Let Me Tell You How Liberty Dies… (Or Does It?)

The “Deep State” is Losing the Information War with the American Public, and They Don’t Like It.

So, They Have Something Up Their Sleeves…

Let’s get ready..


Opinion by KP Stoller, MD, www.incurable-me.com

I don’t know how it is going to happen, but it will be predictably formulaic, because “they” are predictably formulaic.

Who are “they?”  The “Deep State and the mega-corporations and banks they work with.

“The “Deep State” is Nervous…

The pressure of the population waking up and questioning, for example, the safety of vaccines, the undeniable proof they have been used as sterilization tools, the exposure of corruption at the CDC and other agencies poorly covering up the vaccine-autism link, the unexpected popularity of the movie about Andy Wakefield (The Pathological Optimist [yet to be released in present time – 2017]) caused the Deep State to pull the lever on their plan.

… of course it was more than just the public waking up about vaccines..

The public is waking up about everything… the pedophile rings at the highest levels of government and other trusted institutions; the true instigators of the several coups we have experienced from the Kennedy assignation to 9/11. The unholy alliances with murderous dictators, the drug trafficking, organ trafficking, and worse.

Too many citizens becoming way too savvy about, for example, the perpetual war machine to control resources in other countries and silence anyone who would interfere with globalist economic interests. The American people were getting to the point where they weren’t willing to pay for and die in another faux conflict for the benefit of corporations and the military-industrial complex.  Americans became fed up with their pesticide drenched foods, the BS from the Main Stream Media (MSM) was seen as the fraudulent news it was – all the corruption…it was unraveling fast and “they” were losing control. So, “they” needed to pull something again.

The Coming “Scare” Will Be Medical…

The Medical Cartel is akin to the enforcement arm of the elite globalist faction among us. This coming infectious disease scare (this will all be about fear) doesn’t even have to be some exotic disease… perhaps something we already have a vaccine for.. in fact, it really needs to be something we already have a vaccine for so the unvaccinated can be blamed.

For the sake of speculation I will pick Mumps, still they” could unleash an Ebola level event… these folks love the drama and they haven’t had any at this level since they demolished the WTC buildings with the assistance of a couple of foreign governments. But it is hard to vilify the unvaccinated if it is some exotic disease for which there has been no vaccine.

Mumps is an illness that never really required a vaccine from a Public Health POV, but by combining the Mumps vaccine to the MMR, Merck locked in an exclusive right to sell this vaccine. The only problem is the Mumps component of the vaccine is next to worthless – it doesn’t work. So, vaccinated or not, in all likelihood most people born after 1960 are vulnerable to infection, and so it will begin.

The false-flag Mexican Swine flu epidemic, where a lab created virus was released in a slum in Mexico City, was either a big disappointment and/or a dry-run that allowed lessons to be learned from mistakes made. Now, why didn’t anyone ask what a lab created virus was doing in a Mexico City slum? – no Congressional hearings on that one. Their attempt to scare us with Zika was a really big flop. They will not make this mistake again. The citizens of the World found out fairly quickly that the pocket of mothers in Brazil that gave birth to children with microcephaly were heavily vaccinated with DTP while pregnant and while drinking larvicide laden tap water at the same time.

This new infectious disease outbreak will start like so many other outbreaks, that is,  at a few college campuses, but this one will spread fast and big… multiple states and thousands upon thousands of cases. Public outrage against the unvaccinated will be fomented to the point of societal unrest. Hired thugs and trolls will go after the unvaccinated and it will appear to be spontaneous reactions by concerned citizens that just want public health measures to be carried out. There may even be protests and even riots but Police will be given orders to stand down to allow for maximum mayhem. The whole thing staged and controlled to justify the actions that will be taken next.

Continue reading Let Me Tell You How Liberty Dies… (Or Does It?)

Kent Heckenlively’s “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” Tour Heads to Australia?…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

After writing about the banning of Polly Tommey, the co-founder of Autism File magazine and a producer of VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, from Australia for three years, I kept wondering what I could do for the good people of Australia.  Then it hit me!

I should go to Australia!

So I came up with the idea for a lecture series entitled “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” in which I would discuss my two books, PLAGUE and INOCULATED, as well as my idea for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES in the United States.

PLAGUE covers the risk that using animal tissues to grow viruses for use in vaccines will transfer animal pathogens to human beings and cause diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), as well as autism and cancer.

INOCULATED details the corruption of science by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of their investigations into mercury and autism, as well as increased rates of autism in African-American boys from earlier administration of the MMR vaccine, as revealed by CDC whistle-blower, Dr. William Thompson.

The DANGEROUS SCIENCE tour reveals how the pharmaceutical industry and government entities like the CDC have made all of our lives more DANGEROUS.

Just so there isn’t any confusion, I also sent the following letter to Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.

August 14, 2017

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House

Re: The “Dangerous Science” Tour of Australia

Dear Prime Minister Turnbull:

I am very excited to visit your country in December of 2017 on my “Dangerous Science” tour in which I will be discussing my two books, PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Retroviruses, and INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.  I will also be discussing my recent efforts to bring about a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES in the United States through both a White House and FDA/CDA petition by way of the Administrative Procedures Act.

If you wish to obtain more information about this effort, you can go to tinyurl.com/vaccinemoratorium

Since you are not an American citizen, you cannot sign either of the petitions.  I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble, but perhaps it might give you some ideas for similar legislation in Australia.

I understand there is a great deal of confusion over the nomenclature among many in our community, with some wishing to be called “pro-safe vaccine” or “vaccine safety”, but after much study in this field, I think I should simply be referred to as the “World’s Number One Anti-Vaxxer.”  I understand there are others who may feel they deserve this title, and I am happy to share it, but let’s simply use it for the sake of convenience.

