California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect

By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California


Do you remember that old “science” experiment where a frog immediately jumps out of a pot of boiling water when placed directly into that boiling water?

However, when the frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the temperature of the water is very slowly raised to a boil, the frog stays in the pot and boils to death?

At this point, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with California, vaccine mandates, and BOUGHT, Pharmaceutical-owned politicians?

Stay with me here.

Imagine now that the frog is the public at large, the boiling water represents vaccine mandates and the Pharmaceutical Industry; and the cold water represents the California State government.

This is ALL very good imagery to explain HOW the Pharmaceutical companies became so entangled and enmeshed within the California State government.

Like the frog being brought to a boil, slowly, the California public has been led to forced vaccination medical experimentation and mandates.

Vaccines and the mandates that followed, were very slowly foisted upon the gullible and unsuspecting public. Continue reading California Vaccine Mandates and The Boiled Frog Effect

Mumps outbreak at Harvard – because the vaccine is apparently a fraud


KP Stoller, MD

For more than three decades Merck has had the exclusive license from the FDA to manufacture mumps vaccine in the USA. It was first approved in 1967 and the same strain used then is being used today. Originally, it was in a single dose vaccine but after 1971, it was incorporated in the MMR vaccine and seven million doses a year are sold in the USA.

In order to obtain that original license, Merck had to prove to the FDA that the vaccine had at least 95% efficacy. That means that over 95% of those getting the vaccine will show an adequate antibody response. This antibody response is assumed to be the same as being immunized, but that is not always the case – just having an antibody response to  a vaccine does not mean one is immunized, but that is a minor point that gets ignored. Be that as it may, that is not what this post is about. Continue reading Mumps outbreak at Harvard – because the vaccine is apparently a fraud

The MMR & the CDC

KP Stoller, MD


I frequently get asked if I think there will be a Congressional Hearing so that the CDC whistle-blower, William Thompson, PhD, can give his testimony under oath.

If that happened, what kind of testimony would he give?

This is what he actually said in the recent documentary “Vaxxed”:

Thompson: “They (the CDC) don’t really want people to know that this data exists.”

Thompson: “…among the blacks, the ones that were getting vaccinated earlier, were more likely to have autism.” Continue reading The MMR & the CDC

The Need For Transparency…

By Karri Lewis – AWAKE California


When Tim Bolen, writer, editor and publisher of the BolenReport, told me he needed writers for his new project, and why he was approaching ME, I was a bit apprehensive about taking on yet another project.  Running the AWAKE California Facebook page is a 24/7 job in and of itself.

When he told me about the direction that the BolenReport is taking and the reach that it will achieve, I got really excited.  We need so many organizational tools to help bring activists together in the health freedom movement; especially here in California, which is ground zero for the forced vaccination mandates that are sweeping the country.

The Fight For California…

So as Tim and I were talking, he asked me to focus on California and the need for activists to be plugged into what is going on here in our State.  We also need a way to communicate with activists directly, and not just on Facebook.  This gave me some ideas.

First, let me start off by saying, it’s a wonderful thing that so many California activists are willing and able to take action when they see a need.  And I do believe that most of us are on the same team and want our health freedom rights restored.  That is good news.

We’ve had many positive actions taken by so many health freedom activists, the Learn the Risk campaign, Beyond The PBE Factor…What Now? Facebook page, Campaign for Liberty, Million Mamas Movement, Los Angeles Against SB277 Facebook Page, Stop the Spraying of Orange County Facebook Page and so many others. Continue reading The Need For Transparency…

CDC – Stop lying about what you have already admitted


Poling: “I think you bring up a really important point. The government, actually the Dept. of Health and Human Services, conceded that my daughter’s medical problems, which are autism encephalopathy, seizures, were brought on by vaccination.”

KP Stoller, MD

I am not a lawyer, but it helps to know a few good ones, especially one as knowledgeable as Jim Moody. His take on the CDC is that it is pointless to get them to admit to what they have already, in fact, “conceded” that vaccines cause autism.

