I VERY MUCH Like Where The US Health Care Political Argument Is Going…
Opinion by “Deplorable”Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
You have to have a sense of humor to follow what is ACTUALLY going on over the US Health Care discussion. It is VERY HARD to follow if you just use NORMAL sources for information.
Main Stream Media (MSM), as we all know, is stuck in the “Trump-Bashing” mode. Behind the scenes they have fired everyone over twenty-seven so no one there has a sense of history what-so-ever. Their offices are littered with used Starbuck’s cups.
I think if you were able to walk into the liberal media’s production areas you’d find every one of them playing video games on their $2,800 Smart Phones…
US Media is not…
Understanding the US Health Care Discussion…
First you have to make a list of the players in the game. Let’s do that:
(1) The American Public, commonly known as “We The People.”
This group, the so-called “Populists,” this time, is right here watching EVERYTHING that is going on. And, THAT FACT, is making the rest of the players VERY nervous. Why? Because the other players are NOT used to this kind of scrutiny – and are uncomfortable with it. But it is here to stay.
(2) The Democratic Party, as we can all see, is marginalizing itself over this issue and others. They are typified by the likes of Chuck Shumer who can leak tears onto his glasses on the end of his nose as soon as the cameras are turned on. Or Nancy Pelosi who cannot remember who the President is, saying “I can’t work with President Bush…”
The Democrats are NOT participating in finding solutions at all.
(3) The Republican Party is in turmoil, trying to find where it actually is in the scheme of things. We, the Populists, took over the Party at the beginning of the Presidential primaries, forcing our man Trump on them, whether they liked it or not.
Then we went and won the Presidential Election CARRYING Republicans into office. So, the rank-and-file Republicans tread carefully not wanting to anger the Populist grouchy giant who woke up recently.
(4) The Deep State, simply speaking, needs to be summarily destroyed – smashed to bits. This is as good a time as any. The US is NOT a communist country and we DO NOT NEED, nor want, any super-public agencies openly, or secretly, running our lives – certainly not our Health Care system.
(5) Special Interest Groups, like Big Pharma, Health Insurance companies, and the Conventional Health Care Industry are VERY worried about what is happening – and they should be. Why? Their blatant greed is the reason that the US Health Care System is failing.
(6) The US Health Care System itself, has become the official State Religion. It has set itself up to be Unquestionable, and acts, of itself, to punish heritics accordingly. Hospitals dress up like churches, with doctors wearing vestments.
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“Note from Tim Bolen – Autism (Severe Vaccine Damage) is the elephant in the room no one in authority wants to talk about. Why? It is too horrible to contemplate – especially to admit that vaccines did this, so, as Kent, and millions of parents, and grand-parents, have found out, there is NO OFFICIAL EFFORT, WHAT-SO-EVER, to cure, mitigate, repair, or even ACKNOWLEDGE that there are ways to turn vaccine-damage around…”
As of this writing there are a little more than eight hundred signatures on my White House petition regarding Suramin and autism.
I’m genuinely please by these numbers, although I know we still have a little more than 99,000 signatures to go.
As English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said, “First you have to win the argument. Then you win the vote.”
As many of you are probably aware from my previous articles, Suramin was developed more than a hundred years ago to treat African Sleeping Sickness, a disease caused by a parasite. Unknown at the time was exactly how this parasite caused the disease.
I have an idea.
Normally, a properly functioning body would rid itself of a parasite. Therefore, a parasite would probably need to disable the body in some fashion, but not in a manner so severe as to cause the death of the host organism.
That’s where Dr. Robert Naviaux of the University of California, San Diego and his CELL DANGER THEORY comes in. Now, the cell danger theory did not originate with Dr. Naviaux. It has been around for quite some time. Dr. Naviaux’s creative insight was to see if it could be applied to conditions like autism or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), or many of the other chronic diseases which are on the rise in our society.
The cell danger theory holds that when the cells detect a potentially dangerous threat (a chemical, virus, or other micro-organism), they respond by shutting down communication with other cells. It is possible for this signal to get “stuck,” creating a chronic health condition.
Please feel free to insert your own explanation as to what danger might cause the cells of a person to feel that there was an imminent danger in the neighborhood and they all had to go quiet like a baby deer in the forest. Your answer is just as likely to be right as mine. But that’s not what we’re talking about. We just want the cells to start TALKING TO EACH OTHER again.
Suramin tells the cells it’s safe to start communicating with each other again.
Naviaux was able to find evidence of this abnormal cellular communication by optimizing his mass spectrometer to find a unique pattern of metabolites (cellular signaling molecules) which were disrupted in autism and in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
In three different animal studies, he was able to use Suramin (antipurinergic therapy) to restore cellular communication.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you listen to Main Stream Media (MSM) quoting liberal Democrats about Trump and the Republican’s Repeal and Replacement of ObamaCare you’ll hear that “Twenty-Three Million Americans are going to die miserably without health care within minutes of the passing of the Republican plan…”
And, Nancy Pelosi will say “I can’t work with President Bush…
But, Let’s Get Real…
US Health Care is in shambles. “We the People” are NOT going to solve this problem with a few Band-Aids. It took a long time for US health care to get this bad. Fixing it is going to take a while for we are first going to have to recognize, and openly deal with some, harsh realities.
Harsh Realities? Yup…
(1) Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.
(2) The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.
(3) The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.
(4) Health Insurers are a BIG problem
(5) US Dentistry is upside down.
(6) Public Health projects are making the population sicker.
(7) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care..
I am NOT going to go into details here of those problems listed above…
Just yet. What I am going to do is point out what the Trump Admininstration is doing about each of these, and more. And THEY ARE doing something about each thing – despite INTENSE obstructionism from the Democrats. Liberal Democrats want to preserve and ENLARGE the existing drug-based system although it obviously DOES NOT WORK.
Why? That’s an EASY question to answer – as we saw in California in regard to the SB 277 (Mandatory Vaccine) legislation, liberal Democrats are VERY used to drug lobbyists, not only funding their election campaigns, but stuffing hundred dollar bills into their pockets, daily. The drug industry is the PRIMARY non-public-private funding agent of the liberal Democratic Party.
But, Let’s Look at How Trump is Handling the Drug Industry…
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The legendary former Democratic Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill once said, “All politics is local.”
I’m a native son of the Golden State. Yes, I know it seems overwhelmingly Democratic Party today, but trust me on this, the Democrats are on the verge of losing the state. The big things are determined by a thousand little things. I want to share a few of those things which convince me that even in California, the days of the Democrats are numbered.
A few weekends ago I went to Santa Cruz for the graduation of my nephew from the University of California. His parents live in Santa Cruz as well. (All names have been changed to protect the formerly liberal, but now conservative.)