Continue reading Kent Heckenlively’s “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” Tour Heads to Australia?…

TRUMP’S US Supreme Court Will Preside Over the Breakup of California…

“State of Jefferson” Lawsuit May Generate FAR MORE Than the Plaintiffs Ask For…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

When California’s liberal Democrat legislative majority passed infamous Senate Bill #277 mandating seventy-four (74) “Made-in-China” vaccines as a requirement for California’s children to attend Public or Private schools no one suspected that that act would act as the catalyst to bring down the Democratic Party both nationwide and in California – but it did.  And it is…

Today, California itself is on the chopping block.  NORMAL PEOPLE are taking control away from the liberal Democrats.  Here today I will tell you how ONE very coherent group has identified the problem and is taking action to solve it very effectively.

There is a lot here to read – but the problem in California has been clearly identified.  Read it all – for solution is on its way.

Let’s Begin…

Twenty-one of California’s 58 Counties OFFICIALLY want OUT of California – as far away from the California liberal Democrat’s form of Communist-Socialism as they can get – and they have a VERY GOOD PLAN to accomplish their goals.

They have activated the first step – a Federal Lawsuit – and it is right on target…

On May 8th of this year (2017) a group calling itself Citizens For Fair Representation, along with specific individuals, filed a Federal Court action in the Eastern District of California (Sacramento) claiming to the Court that the State of California has intentionally abridged the concept of government of “We the People” turning California government into an “oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance.”

The suit claims that the “Oligarchy” controls the State of California by maintaining neglect… 

From the lawsuit’s introduction:

“This neglect of “We the People” as the organic basis for this Nation’s self-governance stems from the cap the California government placed on the number of Senators (limited to 40) and Assembly Members (limited to 80) in 1862, when the population of the State was less 420,000 people. This arbitrary cap has created an oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance because the same number of legislators (120 total) now attempts to represent California’s present population of nearly forty MILLION (40,000,000) people. By any metric, this is impossible; 120 legislators cannot possibly represent forty (40) MILLION people in any effective, equitable and meaningful manner as contemplated by the United States Constitution and Amendments thereto.

Since the end of the Civil War the United States has consistently strengthened its commitment to a representative form of self-governance by ratification of Constitutional Amendments and treaties designed to promote the people’s participation in governing at both the National and State levels. California’s refusal to increase its levels of legislative representation to reflect its exponential population growth is both arbitrary and unconstitutional.

As a consequence, the premise of the People’s right to participate in meaningful self-governance has been abandoned. California elections are effectively “purchased” by candidates who are in the service of the two major parties and no longer represent the people.

Accordingly, Plaintiffs bring this lawsuit to return their representation to those principles contemplated by the founders for a representative republic, or in the alternative to sanction California for its brazen subjugation of the people’s right to govern themselves.”

You can read a copy of the entire lawsuit here.

The Lawsuit DID NOT Specifically Name the Members of the Oligarchy YET…

But, someone else has – The California Policy Center.  They call it California’s “Deep State.”  They say in an article by Ed Ring titled:

California’s Public Sector Union “Deep State”

“In the above diagram, at the center of it all are Public Unions. Immediately adjacent to them are the entities where they exercise the most influence, if not outright control – public education, state and local politicians and bureaucrats, and political consultants. Almost, but not entirely co-equal to these public unions are the corporate special interests, businesses that either depend directly on government contracts and subsidies for their prosperity, or businesses that depend heavily on a favorable legislative environment to survive.

Public sector unions in California collect and spend over $1.0 billion per year in dues. To the extent this money doesn’t flow directly into the pockets of politicians, political consultants and lobbyists, it goes to public relations firms, law firms, and academic institutions to engage in non-political public education. This soft money is heavily supplemented by funds coming from public entities and liberal oligarchs who support the same political agenda as the public unions.

The primary goal of the public sector union deep state is bigger government. Public sector unions thrive and grow by increasing their membership and increasing their dues revenue. This means more government programs is their first priority, while the value and benefit of government programs is a secondary priority. As a result, those elites that benefit from bigger government become junior partners to the public unions.

Continue reading TRUMP’S US Supreme Court Will Preside Over the Breakup of California…

Australia Bans Autism Mom as an ‘ENEMY OF THE STATE!”

“If we’d known you were coming, we wouldn’t have let you in the country!” says immigration agent at the airport.

Exclusive Bolen Report interview with Polly Tommey, co-founder of Autism File magazine and a producer of VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe on being BANNED from Australia for three years!


By Kent Heckenlively, JD

The global vaccine state has entered the final Mad King George phase of its existence.  Two examples show their days are numbered.

Autism mom, Polly Tommey watched her cameraman Anu Vaidya go through the electronic passport controls without incident, then followed behind him. They had completed their Australian tour of the film, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe and were heading to New Zealand.  Tommey entered through passport control, but did not fare as well as her cameraman.

She was detained by immigration, they asked for her phone, her I-Pad, and took all of her correspondence with the Australian group, Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) and photographed every piece of paper she had, filling up three USB sticks.

She was detained for approximately forty minutes and aggressively questioned. They wanted to know who was making money from the film VAXXED, and whether Dr. Andrew Wakefield was in the country.  The agents also made her write Andrew Wakefield’s name on a piece of paper.

Apparently, the agents of Australian immigration cannot sound out the name of ANDREW WAKEFIELD.  It’s such a hard name to spell.  I’m guessing these apes are the same types who have to move their lips when they read.

During her time in detention, the agents also told Tommey that she was being banned from Australia for three years and if they’d known she was coming into the country they would not have allowed her to enter.

When  Tommey asked on what grounds she was being detained, the agents said she would shortly receive an explanation through email.  That explanation from the Australian Government: Department of Immigration and Border Protection arrived on the morning of Thursday, August 9, 2017 and is reproduced in part below:

“Evidence of grounds for cancellation:

Open source information indicates that Ms Tommey is a prominent anti-vaccination activist in the United States of America.

Ms. Tommey recently visited Australia participating in delivering seminars at numerous locations about anti-vaccination and promoted an anti-vaccination film titled ‘Vaxxed’.

Based on this information, I am satisfied that if the wider Australian community became aware of Ms Tommey’s intended activities while she was in Australia recently, her presence in Australia would be a risk to the good order of the Australian community.

“Good order”, in the context of 116(1)(e) is concerned with actions by a visa holder which have an impact on public activities or which manifest themselves in a public way, including the risk of an adverse reaction by certain members of Australian society to the visa holder’s presence in Australia.  Therefore, it appears Ms Tommey’s presence in Australia would be a risk to the good order of the Australian community and I am satisfied that there is a ground to cancel your visa under section 116(1)(e).”

