Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
US Health Care CANNOT be fixed without reining in Big Pharma. Trump is well on the way to doing just that. We only have to look at what Donald recently did to the “Opioid Drug”, and the “Generic Drug” Industries to see EXACTLY where he is headed – drug company leaders are going to jail, and their greed schemes destroyed..
The new US Health Care situation will be moving from a total dependence on drugs (there is a drug for every ill…) to something totally different – a system where health professionals ACTUALLY listen to the patient to find out what EXACTLY is causing their problems rather than simply prescribing some overly-expensive drug to mask the symptoms, but not solve the problems.
I will show you EXACTLY what this means to Americans just below.
In short, Trump is going to abandon the existing “Official” system (Five Minute Medicine) and bring in one that actually works…
Let’s look at it…
There are two kinds of health care available in the United States – (a) Conventional – the one insurance pays for, and except for Emergency Room Services, isn’t worth the powder to blow it to hell, and (b) Underground Medicine – that which smart and rich people pay for – and it actually works.
What Trump is going to do is DUMP the “Conventional” system and make the “Underground Medicine” system “Official.“
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We all watched the drama unfolding over the FAILED so-called Repeal of ObamaCare by the Republican Party majority in Congress. As our Donald pointed out to Republicans “You claimed for seven years to want to get rid of ObamaCare. When you got the chance to do it, you blew it…”
Of course, the fact that “399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash” ABSOLUTELY had something to do with that LACK OF PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY.
“As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”
It is VERY clear to everyone in the United States that Big Pharma has to go in order to get a REAL health care system in the US.
So, what did Trump do?
He went to the States and got the individual State Attorney Generals to sue, and criminally prosecute, specific segments of Big Pharma (Opioid, and Generics) sending a STRONG message to Big Pharma. The message – there is a new Sheriff in town.
Did Big Pharma listen? Nope. They called their buddy Mitch McConnell and gave him his marching orders – telling him to frustrate Donald at every turn – to let Donald know “Who is really boss in Washington DC.”
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
As EVERYONE using FaceBook recently has found out – they now want you to pay for the privilege in a BIG WAY. And, in MORE than one way.
EVERYTHING has been commercialized.
They are even listening in on your telephone calls…
A friend of mine tells me that she and two others were discussing the new cat food brands on their cell phones. When they got home they ALL had cat food ads EVERYWHERE on their internet connections. FaceBuck, they tell me, claims that if you have FaceBook on your smart phone and you signed up for “Messenger” you signed away any, and all, rights to privacy.
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Linus Pauling discovered, and patented, a Vitamin C cure for heart disease – that works.
But the Obama-Nation’s “HOLDOVER FDA” won’t let the Vitamin C Foundation, OR ANYONE ELSE, tell you about it…
EVERYTHING that competes for Big Pharma dollars is blocked…
And THAT is Just Plain WRONG…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The United States Supreme Court has said of the FDA:
“Bans against truthful, nonmisleading commercial speech . . . usually rest solely on the offensive assumption that the public will respond “irrationally” to the truth. The First Amendment directs us to be especially skeptical of regulations that seek to keep people in the dark for what the government perceives to be their own good.”
In the same Supreme Court decision
“The Court further admonished the agency to quit trying to protect favored markets by suppressing information.”
Despite that situation rogue elements of the FDA continue:
“to protect favored markets by suppressing information.”
“George Washington cut down one tree. Bureaucrats in Washington, DC, are trying to pull up the whole orchard. On October 17, 2005, letters went out from the Food and Drug Administration warning cherry purveyors that they had better quit telling people that cherries have health benefits or dire things are going to happen. The lucky recipients were warned that it’s illegal to say things like, “The same chemicals that give tart cherries their color may relieve pain better than aspirin and ibuprofen.” estimonials such as “I no longer take any drugs!” had better cease-or else.”