My brother in law, Paul, has a business in downtown Santa Cruz. There are a number of homeless people who will urinate and defecate on the wall of his business and in the front entryway. Paul has taken matters into his own hands by installing multiple cameras around his business, then photographing them, as they appear, sometimes as they are in the act of urinating and defecating, then calling the police.
In most cities in the country, public urination and defecation would be a cause for shame, or at the very least, significant police interest. (Let’s call it the ‘one-pee, or one-poop rule.’) The police try their best under the liberal policies, but Paul kept up his actions. Now his area of Santa Cruz is regularly patrolled. It is the cleanest section of Santa Cruz, but every week he is still photographing various law-breakers and phoning the police. He has them on speed-dial.
The vast majority of us do not have any contact with the violent M-13 gangs of predominantly illegal immigrants. However, Santa Cruz does. When the mayor allowed ICE to conduct an operation against the M-13 gangs in the town, it so outraged the citizens that the mayor was forced to issue an apology. (Really, I can’t make this stuff up!)
This is why I could never go into politics. Because if I was the mayor I would stand up there and say, “I’m really sorry for trying to protect your lives. In the future I will be more politically correct and look forward to seeing you again at your funerals.”
Both Sides of a Political Argument…
My sister in law, Sherry, is interested in both sides of politics, and took her son to a Bernie Sanders rally during the last election. There was a large crowd, and they waited for hours, listened to the speech, then left peacefully.
Later in the campaign they went to San Jose to hear Donald Trump speak. They parked in what they thought was the main parking garage, but left when they saw it was empty. Unlike the Sanders rally, the Trump supporters seemed to show up just before the 7 p.m. rally. (Maybe more of the Trump supporters had jobs? Just a thought!)
The Trump rally was standing room only and Sherry was able to stand right near the front barricade. She thought Trump’s message sounded like it had a lot of the same themes as Sanders did, but the events after the rally were markedly different.
The rally was calm and peaceful, but right after the rally, the police let in the protesters, who seemed to perform right on cue for the cameras. Yes, Sherry, was right there when that one female Trump supporter was egged and attacked. Sherry found some big, beefy guys to stand on both sides of her as she made her way out of the rally.
And it was a good thing she didn’t park in that original garage…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In late 2015 thousands of parents concerned about the Democratic Party controlled California legislature’s efforts to make all childhood vaccines Mandatory with SB #277 went to Sacramento, many with their vaccine-damaged children in tow, to explain the reality of vaccines to what they thought was their elected representative government. That legislature blew them off…
Those parents were treated with the utmost disdain – as though they were ignorant children who needed to be spanked. How dare they bring up an argument which in the minds of the Democratic Party legislators “had already been solved – so shut up and vaccinate your children…”
The Democrats shut down the legislature in their faces and celebrated “Gay Pride Day” – something FAR MORE IMPORTANT to the Democratic Party than the health of children.
The Anger Erupted Across America…
I believe it was that one action, California’s SB 277, forcing Mandatory Vaccines on children, and the way it was done, that began America’s wake-up call about what the liberal Democratic Party was REALLY all about – and it started the process of their downfall…
The vaccine problem became a major issue in presidential election 2016. Liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton blew us all off – laughing at our complaints. Donald Trump did not. We had his attention.
So we elected Donald President.
Not only did we elect Donald President, but we began to remove liberal Democrats from public office across America. We helped put Republicans in control in forty-four (44) of the fifty (50) States. In 2018 we intend to take the last six (6) States away from them also.
Who’s laughing now? Not us – we have work to do.
It Turns Out That The Vaccine Issue, as We Knew It, Was Just the Tip of the Iceberg…
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Recently I was asked “What makes YOU so confident in yourself?”
It was done almost accusingly, from a millennial type with a posse, (I’m guessing they were late 20’s early 30’s-ish) after I stood up for myself in some situation. Not important “the what” as much as “the why.”
My first thought was to respond with; “Why aren’t you? And why do you feel you have a right to belittle me for my courage to stand up for what I believe in, even though I stand alone. Does your wolf pack make you better? Or does it just give you the confidence you lack personally?”
But in typical fashion, I just smiled and turned away and left it to them to figure out. (Drives them crazy).
But I found myself pondering the question afterwards. I wonder why millennials aren’t confident in themselves? Why do they feel they have to roam in packs, whether it be in person, or on twitter, or Facebook, or social media in general? Or in riots against our President or officials enforcing the laws. Why do they crave the acceptance of someone agreeing, someone paying attention to them? Why is it that so many in that age group are lacking standard confidence in themselves?
What is it that made me so different from them?
I don’t travel in packs. I have a small circle of friends. I have little interaction on social media, of any kind. Purposely! Most comments and derogatory remarks are from “bots” anyway. If a friend or family member doesn’t comment, it isn’t important. I was raised with “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt me.” Didn’t they ever hear that?
Sure, not everyone has a confidence in themselves, no matter what age. But why is that sense of worth of one’s self disappearing more and more? Why are the young millennials craving – to the point of madness – ATTENTION?
So I started thinking back to the beginning -MY beginnings.
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When I was younger I wrote a great deal about politics and many thought I’d eventually run for office. I mean, isn’t that the eventual goal of everybody who writes about politics? It’s just the platform they’re using to get to the next step?
But my college roommate had a different take. He said, “Kent, you’re doing just what you want to do, writing about what you think is important. There is no next step for you.”
So there you have it.
For the last fifteen years I’ve been consumed with autism, the corrupt vaccine schedule, and the political patterns which have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked in our world.
Yes, I will use the word, holocaust.
Let me say it clearly: Both democratic and republican politicians have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked. Republicans may be salvageable at this point. Democrats have embraced lunacy and nothing short of an intervention will save them.
From my knowledge of history I can tell you that I could have easily been an FDR democrat, a Harry Truman democrat, a John F. Kennedy democrat, and although it may come as a shock to some, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, and was happy to do it. (You see, no political party really wants me, because I’m not anybody’s ‘reliable’ vote.)
Aside from his significant personal failings, Bill Clinton is the model democrats should be following in the wake of the Trump victory, but probably will not. Politics is the art of persuasion, not shouting down those who disagree with you. It also helps if you understand the weaknesses of your own arguments and the strengths of your opponents arguments.
After the democrats had lost five out of the last six presidential elections (Nixon, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Reagan, Bush), Clinton founded the Southern Democratic Leadership Council. The goal was to figure out why democrats kept losing. There were strategies that democrats could embrace that allowed them to win and he wanted to find them.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The BolenReport is a health care newsletter. So everything related to US health care is of interest to us including the politics surrounding it.
The US health care system is in VERY bad shape. It does not work and it costs way too much. It is improperly focused.
We cannot fix it by just changing the way we pay for it. We have to pay attention to what we pay for, and what is done to the public by the program. In short, what is called ObamaCare is way worse than people realize.