I was able to reach Polly Tommey by phone in New Zealand on August 8, 2017 and have a brief discussion about the incident and her Australian tour.

Continue reading Australia Bans Autism Mom as an ‘ENEMY OF THE STATE!”

CDC – A Garden of Misinformation About the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria, and More…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

Being a journalist who looks to history as a primary source of information, I often ask myself what were they thinking? or what’s wrong with this picture?   

So, let’s ask, “What’s Wrong With The CDC Picture?

In the world of dealing with malaria, a topic I was researching for an article, I came up with some astounding information which I want to share with you.  But, first, you need to put on what I call your “clear-eyed grandma’s thinking cap” so you can apply common sense to what you are reading.

On the CDC website, I found a story about a fellow who came down with a very serious case of malaria after traveling abroad.

The CDC gleefully featured his situation in an article to trash homeopathy as a valid way to prevent and treat malaria.  The article clearly stated “homeopathic medications are not regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration”.  THIS IS NOT TRUE.  By an act of Congress in 1938, homeopathic drugs have been regulated by the FDA!  

So much for accuracy.

The CDC failed to mention the brand name of the homeopathic formula this man used so we have no idea what the real situation is.  There are several ways to prevent and treat malaria using various homeopathic  formulas.  In this regard, the CDC’s prescription drug recommendation for malaria this fellow rejected was mefloquine also called melfloquine hydrochloride.  It’s brand name is Lariam.  The CDC explains in a two-page downloadable doc about mefloquine  which includes useful information about the drug including the notation that mefloquine no longer works in Southeast Asia.

The CDC recommended drug mefloquine  “No longer works in the place where malaria starts?”

And they recommend it?

Other useful tidbits of information includes potential side effects such as dizziness, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, vivid dreams, visual seizures, depression, and psychosis.  It can also cause stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

In a quick googling on the net, I found a brisk business in lawsuits from unhappy users of this mefloquine drug.

On the Rottenstein Law Group  LLP website I found the following information:

 Lariam Psychiatric & Suicidal Side Effect

“Research shows the anti-malaria drug mefloquine hydrochloride—formerly sold under the brand name Lariam—might cause psychiatric abnormalities, suicidal ideations and behaviors, and potentially permanent nerve damage. Because of these psychiatric side effects, the drug’s manufacturer, Hoffmann-La Roche, pulled it from the market in 2008. The U.S. Army continued to administer it to soldiers, however, until 2011, when the army ceased prescribing Lariam even for soldiers deployed in malaria-prone regions such as Afghanistan. In July 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notified the public that mefloquine products’ drug labels would be updated with a black box warning—the agency’s most serious kind—concerning the aforementioned side effects.

What Is Lariam and What Is It Prescribed For?

Once prescribed to treat acute malaria infections, Lariam is the brand name for the drug mefloquine hydrochloride, a synthetic analogue to the ancient anti-malaria drug quinine (quinine sulfate). How it works is still not understood, but it is believed to be toxic to the parasites that cause malaria. It reduces the intense, debilitating shivering that malaria causes.

Read more

View Lariam updates

See other lawsuits in:

Dangerous Drugs

Although the U.S. Army discovered and began using mefloquine since the 1970s, Hoffmann-LaRoche didn’t receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to market Lariam until 1989. The company pulled Lariam in 2008, however. Until then, it came in the form of 250 mg oral tablets taken weekly to prevent malaria infection. Upon diagnosis, malaria patients would begin taking five pills at a time.

Lariam Might Cause Suicidal Ideations and Behavior Side Effects

The FDA documented cases of individuals who took the drug and later reported the following symptoms, even after treatment concluded:

Restlessness; Confusion; Unusual behavior; Severe anxiety; Paranoia; Hallucinations; Depression; and Suicidal ideation.

An Associated Press story reported that U.S. Military personnel claimed to have experienced the following additional symptoms:

Nightmares; “Complete mental breakdowns”; Short-term memory lossPermanent damage to one’s sense of balance; and Army studies claimed the rate of psychiatric problems was one per 2,000-13,000, but Army Major and epidemiologist, Dr. Remington Nevin, published research showing that Lariam might be toxic to the brain, which causes the psychiatric and suicidal symptoms.

Finally, the FDA’s July 2013 drug safety communication included the following adverse side effects:

DizzinessRinging in the ears, Convulsions or seizures, Insomnia

The FDA advises that these side effects can continue for months or years after mefloquine treatment ends.

And There Is More……

Continue reading CDC – A Garden of Misinformation About the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria, and More…

Kent Heckenlively – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Okay, I’m going to make it easy for the trolls.

I am the world’s #1 anti-vaxxer.  Seriously, I deserve the title.  Who else has come up with an idea for a FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES as well as a plan for the COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF PHARMA CONTROL OF MEDIA?

(Click below for the link to join this fight.)


Who else has been as relentless in promoting the idea that one of the MAIN REASONS FOR THE  FAILURE of our movement, has been the HIGH PROFILE PARENTS OF VACCINE-INJURED CHILDREN who REMAIN SILENT?

I will NOT be quiet…

I know that makes some people angry, but I want our community to ROAR LIKE LIONS, rather than COWER LIKE MICE.  It’s just the future of the human race at stake.

It’s also your eternal soul you have to worry about when you die one day and face God and He asks what YOU DID TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER AND MAIMING OF THE INNOCENTS.

Who else has been as diligent in documenting the corruption of the very soul of science as shown in my books, PLAGUE and INOCULATED?  If you have any question about why our species is barreling toward extinction, then you need to read these books.

The opposition, the trolls, are disappointing…

Continue reading Kent Heckenlively – World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer?

California “Fake Voters” Under Investigation…

Could California ALREADY BE A “Red State?”

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

California, everyone should remember, is the super-majority liberal Democrat controlled State that passed infamous SB277, legislation to force innocent children to be held down and vaccinated with seventy-four (74) vials of “Made-in-China-death-pus” as a requirement to go to Public or Private School.