The Cherry article went on to point out that:
“Incredible as it seems, part of the information on cherries that the FDA wants to censor was funded by a different governmental agency. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave the cherry industry a $141,210 grant to investigate the health benefits of cherries so the industry could increase its sales. Tom Dorr, special assistant to the Secretary of the USDA, had high hopes when he handed over the funds that were used to explore the nutritional and nutraceutical aspects of the berry, enthusing that cherry growers “know how to best develop new markets for the cherry industry.”
The FDA does not want the cherry industry to tell people that recent studies show that cherries contain substances that are potentially 10 times stronger than aspirin or ibuprofen for relieving pain. It does not want the public to know that substances in cherries may kill cancer cells and prevent cancer. It makes no difference whether these statements are true. What’s important is that the public not be told that a natural substance (cherries) has been shown to work as well as or better than an unnatural one (ibuprofen). Only drugs, according to the FDA’s legal doctrine, can prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure disease. If something does those things, it’s a drug. And if it’s a drug, it has to be tested for its ability to do those things. In this double-speak world, no natural substance can do anything significant against disease-that is, unless it undergoes testing as a drug. Attempts at slaying this many-headed monster of convoluted truths have only made it grow new heads.”
We Are NEVER Going to Have a Real Health Care situation in America Until We STOP This FDA Activity…
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To me the average Big Pharma CEO should die in a prison in a cell deep down underground beneath a leaking sewer line coming from the leprosy ward.
From what I am seeing lately, Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and about 48 of the 50 individual State’s Attorney Generals agree with me….
Big Pharma has earned this…
Let’s get to it.
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Big Pharma greed has backfired. It started, I think, in California, when Big Pharma funded for election a State Senator named Richard Pan MD whose SOLE PURPOSE was to carry legislation (SB 277) making Childhood Vaccines mandatory in California ignoring the reality of vaccine damage.
When aghast California parents went to the State Capitol, Sacramento, with vaccine damaged children in tow to point out the problem of vaccines, the liberal Democratic Party controlled legislature SHUT DOWN in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride.”
That California legislature DID PASS SB 277 –and in doing so caused two things to happen – (1) A small anti-vaccine movement became a HUGE WORLDWIDE anti-vaccine movement, almost overnight, and (2) both the California and the National Democratic Party leadership “Came Out Of the Closet” so-to-speak right in front of the American Public.
That “Coming Out Of the Closet” gave Americans CLEAR CHOICES for November 8th, presidential election 2016.
Big Pharma Controls the Liberal Media…
How well is THAT working for them? (Snort here)…
70% of the advertising during the Main Stream Media (MSM) is from Big Pharma. There is no question that Big Pharma controls every subject, concept, word, gesture, point, background imagery, etc. of the Nightly News. They do.
All that negativity is intentional.
It is Big Pharma that directs the constant attack on president Trump, and hence, on the American people who elected him to fix problems, including health care.
Let’s shut them down completely.
How Trump is Dealing With Big Pharma…
Congress CERTAINLY IS NOT HELPING. 399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash.
As president Trump says of Big Pharma: “They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”
So what does Trump do? He goes out to the States and enlists their Attorney General’s help to FORCE Big Pharma to its knees delivering a new message – “There’s a New Sheriff in Town.”
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(Laugh Here) The Liberal Media Couldn’t Wait to Quote Some Brainless Democrat’s Criticism of President Trumps’s BRILLIANT Handling of the Opioid Crisis…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The Vaccine and Opioid Crises are very similar, in that the cost to society is horrendous, not only in dollars, but in damage to life and lives. It seems, on the surface that more people die quicker from the Opioid problem, but Vaccines certainly cause more lifetime damage requiring lifetime care.
For sure American society does not need either problem. The simple fact is that the same industry, because of greed, has caused both. Worse, “We The People” have allowed Big Pharma to get away with this activity for far too long.
