Cure vs. Treatment…

Big pharma is in a death struggle in North America, trying to preserve its operation. It has taken years, and billions of dollars of investment, to set in place “Treatment,” not “Cure”, as the health modality of North America. There hasn’t been a “Cure” for ANYTHING in Western Medicine since polio in 1954. Big pharma doesn’t want one. “Curing” people doesn’t make any money. “Treatment” does.  “Treatment” meaning treatment with drugs.

“Treatment” deals with, and masks, symptoms of a problem.  “Cure” means finding the cause of the problem and removing it. Continue reading Cure vs. Treatment…

The Most-Attacked Health Advocate On the Face of The Earth…

Big pharma is in trouble in America.  They’re losing the battle between health and medicine.  They’re fighting a desperate, and evil, battle. But, despite the fortune they’re spending, they’re not going to win.  The North American Health Freedom Movement is too much for them.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading The Most-Attacked Health Advocate On the Face of The Earth…

Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…

One of the questions I most often get asked is one version, or another, of the plea “How does a loser like Stephen Barrett, and his dubious website (, get quoted in the media, so often?”

That question is definitely on the minds of thinkers in the North American Health Freedom Movement. After all, it just doesn’t make any sense for American media to offer the blatherings of a failed MD, operating out of his basement, as legitimate comment on the American health scene.  Continue reading Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…

State of Wisconsin Busts Quackbuster  Employee… NAET Vindicated…

Things are fermenting in the cheese State.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The State of Wisconsin is taking positive steps to rid itself of the influence of the quackusters.  Yesterday, Governor James Doyle’s appointee, Donsia Strong Hill, Secretary of the Department of Regulation & Licensing (DORL) announced the reversal, by her office, of a decision of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) under her command.

James Polewski, a DORL prosecutor, had attacked a licensed Nurse practitioner, Barbara Lemke, with “practicing medicine without a license” for engaging in the practice of NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique). Polewski, in a deposition, was forced to admit under oath, that he was in fact, a member of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) and a Skeptic. Continue reading State of Wisconsin Busts Quackbuster  Employee… NAET Vindicated…

Federal Prison For Quackbusters?

Official Health care in North America is a disaster.  It is designed “not to work,” INTENTIONALLY.  In Official Health care America, nobody ever gets “cured” of anything – only “treated.”  The system feeds massive amounts of cash into the hands of the greedy – with little, or no benefit to Americans.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Federal Prison For Quackbusters?

Day Two:  The Proper Way to Treat a Quackbuster…

Madison Wisconsin – At the end of “Day One” of the trial (cross-examination) of top “quackbusterRobert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD, the Judge called in the attorneys for a short meeting.  In essence he said “Enough is enough. This has gone on too long. There’s no reason to go on with this farce.  I want the defense to wrap up their cross-examination by 11:00am, the prosecutor to finish re-direct by 12:00 noon, and after lunch we’re going to settle this case.”

The quackbuster’s last assault, the attack against Green Bay Physician Eleazar Kadile MD, their last attempt at glory, has been stopped DEAD in it’s tracks.  All that’s left is the settlement agreement, and the punishment that’s going to be exacted on the perpetrators.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Day Two:  The Proper Way to Treat a Quackbuster…

Day One:  Bobbie Sweats Thru His K-Mart Suit…

When top quackbuster Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD walked up the Wisconsin’s Department of Regulation (DORL) hallway towards hearing room 291, at 8:55am, and saw me (Tim Bolen) standing there talking to a uniformed Capitol Police officer, Arthur Thexton, the DORL attorney, almost had to carry Baratz the last fifty feet into the room.  Baratz looked like a death row prisoner heading towards the gas chamber.

Good comparison.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Continue reading Day One:  Bobbie Sweats Thru His K-Mart Suit…

Happy Birthday Bobbie!!! – Surprise Party Planned…

The Wisconsin trial (cross-examination) of Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD has been moved one day, and will now begin on July 15th, 2003, and extend through July 17th, 2003.  Baratz will be questioned, for three full days, on his credibility and the claims he made on his resume.  Baratz’s resume seems to be a fantasy world of his own devising, as investigation doesn’t bear out his claims.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Happy Birthday Bobbie!!! – Surprise Party Planned…

The Quackbuster’s Newest Scam – “Operation Cure-All”…

I need to make something clear.  DO NOT, for a minute, think that the quackpot soldiers you see, like Stephen Barrett, and Robert Baratz, are running  the whole quackbuster operation. They are not bright enough.  They are the ones the quackbuster paymasters want us all to see.  They’re the front men. They’ve got their function, but it’s only part of the game.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I think the whole “Quackbuster” conspiracy, and I have documents that back up my thinking, is being run out of a conference room at a pharmaceutical advertising agency in New York City. It’s there that all the decisions, and plans are made, about where to focus the campaign, who to attack, and what cards to play in each attack. It’s there that the checks are written.  Continue reading The Quackbuster’s Newest Scam – “Operation Cure-All”…

How Do You Trap A Quackbuster?

It’s easy.  You set out cheese.  

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Our project in Wisconsin is a prime example of how to deal with quackbusters, correctly, and efficiently.  First, understand who, and what, you’re dealing with.  Once you know that, you’ve installed a ring in their nose, which you can use to lead them to their end.  That’s what we’re doing to Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD, the current President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) in Wisconsin. Continue reading How Do You Trap A Quackbuster?

