who were exposed to the gas have given birth to physically and mentally disabled children. For decades, survivors have been fighting to have the site cleaned up, but they say the efforts were slowed when Michigan-based Dow Chemical took over Union Carbide in 2001. Human rights groups say that thousands of tons of hazardous waste remain buried underground, and the government has conceded the area is contaminated. There has, however, been no long-term epidemiological research which conclusively proves that birth defects are directly related to the drinking of the contaminated water.

I don’t recall what excuse the company running it tried out but (then anyway) India had an open government and the truth quickly came to light.

China, with its all-out economic growth and total disregard for public health and safety…

…has at least allowed, if not directly encouraged, manufacturers to pump enormous volumes of toxic chemical wastes into the air and water.  Because no-one is even allowed, let alone employed, to examine this chemical cocktail in the city’s air and water, no-one knows what deadly combinations are whistling along the streets of Wuhan.

Let us take, first, the verified facts and reports known to us:-

Continue reading “Wuhan” – Another “Bhopal” On An Enormous Scale, or Genocide?

A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

It’s tough being a “conspiracy theorist” these days…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

…because there are facts you just don’t see coming.  Are we inching back towards a free and independent press because the lies are just becoming so obvious?

I may need to find another hobby.  Maybe I’ll take up cartooning like Scott Adams and his Dilbert cartoon which lampooned stupid decision making in corporate America.  My cartoon strip would cover stupid decisions in science.

First, there’s a virus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan and the government says, “Hey, it seems like it came from a live animal market in the city.”  My bullshit meter immediately started blaring at the highest decibel level possible and I waited for additional facts.

Second, I read there’s a level 4 bio-safety lab located a couple hundred yards from this market and by “coincidence” I find out they were studying corona viruses, and with the same type of bats that are reservoirs of this virus.  And also, the native populations of that bat are found more than five hundred miles away from Wuhan.

Third, the press goes crazy with asking whether this was a planned “bio-weapons” release and I’m thinking, well, maybe, but you don’t have to go that far.  It could have just as easily have been an accidental release.  I understand there’s a strong argument that this was planned to quell Hong Kong dissent and do some other things that might play into the hands of Big Pharma.

While I don’t have enough evidence…

Continue reading A “Dilbert” View of the Corona Virus…

Trump SHOCKS China/Big Pharma Conspiracy With His Handling of The CoronaVirus Scam…

California’s Senator Richard Pan Is Probably Already In Diarrhea Mode…

Trump Has No Intention Of Making Vaccines Mandatory…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

If you are one of those people that have NOT figured out the relationship between Mainland Communist China, Big Pharma, The “Progressives” of the US Democratic Party (especially California), and the Deep State’s “Public Health” corruption, then you have been living under a rock.

But don’t worry – for the Trump Administration has it figured out, and so have the Republicans in Congress, and the Conservative American media.

All hell is about to break loose…

Already, the financial relationships between the US liberal “fake news” media and China are being revealed – and it ain’t pretty.  Check out this story below, and watch the short video in it, about China and the liberal media flagship “Politico.”  Similar stories are appearing about the financial relationships between China, the New York Times and the Washington Post, and California Employees’ Retirement fund.

Tucker Carlson: Politico is one of the reasons sucking up to China is normal in Washington

It is all part of a much larger story – about who is really controlling the so-called US liberal elite.  Watch the Tucker Carlson video below.  Pay close attention to the part about California…

There is no question about who it was that set up and controlled the “fake impeachment” of our President…

Continue reading Trump SHOCKS China/Big Pharma Conspiracy With His Handling of The CoronaVirus Scam…

China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…

The CoronaVirus Scam Is/Was All About Trying To Implement Mandatory Vaccines For Everyone…

From Europe By Karma Singh

One of the laws of physics states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when the jet engine on the aeroplane you’re riding pushes hot air backward, your ‘plane goes forwards. If you think about it a little, you will see this law at work in many aspects of your life, including walking.

What is much less clear, largely because it has been obscured by the major religions when they changed from channels of spiritual teachings to political organisations, is that this same law applied to human thoughts, emotions and actions.

The pharmaceutical cartel, as it took over the legacy of the church, obfuscated this even more and denies even the possibility that your thoughts can have effects upon your body and your life, claiming that consciousness is nothing more than a temporary aberration of your genes.

Modern science, especially Epigenetics and Quantum Biophysics, shows this to be completely untrue which is why conventional medicine is the only branch of “science” which utterly rejects modern knowledge and continues to be based upon a (this year) 333 year old disproven hypothesis. Accepting modern scientific knowledge would inevitably lead to the dissolution of the pharmaceutical industry.

Knowing this…

Continue reading China’s “Karma” and Karma’s Solution…