When parents of already vaccine-damaged children showed up in Sacramento to protest SB277, with those obviously vaccine-damaged children with them, the legislature shut down in-their-faces to celebrate “Gay Pride.”  The California legislature, that day, made a VERY CLEAR statement of what their priorities were – and “families” need not apply…

That same legislature legalized child prostitution – making it legal, I guess for their own children to get higher paying after-school jobs.

Then that same legislature tried to take the authority to raise children away from parents with SB18, turning that authority over to a homosexual run non-profit organization – but had to back off after massive public protest.

Indeed California is an interesting State…

But, they are CERTAINLY out of synch with the rest of the US…

The changes afoot in the United States after Election 2016 are astounding.  For information ignore mainstream media (most people already do).

One of the BIGGEST changes is the shift in the moral tone of our country.  Election 2016 gave us VERY CLEAR CHOICES.  On the one hand we had “Pay for Play” Hillary and her wandering husband.  On the other hand we had Donald Trump and his Populist (Deplorable) backing of “Americans who had had enough…”

The “Deplorables” wanted an America where we all play by a set of rules, using our Constitution and our system of laws as the basis for our society.  The liberal Democrats wanted an “Anything Goes” society, changing rules and directions on a whim or a chance for personal profit and/or aggrandizement.

The Importance of Honest Elections…

I should not have to explain why the “One Man – One Vote” rule is in effect – but I have some Democrats who read the BolenReport, and apparently, they all need a civics lesson.  So, let’s begin.

In the United States of America LIVING CITIZENS can register to vote. When they do this, they can vote locally (where they live) for candidates and issues, for Statewide candidates and issues, and in federal elections.

It is REALLY simple.  The key words here are “Living” and “Citizen.”

Historically, the Democrats, besides voting “dead people’s” votes, “bussed” so-called voters from polling place to polling place to get their numbers up, and their candidates elected.  But, they don’t have to do that any more.  There are more sophisticated ways to cheat – and they, apparently use them everywhere – ESPECIALLY  in California.

“Judicial Watch” Threatens California…

Continue reading California “Fake Voters” Under Investigation…

Trump’s Five Year Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines and Destruction of Pharma Control of Media Petition

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Yes, that’s the name of the new White House petition. Do you like it? I LOVE it.

Why?  I love it because it’s provocative.  I love it because it gets people’s attention.  I love it because it will probably drive the trolls, people like Orc, Dumb Dorritt, and Dr. Proffit absolutely bananas.  I’m hoping this gets the attention of people like Emily Willingham of Forbes magazine and she writes one of her odious articles attacking it.

Because then this idea starts winning.  It will have become CONTAGIOUS, spreading like a MIND VIRUS through the consciousness of the public.

I love it because it changes people’s perception of what is possible, and if I can get the trolls angry enough, they will do the job of spreading this wonderful idea.  Yes, my enemies are part of this plan because they are stupid and hateful enough not to realize that they will help this succeed.

Here’s that link.


Another reason I love it is that, well, many people just don’t pay attention when they read something.  

Usually, that’s just a minor annoyance.  For example, recently, when I was going to be a guest speaker at an event I read in the promotional materials that I was a “Nobel Prize winning author.”  I had to scratch my head at that one.  Yes, someday I’d LIKE to be a Nobel Prize winning author, but I  never claimed that I WAS NOW one.

I looked back at the materials I had sent this person and found there was a section which noted that my publisher ALSO published the work of a Nobel Prize winning author from China.  Even in this effort, people make enormous leaps of logic, which are not in fact, true.

I read one person’s comments on Facebook about this effort that “Robert Kennedy’s legal team has come up with a new way to go after Pharma!”  I am NOT a member of Robert Kennedy’s legal team.  Kennedy has NOTHING to do with this effort.  If he decides to join it, fine, but right now we have no connection.

So if people are going to draw the wrong conclusion, I want them to do it in a way that BENEFITS my effort.  

I won’t be surprised if in a week or two somebody writes that “Trump wants a five year moratorium on childhood vaccines!”  Will I correct the record at that point?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

Here are the facts about what happened.  My brilliant idea about a Five Year Childhood Vaccine Moratorium got some very smart lawyers thinking about how to push this idea even further.

They came up with a Citizen’s Petition to the CDC and FDA which asked them to support the Moratorium based on the LACK OF TRUE INFORMED CONSENT, as well as the fact that the government DID NOT FOLLOW ITS OWN RULES in approving vaccines for children.  This opens a 90 day comment window for the general public to weigh in.

Also, the CDC/FDA petition gives us legal standing after 90 days to challenge any decisions they make.  THIS IS AN ENORMOUS ADVANTAGE WHICH CANNOT BE UNDERSTATED.

Continue reading Trump’s Five Year Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines and Destruction of Pharma Control of Media Petition

Liberal Democrat California is Crashing…

Watch It Closely, For It Is What Would Have Happened If We Had Elected “Empress” Hillary As the US President…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

California is the State that made Childhood Vaccines Mandatory.  SB 277 passed with ease.  At first we thought Big Pharma was responsible – but then another story emerged.

Yes, Big Pharma put up shiploads of election money to Democrats to get the bill passed.  But that Pharma money wasn’t the deciding factor for the legislature – it was the fact that the State Health Department would get SO MUCH MORE MONEY from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  Hence there would be MORE money for State Employees.

Hard to believe, but – The decision to pass SB 277 was made in a California Employee Union office.  California has its own version of the “Deep State” Trump promised to shut down.

Liberal Democrats CANNOT govern. California is proof of that.

Here they have what’s called a super-majority in the legislature. They have even passed a law outlawing the Two-Party System.  It is a “Democrats only” State – and it shows.

In reality the California governor and the legislature are powerless. Every decision, on every policy, has to be approved by “The Blob” Public Employee Unions.  EVERY one.

A first-quarter national Cost of Living (COS) Survey shows that it costs a resident of California 50.8% MORE to live in California than Texas.  Except for Hawaii, which has to import almost everything, California has the highest Cost of Living in the nation – and it is going to get FAR WORSE starting in October of 2017 when the new twenty cents per gallon gas tax, and 50% increase in vehicle registration fees, begins.