Main Stream Media (MSM) keeps announcing that Republicans are AGAINST ObamaCare but never say why. The simple truth is that the ObamaCare issue alone, across America, has cost the liberal Democrats the loss of over a thousand elected seats in State and Federal elections. Because of ObamaCare alone, the Republican Party controls the US Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Presidency.
Why is that?
Everyone will remember Nancy Pelosi’s infamous 2010 statement about ObamaCare “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it…” In truth ObamaCare was rushed so fast through Congress in 2010 that NO ONE had a chance to read it, ask questions, and get answers. The Democrats controlled Congress and shoved it through.
But now there is a new day…
Here is the story…
When 2016 liberal Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton laughed in the face of American parents concerned about mandatory vaccines for their children, little did she realize that that insult would cost her the election – and it did. The HUGE anti-vaxxer movement turned to Donald Trump. Hillary’s insult, and the reaction, tipped the scales.
Why was Hillary so stupid as to piss-off parents?
Clinton lived in an isolated world of ELITES who really believed that THEY were something special – so special that THEY would cancel America as an entity, and force us all into a one-world-government run by corporations. “Agenda 21” is, and was, very real.
Here is How the “Mandatory Vaccine” Thing Started…
In December of 2010 the Obama Regime, seeking to actuate a nationwide so-called health plan (ObamaCare), activated a controversial project through the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) calling itself “Healthy People – 2020.” It was an adjunct to the ObamaCare legislation. It was the tool of ObamaCare. It was designed to twist America sideways. And, it did…
Obama and the CDC “Healthy People – 2020” Over-Reach…
The American people NEVER intended to give ANY agency ULTIMATE power over American’s health. Congress never enacted, nor even tried to enact, any such legislation. It would have FAILED. Obama, by Executive Order, just did it on his own…
(1) Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease , disability, injury, and premature death; (by a massive mandatory for everyone, vaccine program)
(2) Achieve health equity; eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups; (one-size-fits-all drug based health care).
(3) Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and (eliminate capitalism and enforce communism/socialism).
(4) Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviorsacross all life stages. (do what you are told by the government).
The “Healthy People – 2020” plan WOULD HAVE REQUIRED EVERYONE in the United States, children and adults, to be vaccinated according to the schedule agreed upon by the CDC and the Vaccine Manufacturers – NO EXCEPTIONS.
The “Healthy People – 2020” schedule, SO FAR, would have REQUIRED seventy-two (72) vaccines for children, and eighty-six (86) more vaccines for adults up to seventy (70) years old. For a total of one-hundred-fifty-eight (158) vaccines for each US citizen, SO FAR, from birth to seventy (70) years old.
And they could add-on more mandatory vaccines any time they wanted.
Obama, according to Democratic Party Senator Harry Reid, was heading for a single-payer one-size-fits-all health care system serving the needs of the liberal Democrat’s campaign-financing people – Big Pharma.
ALL Health Care would have been withheld from anyone who DID NOT follow the vaccine schedule.
Welcome to what WAS the liberal Democrat’s Obama-Nation.
Obama began to do two things to try to overcome the fact that since the passage of the original ObamaCare legislation, the Republican Party had won not only control of the US Senate and House, but control of the legislatures in forty-four (44) of the fifty (50) States: (1) He began to issue huge numbers of Executive Orders – like no President ever before, and (2) he massively increased the number of numbing Federal Regulations, and Federal Staff, to enforce those regulations.
Hillary was supposed to pick up the Presidential Executive Order reins in 2016…
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I really don’t have any problem with being the optimist. And I don’t have a problem with somebody else being the pessimist. (Or realist, if you prefer!) It’s why my wife and I make such a good team. I create the vision and she sweats the details. Twenty-two years of marriage and we’re still going strong.
So let me tell you what my optimist mind says: WE CAN END THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC BY JUNE OF 2020.
It is dependent upon YOU signing and sharing this petition so that by July 9, 2017 we have 100,000 signatures.
And when I speak of the end of the autism epidemic, what do I really mean? I mean that we recover the more than one million individuals with autism, many of them now young adults and living in special homes because they have become too much for their parents to care for at home.
I am speaking of a scientific framework for understanding how vaccines are creating an entire generation of damaged children. And in understanding HOW this is happening, we create the societal awareness to stop this nightmare.
Why am I so confident that if I can get YOU and 99,998 other people to sign this petition that ALL OF THIS WILL BE FIXED BY JUNE OF 2020?
Even though I consider myself an optimist, I like to think my background as an attorney and science teacher requires me to have some evidence for my optimism. I think that one of the most difficult issues in autism is that there is NO BIOLOGICAL TEST WHICH TELLS US THIS CHILD HAS AUTISM AND THIS ONE DOES NOT.
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It boils down to Control. They are out there inciting a civil war to control the population. To satisfy their own agenda. To bask in their ability to control.
Every day the narrative on main stream media is HATE.Hate Republicans. Hate anyone associated with them. Hate anyone who dares to agree or think as they do. Hate our duly elected president. Hate anyone who opposes the left-wing ideas of one world government.
Their main goal is to abolish the USA, the Constitution and our laws. To gain the control over the USA and change it to a world-socialist society. It has nothing to do with the people, other than control.
Why are they so hateful? Why are they propagating the lies, false information, hate messages? Why are they trying to turn America against itself?
Because America works. Our Constitution works. Our founding fathers guided by their faith and their experiences of an unjust society crafted a rock-solid document that works! Our founding fathers found the way to truly make all the people equal. To protect and cherish their God-given rights. Our government has always been the hated government. Why? Because it works. We have always lead the world as the beacon of justice. The beacon of truth. The society to model after. Americans have always supported the beliefs and laws of our country, even if they didn’t agree with their leader. Americans supported America.
We now have a poison in our midst, no less dangerous than the worse street drug being peddled…
It is called liberalism. It is a hate sickness that is based on greed and control. I’m not really sure if it’s actually partisan anymore. It seems to be taking its place as a new philosophy. A new regime. A new religion.
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Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Charles Blow – Celebrate?…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
It’s in their eyes…
The liberal Main Stream Media (MSM) has FINALLY had a political success – they were able to get a crazy to shoot Republican conservatives.
Even better, they got one of their regular watcher whack-jobs to do it in the nation’s capitol.
It hasn’t been an easy time for the lib Dems. It’s been a long, dry couple of years since they’ve had a success. Defeat has been their life. Their belief that they controlled Presidential Election 2016 was smashed on the evening of November 8th, 2016 when America ignored their smirks and elected Donald J. Trump President of the United States.
They haven’t recovered until now. NOW they have had a victory – their rhetoric convinced a crazy to shoot.