Over and over again they have conceded vaccines cause autism, and they have further conceded that research on vaccine safety is inadequate. Having said that, Mr. Moody points out that it is the lies and pseudo-science that the CDC pumps out that just keeps getting louder and louder to drown out what they will quietly concede behind closed doors or in stealthy conferences.

While most of the public is unaware is something called the “Vaccine Court,” beginning in 1990 they have paid reparations for children that could prove vaccines caused their autism and the sum has totaled hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of these more recent cases have made the national news, such as the case of Hannah Polling.
Continue reading CDC – Stop lying about what you have already admitted

Are You Talking to Me? Cause the CDC heard you

K Paul Stoller, MD


Well, it finally happened. The CDC screwed with the wrong person. Pressuring Robert De Niro to pull the plug on the documentary Vaxxed at the Tribeca film festival caused him to go into a rant on the Today show where he stated he believes there may be a link between vaccines and autism.


Click on the graphic to watch the interview

There are many “astro-turfed” (faux negative) reviews of Vaxxed, but perhaps one of the best comments was by the physician who discovered the HIV virus, Prof. Luc Montagnier:  “Respect scientific truth is the basis of the credibility of the institutions responsible for public health. If they fail in this respect they are seriously exposed to a loss of confidence from the public. The CDC seem to have falsified the results of their own studies that showed a correlation between the occurrence of autism and MMR vaccination (MMR in English) in young African-American children. This falsification, revealed by one of its authors, support the conclusion that the lack of correlation, which has helped to keep vaccinations without changing the conditions. Besides the damage to young victims, this case amplifies the fear of vaccinations in the audience, thus ruining the disease prevention policies. This is what describes the film of Andrew Wakefield, medical researcher and whistleblower with courage and lucidity.”

Robert De Niro: ‘there is a link between vaccines and autism’

Robert De Niro: My Wife Saw a Change in Our Autistic Son After He  Us Weekly

Robert De Niro: ‘I’m not anti-vaccine, I want safe vaccines’ The Guardian

Robert De Niro defends support for anti-vaccination doc Entertainment Weekly

Robert De Niro Talks Autism and Vaccines: “I Want to Know the Truth” Hollywood Reporter

The above stories were out in just a few hours after De Niro was on the Today show. Continue reading Are You Talking to Me? Cause the CDC heard you

What the Lame-Stream Media really said when they panned VAXXED …

by Kenneth Stoller MD

Anne Dachel, author of The Big Autism Cover-Up, wanted the public to know what the reviewers from the New York Times and other controlled main stream outlets were really saying in their lame reviews of Dr. Wakefield’s film.

So, she has translated their double-speak into clear unambiguous English:

We’ve been helping to cover up the link between an unsafe, unchecked vaccine schedule and autism for so long, we can’t suddenly start to legitimately report on this topic.

We’re so dependent on advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical industry that we won’t say anything that could jeopardize that income.

For these reasons and others…. Continue reading What the Lame-Stream Media really said when they panned VAXXED …

Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the CDC

By K Paul Stoller, MD

Many of you have heard that the documentary about the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Whistle-blower, who revealed the CDC had fraudulently covered-up the link between the MMR and autism (especially if you are a child of color) was pulled from the Tribeca film festival due to undue pressure on Robert De Niro.

What many of you may not know is that the CDC pays throngs of people to stick it to others that are working against what they perceive as their best interests and the interest of their masters (vaccine manufactures). Continue reading Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the CDC

Wag the Zika…


By KP Stoller,

While the situation with the Zika virus is still evolving, there is a real danger in blaming a lone virus for any problem. It is not unlike the obfuscation of the real problem with Polio, where a single enterovirus (there are many) took the blame for a paralysis that would not have been possible if the population had not been well applied with DDT.