Taking Back Control of Our Government…
The Obama-Nation, to my mind, CREATED the Opioid Crisis when they let the then head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, and her husband, make hundreds of millions of dollars on Big Pharma stock the greater part of which was a pain-killer she approved against the advice of 11 out of 13 top FDA scientists.
Big Pharma’s opioid peddlers, under the Obama-Nation, had free reign – and they addicted millions of innocent Americans.
Now, to hear political nitwits like Nancy Pelosi talk, the answer is to throw lots of money at the Opioid problem in several different forms – ALL of which DO NOT solve the problem, BUT, would certainly reward the drug companies with more product sales, and would, as ALL Democrats love, CREATE massive new Public Agencies, with millions more employees, which would NEVER go away.
Yeah, you read that right. Pelosi wants to throw MORE drugs and more money at the Opioid Crisis.
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They are Killing Everyone – and are Getting Away With It…
We Need To Shut Them Down -“We the people” DO NOT NEED CONGRESS to do that…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Washington Watchers report that in the US Congress 399 of 435 US Representatives, and 97 of 100 US Senators WALLOW in 2016 election cycle Big Pharma cash.
As president Trump says of Big Pharma:“They contribute massive amounts of money to political people,” Trump said during an impromptu news conference, turning to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who was standing to his side. “I don’t know, Mitch, maybe even to you.”
But let’s look at reality…
Two things:
We Americans DO NOT NEED Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical industry) AT ALL. We can do just fine with “Little Pharma.”
We can easily replace Big Pharma with things that actually work, and get a real US health care system going.
And WE DO NOT NEED Congress to get this done. We ONLY need Trump – and we have him.
I’ll show you just exactly how to do it. It’s time…
The biggest, and most dangerous enemy America faces is NOT Russia, nor North Korea (nuclear bombs included), nor an invasion by Jihadists. It’s not Creeping Marxism. It’s not crappy Public Schools. It’s not fake Climate Change. It’s not the liberal media.
Although all these things listed above are terribly important issues we Americans have come to deal with, none of them come even close to the DOMINANT ISSUE on the American political scene – Big Pharma.
Right Now – Big Pharma’s BIG MONEY Controls BIG PARTS of America…
As President Trump said, just the other day, speaking on Congress and the “Opioid Crisis” –
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The Whole Scenario Sounds Like Something Hillary Clinton Would Make Up…
And, I Think, It Is ALL About Stopping Trump’s Team From Making Needed Changes – Especially, for instance, in US Health Care…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The Investigators in the Las Vegas Shooting Incident keep pointing out that the suspected shooter Steven Paddock had NO MOTIVE they can find. Is that because he didn’t actually do it? Was the whole scene “staged“ by some Hollywood Producer?
Let’s look at that possibility…
First let’s look at real “Motive”…
The MOST TERRIFYING THING President Trump is doing to “The Establishment” is the changes he is trying to enforce in US Health Care on behalf of the American people. Already the Vaccine Division of Big Pharma is terrified of its future – and it should be.
“What future?” Anti-Vaxxers say… We are, after all, intending to destroy the vaccine industry COMPLETELY. And we are taking a HARD look at Big Pharma.
“The Establishment” Has NOT Been Able to Damage Trump’s Political Base…
Importantly, and FAR MORE TERRIFYING to them, is the fact that “The Establishment” is NOT able to sway Trump’s political base.
In fact that base gets stronger. Responding to a threatened “Civil War” on November 4th, 2017 Patriot Groups said:
The Populist political base wants what it elected Trump to do – and it is NOT taking “NO” for an answer. One of the most important things, we all remember, is a serious revision in US Health Care.
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What Happened in Vegas Is Horrible on More Than One Level…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The liberal Main Stream Media (MSM) has outdone itself with this one.
They ACTUALLY want America to believe that an out-of-shape 64-year-old white man, with NO military experience, who lived in a gated retirement community, somehow, and for no good reason, carried 18 machine guns, and the ammunition for them, up to his room (with no help) at the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel, set up those guns on tripods, loaded thousands of rounds of ammo into them, aimed those machine guns at a target 400 yards away in the dark, and fired those machine guns for eleven minutes, killing 59 people and injuring more than 500 more.
