The Attack on Clark-  Two Parts EVIL, One Part CRACKPOT…

Everyone in the North American Health movement knows about the legal troubles (the Indiana case, the Figueroa case, the defamation case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark.

What many don’t know is that there is, and was, a plot to cause her these problems – and that there is one specific individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating out of his basement in Allentown, PA.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Barrett, with his minions, is now, and has been, conducting a “wild-eyed” onslaught against world health humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND, for the express purpose of stopping, or slowing, the research she has devoted her life to.  Barrett and his minions know that Clark’s programs have helped thousands of people – and for that reason they want them stopped. Continue reading The Attack on Clark-  Two Parts EVIL, One Part CRACKPOT…

Dinner with CHARLIE BROWN…

Thursday, May 10th, 2001, in San Diego was the day the California Dental Board got “the word.” And, it wasn’t “the word” they wanted to hear. It was delivered loudly, and clearly.

The message was simple – STOP MERCURY FROM GOING INTO CALIFORNIAN’S MOUTHS – and do it right now, or face prosecution.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Dinner with CHARLIE BROWN…

“Quackbuster” Barrett LOSES in California Court…

I beat delicensed MD Stephen Barrett in Court last week. It was ridiculously EASY… (yawn).

Barrett, who operates out of his Allentown, PA basement, is apparently trying to silence me through intimidation, by sort of suing me.

Sort of? Yeah, sort of… Keep reading.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading “Quackbuster” Barrett LOSES in California Court…

FLASH!! Barrett’s personal attorney ABANDONS lawsuit…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett ( is having trouble holding it all together lately. His ship is sinking… Even his personal attorney isn’t sticking around.

Christopher Grell, PROMINENTLY listed on Barrett’s website at, has formally WITHDRAWN (well, sort of…) from a Barrett-originated action – claiming “lack of cooperation.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Continue reading FLASH!! Barrett’s personal attorney ABANDONS lawsuit…

Quackpot Menace MASHED in California…

California is the newest, and biggest, victory for Americans against the quackbuster conspiracy (the quackpot menace). California, as it does in many social issues, will, in this issue, begin the domino effect across America.

The “quackbusters” have lost… it’s just a matter of time.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Menace MASHED in California…

Florida Judge orders GRILLING of Quackbuster PERJURER(?)…

 Prosecutors in the Florida Dental Board vs. Phillips case must of thought they’d struck a death blow to the Phillips’ defense strategy when they brought in an “expert witness” named Robert S. Baratz MD DDS PhD as a “surprise rebuttal witness” against Phillips’s superb defense witnesses. Baratz sounded great answering prosecutor questions.

Phillips’s defense witnesses had been a literal “who’s who” in North American leading edge health care. Baratz was there to counter them.

It worked exactly the opposite.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Florida Judge orders GRILLING of Quackbuster PERJURER(?)…


The “Quackpot Menace” in the United States is floundering. Chief quackpot Stephen Barrett ( has been lashing out in desperation, trying to save the remains of his internet business. Hate-mongering, in the new millenium, apparently, has a limited appeal. Barrett’s internet business consists primarily of painting American leading-edge health humanitarians with the brush of “quackery.” I believe him to be funded by some of the sleazier operators within the Medical-Industrial Complex.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading QUACKPOT MENACE “FLOGGED” IN FLORIDA


Subject: A precedent setting “Landmark Case” is going on in Florida. The “Health Freedom Movement” has taken a significant interest in it. It is precedent setting because the support network operating behind the scenes intends to make an example out of the Florida State employees involved.

Health Freedom activists feel that the dental establishment, backed by the “Quackbusters,” really messed this one up, and there is an opportunity to make them pay DEARLY for their mistakes.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading THE FLORIDA DENTAL BOARD vs. AMERICA…


Stephen Barrett, a de-licensed MD, operating out of his basement in Allentown, PA, took issue with my opinion piece titled “The Last Days of The Quackbusters.”

Well, sort of…

Barrett didn’t challenge ME over the piece, he challenged, and threatened, OTHERS that circulated it. I suspect Barrett is well aware he has no legal case against me, and I don’t get intimidated by the neighborhood bully. So far, Barrett has made seven (7) EXTORTION attempts of people on the internet. He has demanded from $500 to $10,000, or in his words “I will flatten you.”


CLARK UPDATE: The Figueroa vs. Clark case – WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING….

Everyone in the American Health movement knows about the legal troubles (the Indiana case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark – and the outcome. What many don’t know is that there is, and was, a plot to cause her these problems – and that there is one specific individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating out of his basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett is now, and has been, conducting a “wild-eyed” onslaught against world health humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND.

Early in 1999, Barrett ordered his minions, including his personal attorney Christopher Grell, to mount an all-out, anything goes, attack against Clark.

Clark’s books had been selling well, far better than Barrett’s books.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading CLARK UPDATE: The Figueroa vs. Clark case – WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING….


Note: This project is long over with.  It  was active in 2001.  Below is the original article.  Polevoy sued me for this and LOST.  It was hilarious.  –  Tim Bolen


I have a “project” North American health freedom fighters can get their teeth into. Read this article – get angry – and then get involved. It’s all explained here – and the reasons to get involved are obvious. And, we made it easy… It is all done on the internet.