California is DESPERATE for money.  

They have to keep feeding “The Blob” and they are running out of income sources.  Let’s look at the details, as shown to us by a January 2017 article by the California Policy Center called:

California’s Government Workers Make TWICE As Much as Private Sector Workers

Earlier today the California Policy Center released a study that provided facts about government compensation. It examined state and local payroll data provided online by the California State Controller and proved that the average pay and benefits for a full-time state/local government employee in 2015 was $121,843.

At the same time, the study found that the average pay and benefits for a full-time private sector worker in California in 2015 was half that much, $62,475.

Moreover, the study found that if the pensions these state/local workers have been promised were being properly funded, their actual pay and benefits in 2015 would have averaged $139,691. And that elevated figure still didn’t take into account the impact of properly pre-funding their supplemental retirement health care, nor did it normalize for their myriad paid days off – typically including 14 paid holidays, 12 “personal days” and 20 or more vacation days as they acquire seniority. And let’s not forget the “9/80” program, common in California government but virtually unheard of in the private sector, where public sector salaried professionals can skip a few lunches and show up a few minutes early or depart a few minutes late each workday, and take 26 additional days a year off with pay because, every two weeks, they worked “nine hour days for nine days, then took the tenth day off.”

If you’re not counting, that adds up to 72 days off per year with pay for a seasoned public sector professional. The study didn’t take that into account.

The “Average” California Government Employee Made $139,691 dollars per year in 2015?

And took 72 days off, not including weekends, with pay?


Continue reading Liberal Democrat California is Crashing…

Cancer Report:  2 August 2017 – Time for a New Cancer Paradigm

By Frank Cousineau – President, Cancer Control Society

Note from Tim Bolen – The so-called “War on Cancer” started with president Richard Nixon in 1972.  Every year HUGE amounts of research dollars are allocated across America to defeat cancer.  It is a massive rip-off – NOTHING has been found in the way of a cure, and there is NO INTENT to find one.  Researchers are taught to look EVERYWHERE but where the answers are.  In 2017 the “War on Cancer” is a HUGE welfare program for universities and their PhDs who NEVER INTEND to find an answer. 

If you, and yours, want to live after a cancer diagnosis you better do YOUR OWN research.  Below is a good place to start.


Last time we shared you the story of the false hope hype inside the Conventional / Allopathic cancer industry.

Why is this important? 

Cancer patients and their families are deceived about prognosis, treatment success and the cost(s) to get well.

Some of this deception is unintentional, perhaps genuine wishful thinking on the part of the Conventional / Allopathic Oncologist.  There is also a sinister element attached to this the current medical model; not only within the cancer industry, but with medical treatment and delivery, in general.

The current model in medicine is based on deceiving people into believing that the delivery of medicine is somehow related to healthcare

Continue reading Cancer Report:  2 August 2017 – Time for a New Cancer Paradigm

Trump Gets Authority to MOVE Against Vaccines and Pharma Control of Media. Will He Do It?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I love it when a plan comes together…

Or perhaps more accurately, I love it when my BRILLIANT idea inspires other people to share their BRILLIANT ideas, and we end up with a plan that is absolutely SPECTACULAR.

Something NEW Has Happened…

On July 27, 2017, an EMERGENCY CITIZENS’ PETITION FOR FIVE YEAR CHILDHOOD VACCINE MORATORIUM REGULATION was filed before the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

This is an adjunct to the White House Petition on the same matter.  We will show you this NEW petition in my next article.

Here’s that link to the White House Petition if you aren’t one of the more than 5,000 who have already signed.


What does this Petition to the FDA and CDC (Besides the one to the White House) mean really?

Continue reading Trump Gets Authority to MOVE Against Vaccines and Pharma Control of Media. Will He Do It?

Trump’s Proposed Five Year MORATORIUM on Childhood Vaccinations

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I like to study presidents and their path to power.

Most people don’t recall that before Bill Clinton became President, the democrats had lost five of the previous six elections.  Clinton founded the Southern Democratic Leadership Council to chart a new, more moderate course for democrats.

Barack Obama began his campaign for the presidency at the Illinois State House where Abraham Lincoln had served as a representative, an audacious call for America to fulfill its historic call for racial equality.

Trump is equally bold, the first true citizen to run for the highest office in the land, beholden to NO special interests.

It’s important to know how successful people think, because that’s how you figure out how to win your particular struggle.  I want to compare my FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES with what Trump writes about in his book The Art of the Deal, most particularly, the chapter entitled, Trump Cards: The Elements of the Deal.

The first element is THINK BIG.

The FIVE YEAR MORATORIUM ON CHILDHOOD VACCINES is a BIG IDEA.  I believe that we in the autism community have been playing defense for far too long.

Pharma proposes MANDATES and we respond with NO MANDATES!  I’m sorry, but in my mind, we’re playing small ball.  You don’t win on defense.  You win on offense.  They are trying to DESTROY US.  Why aren’t we trying to DESTROY THEM?  When Hitler bombed London, Churchill knew the war wouldn’t end when the Nazis stopped bombing London.  It would only end when Hitler was dead and Berlin a pile of smoking rubble.

Another element is MAXIMIZE YOUR OPTIONS.

I love that idea.  The other day somebody told me that the Cytochrome P450 detoxification gene was responsible for the negative vaccine reactions.  Bottom line – the gene doesn’t work before the age of three years old, and in about ten percent of the people it never works at all.  I think that’s reasonable and told her.

The only problem is I’ve never seen pharma respond positively to a single reasonable suggestion.  

If we get to the point where everybody is getting tested for the Cytochrome P450 detoxification gene and those who are clear are okay with getting themselves injected with mercury, formaldehyde, glyphosate, animal and aborted human fetal cells, well, fine.

If pharma is confronted with their TOTAL DESTRUCTION and sees fit to NEGOTIATE THEIR SURVIVAL, maybe there’s a deal to be made.  I still think it’s a bad deal, like leaving the Nazis in control of twenty percent of their country. But I’m okay with other people coming to their own conclusions.  That’s the great thing about being a libertarian.  I’m happy to think on my own and for you to do the same.