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Judy Mikovits Can Wait Until The Cleanup Is Completed...
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Our friend Jon Rappoport, the other day, re-issued an article he wrote in 2012 called “Reminder: murder at the FDA.” In it Jon pointed out that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a “relentless criminal mafia representing its client Big Pharma.”
Just below are Jon’s exact words:
“In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies.
Kavanagh: “…widespread racketeering, including witness tampering and witness retaliation.”
“I was threatened with prison.”
“One [FDA] manager threatened my children…I was afraid that I could be killed for talking to Congress and criminal investigators.”
Kavanagh reviewed new drug applications made to the FDA by pharmaceutical companies. He was one of the holdouts at the Agency who insisted that the drugs had to be safe and effective before being released to the public.
But honest appraisal wasn’t part of the FDA culture, and Kavanagh swam against the tide, until he realized his life and the life of his children was on the line.
What was his secret task at the FDA? “Drug reviewers were clearly told not to question drug companies and that our job was to approve drugs.” In other words, rubber stamp them. Say the drugs were safe and effective when they were not.
Kavanagh’s revelations are astonishing. He recalls a meeting where a drug-company representative flat-out stated that his company had paid the FDA for a new-drug approval. Paid for it. As in bribe.
The Kavanaugh story is not unusual – it is COMMON at every federal agency involved in US health care regulation…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Yes, there was a flap over Tom Price’s luxury travel arrangements in private aircraft. But that was NOTHING compared to the results of an EXAMINATION of WHERE he recently went in those luxury aircraft and WHOM he met with.
That’s where things got interesting…
Let’s start with what happened…
On Thursday, September 28th, 2017, Tom Price, in a moment of supreme idiocy, came out in favor of the annual flu shot. The globalist oriented, Anti-American Washington Post said:
“This flu season could be a bad one, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price got his flu shot Thursday and urged Americans to follow his example and get vaccinated.
But after getting jabbed, Price, who is under fire for his flights on government-funded private jets, left before a scheduled question-and-answer session. He rolled down his sleeve and hurried out of the room at the National Press Club even before putting his suit jacket back on.
More, the Post said:
“In his remarks at the annual flu awareness event, Price noted that vaccination coverage has plateaued and that fewer than half of the U.S. population was vaccinated last season. Even though overall flu vaccination coverage ticked up slightly last season, the hospitalization rate nearly doubled from the previous season and was higher across all age groups than in seven of the eight previous seasons.
Just a 5 percentage point uptake in vaccination coverage could have prevented nearly half a million cases of flu last season, Price said. “We’ve got a lot of room for improvement,” he stressed.”
In July 2015, bioCSL and the influenza vaccines of Novartis joined forces to create Seqirus, the largest maker of flu vaccines in the world – Price’s hired private jet – a French made Falconer 2000, took him to Seqirus in August for private meetings.
Price’s travel schedule explains his difference with the Trump administration over the safety and effectiveness of the US Vaccine program.
In August Price used the jet to get him to Raleigh, North Carolina, so he could tour the Seqirus flu vaccine plant and address its employees. A synopsis of THAT meeting is NOT available.
But, make no mistake, Price’s travel arrangements were NOTHING compared to his promotion of the flu vaccine to Americans. EVERYONE knows the annual flu vaccine is worthless junk laced with 25 micrograms of mercury.
It is NO SECRET how dangerous the flu vaccine actually is and what it did to pregnant US mothers.
In short, the Anti-Vaccine Movement NAILED Tom Price, after he Promoted the FLU SHOT…
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you didn’t own a gun before you read this article, and watch a short video, you’ll go get one, and learn how to use it, damn quick, to defend yourself and your family from the likes of Paul Offitt, Allison Singer, Dorit Rubenstein Reiss and the entire “forced vaccination”world.
