Quackbusters in BIG Court trouble…

The bell is tolling for the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), it’s president Robert S. Baratz, it’s vice-president de-licensed MD Stephen Barrett (quackwatch.com), and the rest of the board members. Maybe even the membership. They are in the final days in a California Appeals Court, and it doesn’t look good for them.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Last year the NCAHF organization name was used, without permission of the NCAHF board, by Baratz and Barrett, to sue approximately 43 defendants, all “Alternative Medicine” practitioners, or companies. Baratz and Barrett, who were trying to generate “expert witness” fees for themselves, were claiming that “since Alternative Medicine had never been scientifically proven – it was health fraud.” They were laughed out of court, and out of California – with one exception – one California Superior Court Judge ordered a case dismissal based on California’s anti-SLAPP law.  Continue reading Quackbusters in BIG Court trouble…

New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy…

Times are a-changin’ in the US Health community.  Who would have believed that the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine would APPLAUD an Alternative Cancer Therapy, and in the same article, BLAST chemotherapy, as worthless. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy…

Bush Administration Embraces “Health”…

The whole premise of the “quackbuster” movement has been destroyed by the Bush Administration.  It’s over for Stephen Barrett and company.

Below is a press release from our friend in Washington, attorney and health activist, Jonathan Emord.  It is self-explanatory.  The decision described is far reaching.  It means, simply, that in the war between Health and Medicine in the US, the Bush Administration has sided with “Health.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Bush Administration Embraces “Health”…

Top “Quackbuster” Bobbie Baratz Under Scrutiny in Wisconsin…

The sleeping giant of Health Freedom is awakening in Wisconsin.  Here’s why…

Last year apparently, the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing (DORL), hired Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD, the current President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) (www.ncahf.org) to be the “Do All, Be All, Health Expert” for the State.  Bobbie is evaluating cases for Wisconsin – and is apparently recommending who to prosecute, and what for.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Top “Quackbuster” Bobbie Baratz Under Scrutiny in Wisconsin…

Hell Burns a Little Brighter This Week…

Self-styled quackbuster, and anti-health manipulator, Victor Herbert died of Cancer November 19th, 2002.  Herbert, described by many in the Health Freedom Movement as “a raving maniac” hasn’t been seen much in the last few years.  Herbert had obtained notoriety among the quackbuster rank and file for his literal SCREAMING attacks, in public, against anything, and anybody, engaged in Alternative Medicine.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Hell Burns a Little Brighter This Week…

Barrett Gets His Come-Uppance – In Federal Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Shunned by his fellow MDs in Pennsylvania’s LeHigh Valley, Stephen Barrett had been forced to shut down his “Psychiatry” practice in  1993 – the “Referrals” were getting a little slim. Now, Barrett operates a tawdry little “quackbusting” business out his basement in Allentown, PA.  His flagship is his website “www.quackwatch.com”.   There, he spews hatred, calling it Consumer Advocacy, of his betters in the health profession – and offers to testify to his ludicrous claims for money. Continue reading Barrett Gets His Come-Uppance – In Federal Court…

The Public Humiliation of One of Barrett’s Parrotts – by a Federal Judge…

Quackbuster propagandist, failed MD Stephen Barrett, lost his very first court case suing one of his critics in US Federal court last week.  It was a belly laugh.  Barrett, who sues easily those disagreeing with his opinions vouchsafed on his ludicrous website www.quackwatch.com, has never had to, actually, go to trial before.  Finally, when he did, he got literally thrashed.  This was the case where the tire met the road.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading The Public Humiliation of One of Barrett’s Parrotts – by a Federal Judge…

Homeopathy – A Success Story for 2002…

It wasn’t that long ago that top Quackbusters (quackpots) Stephen Barrett and Bobbie Baratz used the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) to sue fifteen Homeopathic product manufacturers, in California, absurdly claiming that “since Homeopathy has never been scientifically proven, it was health fraud.”  The quackpot presentation, in those lawsuits, was so poor, their arguments so asinine, it left Los Angeles Superior Court Judges almost rolling on the floor with laughter.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Homeopathy – A Success Story for 2002…

Governor Signs New California Health Freedom Bill –  State Now “Wide Open.”

Today, September 24, 2002, is a very important date in Health Freedom History.  For today, California Governor Gray Davis signed into law the most important Health Freedom bill in world history – California SB 577.

