About “Vaxxed” – Are the “Skeptics” Trying to Provoke a Shooter?

Is the “Vaxxed” Team Safe?

Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The really interesting thing about the world-wide “skeptic” operation is that they try, desperately, to justify horrific actions against those they HATE – actions unacceptable to normal people.

Meryl Dorey

We saw all that happen in Australia with the attack on the Australian Vaccination network’s Meryl Dorey where they threatened her, trying to get her to stop talking  about vaccine dangers, using a number of violent approaches including phone calls in the middle of the night to her children telling them they were about to die by fire.

Then, after we look carefully at what happened to Meryl, we are going to look at the attack on Dr Suzanne Humphries MD…

Lets look at that Australian “Skeptic” attack for a moment…

From the earlier article,  Rape, mutilation and death threats against Meryl Dorey  comes:

Continue reading About “Vaxxed” – Are the “Skeptics” Trying to Provoke a Shooter?

TRUMP’S US Supreme Court Will Preside Over the Breakup of California…

“State of Jefferson” Lawsuit May Generate FAR MORE Than the Plaintiffs Ask For…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

When California’s liberal Democrat legislative majority passed infamous Senate Bill #277 mandating seventy-four (74) “Made-in-China” vaccines as a requirement for California’s children to attend Public or Private schools no one suspected that that act would act as the catalyst to bring down the Democratic Party both nationwide and in California – but it did.  And it is…

Today, California itself is on the chopping block.  NORMAL PEOPLE are taking control away from the liberal Democrats.  Here today I will tell you how ONE very coherent group has identified the problem and is taking action to solve it very effectively.

There is a lot here to read – but the problem in California has been clearly identified.  Read it all – for solution is on its way.

Let’s Begin…

Twenty-one of California’s 58 Counties OFFICIALLY want OUT of California – as far away from the California liberal Democrat’s form of Communist-Socialism as they can get – and they have a VERY GOOD PLAN to accomplish their goals.

They have activated the first step – a Federal Lawsuit – and it is right on target…

On May 8th of this year (2017) a group calling itself Citizens For Fair Representation, along with specific individuals, filed a Federal Court action in the Eastern District of California (Sacramento) claiming to the Court that the State of California has intentionally abridged the concept of government of “We the People” turning California government into an “oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance.”

The suit claims that the “Oligarchy” controls the State of California by maintaining neglect… 

From the lawsuit’s introduction:

“This neglect of “We the People” as the organic basis for this Nation’s self-governance stems from the cap the California government placed on the number of Senators (limited to 40) and Assembly Members (limited to 80) in 1862, when the population of the State was less 420,000 people. This arbitrary cap has created an oligarchy inconsistent with representative self-governance because the same number of legislators (120 total) now attempts to represent California’s present population of nearly forty MILLION (40,000,000) people. By any metric, this is impossible; 120 legislators cannot possibly represent forty (40) MILLION people in any effective, equitable and meaningful manner as contemplated by the United States Constitution and Amendments thereto.

Since the end of the Civil War the United States has consistently strengthened its commitment to a representative form of self-governance by ratification of Constitutional Amendments and treaties designed to promote the people’s participation in governing at both the National and State levels. California’s refusal to increase its levels of legislative representation to reflect its exponential population growth is both arbitrary and unconstitutional.

As a consequence, the premise of the People’s right to participate in meaningful self-governance has been abandoned. California elections are effectively “purchased” by candidates who are in the service of the two major parties and no longer represent the people.

Accordingly, Plaintiffs bring this lawsuit to return their representation to those principles contemplated by the founders for a representative republic, or in the alternative to sanction California for its brazen subjugation of the people’s right to govern themselves.”

You can read a copy of the entire lawsuit here.

The Lawsuit DID NOT Specifically Name the Members of the Oligarchy YET…

But, someone else has – The California Policy Center.  They call it California’s “Deep State.”  They say in an article by Ed Ring titled:

California’s Public Sector Union “Deep State”

“In the above diagram, at the center of it all are Public Unions. Immediately adjacent to them are the entities where they exercise the most influence, if not outright control – public education, state and local politicians and bureaucrats, and political consultants. Almost, but not entirely co-equal to these public unions are the corporate special interests, businesses that either depend directly on government contracts and subsidies for their prosperity, or businesses that depend heavily on a favorable legislative environment to survive.