What they are really up to has been revealed. In their own words, in the video, their Baylor University Spokesperson makes it clear that, with the vaccine program, they intend to kill everyone in the United States but immigrants. Listen to the exact words of Baylor University’s Baylor College of Medicine – Texas Children’s Hospital, Pediatrician Carol J. Baker MD when she looked right into the camera and said:
“I have the solution… We’ll just get rid of all the WHITES in the United States…”
In the background, and through the rest of her presentation, you can see the other “panelists” nodding their heads in agreement.
Well, well….
The cat is out of the bag. Genocide is the vaccine plan. And they want to start with white people.
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Bernie and Donald AGREE On The “Big Pharma” Issue…
So why can’t we solve this problem, like yesterday?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Lately, there has been speculation that there might have been influence by Big Pharma to BLOCK changes to the Health Care System, during the “Repeal and Replace ObamaCare” action.
Of course there was – it never stops. Aren’t there FIVE Pharma lobbyists for every Congressman now?
But it Is Nothing New…
Back in 2009 when the Obama-Nation was supposedly FIXING American Health Care Bill Moyers on PBS TV hit the nail right on the head when he made this five minute video just below. He pointed out that that would end up as ObamaCare completely favored the industry it was supposed to regulate – and SCREWED the American Public.
The only thing that has changed since 2009 is the amount of money spent since then, including the manipulation by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, and cronies, to KEEP the US Health Care system this way.
But President Trump has already indicated that he will cross Party lines to get America on track. On health care he won’t have to look very far to get agreement about what is REALLY WRONG with American Health Care – BIG PHARMA.
Watch what Bill Moyers says in 2009:
Let me point out here that Bill Moyers is on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me, and certainly Donald Trump. BUT, notice that we ALL agree on the problem…
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It is time to stop Big Phama’s Direct To Consumer Advertising (DTCA)… THAT Will Solve the Problem…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Five days before the Inauguration of our President, January 15th, 2017, Donald Trump told the Washington Post, speaking of Big Pharma “They’re politically protected, but not anymore.”
During the next five days the liberal media tried to whip America into a frenzy,clearly trying to disrupt that Inauguration, and even possibly getting our President assassinated. Why would they do that? Because the handwriting was on the wall. NEVER before had a sitting President of the United States properly identified the problem with Big Pharma so clearly and concisely and announced his plans to do something about it.
Trump’s statements about Big Pharma were not just limited to the phrase “They’re politically protected, but not anymore.” He has had much more to say – you just won’t find it in the liberal media.
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It is Time To Face The Fact That We Need to SHUT DOWN Big Pharma…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We all watched the Republican Congress make fools of themselves over trying to, supposedly, Repeal and Replace ObamaCare. Were they simply inept or was something else going on?
There are Four “SOMETHING ELSE” Things Going On…
(1) Everyone knows that Big Pharma completely controls the liberal Main Stream Media (MSM). They just do. Pharma provides 70% of the TV news hour’s income. So, they dictate “The News.” Besides the constant manufacturing of “fear,” using their broadcasting, (so they can sell anxiety medicine) they are responsible for the attack on our President…
(2) Pharma’s influence in Congress. Lately, there has been speculation that there might have been influence by Big Pharma to BLOCK changes to the Health Care System that makes them rich… Of course there was – it never stops. Aren’t there FIVE Pharma lobbyists for every Congressman now?
(3) Big Pharma completely controls the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) by controlling the Department Heads under Tom Price. How? Big Pharma and US Health Care Agencies are a revolving door. DHHS employees that do well for Pharma will move to Pharma at five times their government salary. It is just the way it is.
(4) Big Pharma uses our Federal and State governments to FORCE vaccines on our innocent children. We need to get to the bottom of this, figure out exactly who is controlling and managing this, who the perpetrators are, and put the “Death Penalty” on the table.