While that assessment of the Polio epidemic may be controversial, the cases of non-poliovirus caused Acute Flaccid Paralysis climb in parts of the world that apply pesticides with abandon. I wrote about this in the paper: AD, AFP, ALS and DDT published last year (


The existence of the Zika virus has been known for many decades, but all of a sudden it has become a big problem? And a vaccine waits in the wings? Those are two red flags right there. How about the red flag that Brazil, ground zero for the crisis, uses more pesticides than perhaps any other country in the world – many of them banned in other countries? Continue reading Wag the Zika…

Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Big Pharma would have us all believe, through their stranglehold on US media, that the drugs, vaccines, drugs, vaccines, drugs, and more drugs and vaccines approach is ALL there is in the world.  But the fact is, there are MANY other approaches to health care on planet earth.  Ayurvedic Medicine, for instance, has been around for over three thousand years, so read THIS interesting approach to dealing with Ebola…

TR Shantha MD is a former client of mine who, after a major assault on his practice, completely cleared his name – although you’d never know it from’s article on him.  You can read about that situation here.


By:  Dr. T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA


The news about Ebola and its possible fatal end is everywhere in the news – created by many hypochondriacs.  The virus is deadly and spreads only by contact with body fluids.  Once the person gets the infection, their life hangs on a thin thread.  Mortality from the infection is as high as 50% – 60%.   Another deadly disease that kills about 35,000 people in the east, mostly young, is rabies, which is 100% fatal compared to 40-60% mortality by Ebola virus infection. Ebola will be and is curable, but not rabies. Continue reading Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Ebo-Lie…  Here’s What I Think…

by: Kenneth P Stoller, MD, FACHM


With so much misinformation floating around about the latest viral scare, it is hard to know what is real and what isn’t.

Tim Bolen asked me to write this post after I posed a question to him… “When is a Federal agency, such as the CDC, no longer protected by the immunities a Federal agency normally has because they are engaged in activities that are not consistent with their own regulations and procedures?” 

The CDC is responsible for vaccine safety and yet they own patents on, for example, the Ebola virus and could potentially profit from an Ebola vaccine – a vaccine that would not be needed if the virus doesn’t spread far and wide. Yet if the CDC helps control the spread of the virus they would be working against their own financial interest. Continue reading Ebo-Lie…  Here’s What I Think…

Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Interspersed throughout this article are photos from the 2014 event.

Guest article by Diane Miller JD – Health Freedom Coalition


2014 Health Freedom Congress held at Hamline University

Whew!!  The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress was the best ever and leaders are continuing to strengthen the unified voice of health freedom!  Thank you to all those leaders and organizations who participated this year, and greetings to those leaders who could not make it but will be joining us in the future.  We here at NHFC are working on drafting an overall summary of the Congress to send out to a large public database like we do each year for our NHFC website.  However I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you, and we are looking forward to our future work together.

A special note to all of you:  The NHFC Board of Directors has made a decision to host the Congress in 2015 and we are now in the discussion of location and dates and program beginnings.  If there are people interested in the design of the next Congress please contact me directly at [email protected]. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…

Their Health Is In Your Hands:  Your Essential Role In Helping Protect Future Generations From Toxic Medical Practices

By Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, President of the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD), Dr. John Kall, DMD, Chairman of the Board of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), and Amanda Just, Consumer

Monday, June 9, 2014


The health of the future generations in the United States and around the world is in your hands.

It is in your hands because you have the power to teach parents, pregnant women, women of childbearing age, and caregivers something they absolutely need to know but often don’t:  patients have a right to opt for non-toxic options when making health care choices for themselves and their children.  Sadly, the public is largely unaware of toxic amounts of mercury in such essential things as vaccines, flu shots, and dental fillings.  Continue reading Their Health Is In Your Hands:  Your Essential Role In Helping Protect Future Generations From Toxic Medical Practices


Toolwiz20152-23-17-45-13Part Three  by Ken Stoller MD


This is part III of the recent guest series on the BolenReport that started with Idiocracy.