Public sector unions in California collect and spend over $1.0 billion per year in dues. To the extent this money doesn’t flow directly into the pockets of politicians, political consultants and lobbyists, it goes to public relations firms, law firms, and academic institutions to engage in non-political public education. This soft money is heavily supplemented by funds coming from public entities and liberal oligarchs who support the same political agenda as the public unions.

The primary goal of the public sector union deep state is bigger government. Public sector unions thrive and grow by increasing their membership and increasing their dues revenue. This means more government programs is their first priority, while the value and benefit of government programs is a secondary priority. As a result, those elites that benefit from bigger government become junior partners to the public unions.

Continue reading TRUMP’S US Supreme Court Will Preside Over the Breakup of California…

EU COURT: Vaccines CAN Be Blamed For Illnesses Without Absolute Proof!

YUP!  You read that right. 

by Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


In a ruling just a few days ago, the highest court in the European Union ruled that despite the lack of scientific consensus on the issue, a vaccine could be considered defective if there was “specific and consistent evidence,” which includes the time between when the vaccination was given and the onset of a disease.

Also to be allowed is the individual’s previous state of health, the lack of any family history of the disease and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following the vaccination.

The case started when a patient identified as J.W. was vaccinated against hepatitis B in late 1998-1999.  A year later he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease involving damage to the brain and the nervous system.  In 2006, he and his family sued vaccine-maker Sanofi Pasteur in an attempt to be compensated for the damage they claim he suffered due to the vaccine.  Mr. J.W. died in 2011.

The French Court of Appeal ruled there was no causal link between hepatitis B vaccine and MS and dismissed the case.

The AP wire service story about this story stated that numerous studies have found no relationship between the hepatitis B shot and MS.

The case went to France’s Court of Cassation, and then brought to the EU’s European Court of Justice.

Continue reading EU COURT: Vaccines CAN Be Blamed For Illnesses Without Absolute Proof!

Battle for the “Iron Throne” of Science at Columbia University…

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively, JD

I have come to the conclusion that many of my dear brothers and sisters in the autism community are suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome” in what has developed as the Ian Lipkin vs. Mady Hornig battle for the Iron Throne of Science at Columbia University.

“Stockholm Syndrome” is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors.  Before you think I am being flippant or rude, I ask you to hear me out.

Lipkin is probably just as much of a sexist, controlling tyrant as Hornig paints him to be.  But the greater crimes are the ones in which both of them have participated.

I am a middle school science teacher.  If you walked the halls of my school you might see posters proclaiming the “Ten Pillars of Character”, of which the first is honesty.

Another poster might read, “Integrity is doing the right thing when NOBODY is watching.”  

Those are the values of my school.  Those are my values. And I believe those should be the values we demand of our scientists.  Are you still with me?  Have I said anything offensive, yet?

If in the course of my teaching I slammed a student’s head into a wall and caused permanent brain damage I would rightly be fired, prosecuted, and sent to jail.

Let’s cut to the chase…

By their actions, Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig have allowed EXACTLY that to happen to millions of children in the United States and around the world. Pediatricians are still giving dangerous vaccines to children, the schools are still struggling under the weight of trying to educate vaccine-injured children, and every week we can look forward to news of some of these children dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or wandering away from their caretakers and drowning in lakes and rivers, or from exposure.

All of this remains UNACKNOWLEDGED by our news media.

And yet there are those who want to take the side of Mady Hornig as an abused woman, who is BRAVELY trying to battle a bad man and scientist.


I have absolutely no hesitation in telling you that I will gleefully pull up a chair with my bowl of hot buttered popcorn, and watch this spectacle unfold.

Hornig’s claims to date are ONLY that Lipkin is a bad man AND probably a FELON due to misuse of federal research funds, BUT NOT THAT HIS SCIENCE IS A LIE WHICH HAS DAMAGED MILLIONS OF CHILDREN.

It is common for me as a teacher to deal with students who tell each other to “Shut up!”  Yes, sometimes I’ll send them to the principal’s office and sometimes we’ll sit down and talk with their parents about proper behavior.  But never do I have to sit a student down and explain why it’s wrong to lie and cause harm to millions of people.