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The Fact is – They Simply Don’t Care. To Them the US Election Process is an Annoyance That Needs to Be Abandoned…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We make it VERY CLEAR, here at the BolenReport, how we feel about the US, and Worldwide, Vaccine Programs and the state of the US Health Care System.. We simply want the vaccine program gone, its perpetrators arrested, and a new program put in place to fix those damaged by vaccines. No “ifs, ands, or buts…”
And we want a REAL health care system, and we want it RIGHT NOW.
America is undergoing major change. And, I agree with all of it. It is way overdue. It is happening MUCH slower than we want, and we are beginning to see the impediments – and we want those impediments crushed, the sooner the better. Why wait? NOW is a good time.
What is the one of the biggest impediments?
The US Democratic Party. These days, it is personified by ANTIFA – what I call “the gay KKK” and their violence. Besides an arrogant media it is all they have to offer America – and that won’t do.
ANTIFA is only one of TEN groups recently described in an articlein the authoritive World Net Daily I will show you below.
And it’s nothing new for them. Violence, when they don’t get their way, is NORMAL for Democrats.
Throughout its history the Democratic Party has relied on a pattern of violence, physical threats, and intimidation against those it disagrees with. It is just the way it is. It is kind of a basic function of liberalism. The Democratic Party leadership consistently seems to be made up of people who were never spanked by their parents for bad behavior.
The Democrats have consistently been the party of HATE…
They, themselves, HATE to be reminded that were responsible for the origination and maintenance of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a group that took hold across America. It’s function was to hold back Jews, Catholics, new immigrants of ANY color or persuasion, and Blacks.
Today, of course, we see ANTIFA, a group fullysupported by local government in Democratic Party communities, designed to hold back anyone who believes there are two sides to any story, and refuse to be intimidated by masked gay-nasties.
ANTIFA HATES America completely – but especially Christians, Jews, American military veterans, seniors, and especially “straight” people.
Underneath the black outfits are silk panties, body creams, testicle piercing, and SIX cups of Starbuck’s $8.00 coffee…
The Liberal Democrats Have Lost Almost Every Election…
And they are NOT losing to Republicans. They are losing to Populists.
What is a Populist? The Liberal Main Stream Media (MSM), on Prime Time TV, looks down its homosexual nose with bitchy disdain for Populists which they define as “uneducated, family-oriented, poorly-dressed buffoons who sleep at night with members of the opposite sex.”
TV advertisements for things like FarmersOnly.com, showing heterosexual males and females getting together at all, not to mention that NONE of them are wearing matching Gucci belts and shoes, sends MSM, in their pink Bentley convertibles, to their therapists for a new anxiety medication.
Liberal media is far more comfortable in a Gay Bar in New York or San Francisco rather than a County Fair, a Gun Show, a military museum, a family barbecue, or a tailgate party around the local team.
A Church Picnic would be SO FAR out of their range of acceptance they’d be contacting George Soros to see if he could get an ANTIFA squad there to stab and pepper-spray everyone.
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The world had to wonder why leaders of the nation of Australia reacted so strongly to BolenReport Author Kent Heckenlively‘s proposed “Dangerous Science” tour this coming December – refusing to give Kent a Visa to enter Australia. If you pull back the curtain, and look behind the scenes, you can see why Australia was, and is, so frightened.
The Anti-Vaxxer Movement in America was, and Is, the Catalyst that elected Donald Trump…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
There is no question of that. It happened. It began in California with the arrogant liberal Democrats passing of SB 277 forcing MANDATORY VACCINES on California’s innocent children. When parents went to the State Capitol protesting SB 277, bringing vaccine damaged children for the legislature to see, that same legislature SHUT DOWN in their faces to celebrate “Gay Pride, making it VERY CLEAR where liberal Democrats stood on “Family” concerns. America showed the liberal Democrats EXACTLY how they felt about the Democratic Party’s preferences on November 8th, 2016.