USE YOUR LEVERAGE is another element.

Continue reading Trump’s Proposed Five Year MORATORIUM on Childhood Vaccinations

Elected Democrats “Perform?” on US Health Care Repair…

Laugh Here – They Can’t Figure Out Why They Don’t Win Elections Any More…

Opinion by “Deplorable Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone knows that the US Health Care system is badly broken. There are, virtually, no arguments against this statement.  

So why, you should ask yourself, would one of America’s two largest political parties – the Democrats – not want to participate in the repair of that system?

It isn’t just that liberal Democrats are COMPLETELY out of touch with the wants and needs of NORMAL Americans.

The answers are actually very simple when you lay out what the average liberal Democrat is.  If you think about it the Democrats are almost ALL on one form of welfare or another.  Upsetting the current health care system would cut off that welfare.   I’ll show you what I mean.

What?  How could that be?

Let’s break that down into its elements…

(1)  It isn’t just the Washington “elected” Democrats that kneel in front of Big Pharma’s altar.  A SIGNIFICANT number of Public Employees OWE their very existence to Big Pharma.  Their minute-to-minute survival depends on Big Pharma maintaining control of the US health care system.  What?  How?  Why?

(a)  It doesn’t take twelve years and 1.8 billion dollars to properly test a new drug for the American public.  Everything that needs to be done can be completed in a few months.  So why is there a twelve-year, 1.8 billion dollar, process?  Because the drug approval process is a massive welfare program for radically overfunded universities, their PhDs, and other government agency employees.  ONLY Big Pharma can afford this system, and the costs, of course, are passed on directly to the American public.  Smaller competitors need not apply.

Continue reading Elected Democrats “Perform?” on US Health Care Repair…

Today is the Day For US Health Care – Can “We the People” Take Control?

Today – Either “Big Pharma” Runs America – Or “We the People” Do – US Senate To Choose…

A Classic Battle Between GOOD  and EVIL…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Today is the day.  Around 2:00  PM Eastern Standard time the one hundred (100) members of the US Senate will begin the voting process on an attempt to “Repeal and Replace” the broken American Health Care system known as ObamaCare.

The first round will be a vote to bring a bill to the floor for discussion and Amendment.  I expect that EVERY Democrat will vote against any efforts to discuss solution.  Why?  Because Democrats, to a man, are owned outright by their major campaign contributors – Big Pharma.  They have been told how to vote by Big Pharma, and will obey.  They will follow exactly the same pattern they did in California over the passing of the Mandatory Vaccine bill SB 277 – except that they will not be able, today, to shut down deliberations in Americans’ faces to celebrate, as they did in California, “Gay Pride Day.”   Republicans control the US Senate not Democrats.

So, what is going to happen?

Continue reading Today is the Day For US Health Care – Can “We the People” Take Control?

Congress Revising US Health Care – You Have To Have a Sense of Humor…

Think “Keystone Kops” – With Pockets Stuffed With Cash…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

US Silent Film mogul Mack Sennett between 1912, and 1917 (yup, a hundred years ago) featured what he called the “Keystone Kops,” a group of completely incompetent policemen which, during any activity, “the Kops clutching at their hats, leaping in the air in surprise, running energetically in any direction, and taking extreme pratfalls.”

Watch this three-minute video below – to get a feel for the Health Care deliberations in the 2017 Congress…

Sound familiar?

Of course it does….

Mack Sennett could have choreographed the entire recent Senate hearing process of “Repeal and Replace” of ObamaCare.

The liberal Democrats, this time, were the audience.  They just sat there doing nothing.  Why?  Well, two reasons actually: (1)  They were responsible for passing ObamaCare in the first place.  They had never read the legislation before they passed it, so they, as a group, had NO IDEA  what was in it, and they still don’t to this day.  I’ll show you what the Democrats didn’t notice down below in this article.

And (2)  The Democrats, nationwide, are in the pocket of Big Pharma.  They are completely dependant upon Big Pharma for election dollars – so Democrats DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD – no exceptions.  Their OTHER campaign funding mechanisms, like public/private partnerships in “climate change” frauds are drying up by-the-minute.  The liberal Democrats are frozen in place after the shock of presidential election 2016 – as well they should be.

But this time it was the Republicans which provided street comedy.

They couldn’t deliver on a simple “Repeal and Replace” bill for ObamaCare.  Why?  That’s where it gets funny, really humorous, where somebody like Mack Sennett could have made a comedy movie out of it.

What Mack Sennett  would have done was to load up the “Kops” into their vehicle, drive them down the road, and have the right front tire blow, right in front of a tire/tube shop.  The “Kops” in the movie would proceed to take off the tire, pull out the tube, which would have an obvious thirty-two patches on it already, and add ten more patches, and put the wheel back on, which would, of course “pop” as soon as the jack was let down.  The “Kops” would do this five more times in a row, adding more and more patches to no avail.

Finally, “The Chief” would order the “Kops” to carry the front of the car to their next call location.  When the car was moved a sign on the front of the tire/tube store, that you couldn’t see before, appears that says “Tire Tube Sale Today – 2 cents”

“Tire Tube Sale Today – 2 cents?”

Continue reading Congress Revising US Health Care – You Have To Have a Sense of Humor…

Should We “Unmask” the High-Profile Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Who Remain Silent?

(Hey, it’s just the Future of the Human Race at Stake!)

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

In any campaign for change you must occasionally ask yourself if what you’re doing is achieving the intended result.

If it is, great! All speed ahead! If not, isn’t it time to reconsider your strategy?

It’s with that idea in mind I review what has happened over the past thirty years regarding vaccines and the health of America’s children. In 1986 Congress passed and President Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law RADICALLY changed the consumer protection rights of Americans regarding vaccines.

The pharmaceutical companies, which were having financial difficulties because of the flood of vaccine injury cases

found the situation completely changed. In return for harming lots of kids, they weren’t punished. They were given protection!

In 1997, when Dr. Andrew Wakefield raised the question of whether the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was causing digestive problems and autism in some children, the pharmaceutical companies had a boatload of money to fight this claim. The parents were financially devastated by the needs of their children and couldn’t find a decent lawyer to even bring a case.