Yes. they’ve had some minor victories on college campuses – causing riots, and ball-bat incidences. But those are just college campuses – not REAL America. But not until they got an Illinois Bernie Sanders campaigner to grab his rifle and pistol, and camp out in the nation’s capitol waiting for an opportunity, could they roll-around-in-glee in their newsrooms.
Someone FINALLY listened to their message. And ACTED on it.
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I’ve spent fifteen years as an autism activist and probably written close to a million words on the subject. This may be the most important topic I’ve ever written about.
I’ve put together a petition on the White House web-site for them to talk to the scientist I believe may have the best guess on how to end the autism epidemic, Dr. Robert Naviaux of the University of California, San Diego.
I assembled all the arguments I thought would conceivably convince 100,000 people to sign the petition in a month, then went to the web-site to type it all in. I could only use eight hundred characters. Not eight hundred words. Eight hundred characters! That’s just a few paragraphs.
I have a very brief explanation of why people should sign the petition, but to me it’s not complete. If you already feel fully informed on this issue, please feel free to go to the bottom of this article, click on the link, and sign the petition. (And thank you!)
IF you need a little more information, please keep reading.
Suramin is a medication developed more than a century ago to treat African Sleeping Sickness, a disease caused by a parasite. The medication was used SAFELY for more than seventy-five years and was very effective.
In the 1980s suramin was used by researchers investigating treatments for cancer and HIV-AIDS. These high dosages caused significant toxicity and death.
In 2008, Dr. Naviaux became interested in the question of autism and a possible etiology. He thought that a common process known to biologists as the CELL DANGER RESPONSE might be at the root of autism, as well as many other chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Naviaux’s cell danger theory of autism proposes that when cells encounter some chemical, virus, or micro-organism that they can’t identify, (immature immune system or novel substance) they may respond by shutting down communication with other cells, prompting a decrease in energy produced by the mitochondria. If this cell danger response becomes stuck, then a chronic disease state may persist.
The persistence of this cell danger response has been quantified by Naviaux through the use of a mass spectrometer to identify the unique pattern of metabolites (cellular signaling molecules.) He identified and published on this pattern in autism and has also published SEPARATELY on a unique pattern of metabolites in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Naviaux identified a previously approved medication, suramin, which would quiet the cell danger response. It is called anti-purinergic therapy.
Naviaux then proceeded to perform three animal studies demonstrating that suramin could at least temporarily normalize this cellular communication and the animals would demonstrate behavioral changes.
The first group Naviaux used were mice who had autism induced through ‘maternal immune activation’, a commonly accepted proxy for autism. (Antipurinergic Therapy Corrects the Autism-Like Features in the Poly (IC) Mouse Model, PLoSOne, 2014)
The second group was mice who had autism induced in a similar manner, but were the human age equivalent of thirty years old. (Reversal of Autism-Like Behaviors and Metabolism in Adult Mice with Single-Dose Anti-Purinergic Therapy, Translational Psychiatry, 2014)
The third group was genetically designed to have Fragile X syndrome, often called ‘genetic autism.’ (Antipurinergic Therapy Corrects the Autism-Like features in the Fragile X (Fmr1 knoclout) Mouse Model, Molecular Autism, 2015.)
All three groups showed normalization of their metabolites and signs of behavioral changes.
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Very early in life I realized the value of studying the history of things. In the 1980s, when I was so ill with mercury poisoning, mostly from my dental fillings on top of earlier vaccine injury, fate introduced me to Harris Coulter, PhD, who is considered one of the great historians specializing in the evolution of Western medicine from ancient times to the present day. I am blessed with having known him and I want to bring the work he has done related to the dangers of vaccinations to a new audience.
Harris Coulter, PhD
Dr. Coulter is considered a major expert on the subject of vaccines having written three books on the subject. He co-wrote, with Barbara Loe Fisher, DPT – A Shot in the Dark. This book was the first book published about the problems with vaccines and was published prior to the passage of National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law in 1986. The vaccine court that was created by the law was supposed to compensate victims of vaccine damage and let the drug industry off the hook.
A point to ponder, when DPT A Shot in the Dark was published in 1985, on the eve of the passage of the National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law, Dr. Coulter and Fisher estimated that at least 1000 babies died and 12,000 were damaged per year just by the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) shot.
Fisher went on to found the National Vaccine Information Center which is the principle consumer watchdog group regarding the dangers of vaccines. According to her now:
The $3.6 billion dollars in federal vaccine injury compensation that has been awarded to more than 5,000 vaccine victims since 1988 doesn’t begin to pay for the damage done, not when two out of three claims are denied, 50 and not when drug companies have no incentive to make vaccines less harmful because all Americans are legally required to purchase and use their liability free vaccine products.
Every promise that Congress made to parents in 1986 was a lie. And 30 years is long enough for parents to wait for that failed experiment in tort reform to work.
Meanwhile, Dr. Coulter testified at various hearings in Washington since then and he was also the one who made the connection that it was the Thimerisol (mercury) in the vaccines that was the cause of autism.
In 1990, Dr. Coulter published his book, Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality – The Medical Assault on the American Brain. The great thing about studying the history of something is that history is clear cut. Either it happened or it didn’t and usually the stuff you find out is a matter of public record not as likely to be altered in later publications for political purposes as we have found is the case with current corrupt scientific studies about vaccines. Better yet, with the distance of time, one can see patterns emerge that give clarity to events, which, at the time, made no sense.
With President Trump’s directive to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to get to the bottom of all the vaccine science corruption, Dr. Coulter’s work in this particular book is critically important because it traces the decline in brain function (like IQ, ability to study, make reasoned decisions and take aptitude tests) of several generations of children thanks to the damage done by America’s ever-growing vaccine schedule. It also traces the dramatic rise in the crime rate during the same period of time. These trends are alarming, particularly because this book came out before so many vaccines were added to the schedule in the 1990s and beyond.
In the simplest terms, by tracing trends in crime, behavior and intellectual performance, Dr. Coulter provides a frightening future for American civilization if all our vaccination policy is doing is creating more and more dysfunctional people.
An Overview Of Escalating Mental Disorders…
Back in the 1980s, the American Psychiatric Association, in its official guide to mental illnesses in the US, devoted 70 pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence”. Dr. Coulter pointed out that in an earlier edition published in 1968, only had 3 1/2 pages and the first edition, published in 1952, did not mention them at all.
Encephalitis is the culprit…
On page xiv, Dr. Coulter stated:
The following pages show that “developmental disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the United States and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program.
To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.
Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the Americanschool system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.
And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.
The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society. Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked. It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.
Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods: mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals.