The “Touch of Health Radio Show” with Christine McPhee was shut down the other day by Canadian Radio Executives acting under FALSE information provided to them by the “Quackbusters.” It was the biggest “Alternative Medicine” show in Canada. We need to get the show back on the air – and the “quackbusters” need to get smacked hard…



It was almost funny. Somewhere between a whine and a caterwaul…

The so-called American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) issued one of its fatuous annunciations Saturday, June 10, 2000, proclaiming, once again, that anything “natural” in the field of health is some diabolical plot to murder America. Once again they declare that Americans are too dumb to make informed health decisions. American Health leaders derisively call the ACSH the American Council of Psuedo-Science and Anti-Health (ACPA).

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading QUACKPOT PAYMASTERS DEMAND ACTION?????

CPSO Investigates Polevoy (ROC45040)…

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has opened an investigation into the activities of Terry Polevoy MD. The Case number is ROC45040. If you have information to contribute to this investigation you may wish to refer to this number.

Polevoy virulently attacked Dr. Clark on his website ( prior to her appearance as the keynote speaker in Toronto last March. He now labels her as a “dominatrix grandmother,” and claims she is a fraud.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading CPSO Investigates Polevoy (ROC45040)…

Subject: Formal Complaint – Terry Polevoy MD


Canadian Medical Association, Ethics Committee, 1867 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON Canada K1G3Y6

[email protected]



Dear Ethics committee:

I have filed a formal complaint against one Terry Polevoy MD. I believe it important that you review this complaint, and its overall issue, in light of your own experiences with Polevoy, and comment to the CPSO on this issue.

It is time to deal with Polevoy, and his ilk… The complaint is as follows: Continue reading Subject: Formal Complaint – Terry Polevoy MD

Tony Brown should have told Barrett and Polevoy: “You have the right to remain silent…”

It is happening – and there is now, no way, Barrett can stop it.

Tune in to the Tony Brown Show today on PBS…

Tony Brown “invited” quackbuster scions Stephen Barrett and Terry Polevoy to rebut Hulda Clark’s four-part series.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Tony Brown should have told Barrett and Polevoy: “You have the right to remain silent…”


Barrett/Renner “Anti-Health Campaign” fizzles in Minnesota.

Minnesota recently passed, and signed into law, one of the most comprehensive health reform bills in the history of the United States.

The bill passes both houses of the State legislature with a huge majority, and was signed by the Governor despite a massive lobbying effort by what health leaders call “the minions of the drug barons.”

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading QUACKPOT MENACE “ICED” IN MINNESOTA…


There shouldn’t have to be a “phase two,” for Doctor Hulda Regher Clark, but then – there shouldn’t have been a “phase one.” But, then, there always was “a plot” to destroy Dr. Clark’s efforts, and the conspirators didn’t give up just because they were humiliated in their attempt to have Dr. Clark falsely imprisoned.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

The second phase of the Clark campaign is broken into two parts (1) dealing with the rest of the conspirator’s attack on Clark, and (2) frankly, we’re looking to put them out of that business… And, if we can prove, the motive and the “deep pockets” behind the so-called “quackbusters,” we’ll get Dr. Clark’s research funded for a very, very, very, very, very long time. Continue reading CLARK UPDATE – INTO “PHASE TWO”…

California Senate passes “Cancer Reform Bill” UNANIMOUSLY…

The California State Senate, fed up with low quality “Standard of Practice” health care in the state, Friday, June 1, 2000, passed a Cancer Reform Bill sponsored by California Citizens For Health, and backed, not surprisingly, by the California Medical Association (CMA).

Opinion by Tim Bolen

The bill eliminates the requirement in California that all cancer treatment be “limited to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.” Health Activists predict the death of the cancer chemotherapy, and the cancer radiation mega-industries in the U.S.. Sales of chemotherapy cancer drugs reached 8.4 billion dollars in 1999 – yet cancer deaths are at an all time high. Continue reading California Senate passes “Cancer Reform Bill” UNANIMOUSLY…

“Most Dangerous Woman in America” Feted in Toronto…

Chemotherapy and radiation industry CEOs can’t sleep at night worrying about the research of Doctor Hulda Regher Clark, Phd, N.D.. North American Oncologists hesitate to buy that new yacht. Cancer hospital administrators are counting the number of cars in the parking lot, and wondering if they’re going to be able to make the lease payments on the Mercedes, next month…

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Their so-called “conventional medicine” has  lost the War on Cancer, and the American public is turning away from them in droves. That public is  going where they get results, and they don’t give a damn about industry protective “scientific study” procedures, that take eleven years to get a new  protocol through the pharmaceutical industry controlled U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Continue reading “Most Dangerous Woman in America” Feted in Toronto…

Hulda Clark Campaign In High Gear…

UPDATE – Hulda Clark gets two major awards.

Last week was an important week in the Clark campaign. Dr. Hulda Clark, PHD, received two major awards, one from an International Scientific organization, the other from a national self-styled consumer advocate group. Both groups apparently placed her as a world renowned humanitarian, a forward thinking scientist, and a hero in the health world.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

THE FIRST AWARD, given at the tenth annual forum of the International Association of New Science at Fort Collins, Colorado was a serious peer affirmation of her work. Sponsored at the forum, by a former Apollo Astronaut and a co-founder of the Peace Corps, Dr. Clark delivered a speech and conducted a workshop to a standing-room-only crowd. She was given the “New Scientist of the Year Award.” Continue reading Hulda Clark Campaign In High Gear…