I know that every single student would give the correct answer to the question:  “It is okay to lie and harm millions of people if it allows you to keep your job at a prestigious university.  True or false?  ______________________.”

It really is pretty simple to me.  Tell the truth.

To me, Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig have taken every one of you hostage by the lies they have told about vaccines.

They have taken you hostage when your doctors don’t believe you.  Because who have your doctors listened to?  The dynamic duo from Columbia University, aided and abetted by the pharmaceutical industry and the Centers for Disease Control.

Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig have taken every one of you hostage when your friends don’t believe you.

Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig have taken every one of you hostage when your family members don’t believe you.

Ian Lipkin and Mady Hornig have taken every one of you hostage when your marriages break up, when your bank accounts are bled dry as you try to heal your damaged child, or when you long for the day your child will have a conversation with you, or be able to use the bathroom on their own.

This has gone on since at least 2004, when they first looked into the question of mercury in vaccines and the development of autism.  That is thirteen years.

How many of you would like those thirteen years back, with your doctors, and your family and friends believing you?  

Continue reading Battle for the “Iron Throne” of Science at Columbia University…

How Big Pharma Runs Our Government…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst


While the mainstream media is focusing on the replacement for Obamacare, having a field day trashing Trump, and ignoring the massive corruption at the CDC, they also continue to ignore the longest-running health care crisis in America….. the suppression of REAL HEALTH.

The key agency that blocks REAL HEALTH is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

It is regularly said that The FDA is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Pharma.  It has always been that way and, in fact, those of us who have been in the trenches campaigning for real health choice for decades, consider the FDA the deepest and most crooked part of the swamp Trump was elected to clean up.

For openers, the FDA  is wearing too many hats of authority and has been run for the pleasure of Big Pharma, only.  

It has been embroiled in one controversy after another, often of a criminal nature.  When it comes to regulating dietary supplements and related products, it has always come out on the side of protecting Big Pharma’s interests.

While it looks the other way to make sure Big Pharma products have fast approval, the commitment to offer the same benefits to dietary supplements, its attitude is they are “a disincentive for patented drug research” and there is a history of gunpoint raids on doctors offices and confiscation of products that goes back decades. 

The Rise of Tyranny…

Eight years ago, I wrote a book review for a book called “Rise of Tyranny” .  This book covers the history of how all these Federal agencies were created, unconstitutionally, and how the heads of these agencies now assume tyrannical powers outside the authority of Congress.

The book focuses on how the FDA, in particular, has been a captive of Big Pharma just as the CDC has been.  The story is as relevant today as it was then, so I thought I’d re-issue it here on the BolenReport.

Continue reading How Big Pharma Runs Our Government…

Is Trump Going to Be Able to Save “Weather-Controlled” California From the liberal Democrats?

California Is Teetering On the Edge of Political and Economic Collapse…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The desperation in liberal Democrat leaders’ eyes, and actions, across the nation is awe inspiring.  The Democrats have lost over a thousand State and Federal elected seats, nationwide, in the last few elections. Their Press Conferences are telling.

Americans are delivering a hard message.  But the liberal Democrats are NOT listening YET.  Much more needs to be done.

In California it is even worse…

Nancy Pelosi – out of power in Washington

On February 7th, 2017, Nancy Pelosi, US Congresswoman from California, was SO upset in a Press Conference  she kept referring to our current President as “Bush,” not Trump.

Maxine Waters, also from California, looked like she was on the edge of a heart attack in the same group.

It is FINALLY beginning to sink in to the Globalist/Elitist mind that there is a new sheriff in town, his name is Donald Trump, and he has 350 million Deputies – the people of America.

California, as I have mentioned before, is/was trying to become a microcosm of what the United States would have been under an “Empress” Hillary regime.

But reality looms.

The Trump Populists are beginning to eye Sacramento – and they are not coming to town to talk about how many genders there are…

There’s a whole menu of things.

Continue reading Is Trump Going to Be Able to Save “Weather-Controlled” California From the liberal Democrats?