Why Johnny Can’t Read Or Do Much Else, Either…
Dr. Coulter reported that, in 1963, the U.S. Health Service listed nearly 100 signs and symptoms associated with hyperactivity and changed the name to “minimal brain dysfunction.” It is also called “minimum brain damage.” (MBD) By the 1970s, minimal brain damage was a major challenge to the American school system, as well as the most common diagnosis at child guidance clinics and the most time consuming problem to child psychiatry as well.
By the time 1984 rolled around, 13% of the children in some school districts were in special education classes, a figure that some believed were significantly under detected.
Minimally Brain Damaged children also have a high incidence of seizure disorders: epilepsy, tics, tremors, choreiform (twisting) movements, facial grimaces, infantile spasms, and others. Those with minimal MBD are disproportionately left-handed or ambidextrous also known as “poorly defined unilateral dominance”. A 1987 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 16 percent of Americans under 30 were left handed or ambidextrous while only 12 percent of people over 60 were. Another poll found that 13 percent of 20 year olds were left handed compared to 5 percent of those over 50.
Dr. Coulter noted that since 1945, an epidemic of vaccine-induced sub-clinical encephalitis actually generated a disproportionate incidence of left-handedness and ambidexterity in the under-forty or under-thirty age groups.
Among the other characteristics of dyslexia include the inability to perform arithmetic or spell words. Some dyslexics are unable to write cursively and can only print. Delayed speech and other language issues are also common along with memory issues including inability to retain certain kinds of information.
Tracking of IQ test scores and Scholastic Aptitude Tests have seen a steady decline as well. SAT verbal scores dropped from 478 in 1963 to 424 in 1980 while math scores went from 502 to 466. By the time Dr. Coulter published this book in 1990, these scores were the lowest they’d been in the 66 year history of the tests. It’s important to note the IQ test scores have become easier so this decline is even more alarming. Similar declines were found in the American College Testing (ACT) Program.
Just so you know, in 1977, a Blue Ribbon Panel was convened in an effort to figure out why IQs were dropping so rapidly. They examined 79 hypotheses none of which panned out.
Because vaccinations are such a sacred cow, no one discussed the possibility that all this mental decline was a sign of vaccine damage. Now, 40 years later, doctors and scientists who question virtues of vaccines are automatically condemned.
Violent Crime And General Criminal Behavior On The Rise…
With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, Dr. Coulter pointed out this was the beginning of a more violent America. A point to note, Oswald was both a dyslexic and otherwise neurologically defective.
The murder rate doubled between 1960 and 1980 from four to eight per 100,000. The largest increase occurred between 1960 and 1970 and by 1990, murder was the leading cause of death for black males aged 15 to 34. Assaults were estimated to be more than 100 per each case of murder or as much as 2,500,000. The total actually reported in 1980, for people over the age of 12 was 1,600,000.
FBI statistics showed a fifty percent increase in crimes of all categories.
Dr. Coulter pointed out (p.254):
The pertussis vaccination program was only sporadic in the 1920s and 1930s, becoming widespread during and after World War II. The appearance of autism and learning disabilities reflects the concomitant growth of this vaccination program.
Autism is diagnosed in the first years of life; so vaccinations yielded the first autistics in the early 1940s. Learning disabilities emerged eight or ten years later, when the children of this same generation were seen to have chronic difficulties in school. The learning-disabled children of the early 1950s were the brothers and sisters of the autistics of the early 1940s.
But these children, of course, kept growing into adolescence and adulthood. The generation born in 1945, and thus exposed for the first time to widespread vaccination, came of age in 1963.
Brain Damage Behavior That First Showed Up In The Radical 1960s..
(P.254) Any analysis of the 1960s radicalism at once discloses the themes which have already figured in our discussion of the sociopaths, post-encephalitic syndrome. For example, “Roots of Radicalism”, by Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter, touches upon: ego weakness, feelings of worthlessness, childish egotism, impulsive violence, impatience, narcissism, the need to be in control. megalomania, alienation, lack of meaning, rage, paranoia, ambivalent hostility to authority, unfocussed aggression, the search for experience and sensation, inability to form intimate relations combined with sexual licentiousness, anxiety, depression, pyromania (“Burn, baby burn!!), sociopathy, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
Explaining The Vaccine Crisis In Ordinary People Terms…
Dr. Coulter, in the role of statistician, collected an array of data, only some of which I have provided here, which shows just how destructive vaccinations can be in destroying the ability for someone to function normally.
Just so you know, it was only after I read this book years ago that I realized that my various learning difficulties had a name…..dyslexia. As a first grader, my parents were told I was retarded but, since I was basically very alert, my parents didn’t buy that diagnosis and did a wonderful job of raising me with a very enriched and ego-supported childhood all the while I was suffering my way through public school. No one had any idea that my left handedness (also ambidextrous skills), my inability to write legibly, my inability to do arithmetic, my memory problems, and my inability to read with any proficiency were all clues to a pattern of brain damage.
The prep school I was sent to in the 8th grade was an unique place because they thought all children had special needs and in that way, the faculty had no difficulty shoring up my weaknesses at the same time encouraging my strengths to soar. I had no difficulty getting into several excellent colleges. It wasn’t until a year or so ago, I took what is called the ANAM test that I was reminded I am one the millions of walking wounded, robbed of a fully-functioning brain and not counted in any statistic.
The ANAM test, developed here in Oklahoma to test brain function, was available to me when I was helping out at thePatriot Clinics projectI wrote about in an earlier article. The clinic specialized in healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBI is not just a whack in the head or a sudden change in air pressure, it can also be caused by toxicities of all kinds. The test is a computerized test where you look at a screen on the PC, then go to the next screen and answer questions related to the contents of the previous screen. I FLUNKED royally as did a surprising number of others who were volunteering at the clinic. I was consistently unable to recall most of what was on that earlier screen.
What piqued my interest in re-reading Dr. Coulter’s book was the knowledge that when a person has PTSD or TBI, they can be helped through hyperbaric oxygen treatments and various detox methods. As a victim of major mercury poisoning, thanks to my dental amalgam fillings, I also know that detox is possible and over time, one can potentially clean up the whole mess. Also, mostly unstudied by scientists, academics or statisticians, are the millions of us in the health freedom movement who have been living out our lives trying everything we can find at the health food store to help us sharpen our brain power. We are people with Minimal Brain Damage only nobody bothered to tell us we had it.
Also in our great debate over the issue of vaccines and autism, we are ignoring millions of others in the health freedom movement who have other diagnoses, or no disease name at all, for their ailments, that should also be included in the vaccine victims list. Continue reading Millennials Are Vaccine Brain-Damaged – We Can Help…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
America is beset by problems. Our Health Care system does not work, is horribly expensive, and is destroying our national economy. Our unemployment rate is horrendous. Young people out of college cannot find work and are faced with massive loans they can never pay off. We have State and Federal agencies trying to force vaccines on us all. The list of America’s problems is almost endless.