I am using the incredible catastrophe of the so-called “autism” epidemic to illustrate the shadow part of our society. This shadow must be acknowledged and embraced if we are going to move forward and help all the children and young adults now suffering from this iatrogenic environmental illness that affects the brain (a man made gastro-immune encephalopathy) that at its core is the practice of vaccines with a healthy sprinkling of pesticides.

So, this isn’t only about vaccines, because the same poisons that have turned children autistic are in the food, water and in the air we breathe – and they do and have affected many. Continue reading Mendocracy…  

Corporatocracy…  For God’s sake, stop letting these fools get away with this…



by   Ken Stoller MD


This is part II of Idiocracy[1], wherein I discussed a problem wide spread in modern medicine, which is calling a disease by its symptom instead of what is causing it, and in so doing directly or indirectly obfuscating the understanding and treatment of the real condition. Continue reading Corporatocracy…  For God’s sake, stop letting these fools get away with this…

Idiocracy…  For God’s sake quit calling it Autism…

by   Ken Stoller MD


I entered my pediatric residency in the early 1980’s. I was there when the first children with AIDS rolled into the hospital; although, we didn’t know it was AIDs at first, I was there when it was decided to give newborns Hep B vaccine, and I was there when the very first children with “autism” I had very seen in all my years of training came into my humble pediatric office circa 1989. This was at the leading edge of the explosion of cases of this encephalopathy, a medical brain disease, that we all call autism.

After all, autism is just a made up name for a collection of symptoms, which no more addresses the causality or treatment than saying someone has chest pain. Continue reading Idiocracy…  For God’s sake quit calling it Autism…

The Starfield Revelation, Revisited…

Opinion by Journalist John Rappaport


In the summer of the year 2000, it was a bolt out of the blue.  The revelation.  I come back to it for various reasons—this time because I’ve been reading doctors’ attacks on the nutritional industry:  “fraudulent claims, quackery, unproven science, theft.”

You’ve heard all the accusations. Continue reading The Starfield Revelation, Revisited…

The Threat to Health Freedom Now – an Exclusive Interview with Jonathan Emord…

Opinion by Journalist John Rappaport


As a medical investigative reporter for 28 years, I’ve seen public interest in health freedom come and go.  Right now, in 2010, it is at a low point.

In the early 1990s, there was a tremendous fervor in America.  Millions of people, perceiving a threat from the federal government, realized they could be cut off from the right to improve their health according to their own wishes, judgments, and decisions. Continue reading The Threat to Health Freedom Now – an Exclusive Interview with Jonathan Emord…

Does Aspartame multiply female MS? – New Study Report at Neurology Conference..

By:  Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder – Mission Possible International


About 400,000 people in the US are victims of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a horrible autoimmune disease that devastates the central nervous system.

At the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, Dr. Gary Cutter, professor of Biostatistics at the University of Alabama, said women are now four times as likely as men to get multiple sclerosis: “It started at two-to-one and is now four-to-one.”  Researchers found the ratio of women-to-men is increasing by about 50 percent each decade. Continue reading Does Aspartame multiply female MS? – New Study Report at Neurology Conference..

The Mushroom Cloud that Caused Autism

Opinion by: Kenneth Stoller, MD, FAAP with Anne McElroy Dachel


In the first article in this series on autism, a mercurial finger was pointed at the high level of mercury children received from their vaccines and the huge upswing in the autism rate. It was noted that the background level of mercury pollution from coal-fire power plants and other sources (such as dental amalgam) was so high that one in every six women in the US has a level of mercury in her body high enough to affect her children’s health.  The cost to society of these affected children amounts to billions of dollars annually, and the ultimate cost of caring for all those disabled will cost trillions. Lastly, the point was made that this isn’t so much about autism as it is about the future of human life on this planet if we don’t stop mercury pollution. Continue reading The Mushroom Cloud that Caused Autism