The liberal Democrats know exactly what role the BolenReport, and its Authors like Kent Heckenlively played in all that. We were NOT silent. We were, and continue to be, on the front line with a bullhorn.
That’s why Kent Heckenlively is the Australian government’s worst nightmare…
They know that if someone like Kent starts waking Australians up, that the very same thing that happened to America, will happen there – and the Australian government has A WHOLE LOT TO HIDE from its citizens.
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There’s Water in the California Mountains – We Went and Saw it…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
It was late August 2017 when we went to see what others were telling us – that the California Forests were STILL alive despite the Obama-Nation’s best efforts to kill them with an almost eight year drought caused by constant (billions of dollars spent?) SPRAYING of ObamaDust over California Skies.
California Forests span a 400 mile long, 70 mile wide high-country terrain, in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range – all of it in an area the liberal Democrats, in their so-called “Wildlands Project” want to declare to be a “human-exclusion zone,” except, of course, for “the Elites…” See the Wildlands Project map at the bottom of this article…
And the California Mountains are Not Just Still Alive but GLORIOUS…
It looks to me like the Obama/Clinton “Fake Climate Change”AGENDA 21/WILDLANDS PROJECT Destruction of California has been COMPLETELY Defeated…
Look at this…
CampGround meadow at 7,200 feet elevation in the Sequoia National Forest
There’s water in the streams, and fish in the water. The Forests have survived theairborne assault of the “climate change crazies.”
Look at what we found, and the water was COLD. The dog’s name is “Ginger.” It was her first trip – she is no longer a “City Girl.”
This campground was thirty-six miles from the nearest town up a one-lane Forest Service road.
For the last four years, prior to Donald Trump taking over as President, these Forests were obvious death traps, for there was NO WATER, neither to drink, keep trees and vegetation alive, or fight forest fires.
Had Hillary been elected President I think the liberal Democrats would have BURNED all 20,061,888 acres in California to accomplish their “Agenda 21/Wildland Project” insanity.
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“State of Jefferson” Lawsuit May Generate FAR MORE Than the Plaintiffs Ask For…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
When California’s liberal Democrat legislative majority passed infamous Senate Bill #277 mandating seventy-four (74) “Made-in-China” vaccines as a requirement for California’s children to attend Public or Private schools no one suspected that that act would act as the catalyst to bring down the Democratic Party both nationwide and in California – but it did. And it is…
Today, California itself is on the chopping block. NORMAL PEOPLE are taking control away from the liberal Democrats. Here today I will tell you how ONE very coherent group has identified the problem and is taking action to solve it very effectively.
There is a lot here to read – but the problem in California has been clearly identified. Read it all – for solution is on its way.
Let’s Begin…
Twenty-one of California’s 58 Counties OFFICIALLY want OUT of California – as far away from the California liberal Democrat’s form of Communist-Socialism as they can get – and they have a VERY GOOD PLAN to accomplish their goals.
They have activated the first step – a Federal Lawsuit – and it is right on target…
On May 8th of this year (2017) a group calling itself Citizens For Fair Representation, along with specific individuals, filed a Federal Court action in the Eastern District of California (Sacramento) claiming to the Court that the State of California has intentionally abridged the concept of government of “We the People” turning California government into an “oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance.”
The suit claims that the “Oligarchy” controls the State of California by maintaining neglect…
From the lawsuit’s introduction:
“This neglect of “We the People” as the organic basis for this Nation’s self-governance stems from the cap the California government placed on the number of Senators (limited to 40) and Assembly Members (limited to 80) in 1862, when the population of the State was less 420,000 people. This arbitrary cap has created an oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance because the same number of legislators (120 total) now attempts to represent California’s present population of nearly forty MILLION (40,000,000) people. By any metric, this is impossible; 120 legislators cannot possibly represent forty (40) MILLION people in any effective, equitable and meaningful manner as contemplated by the United States Constitution and Amendments thereto.