One group, the Trump people, are actively trying to fix ALL of these problems and the system that let America get into this situation.
The other group, the liberal Democrats, those that LOST the election are focusing on anything, and everything, made-up-issues, to try to stop the repair process and focus America on nonsense.
I am about to focus on one of those made-up issues, and the way the liberal Democrat structure handles things – Evergreen College and what happened there. This story is sickening – but true.
I will show you EXACTLY what the liberal Democrat entity has become. The photo above is worth ten thousand words…
A New Beginning…
America woke up one morning to find that things were not as they appeared.
They found that the US Main Stream Media (MSM) had failed in its job to alert Americans about what was really happening, and that the media had their own reasons for that presentation, and that those reasons, and the results, were NOT good for America.
Perhaps the awareness began in a Barber Shop in the MidWest, maybe in a Hair Salon down south, maybe in a Church basement at a Bingo Game, maybe in a retirement community in Florida or Arizona, maybe in a Police Before-Shift meeting, maybe at a VFW meeting, maybe at an Elk’s Lodge, maybe in an unemployment line…
Wherever it started the awareness grew – for Americans talk to each other….
Every minute of every day…
The idea that liberal Democrats try to sell, that America is a huge white racist pot of HATRED is sheer nonsense. Every military veteran out on the street knows that that crap does not fly – for they have carried, or have been carried by, people-of-other-colors out of a battle zone. Their color-in-common is red – the color of blood. THAT is a life-time bond. We veterans understand that VERY well.
America WAS being taken down a DIFFERENT path – we were being manipulated into a Marxist global economy, with the full intent of stripping America’s power base, impoverishing our citizens, getting rid of our jobs, de-sexing our children (so we can never form a military again), and destroying our heterosexual Judeo/Christian family societal base.
The primary tool to achieve that is now, and has been, the US Democratic Party. They were on a road to success until the late evening of November 8th, 2016 when, shock-of-all-shocks, we the American people went to the polls and said:
It is Time For the “Adults” to Take Back America…
And, we did…
Ever since that fateful evening of November 8th, we’ve seen the results of the implosion of the US Democratic Party – the group that believed it had Hillary’s election in the bag – and that the FULL DESTRUCTION of America as a separate family nation, was imminent.
The opposite is now true – and the re-construction of America, and all that it means, is happening before our eyes. The Democrats are having to wear diapers, so-to-speak – For their vision of a completely homosexually controlled America has failed…
What We Are Seeing at Evergreen is Just a Symptom…
Evergreen College is in Olympia, Washington. The State of Washington is one of the three Western States known as “The Left Coast.”
There, in those three States, visiting business people should bring their own water, for if they drink the local stuff, they might wake up the next morning as a liberal Democrat; eager to create a new public agency to over-regulate their own business, raise taxes, spit on white people, or buy a load of drugs or sex with a foreign child from an illegal alien in a Sanctuary City. You just never know…
Here, on “The Left Coast” sits UC Berkeley, which, as we all know, is supposed to be Planet Earth’s bastion of liberal Democracy.
Recently, of course, we found that Berkeley’s 2017 view of “liberal Democracy” does NOT extend to “Free Speech” like it used to. There, very recently, Conservative Americans were beaten, attacked, and shut down in their efforts to speak at Campus Events.
More, Berkeley management went along with it, giving this lawlessness a big boost. This fact tells us all, of course, that the term “liberal Democrat” actually, in 2017, translates to “Stalinist Totalitarianism.”
But Evergreen College Took “Liberal Democratism” to New Heights…
Or new lows…
Evergreen College is very clearly run by a group of Transsexuals with Baseball Bats. Doubt that? Watch the videos (more than one) of these people telling Evergreen College’s President what to do, including when to pee, and where to put his arms when he is talking to them – and watch him COMPLY. They had LOCKED the Evergreen management, and faculty, into a room. Evergreen management, and faculty, ACCEPTED this and DID NOT call the police. Why?
Why is this video, and others covering different parts of the event, so important? Because they show, very clearly, what a liberal Democrat run operation REALLY LOOKS LIKE.
(1) Look, for instance, at the Staff of Evergreen. These people are role model “teachers?“
(2) Look at the out-of-control screaming students in the meeting with school officials. The University obviously ENCOURAGES this kinds of personal behavior in meetings with students. Where was the Washington State National Guard?
(3) Look at the President of the University. Who puts a wimp like this in charge of a group of young people trying to get an education? Let’s get General Mike Flynn in here on temporary assignment. He’s available…
(4) Transsexual Students ORDERING WHITE PEOPLE OFF CAMPUS? Oh yeah?
(5) Evergreen Teaching Staff backs up Transsexual’s Demands, and APPROVE of student’s attacks on WHITE Professor who said “NO” to being forced off Campus? They want the WHITE Professor disciplined? We are paying these nutbag’s salaries? Continue reading Evergreen College – What the US Democratic Party Has Become…
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On June 7, 2017, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) had a public hearing on determining what the “No Significant Risk Level” (NSRL) should be for Glyphosate.
Now California has already determined that glyphosate is a carcinogen and falls under Prop 65 provisions. The question is how much exposure would require a warning to the public.
Monsanto was at the public hearing and insisted glyphosate doesn’t cause cancer at all. And they are suing California for finding it does.
Here is my written comment to the OEHHA:
Regarding the “specific regulatory level” of glyphosate, a study published in the journal BioMed Research International revealed the Roundup herbicide to be 125 times more toxic than its “active ingredient”, glyphosate, by itself.
The paper (1) states,“Major pesticides are more toxic to human cells than their declared active principles.” It demonstrates how agrichemical companies conceal the actual toxicity of the poisons they push on farmers by putting out a single ingredient as the “Trojan Horse” —the active ingredient—and from that single chemical determine an “acceptable level of harm” via the calculation of the so-called acceptable daily intake (ADI) based on the toxicological risk profile of only that single ingredient.
Pesticides are used throughout the world as mixtures called formulations. They contain adjuvants, which are often kept confidential and are called “inerts” by the manufacturing companies, plus a declared Active Principle (AP), which is the only one tested in the longest toxicological regulatory tests performed on mammals. This allows the calculation of the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)—the level of exposure that is claimed to be safe for humans over the long term—and justifies the presence of residues of these pesticides at “admissible” levels in the environment and organisms.
Only the AP and one metabolite are used as markers. Toxicity in so-called inert adjuvants was up to 10,000 times more toxic than glyphosate itself, revealing them to be a greater source for toxicity than the active ingredient.
(2) This synergistic toxicity explains animal research where glyphosate products were found to be poisonous in the parts-per-trillion range (0.1 part per billion), a value that could not be explained by glyphosate itself.