Why the CDC Whistleblower (William Thompson) Called Brian Hooker PhD…

The background story behind “Vaxxed – From Cover Up to Catastrophe…”

Long before the CDC Whistleblower William Thompson appeared on the scene, they were under heavy fire from Brian Hooker…

He struck terror into CDC hearts…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

William Thompson didn’t just randomly pick up the telephone one day and call somebody about CDC troubles.  He called Brian Hooker.

Why Hooker?

Brian Hooker PhD was well-known to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  He had been pursuing information from them, one way or another, for years.  He has a son with Autism and he wanted to know how that happened.  And when he asked the CDC for specific information they blew him off.

Since Hooker is a research scientist, himself, he knew EXACTLY which questions to ask about the so-called CDC studies claiming to prove no relationship between Vaccines and Autism – and he didn’t like the CDC’s answers.

And so it began…

Continue reading Why the CDC Whistleblower (William Thompson) Called Brian Hooker PhD…

I think Trump is Getting Ready to Punch Vaccine-Induced Autism in the Face!

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

I’ve been wanting to write this article for a long time.  I’ve been waiting years for the moment to arrive when the normal rules which govern human behavior begin to reassert themselves.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that when some child falls down a well and can’t immediately be rescued, the whole country stops, prays, and holds its collective breath until that child is rescued.  Have two crazed lunatics set off bombs at the Boston Marathon and the city will push itself to the very limits of endurance until the perpetrators are caught.  Our televisions are filled with images of sick children asking for money for the hospital which cares for them and we are moved.

Nothing even remotely similar happens for autism families. 

Our children have fallen down the well of neurological injury, and not only are we ignored, but we are actively attacked for saying that vaccines caused these injuries, and are doing so on a massive scale.

Years before Hillary Clinton used the expression, “basket of deplorables” we knew that was how the mercenary media, propped up by their pharma dollars, portrayed us to the public.

Our public health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies have blown apart the health of a generation of children and yet the public is strangely silent.  Instead, we who point out this carnage are depicted as the enemy.  Like the vassals of some totalitarian state, the public outrage is directed at those who simply point out the truth.

Our children are sick and nobody comes to our aid. 


Continue reading I think Trump is Getting Ready to Punch Vaccine-Induced Autism in the Face!

The NEW Lawsuit(s) Against California’s Efforts to Take Control of ALL Children Away From Parents…

Yes, Yes, It’s Coming.  Take a deep breath…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I know, I know, the question I get most often is “where is the new lawsuit against SB 277?”

It’s coming…

Why is it taking so long?

(1)  The most obvious reason is that the new case had to take into consideration the makeup of the new US Supreme Court after the presidential election.

(2)  The most important reason, however, was that the case has national, and international, implications – and has to be designed to take that into consideration.

(3)  Then, of course, the Communist Regime in California added a second layer of concern – California Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) designed to take ALL control of children away from California parents and make those children little socialist performance tools of the State.

California is the Test State for the Globalist Democrats…

What is happening in California is what was planned for the entire US under the “Empress Hillary” Regime.  It is a dry run…

Fortunately, the American Public caught on in time, and despite all of those dead people in Chicago graveyards voting solidly for Hillary, the final vote went for America’s Choice Donald Trump.

One Political Pundit tells me that Hillary seems to have captured 100% of the Dead Veteran vote, nationwide – all of which came in as “Absentee Ballots”…

Maybe we were all wrong about Hillary not having any crowds at her rallies? Maybe we just couldn’t see them?  Maybe they were all ghosts from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the deserts?  Hmmm…  Look at it THAT way, and you can see why they were all “Absentee Ballots.”  Did anyone look too see where they were “Postmarked” from? (dark humor intended).

And, of course Hillary COMMANDED the Illegal Alien vote – but, hey, we all expected THAT, right?

Sarcasm intended…

The IBTimes said of Clinton:

James Steyer of “Common Sense Media” – sponsor of California SB 18, the legislation to take all California children away from their parents.

“During her first public speaking engagement since her concession speech, Clinton accepted defeat but encouraged American’s to continue to push forward and focus on making changes that will benefit the children of the country.”

“I know this isn’t easy. I know that over the past week a lot of people have asked themselves whether America was the country we thought it was. The divisions laid bare by this election run deep. But please listen to me when I say this: America is worth it. Our children are worth it,” she said Wednesday night.