Quite simply, the pharmaceutical companies took away all the rights that consumers enjoy for all other products.

A powerful system will cause most people to fold. It’s the rare individual who will not bow before an all-powerful authority. Dr. Andrew Wakefield was one of those individuals. Jenny McCarthy was one, along with her boyfriend at the time, Jim Carrey. So was Dr. Judy Mikovits. There were also a few brave parents who founded organizations, but for the most part we were alone.

Some people attacked Jenny McCarthy for coming out so strongly against vaccines. They claim she should have waited for somebody with more gravitas to lead the charge. But where were the other movie stars? We know that Hollywood actors have children. And some of them develop autism. And some of those actors quietly whisper to each other, and to some of us, that they suspect vaccines were the cause.

But no Justice League of Jenny McCarthy and others formed to combat this evil which had harmed their very own children. When they all get to heaven, Jenny will be the only A-list actor in God’s eyes. The others will be on the D-list.

In addition to changing the legal system, the pharmaceutical companies took over the news networks by buying up 60-70% of the advertising dollars.

The old rules remain in effect. Those who have the gold, make the rules.

The pharmaceutical industry employs more than 1500 lobbyists in Washington, D.C., or about three lobbyists for every single member of Congress. The pharmaceutical industry spends twice as much money lobbying Congress as its nearest competitor, the oil and gas industry. But the pharmaceutical industry has no liability for the vaccines it gives to our children. In short, they control the courts, the media, and the politicians.

And because they do,

they’ve been able to make those who raise issues about vaccines look like crazy people. So in addition to having no legal rights, no access to the press, and no influence with politicians, your friends and family think you’re crazy.

Any strategy which is to have a hope of success must acknowledge the overwhelming odds against us. This will be by necessity, a guerrilla campaign.

But just because the odds are against us, doesn’t mean we don’t have a chance.

In his excellent book, David and Goliath, the author Malcom Gladwell looks at what is needed to win a fight against a giant.

In a war, one would think that the size of the opposing armies will determine who wins, right? If both sides decide to fight the same way, then yes, you can pretty easily predict who will win the war.

But if the smaller army decides to fight in an unconventional manner, the calculus changes. If the smaller army fights in a way the larger army can’t control, the smaller army actually has about a 60% chance of winning, even if the other army is ten times as large.

George Washington didn’t win the Revolutionary War.

He fought to keep from losing it all in one large battle, until French soldiers and the French fleet arrived in large enough numbers and the British were divided, that Washington could capture half of the English army. Game over.

If George Washington fought in the way the British wanted him to fight, in the way that “gentlemen” conducted the art of war, it would have been a very short rebellion. Washington had to fight an unconventional war to win our freedom.

For far too long we have let our enemies dictate the battlefields on which we will fight.

As a result we have lost many more battles than we have won. We need to wage an unconventional campaign to protect the future of the human race and possibly recover those who have already been harmed.

Because the pharmaceutical companies have control of the legal system through the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, I believe that any attempt to use the courts will inevitably fail.

Because the pharmaceutical companies control the mainstream media,

we should not spend a minute of time worrying about how they will cover us. There may be a case to be made for smaller, alternative media, but we should always be wary of how quickly pharmaceutical money can shut down our stories.

Because pharmaceutical companies give ungodly amounts of money to our politicians, we should never expect anything good to come out of Congress. There have been some excellent fighters on our side, like Congressman Dan Burton, Dave Weldon, Bill Posey, and also Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, but they will be lonely voices in the wilderness.

So what is our trump card, the battlefield upon which we should devote all of our resources?

Continue reading Should We “Unmask” the High-Profile Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Who Remain Silent?

California Liberal Democrats Imploding State… It is Fun To Watch…

Trump Stopped the Chemtrails in California, Laughed at Funding the “Bullet Train…”

And the Dem’s Plan to Destroy California’s Agricultural, and Recreational Base, FAILED…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The demise of the liberal Democrats as a force in American politics had to begin somewhere.  I think it began on the day that the liberal Democrats shut down the California legislature in the face of parents with vaccine-damaged children to celebrate “Gay Pride,” instead of listening to those parents concerns about vaccines.

The arrogance of the liberal Democratic political machine was at its peak that day – and California legislators showed their scorn for heterosexual marriage and family issues in the most insulting way possible.

And, they are paying for that insult NOW with the complete, and utter, destruction of their political platform nationwide.

The Democrats are not just being destroyed over their vaccine stance, their anti-family-pro-LGBTPQ positions, their insistence on BIG Government, their promotion and dedication to the interests of Big Pharma, their abusive ObamaCare one-size-fits-all drug-based health care system, but also their attempt to destroy the American economy with fake climate change.

After the 2018 elections it is doubtful whether or not the Democratic Party will even survive.

California’s government is like a bad episode of Saturday Night Live that got left on the cutting room floor…  The Producers decided it was just too horribly fragile to mock.

And every day it gets worse…  Collapse is imminent.

And I cannot help but laugh at this well-deserved outcome.

For all their bluster the liberal Democrats are rather easy to beat.  And, frankly, it is fun frustrating them – just to see the look on their faces.  Drive by any Starbucks, during the day, in California, and see them in there with their double-lattes, looking like they have been run over by a steam roller (and, they have).

So, let’s laugh a little, right now, at the wanna-be despots… (keep reading).

California, the “Left Coast” Socialist/Communist State Had a Plan…

California’s seemingly ludicrous  “Bullet Train” project, supposedly a link between San Francisco and Los Angeles, had NOTHING to do with transportation, and EVERYTHING to do with seizing prime Central Valley farm land “for the collective.”

“The Plan” was in two parts:

(1)  Reduce the value of the land by creating an eight-year drought using chemtrails to create high pressure areas keeping rain away, and

(2) Create a Public Agency (the Bullet Train Agency) that could use “Eminent Domain” to force farmers to sell the land cheaply to the created Public Agency.