The Mercury-Free Dentistry Movement…  Saving North America…

Come out and play with the big kids on July 11, 2003…  another victory in sight. You’re invited. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I like working with the Dental Division of the North American Health Freedom Movement.  Attend one of their high-energy meetings, and you’ll see why.  They’re like the Eveready Bunny, in a bunch… Nice people, too. Hard-charging, these are the people who make American Dental Association leadership, and attorneys, take Valium, so they can sleep at night. Continue reading The Mercury-Free Dentistry Movement…  Saving North America…

For Quackbuster’s NCAHF – It’s All Over But The Shouting…

The Quackbuster Flagship sank today.  A Three Judge California Appeals Court broad-sided it.  Let’s all go watch it slide under the waves.  Bring a bottle of wine and some paper cups.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

We already know that the quackbusters have ZERO credibility with the American court system.   So it’s not going to be a surprise to anyone that the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), today, lost the decision they appealed over the case called “NCAHF v. Botanical laboratories, et al.”

Here are the the Three Judge Panel’s words… Continue reading For Quackbuster’s NCAHF – It’s All Over But The Shouting…

State of Wisconsin Mauling Quackbusters…

Things are not going well for the quackpot menace.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Reedsburg Independent newspaper ran an article last Thursday quoting from a joint press release from Senator Dale Schultz, and Representative Sheryl Albers from the Third District of the Wisconsin legislature. You can read the whole article by clicking here. But here’s a sample: Continue reading State of Wisconsin Mauling Quackbusters…

Quackpot Baratz goes on trial in Wisconsin July 14th, 2003…

It won’t be long now…

Soon we’ll get to see the President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) crying his eyes out in a courtroom again.   Whimpering, and stuttering, his way through “expert testimony” (I have a video tape) last October 2002 in Wisconsin, Robert S.Baratz MD, DDS. PhD., broke into crocodile tears, snuffling out “I was a paper boy at eight and a half years old.  Then I was a boy scout (sniff, sniff).  Then I got the order of the arrow (snuffle, snort),”  Baratz did everything but wet his pants when confronted about his expertise, and his credibility. Continue reading Quackpot Baratz goes on trial in Wisconsin July 14th, 2003…

Quackpot Barrett Crushed in Federal Court – Again..

Some people never learn.  Stephen Barrett ( seems to be one of those.

Despite loss after loss, and humiliation on top of humiliation, self styled quackbuster Stephen Barrett trudges on to the next embarrassment.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Like a bug in the fast lane,  Barrett is doomed to be wiped off the windshield of the North American Health Freedom Movement time after time, I guess. Continue reading Quackpot Barrett Crushed in Federal Court – Again..

California Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters…

A California Appeals Court, yesterday, April 22, 2003, bludgeoned the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), and their whole argument about what constitutes good and bad health care.  

The quackbuster’s operating theme, the argument they use against alternative proponents, came under a major American Court’s scrutiny.  The Court, basically, in their decision, said the the quackbuster’s arguments were hogwash, and they had no business meddling in California’s system.

The Court also declared that top quackbusters Stephen Barrett (, and Wallace Sampson MD (Scientific Review of Alternative and Aberrant Medicine)  “were found to be biased and unworthy of credibility.”  

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Continue reading California Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters…

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Quackbuster Scorned…

It’s tough being a quackbuster these days. They get no respect. Why should they?  

The North American public has identified the true intent of the stumbling, bumbling mini-cult that years ago, pompously paraded itself across North America as “The Quackbusters.”  Now, most places, they’re a joke.  And, they don’t seem to like that…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Hell Hath No Fury Like a Quackbuster Scorned…

Failed MD Stephen Barrett

What kind of man would drop out of the medical profession and dedicate his life to STOPPING advancement in the health sciences?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand about Stephen Barrett is that…

It is common knowledge that Stephen Barrett has been Officially Declared by the US Court System, in a PUBLISHED Appeals Court Decision (NCAHF v King BioCalifornia Appeals Court BLUDGEONS Quackbusters), to be “Biased, and unworthy of credibility.”

What that statement means, in layman’s terms, simply, is that it is common knowledge that OFFICIALLY – NOTHING BARRETT SAYS CAN BE LEGALLY RELIED UPON. Continue reading Failed MD Stephen Barrett

Quackbuster Removed From California State Job…

A large slice of the United States population relies on Medicare, and medical insurance, to provide them with health care.. That’s a problem – a big one… Because, if you’re unfortunate enough to have to rely on Medicare – you’re relying on practices and procedures FIFTEEN YEARS OUT OF DATE. In the case of Medical Insurance – probably TEN YEARS OUT OF DATE.

Who wants that?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbuster Removed From California State Job…

Quackbusters Massively Crushed in California Court…

This story is a belly laugh – unless, of course you’re a quackbuster…  Then, maybe it’s not so funny.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

December 12th, 2003 was the day when a Rancho Cucamonga, California, jury of twelve delivered their verdict in a trial called Hendricksen vs. Metabolife.  The Judge was Jeffrey King, who was conducting his last trial before he was appointed to the California Appeals Court bench.

The trial had taken six weeks –  30 full days of trial.  In the end, it was no contest.  The jury voted in favor of the defendant, Metabolife.

On the plaintiff’s side was the quackbuster’s favorite attorney Christopher Grell from Oakland, California.  On the defendant’s side were competent, thoughtful, attorneys with social conscience, who cared about their clients and the people of California. Continue reading Quackbusters Massively Crushed in California Court…