Now, we can see the Globalist Plan – a complete State takeover of our children…

There is an interesting group in California called “Democrats Against UN Agenda 21.”  I encourage you to familiarize yourself with their website.

Why?  Two reasons.

(1)  I tend to pick on liberal Democrats a lot, leaving the impression that they are, as a whole, shallow self-serving entitlement dolts incapable of complete sentences and coherent thought beyond analyzing the latest TV episode of Honey Boo-Boo while ordering silk panties on-line for the men in their lives.

Considering what happened in California over SB277 (the bill to force-vaccinate all California children with untested Made-in-China death pus tubelets)) it would be hard to refute my analysis of what actually happened with BOTH sides of the SB277 arguments.

But, I am going to show you a group of Democrats right here in California that, frankly, reminds me of the OLD Democratic Party – like during the Jack Kennedy days. I already mentioned their name, just above.

(2)  With this group of California Democrats there just might be a chance to revive the two-party system.

Why do I say that?


Continue reading The NEW Lawsuit(s) Against California’s Efforts to Take Control of ALL Children Away From Parents…

Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?

 Part 2  in the developing, “California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At it Again…”

Opinion By Karri Lewis AWAKE California

As if hell bent on destroying the family unit; and enacting the state of California as guardian (sic) of ALL of the state’s children, Senator Richard Pan wasted no time in beginning another attack on parental rights.

Senate Bill 18 is a parent’s worst nightmare come true.

In a townhall event put on by Senator Richard Pan in June 2016, it was announced that James P. Steyer from Common Sense Media was co-hosting the, “Talk with Experts and Provide your Input on the Children’s Bill of Rights Legislation,” advertised event.

Jim Steyer Common Sense Media
Jim Steyer Common Sense Media

The flyer with that information can be found here.

This describes the non-profit, Common Sense Media’s mission statement according to Wikipedia:

“Common Sense Media reviews thousands of movies, TV shows, music, video games, apps, web sites and books. Based on developmental criteria, the reviews provide guidance regarding each title’s age appropriateness, as well as a “content grid” that rates particular aspects of the title including educational value, violence, sex, gender messages and role models, and more. For each title, Common Sense Media indicates the age for which a title is either appropriate or most relevant. An overall five-star quality rating is also included, as are discussion questions to help families talk about their entertainment. In addition to Common Sense Media’s traditional rating system, they also offer a set of learning based ratings, which are designed to determine complex educational values.[7][10]

Common Sense Media partners with a number of media companies that distribute the organization’s free content to more than 100 million homes in the United States. According to Common Sense Media’s website, the organization has content distribution contracts with Road Runner, TiVo, Yahoo!, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, DIRECTV, Disney, NBC Universal, Netflix, Best Buy, Google, AOL/Huffington Post, Fandango, Trend Micro, Verizon Foundation, Nickelodeon, Bing, Cox Communications, Kaleidescape, AT&T, and NCM.[11] The organization’s current rating system differs from the system used by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Entertainment Software Rating Board. It has received positive support from parents, and was singled out by US President Barack Obama as a model for using technology to empower parents.[12][13] Common Sense Media began allowing studios to use their ratings and endorsements in order to promote family-friendly movies in 2014. The first film to use the endorsement was Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.[14]”

Why on earth would Common Sense Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?

Back to that question in a second.

Continue reading Just WHO IS Sponsoring California State Senator Richard Pan’s Destruction of Parental Rights?

California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At It Again…

Opinion by Karri Lewis AWAKE California

Like a prize fighter intent on pleasing his sponsors, California State Senator and Medical Doctor, Richard Pan is back to his parental-rights-stealing-ways.

Talk about Deja-Vu!

14716268_10209567633421967_1641069469930967316_nAs if 2015’s Senate Bill 277; the stealing of parental rights for the right of pharmaceutical companies to forcibly inject poison into innocent school children (vaccinations), in exchange for Pharmaceutical Money and Vacations wasn’t enough; Senator Pan has set his sights on the State Ownership of ALL of California’s Children.
Anyone noticing a theme here?

Introduced by Senator Pan on December 5, 2016, this is where Senate Bill 18 comes into play.

