If being an American means anything, it means being able to go anywhere in the world and telling people right to their face that what they’re doing is wrong.
Yes, I know it can sometimes be messy, but that’s democracy.
Which is why the apparent decision of Australia to ban me from presenting my “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” tour should be concerning to every member of the world. I call to your attention three recent articles published in quick succession about my planned “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” lecture tour of Australia.
They are in order, “Immigration Watching Ant-Vax Advocate Kent Heckenlively,” The Australian, by Samantha Hutchinson, August 21, 2017. (Just for the record, I have never advocated vaccines for ants. I think they are far too small for syringes, we do not know if vaccines will cause colony collapse disorder as pesticides have done to bee colonies, and their inability to understand human language makes compliance difficult. No matter how much I tell them to get out of my house, they do not listen and I am forced to squash them. Sometimes that makes me feel like a pro-forced vaccination politician and I feel ashamed.)
That was followed by “Government Called on to Ban Kent Heckenlively from Visiting Australia.
I was even the subject of an article from Xinhua News, “Australia Opposition Calls on Government to Ban Anti-Vaccination Advocate from Entering Country,” Xinhuanet, by Xiang Bo, August 22, 2017.
China cares about me going to Australia?
It’s good to know that the same people who brought the world the massacre of students at Tiananmen Square and continuing repression in Hong Kong have taken an interest in my trip to Australia. Maybe China will be the next banned stop on the “DANGEROUS SCIENCE” tour!
I believe all of this means democracy itself is at stake in Australia.
Which is why I am issuing this public call to President Donald Trump, who knows vaccine injury is real because he has seen it happen to people he knows, who has MET AND TALKED WITH Dr. Andy Wakefield and taken a copy of the movie VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe with a promise to watch, and who has asked Robert Kennedy, Jr. to head up a Commission on Vaccine Safety and Scientific Integrity, to consider an IMMEDIATE NAVAL BLOCKADE OF AUSTRALIA until my visa application is granted and the ban against autism mom, Polly Tommey is rescinded.
Now for those who think I’m being extreme, I want to present you with evidence of my reasonableness. Like any good guest, I offered the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, the option of meeting me at the airport when I arrived (as befits a world leader like myself who represents more people than the entire population of Australia), or I could simply meet him at his office for our discussions.