(3) The researchers noted:“Adjuvants in pesticides are generally declared as inerts, and for this reason they are not tested in long-term regulatory experiments. It is thus very surprising that they amplify up to 1000 times the toxicity of their APs in 100 percent of the cases where they present. In fact, the differential toxicity between formulations of pesticides and their APs now appears to be a general feature of pesticides toxicology. As we have seen, the role of adjuvants is to increase AP solubility and to protect it from degradation, increasing its half-life, helping cell penetration, and thus enhancing its pesticidal activity and consequently side effects. They can even add their own toxicity.”
(4) The definition of adjuvants as “inerts” is thus nonsense; even if the US Environmental Protection Agency has recently changed the appellation for “other ingredients,” pesticide adjuvants should be considered as toxic “active” compounds. According to the researchers, Roundup herbicide is an exemplary illustration of the duplicitous claims made by agrichemical corporations that the chemicals applied to our food are relatively safe and that safety is a scientific fact. It is a pseudoscience “fact” that it is safe. Roundup is 125 times more toxic than glyphosate.
Roundup is one of the most toxic among the herbicides and insecticides tested, and it does not degrade in the environment!
Agrichemical companies will falsify health risk assessments and delay health policy decisions if they can, which is why regulators should not rely on just one study to determine ADI. I am sure there is an interest in not upsetting the apple cart too much, but on a practical level setting the ADI too high is almost meaningless.
Apparently, the European Environmental Agency (EFA) thought so and published a paper, “Late lessons from early warnings,”which cover a diverse range of chemical and technological innovations, and illustrates how damaging and costly is the misuse or neglect of the precautionary principle.
(5) The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of glyphosate is 0.3 ppm (parts per million), but it should be less than 3 ppb (parts per billion) in the context of the Roundup, one of several glyphosate based herbicides, Glyphosate does not degrade, so it just accumulates and builds up just like DDT. The ADI is an assumption based on an assumption.
No testing takes place to determine if the ADI is accurate or isn’t, and in the case of glyphosate, minuscule doses make for some nice endocrine disruption. The ADI measure is an assumption based on current understandings of what toxicity might be from long-term exposure to repeated ingestion of chemical compounds in foods (present and/or added), as opposed to acute toxicity. It is a projection often based on skewed if not truncated or biased research.
In the case of glyphosate there is an ADI but glyphosate is applied with untested co-forumulants that significantly enhance the synergistic toxicities. It makes the ADI for glyphosate itself misleading even if it were accurate.
Ever wonder why so many men have “low T” (hypogonadism), girls are entering puberty at eight years of age, and women are developing breast cancer?
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“Note from Tim Bolen – The North American Health Freedom Movement has been around forever. When it takes on a battle it wins every time. Tedd Koren DC is one of the senior members of the movement now. Read his bio linked below, and see why…”
OK, I admit it, I kicked a beehive, or perhaps a hornet’s nest.
I commented in a public discussion group about childhood vaccination. A mother wrote asking for advice (“is my kid in danger if she sits next to a non-vaccinated child?”) and about 20 MDs (med heads) wrote with the usual party-line pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo foolishness. From their comments, it appears that there is not an IQ over their hat size in the bunch.
I felt compelled to answer (below). Let me know what you think of it.
There is scientific controversy as to whether vaccines provide any benefit at all.
The current medical school of thought believes that the injection of vaccine ingredients makes children healthier by preventing disease symptoms from appearing.
However according to the classical hygienic school of health (which is based on experience rather than belief), the symptoms we associate with diseases are not the diseases – they are the mechanisms by which the body externalizes (gets rid of) toxins (or “disease”). As Hippocrates (The “Father of Medicine”) famously said, “We call them diseases but they are the cure of diseases.”
From that perspective vaccines do not prevent disease – rather vaccines cause illness.
Childhood vaccination is an 18th century medical procedure that injects toxins such as bacteria, viri, and various drugs, and synthetic (unnatural) chemicals deep into a child’s body. This is a bizarre procedure that drives these substances so deep that the child is unable to externalize the poisons (i.e. have symptoms). The child becomes sick on a very deep level and as a result is more likely to be weaker, less healthy and more prone to chronic (lifelong) diseases.
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A “perfect storm” is defined as a detrimental or calamitous situation or event arising from the powerful combined effect of a unique set of circumstances.
A critical look at the current vaccine program in the United States suggests a possible Perfect Storm because there are a combination of factors surrounding the vaccine program which have the potential to lead to disastrous consequences. Below is a list of these potentially disastrous factors:
The “Disastrous Factors” List:
(1) Currently medical doctors receive large bonuses for giving vaccines, and the more vaccines they give, the larger their bonuses[1]
(2) Vaccines are hugely profitable, e.g., the worldwide pediatric vaccine market is projected to be valued at US$ 88.14 billion by the end of 2026[2]
(3) No vaccine manufacturer or doctor can be held accountable for any vaccine injury[3]
(4) The CDC, which is in charge of promoting vaccines, is reportedly corrupt according to CDC scientists[4], and receives millions of dollars each year from the pharmaceutical industry through the CDC Foundation[5]
(5) The vaccine schedule has never been tested in a publicly available long-term study[6]
(6) Vaccines contain ingredients which have not been adequately tested for safety, such as: mercury, aluminum, bovine cells, aborted human fetal cells, monkey lung tissue, etc[7]Continue reading Vaccines and the Perfect Storm…
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We are living in interesting times…
On the one hand we have the globalists and their activation of the “Agenda 21” program, in essence, trying to make America into a Third World Country, reducing Planet Earth’s population with some crazy, half-baked notion of super-environmentalism and super-vaccinating our young people making them into confused sex, mini-zombies who cannot function outside of their parent’s homes. Pure EVIL…
On the other hand we have the massive group known as the anti-vaxxers, caring people who have figured out what the Obama/Hillary life-scum were actually up to, and decided to back a Populist candidate, Donald Trump, for the Presidency of the United States – and won. GOOD personified…
The “globalists” HATE Trump. In fact they HATE everyone. They make lists of EVERYONE they HATE. If you are a black, or white, yellow, blue, heterosexual that has a Judeo/Christian upbringing you are on that list – and they want you unemployed, separated from you family, and ultra-vaccinated so you can’t make your mind work. They want control of your children, of course. And they don’t know why you would object to them having sex with your children – to them, they are entitled…
It is a True Battle Between Good and Evil…
Liberal Democrats today, in the United States, as a group, are LITERALLY human slime. The filth of the filth – and I don’t know why we treat them nicely sometimes. They want the death, and destruction, of the United States of America. They do not hide that fact at all…
In California, it was the liberal Democrats who passed the Mandatory Vaccine Bill – SB 277. Republicans voted against it. Across the country 99.9% of the time it was a Liberal Democrat who tried to get similar legislation passed in other States – but, except for California, we were able to stop them each time.