While the title of the bill seems innocuous, “Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California,” this bill expands the California Bureaucracy’s endless control over your child.

Continue reading California State Senator Richard “The State Owns Your Child” Pan is At It Again…

Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

Even though you see the headline, and the photo, you don’t believe it, do you?

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.

Could the new President-Elect of our country, Donald J. Trump, have really met with Dr. Andrew Wakefield?  You’ve probably heard the rumors, maybe you’ve even seen the video of Wakefield saying that Trump understands our concerns and will never allow mandatory vaccinations.  He goes onto say that he believes Trump will investigate the problems at the CDC, including the allegations of Dr. William Thompson.

It’s all true…

How do I know?

Because I interviewed two people who were at that meeting.  Do you want facts?  It took place on August 11, 2016 in Kissimmee, Florida and lasting a little under an hour from four to five in the afternoon.

And it’s all in my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available right now on Amazon.  Here’s a little bit of a tease for you:

Continue reading Trump Meets Dr. Wakefield

Yes, Yes, the New SB 277 Lawsuit Is Coming… There Are VERY Good Reasons For the Delays…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I know, I know, it is hard to be patient.

But, the making of a good lawsuit, and everything that transpires with it, is difficult – especially if it is done right…

I’m not supposed to give out sensitive information, BUT…

I can give you a glimpse of some of the problems the legal and strategy teams are facing:

Continue reading Yes, Yes, the New SB 277 Lawsuit Is Coming… There Are VERY Good Reasons For the Delays…

Anti-Vaxxers on a Roll… New Anti-Vax Lawsuits (2) in Michigan… Hooray!!!

Legal Actions Popping Up Everywhere…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I am VERY pleased over the massive escalation of the Anti-Vaxxer movement.  Vaccines, in general, are crap, and the public is waking up to that fact, in spades.

More, that same public is beginning to understand how, and why, the whole vaccine hoax came to be perpetrated on humanity.

Of course it is about money, first.  Huge gobs of it, and not just in the hands of the drug lords, but spread among the bureaucratic pencil-necks, eager for one step up, one extra symbol of importance, in their minor fiefdoms.

The Michigan Thing…

I was born and raised in Michigan – Detroit and Grand Rapids areas – with a summer place on one of those (literally) eleven thousand lakes. Life, there, really is dependent upon the seasons.

Michigan’s economy is something else entirely.

The REAL 2016 Michigan – Abandoned auto plant – No jobs for anyone…

Years ago, Michigan’s economy was dependent upon the fate of the US auto industry, but things happened, and the  world changed.  Michigan did not adapt – it became something else entirely – perhaps a place, or an entity, that began to eat itself.  It has become a Democratic Party State.

More, though, and of utmost importance, is the descent into corruption of the State bureaucracy – particularly, the State Department of Health and Human Services – the Michigan agency also in charge of the Childhood Vaccine Program.

From The Blaze article:

 Charges Filed Against Six More State Employees in Flint Water Scandal

Continue reading Anti-Vaxxers on a Roll… New Anti-Vax Lawsuits (2) in Michigan… Hooray!!!

Where’s Our New California Anti-SB 277 Lawsuit?

Hang in There.  A Lot More Goes into Legal Strategies Than People Think…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Attorneys Jim Turner and Bob Moxley probably sigh, loudly, when they see my phone number pop up an their telephone screens. For they know what question(s) I’m going to ask – all about the target date for the new legal action(s) to destroy California’s wretched Senate Bill 277 (SB277) – the law that force-jams Made-in-China (with NO Inspections) Childhood Vaccines as a requirement to go to school.

My readers keep asking me when the new lawsuit is coming out…

Here in California there is a saying – “The trouble with Instant Gratification is that it takes too long…”

Nobody wants to wait.

But, I Do See What is Going On In the Background…

And a lot is happening – because the anti-vaccination movement grew in leaps and bounds.  And, what is happening paralleled a growing dis-satisfaction among Americans over the US status-quo, itself.  The arguments began to run together.

And it all changed.  SB 277, and vaccines in general, became a national, and international, argument paralleling a US Presidential election.  It became part of the Globalist Debate.

Continue reading Where’s Our New California Anti-SB 277 Lawsuit?