One problem was that NO ONE, not even public employee pension funds found the “Bullet Train” idea viable enough to pour in investment money.  The Obama-Nation GAVE California eight billion dollars ($8,000,000,000) as seed money, and it disappeared into Democratic coffers instantly.  Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband got the first billion, supposedly to form the “Bullet Train” agency, before the ink dried on Obama’s check.

The 64 billion dollar price tag…

Ed Ring, from the California Policy Center writes “What Californians Could Build Using the $64 Billion Bullet Train Budget…”

Ring says that the 64 billion could be spent much more efficiently on things California could use.  Like:

Continue reading California Liberal Democrats Imploding State… It is Fun To Watch…

US Health Care Changes Under Trump – a Tectonic Shift…

It Isn’t About Who Pays For It, and How.  It’s That We ALMOST Have To Start Over…


Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

“Five Minute Medicine” is a mocking term used to describe the current US medical system.  What it is referring to is the simple fact that no matter what health care plan you have, or don’t have, when you visit your doctor what you get is always the same – junk.

When you have a health problem you make an appointment for two weeks to a month away.  When you get there you wait to  be called.  When you are taken into a room a “medical assistant,” who’s other job involves fast food, weighs you, asks you how tall you are, takes your temperature and blood pressure, and asks you what medications you are taking and types something into the computer.  Then, of course, they ask you if you have had your flu shot.

Then you wait for “your doctor…”

Shortly, “your doctor” breezes into the room, looks at you briefly, sits down on a roll-around stool, looks at the computer screen and begins to type something.  MAYBE, they will listen to your breathing.  All of this  takes less than two minutes.

At the beginning of minute three “your doctor” begins to write out your new drug prescriptions, which you will find, once you go to the pharmacy, cost CONSIDERABLY MORE then your last prescriptions.  This process takes up minutes three, four, and five.  Don’t blink or you won’t see “your doctor” exit the room.. They have sixty-five (65) more patients to see today.

THAT is “Five Minute Medicine” and “We the People” spend a fortune for it.

And it is junk…

You ask yourself – “How Could such a System be Breaking America’s bank?”

Continue reading US Health Care Changes Under Trump – a Tectonic Shift…

Save 250,000 Children from Autism and 15,000 Babies from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome!

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Oskar Schindler saved about 1,200 Jews from the Nazis in World War II and Steven Spielberg made an Academy Award winning film about him.

My ambitions are much greater.

My five year moratorium on childhood vaccines (especially with the changes I’ve suggested to be implemented in those five years) mean that CONSERVATIVELY I WILL BE SAVING 250,000 CHILDREN FROM AUTISM AND 15,000 BABIES FROM SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME.


I really do have to stress that this is a CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE.  The true effects are likely to be MUCH GREATER.

When you look at the numbers for the numbers of children diagnosed with autism you get a lot of variation in the numbers.  50,000 a year is a conservative estimate.  It’s likely to be much higher.

That’s not counting all the kids with ADHD, sensory processing disorder, and all of the other associated learning problems I believe should be laid at the feet of vaccines.

It’s estimated that the cost of raising a child with autism is about three million dollars, a good deal of it paid for by the government, insurance, or borne by the families.  Let’s look at just the lost opportunity costs.  250,000 kids and each one costing $3,000,000, that’s a savings of $750 BILLION DOLLARS.

Continue reading Save 250,000 Children from Autism and 15,000 Babies from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome!

BIG PHARMA in a PANIC Over Brenda Fitzgerald CDC Appointment…

They Are Beginning to Figure Out That Fitzgerald IS NOT Their Friend…

The Childhood Vaccine Program Will Be a Bad Memory…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Big Pharma Drug Lords,  before Election 2016, were absolutely certain that their choice for the Presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was in the bag – after all, their contributions to her candidacy, the Clinton Foundation, and liberal Democrats across the nation, had exceeded the GNP of most countries on Planet Earth.

In California they had bought the entire liberal Democrat legislature, and they passed a Mandatory Vaccine bill.  They thought that would happen nationwide.  It didn’t – The Anti-Vaxxer Movement smashed them nationwide.  SMASHED THEM.

Their ownership of the liberal news media is uncontested. It didn’t work for them during the election and it isn’t working for them now…

Insert laughter here…

Money NOT Well Spent…

We all laugh at the whining liberal Democrats, their “the Russians did it…” whimperings, the daily “made up” fake-news stories trying to turn the American people against our President – and NONE of it is working.  Big Pharma, of course, is funding this attack.

But now, Big Pharma is seeing the handwriting on the wall…

Big Pharma is going to become Little Pharma…

And It is time…

How Do I Know This?

There are a number of indicators which show Big Pharma’s panic. And I mean REAL PANIC.

Does this woman look seventy years old to you? Well, she is, and she is an expert in Anti-Aging medicine – which uses similar non-drug techniques as Autism Reversal Doctors… No wonder Big Pharma fears her…

Why?  They finally did their homework on Brenda Fitzgerald MD, Trump’s pick to run the CDC.  And, they are in the “Oh Shit!” mode big time.

They should have figured out that something was NOT going to go their way when Brenda turned out to be a personal friend of Tom Price, Trump’s pick to head DHHS.  Tom Price, as we all know, was a Board Member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).  The AAPS is as Anti-Vaccine as you can get…  They sound like me, Tim Bolen.

This, below, is the official AAPS position on mandatory vaccines…….

“Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific methodology (including studies that are too small, too short, and too limited in populations represented), which is, moreover, insulated from independent criticism. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgments of patients, parents, and attending physicians, even if this were ethically or legally acceptable.

AAPS opposes federal mandates for vaccines, on principle, on the grounds that they are:

An unconstitutional expansion of the power of the federal government.

An unconstitutional delegation of power to a public-private partnership.

An unconstitutional and destructive intrusion into the patient-physician and parent-child relationships.

A violation of the Nuremberg Code in that they force individuals to have medical treatment against their will, or to participate in the functional equivalent of a vast experiment without fully informed consent.

A violation of rights to free speech and to the practice of one’s religion (which may require one to keep oaths).

But that Vaccine Policy is just the beginning…

For Big Pharma it is MUCH WORSE…

Continue reading BIG PHARMA in a PANIC Over Brenda Fitzgerald CDC Appointment…