Don’t forget that the California liberal Democrats legalized childhood prostitution, and tried to take ALL children away from parents (SB18) and turn over control to a homosexual run non-profit organization connected to Hillary Clinton.
It is not a coincidence that the same people, liberal Democrats, who want EVERYONE SUPER-VACCINATED, want all of America’s population unemployed, without roads, utilities and hope – it is what the liberal Democrats are all about. In fact, it is ALL they are about. We saw all of this unfolding in Montana and Wyoming – and we stopped it dead. The liberal Democrats there were trying to shut down the economies of BOTH States.
In California, it was obvious, that Obama was trying to destroy, with his ObamaDust program, completely, California’s food growing industry with a FAKE eight-year drought. Trump cancelled the FAKE drought, made it rain restoring the industry, and it is still raining like it did before Obama.
I could write ten pages on what the sleazy liberal Democrats did to the American MidWest.
Trump’s Revision of US Health Care…
Donald has four thousand (4,000) presidential appointments to make, only a thousand (1,000) of which need to be approved by Congress. The liberal Democrats SHREIK at every one – and well they should – for their Party is Over… The Trump Team is proceeding methodically, taking control of certain infrastructures first, getting rid of toxic, sick-brained, destroy-America-from-within, Obama-ites where they find them – first in the Military, Intelligence, Homeland Security, the Veteran’s Administration, and the cabinet positions. One government agency after another.
I am VERY pleased with how and where the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is heading…
There are going to be major changes in US Health Care – and it is time. We are going to end up with a system that actually works – and it is NOT going to be a Single-Payer (Socialist/Communist) one-size-fits-all, vaccinate-the-shit-out-of-everybody, psuedo-health care system like the one Commie-Bama initiated. Unlike ObamaCare, the new plan will be read, and understood, by everyone BEFORE Congress passes it.
Before we do that we are just going to let Commie-Bama’s ObamaCare self-destruct.
And of course it will. We the people simply are NOT going to pay for sex-change operations every three months when the over-vaccinated millennials feel the need – after drinking too much Starbucks coffee.
I have to admit that it is GREAT FUN watching the lib-Dem screech-whiners on national TV as they watch their whole socialist collective house of cards fall down and blow away.
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“Watch the documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe like I did and make up your own mind about vaccines and autism! GREAT MOVIE!” – Donald J. Trump, June 10, 2017 to his 31.3 million Twitter followers.
Can you IMAGINE if President Trump actually sent out that tweet?
With that single action, President Trump would bypass the $5.4 billion dollars the pharmaceutical industry spends annually to fund, and control, the nightly news, their army of Washington lobbyists, and DESTROY the premise of the corrupt 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which created the monstrosity known as “Vaccine Court.”
I know President Trump likes to win. This would be a win for him. In fact, the autism community has been winning so much, I’m starting to get a little tired.
First, there was the delicious Ian Lipkin-Mady Hornig law suit death match which revealed the unbelievably bad behavior of Ian Lipkin, like dropping his drawers in front of his ex-lover so she could examine a lesion on his ass. Then when she expressed some discomfort, he told her that it was her job as medical director of the Center for Immunity and Infection to look at his hairy ass. I CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!
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Folks, we here at Bolen Report are in the front lines of what we all know is a civil war.
A legally-elected president is under siege 24/7 being accused of all manner of criminal activity with hints of mental illness thrown in. Every day we see demonstrations in the streets and on our college campuses against anyone who speaks conservative values and most recently there were protesters in front of the FCC demanding that DrudgeReport and Alex Jones be banned from the internet. Who knows. We might be next.
If you think this constant assault on President Trump and the American values he is espousing is wrong, please contact your elected officials and let them know what you think and let them know you expect them to support Trump in his efforts to clean out the swamp even if they are Democrats…….
Trump’s Biggest Problem – How To End The Drug Industry’s Control Of The Media
In regards censoring critical information about America’s most serious health crisis, at the recent Revolution For Truth Rally in Washington about the problems with vaccines, this is what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told rally attendees about media censorship:
“I talked to Roger Ailes, who I have know since I was 17 years old, he’s very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts. I said to him, “I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.” He said to me, “I can’t allow you on any of them. I’d have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station.” Because, he said, “My news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. If Big Pharma uses the power of its advertising dollars to dictate what is and is not said about vaccines, it stands to reason that it can dictate the content of the rest of the news as well.
The US is only one of two countries (New Zealand is the other) that allows advertizing of drugs directly to the public. The justification is so that consumers can be “educated” in the proper use of these products. Yeah. Sure. Who reads the 4 point type on the magazine page across from the glossy ad, or can understand the TV voiceover that is speaking in triple time telling you if you take this stuff, you’ll die.
The REAL reason drug ads are legal is so they can control the content of what goes out in print or on the airwaves including directing the propaganda slant on sitcoms, talk shows, late night comedy and drama shows.
I say drug ads should go the way of tobacco and hard liquor ads. The question is, do the DC swamp dwellers have the backbone to ban them.
Trump has committed a mortal sin against Big Pharma. Eager to help Autism Speaks raise money for the cause by allowing them to use his beloved Mar-a-Largo for a fundraising event, he spoke publicly as far back as 2007 that he thought vaccines were the cause of autism and chided those who refused to consider that possibility.
To Big Pharma, the idea that as president, Trump could (and now is) putting the full weight of that office behind a complete investigation of the vaccine industry, is unthinkable.
By 2021, financial experts estimate the annual business to be worth $43.03 billion a year. Based on what we already know, and what our colleague here at BolenReport, Kent Heckenlively, has already written about in his book Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, the likelihood is that all the fraud, deliberate manipulation of scientific studies, destruction of evidence (government records), conspiracy to suppress critical information, not to mention providing false testimony, the vaccine industry will likely take a very big hit if not be destroyed altogether.
By all the revelations already coming out, unreported by the press, some executives, scientists and government officials might even be subject to being tried for committing crimes against humanity, the subject of two articles here and here on BolenReport.
Thanks to this ongoing embargo on information, discussing anything that Trump is doing to clean up the swamp is nowhere to be found on Main Stream Media (MSM).
Trump Officially Ends “Political Correctness” As A Government Policy…
The media has also partnered with others who don’t want Trump to succeed by taking direction from social agitators aka Community Organizers. In an earlier article, I wrote about the history of Political Correctness and explained how it was developed in the 1920s as a Marxist/Socialist tool to intimidate people into silence at the same time turning basic cultural norms of all kinds upside down. In an internet website called The Obamafile, a group of researchers provided a summary, with examples, of just how bizarre some of these mind-manipulating “facts” are.
There, our Founding Fathers are deemed nothing more than“sexist, slave-owning, 18th century white men in wigs and breeches” presumably with nothing important to contribute to society.
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