Pick a Hearing, Any Hearing…

Sighing, Laughing, and Groaning at the Remarks of Senator Richard Pan during the California SB 277 Hearings…

By Celina Trevino, D.O.M.T.P (Can), C.M.T.


For anyone who was at the 2015 California SB 277 hearings, sitting, standing, lying in the hallways, waiting HOURS for their turn to oppose the bill, many of those moments were spent sighing, laughing, and groaning at the remarks of Senator Richard Pan.

The comment that stuck with me the most from the hearings was Senator (Doctor) Pan at the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 28, 2015.

“So, so, so, the term vaccine injured is one used heard used by the opposition. It’s not a technical term that we use in the medical field.”

Want to hear him say it?  See the 2:30:45 mark here:


Errrrrrrrrrrr, WHAT???????

Did he just try to convince the legislators that vaccine injury is not real?  It sure sounded like it to me.

Then, right after that, on the same video, Dr. Pan says…

“So, uh, so, in terms of the use of that term, uh that is not a term that is a uh a term that’s used within uh, sort of the medical public health field, it is used by the opposition. Uh, and so it’s not always clear what that really means. There are as I said, uh, vaccines like anything else are not, you know, there, there’s always a, a, a small risk uh that’s associated uh and in fact, uh, uh, and I said, the magnitude of the risk is much, much smaller than the disease that we’re trying to prevent. And so that’s why uh, vaccines are declared to be safe and efficacious.” 

Continue reading Pick a Hearing, Any Hearing…

Hillary Clinton “One-Worlders” In a Panic Over Hard-Charging, Heroic, Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

The US Mandatory Vaccine Program Has Nothing to Do With Preventing Disease.  It is Just a Vehicle For a GMO Delivery System…

New Vaccines in the Approval Pipeline Are Designed to Genetically Modify Children…

But Anti-Vaxxers Are Mangling the Grand Plan…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Genetic Manipulation? Yup.  You don’t have to look very far to find the world of genetic engineering in vaccines.  It is right here in front of us.

Everyone in the autism world knows about the “Autism Research Funds” scandal.  Congress allocated 1.6 billion dollars to find the causes of autism – twice.  But NONE of the money was EVER spent on Autism research.  It all went into studying genetics.

Huh?  How did that happen?  Good questions…

The Reality…

The intent, I  believe, of the Childhood Vaccine Mandates has NOTHING to do with eradicating infectious diseases.

We know that that “vaccines are saving humanity” story is false, for ALL of those infectious diseases were wiped out in the US, long before vaccines came around – with improved sanitation, better food, and more of it.  Public health records show the truth.

The Childhood Vaccine Program, in the US, I believe, is a DNA and Population Control Program where health officials will be able to decide whether YOUR family name survives the cut – meaning “Will YOUR children be allowed to reproduce?”

I think this program is the next generation combination of (1) A “Hitler’s Super Race” operation (on steroids), and (2)  The establishment of the means to create a “Delta” society similar to what Aldous Huxley wrote about in “Brave New World.”  From Schmoop:

“Like Greek life on college campuses around the country, the society in Brave New World is split into five castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, with a few minor distinctions in between.

Because of the technology wielded by the World State’s leaders, caste is pre-determined and humans are grown in a manner appropriate to their status; the lower the caste, the dumber and uglier the individual is created to be.

As adults, the upper two castes interact socially with each other but never with the lesser groups—that would totally be social suicide.

Class is yet another mechanism for stability and control on the part of the government. It’s also a big part of the reason that personal identity goes by the wayside in this novel—Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are simply faceless drones in color-coded outfits who exist to serve the more intelligent Alphas and Betas.”

Can Vaccines Actually Do That?

Yup.  They sure can.  And they are.  Just look at all of those little eleven year old girls whose parents were too stupid to block them from getting the “slut vaccine.”  Have ANY of those little girls survived that without damage?  Probably not.  Those parents need not worry about having grandchildren – they are going to be too busy, anyway, taking care of that now eleven year old, when she is fifty-five and still slobbering… Continue reading Hillary Clinton “One-Worlders” In a Panic Over Hard-Charging, Heroic, Anti-Vaxxer Movement…

Vaccine Holocaust Denialists…

Why are We Playing Games?  Vaccines are the WORST Thing to Ever Happen to Humanity.  We Cannot Let This Horror Show Go On…

And It Is All Part of  Something Much Larger, and Scarier…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Somehow, or other, “We The People” allowed a bunch of moral and ethical lowlifes to sneak a FAKE “lifesaving project” into our midst proclaiming it to be the do-all, end-all, final solution to infectious disease – Vaccines.