The paragraph below contains PART of the language in the bill.  For Californians, section (c), below makes health care “wide open.”  Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Nutritionists, etc., are now free to offer services, without harassment.  To read the whole bill go here.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Governor Signs New California Health Freedom Bill –  State Now “Wide Open.”

Quackpot Barrett is Finished – We Need to Find His Paymaster…

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett operates his questionable website “quackwatch.com” out of his basement in Allentown Pennsylvania.  Barrett claims to be a “retired Psychiatrist” but was never, ever, Board Certified in that specialty. It has also been shown that Barrett is NOT licensed as a Naturopath in any state – and doesn’t even have a mail-order degree in that subject.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have followed the bizarre activities of Stephen Barrett for some time, and after scrutiny of his operation, I’ve come to some conclusions.  Frankly, I’ve run the gauntlet of conclusions, from A to H, as I gleaned more and more information about the dubious “doctor.”  At first glance I thought Stephen was a candidate for Thorazine treatment.   For, his opinions, all centered around the central theme that “nothing new in health care should ever used, or even be researched – unless ‘I personally’ approve it,” to me, considering his professional qualifications, says that Stevie suffers from delusions of grandeur. Continue reading Quackpot Barrett is Finished – We Need to Find His Paymaster…

“Pimple Popper” Polevoy, Pustulates…

Sometimes the “quackpot menace” just makes me laugh. I can’t help it.

I realize that, in general, there cannot be, anything really “funny” about the EVIL these people represent. But, sometimes, some of their leadership does something so stupid, so mindlessly inept, I just have to take time out for a belly-laugh. Canada’s excuse for a “quackbuster,” Ontario’s primo pimple doctor, Terry Polevoy, gets today’s hoot.

I’ll tell you why in a minute…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “Pimple Popper” Polevoy, Pustulates…

California Medical Board Appointees “In Shock” over Accusations…

On May 1, 2002, the California Legislature, angered at poor performance described by consumers, ordered an “Enforcement Monitor” on the operation of the Medical Board of California. An independent contractor, hired specifically for this task, will report to higher-ups in the Department of Consumer Affairs.

The 18 appointed members of the Medical Board of California (MBC) were called into an emergency meeting Wednesday, April 24, 2002 in San Diego and asked to answer 115 questions about their “board operation” before the May 1, 2002 meeting of the State of California combined-legislative “Sunset Review” committee.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading California Medical Board Appointees “In Shock” over Accusations…

“The Tables Have Turned” On the Quackbusters…

The “Quackbusters,” a sham, and scam, organization held together for the express purpose of denying real health care to Americans, has been hit VERY HARD once again. This time, again, in California.

This time, the “defense” in a court case set it up so there was an immediate, and severe, penalty attached to the “Quackbuster” attack against their client(s). I see financial ruin of the top “Quackbusters” on the horizon. I’m very pleased.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “The Tables Have Turned” On the Quackbusters…

The Medical Board of California (MBC) is in BIG trouble…

Health Freedom activists are once again joining forces with State Legislators to solve a problem. This time it’s the Medical Board of California (MBC). California is the fifth largest stand-alone economy in the world. We here, want first rate health care – and we want it right now – and we’ll do what it takes to get it.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In California, there is a formula you can use to compute the IQ of a Medical Board Investigator. Take their sleeve length, add it to their neck size – then, deduct one point for every bullet they carry on their person. They say that in Southern California, there is one woman Investigator who has a calculated IQ of -34. Her 9mm Berretta has a fifteen shot clip – and she has four more loaded clips in her purse. I guess the idea is that if she should come upon some MD giving out vitamins, or nutritional advice to a family, she can deal with the situation right away… Continue reading The Medical Board of California (MBC) is in BIG trouble…

Helicopter Gunships are Inappropriate at a Medical Board Meeting…

April 13th, 2002

A large segment of California’s general public woke up last Sunday morning to find that their very own Medical Board of California (MBC) seemed to be “suddenly” under investigation by both houses of the State Legislature, and the Governor’s office, with the intention of forcing them to clean up their act.

The Orange County Register, California’s third largest newspaper, on that date, began the first of a series, dedicated to exposing the sheer corruption, the rank incompetence, and the bumbling pompous-ass-ity of the Medical Board of California (MBC).