Since the end of the Civil War the United States has consistently strengthened its commitment to a representative form of self-governance by ratification of Constitutional Amendments and treaties designed to promote the people’s participation in governing at both the National and State levels. California’s refusal to increase its levels of legislative representation to reflect its exponential population growth is both arbitrary and unconstitutional.
As a consequence, the premise of the People’s right to participate in meaningful self-governance has been abandoned. California elections are effectively “purchased” by candidates who are in the service of the two major parties and no longer represent the people.
Accordingly, Plaintiffs bring this lawsuit to return their representation to those principles contemplated by the founders for a representative republic, or in the alternative to sanction California for its brazen subjugation of the people’s right to govern themselves.”
“In the above diagram, at the center of it all are Public Unions. Immediately adjacent to them are the entities where they exercise the most influence, if not outright control – public education, state and local politicians and bureaucrats, and political consultants. Almost, but not entirely co-equal to these public unions are the corporate special interests, businesses that either depend directly on government contracts and subsidies for their prosperity, or businesses that depend heavily on a favorable legislative environment to survive.
Public sector unions in California collect and spend over $1.0 billion per year in dues. To the extent this money doesn’t flow directly into the pockets of politicians, political consultants and lobbyists, it goes to public relations firms, law firms, and academic institutions to engage in non-political public education. This soft money is heavily supplemented by funds coming from public entities and liberal oligarchs who support the same political agenda as the public unions.
The primary goal of the public sector union deep state is bigger government. Public sector unions thrive and grow by increasing their membership and increasing their dues revenue. This means more government programs is their first priority, while the value and benefit of government programs is a secondary priority. As a result, those elites that benefit from bigger government become junior partners to the public unions.
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Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
California, everyone should remember, is the super-majority liberal Democrat controlled State that passed infamous SB277, legislation to force innocent children to be held down and vaccinated with seventy-four (74) vials of “Made-in-China-death-pus” as a requirement to go to Public or Private School.
When parents of already vaccine-damaged children showed up in Sacramento to protest SB277, with those obviously vaccine-damaged children with them, the legislature shut down in-their-faces to celebrate “Gay Pride.” The California legislature, that day, made a VERY CLEAR statement of what their priorities were – and “families” need not apply…
That same legislature legalized child prostitution – making it legal, I guess for their own children to get higher paying after-school jobs.
Then that same legislature tried to take the authority to raise children away from parents with SB18, turning that authority over to a homosexual run non-profit organization – but had to back off after massive public protest.
Indeed California is an interesting State…
But, they are CERTAINLY out of synch with the rest of the US…
The changes afoot in the United States after Election 2016 are astounding. For information ignore mainstream media (most people already do).
One of the BIGGEST changes is the shift in the moral tone of our country. Election 2016 gave us VERY CLEAR CHOICES. On the one hand we had “Pay for Play” Hillary and her wandering husband. On the other hand we had Donald Trump and his Populist (Deplorable) backing of “Americans who had had enough…”
The “Deplorables” wanted an America where we all play by a set of rules, using our Constitution and our system of laws as the basis for our society. The liberal Democrats wanted an “Anything Goes” society, changing rules and directions on a whim or a chance for personal profit and/or aggrandizement.
The Importance of Honest Elections…
I should not have to explain why the “One Man – One Vote” rule is in effect – but I have some Democrats who read the BolenReport, and apparently, they all need a civics lesson. So, let’s begin.
In the United States of America LIVING CITIZENS can register to vote. When they do this, they can vote locally (where they live) for candidates and issues, for Statewide candidates and issues, and in federal elections.
It is REALLY simple. The key words here are “Living” and “Citizen.”
Historically, the Democrats, besides voting “dead people’s” votes, “bussed” so-called voters from polling place to polling place to get their numbers up, and their candidates elected. But, they don’t have to do that any more. There are more sophisticated ways to cheat – and they, apparently use them everywhere – ESPECIALLY in California.
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