Anybody with a brain that still works knows that vaccines are a terrible, horrible, dangerous hoax.

So how did we get to the point where the California State Legislature would MANDATE the injection of whatever is in those Made-in-China death-pus-tubes into our children as a requirement to be able to go to school?

And, there are even stranger things going on in our world.

We, as a society, are at the edge of insanity…

The Boiled Frog Effect…

We are victims of, as Karri Lewis says in the article “California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect.

“Do you remember that old “science” experiment where a frog immediately jumps out of a pot of boiling water when placed directly into that boiling water?

However, when the frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the temperature of the water is very slowly raised to a boil, the frog stays in the pot and boils to death?

At this point, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with California, vaccine mandates, and BOUGHT, Pharmaceutical-owned politicians?

Stay with me here.

Imagine now that the frog is the public at large, the boiling water represents vaccine mandates and the Pharmaceutical Industry; and the cold water represents the California State government.

This is ALL very good imagery to explain HOW the Pharmaceutical companies became so entangled and enmeshed within the California State government.

Like the frog being brought to a boil, slowly, the California public has been led to forced vaccination medical experimentation and mandates.”

Fortunately the water temperature, at this point, is only at the upper end of uncomfortable – like a hot tub on a cold night, when you first get in it.

Continue reading Vaccine Holocaust Denialists…

The Vaccine Hoax – It Is Time to Start Thinking About Jail Time For Pro-Vaxxers…

The Science Is In – Vaccines Are Worthless and Terribly Dangerous…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Years ago I worked in the Power Industry.  The Public Relations position of that industry was simple – low profile.  We didn’t want people to think about electricity except to, without any thought, walk into a room, flip a wall switch, turning on the lights, and pay the bill once a month.

There was a whole world behind that wall switch that no one ever payed any attention to.  It was just there.  No one ever noticed the existence of a huge network of generating stations, power lines, substations, command centers, transformers, etc.,  until the population centers began to match demand  with available electrical generation – and the strain on the system became an issue.

Then it became a very big issue – and the problems for the power industry escalated.  Suddenly, it became very hard to build new power lines, generating plants.  People wanted all of those power lines underground, and out of sight.  Everyone began to notice that smoke coming out of generating plants…  And the power industry was beset with a whole new set of problems.

Push had come to shove…

It is kind of like that in the US health care industry.  There were ALWAYS problems but then one day it all changed.  Like a lightbulb going on over America’s head, suddenly the reality of the US health care system was VERY noticeable – like a week-dead animal smell.

Somebody had flipped a switch on the wall putting a harsh light on the reality of the, not only nearly useless, but extremely expensive, official US health care offering.  The physical dangers of that system became patently obvious.  We can thank the State of California for the wake up call…

Wake up call?  Oh yeah.  California.

Continue reading The Vaccine Hoax – It Is Time to Start Thinking About Jail Time For Pro-Vaxxers…

Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…

Vaccines Under Attack Everywhere.  Hooray!

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  

I spoke to attorneys Jim Turner and Bob Moxley a few days ago about the fact that I keep getting inquiries from people wanting to be a Plaintiff in the new, revised, SB 277 lawsuit dismissed August 31st, 2016.  I, obviously, cannot help those potential Plaintiffs.  So, Jim and Bob set up a contact email for potential Plaintiffs to contact them directly.  It is:

[email protected]

That new lawsuit should be filed in the first week in October, 2016.  if you want to be a Plaintiff, and think you qualify, send them an email with details.  To get an idea what they are looking for in a Plaintiff, go to this article, and scroll about a quarter page down down until you find a section called “The Plaintiffs, the Individuals.”  Read that.  If your situation looks anything like any of those, or is even close, send your email.  

But, do it soon.

Continue reading Anti-SB 277 Momentum. Picking Up Speed…