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen

The truth is, there was no “suddenly.” Elements of the Health Freedom Movement have been working on this problem, literally, for years. It just, finally, came together. The Register is only documenting our concerns – and they’ve ONLY BEGUN to do that – as we, in the Health Freedom Movement, have only just begun to unfold the problem, and present it for solution. To read the Register articles (there are now ten articles), go to www.ocregister.com and press the “search” button. In the title bar, type in the words “medical board.” Continue reading Helicopter Gunships are Inappropriate at a Medical Board Meeting…

Ill Wind In Illinois… For Quackpot Barrett

Good triumphs over Evil – one more time…

Quackpots all over North America have to be gritting their teeth in anger, suffering the embarrassment of their leader’s NEWEST defeat.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Stephen Barrett, who brags he’s written 49 books, and declares he’s “an expert in the fields of peer review. psychotherapy, fraudulent health claims, the scientific standards for proof of health claims, and the ‘alternative’ health marketplace,” was, this week LAUGHED OUT OF an Illinois court.

Illinois Judges, apparently, aren’t impressed with Barrett’s questionable self-proclamations. They threw his court claims against Health Freedom Activist Owen Fonorow STRAIGHT INTO THE TRASH CAN. Illinois 18th Circuit Court Judge Hollis Webster, this last week DISMISSED Barrett’s claims against Fonorow – with some STRONG language…

You can read about it at http://www.internetwks.com/pauling/timbolen.

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate


Cowardly “Quackbusters” DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?…

The self-styled “quackbusters” have LOST ANOTHER court case in California… This time, before they even went to trial. And, it looks to me, that they lost it INTENTIONALLY to avoid having their leadership legally “deposed.”

Last year, to hear the “quackbusters” talk, you’d have thought they’d found, and activated, the perfect plan to rid the world of what THEY define as “quackery.”

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Cowardly “Quackbusters” DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?…

Negrete’s Letter to the Union Tribune…

The San Diego Union Tribune, kissing Big Pharma’s ass, wrote a nasty article about Hulda Clark.  Just below is Clark’s attorney’s response to that article.


Dear Mr. Merriman:

As you are aware, our office represents Dr. Hulda Clark, Century Nutrition S. Der.L.DE.C.V., and New Century Press.

This letter is written in response to the article entitled “The 95 percent Promise?” and the article entitled “High Hopes, False Promises” written by Penni Crabtree and Sandra Dibble, with contribution from Michelle Gilchrist and published on February 24 and 25, 2002, respectively.

At this time, on behalf of my clients, we hereby demand an immediate retraction of the articles, as they are clearly tantamount to libel and place my clients in a false light. Both have caused irreparable harm and losses which are actionable. Continue reading Negrete’s Letter to the Union Tribune…

Health Freedom: The shift to “offense”…

I’ve always said that members of the North American Health Freedom Movement are the kind of people who are welcome in my living room anytime. I’ve never met a better class of warm, caring, sensitive, socially conscious, socially responsible, and CAPABLE humans anywhere, than in the Health Freedom Movement. In the movement, and in its people, I see the essence of America – the values instilled in us in youth – those handed down from our forefathers.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I meet others in the movement, usually in hallways, at events or confrontations. Often, I simply recognize a voice I’ve spoken to on the telephone. So, I simply walk up and ask “Are you, by any chance (so-and-so)?” Then it’s smiles, and “introductions” all around – and lunch or dinner scheduled right-on-the-spot. Imagine the restaurant’s response to “a table for 43 please?” Continue reading Health Freedom: The shift to “offense”…

Quackpots Lose AGAIN, in Florida…

When Stephen Barrett blew it in California, and humiliated the entire “quackbuster” conspiracy, over the homeopathic case, it looked as if Bobbie Baratz was moving into the number one quackpot spot.

But then, Bobbie was called to the test, himself – in Florida. And, Bobbie didn’t test well. You can read about Bobbie’s “test” by going to www.savedrclark.org, and clicking on the box that says “Those Opinion Pieces.” Look for the article called “Florida Dental Board Backs Down…”

Poor Bobbie – and he was so-o-o-o-o confident. He blew it badly, in Florida – and got the “quackbusters” laughed at all over again.

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpots Lose AGAIN, in Florida…