Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the CDC

By K Paul Stoller, MD

Many of you have heard that the documentary about the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Whistle-blower, who revealed the CDC had fraudulently covered-up the link between the MMR and autism (especially if you are a child of color) was pulled from the Tribeca film festival due to undue pressure on Robert De Niro.

What many of you may not know is that the CDC pays throngs of people to stick it to others that are working against what they perceive as their best interests and the interest of their masters (vaccine manufactures). Continue reading Rearranging the Deck Chairs at the CDC

Wildfire… Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning United States..

CDC, Health Departments, Vaccine Makers, AstroTurfers, Whimpering, Trembling, Panicking, for Good Reason…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


California Senator Richard Pan probably thought he was headed for the Presidency of the United States, carried into office on mountains of drug lord money, once he successfully pushed through America’s first Mandatory Vaccine law, SB277, in California, last year.

No one in the Pan ranks EVER, I think, counted on the reaction Americans would take to forcefully injecting American children with “Made-in-China,” un-tested for use, toxic death pus mixtures, claiming them to be “Safe and Effective.”  And, that reaction is huge, and growing larger yet every day.  Good.

Safe and Effective?

Vaccines are no such thing.  Never have been.  Never will be.   It is all a huge money making murderous child-damaging scam.

Continue reading Wildfire… Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning United States..

Payback is a Bitch… Mainstream Media Outlet Attacks the Wrong Guy…

Fun in Sacramento…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


There is a hilarious short video I want you to watch.  It will make your day.  It was taken by Sacramento, California area Joshua Coleman, father of a severely vaccine damaged child, who has MORE THAN ONE personal interest in the subject material the video covers.  The video is about Josh’s encounter(s) with the local Sacramento CBS affiliate.  Understand that Josh’s child is severely handicapped from vaccines, as millions of children are, and his situation is exactly what Handicapped Parking facilities were designed for.

There is absolutely no question that US Mainstream Media, once described as the Fourth Estate, has become the propaganda tool for the drug industry.  They have.  This video shows, in elegant simplicity, the reality of those who perform for those paymasters.

As we have all found out, one way or another, Mainstream Media sees itself as a privileged class whose job is to publicly urinate on those its paymasters want targeted.  Who are the paymasters?  That’s easy.  Big Pharma.  Even the American Medical Association is up in arms.  They want to stop Big Pharma’s ability to advertise directly to the public.  They said so here.

Watch the video just below.  There are many poignant parts once you understand what happened just before this video.  And, even more important is that CBS has asked Josh to take this video down.  Why?  This video is going viral, and CBS is shown up for what it really is. Continue reading Payback is a Bitch… Mainstream Media Outlet Attacks the Wrong Guy…

Anger Builds in California… Pro-Vaxxer Hyenas Worried…

“Made in China” Death Pus Promoters Looking Over Their Shoulders….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Perhaps, a few months ago,  California State Senator Richard Pan MD, the consummate arrogant self-serving Pediatrician(?), had visions of being the next Governor of the State of California, maybe even the President of the US, comfortably carried into office with vaccine manufacturer money – shiploads of it, so-to-speak, being offloaded in the Sacramento Seaport.

What was the money for?  It went to every sleazy Democrat in State office as payment for their passing of Senate Bill 277 (SB277), mandating “Made In China” death pus capsules (vaccines) for all of California’s children.

But today, I’d say, that grinning fool, Pan, wonders if he is going to survive the year.  There is a video out, which shows an important story of EXACTLY where the “No on SB277,” and the whole US anti-vaccination campaign, really is.  In short, Pan, and his paymaster network, are rattled.  VERY rattled. And, they should be, for their situation worsens every day.

Why?  Californians are not just angry over the way they were treated, they are livid.  And the American public is waking up very quickly. Continue reading Anger Builds in California… Pro-Vaxxer Hyenas Worried…

I like the Way the Vaccine Argument is Going… Both Nationally, and in California…

It is True – California is the Torch and the Powder Keg…  So, Let’s Light it Off…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Things are moving fast.  All it took was a little conflict.  It wasn’t even a year ago that a substantial number of Americans just “had some concerns” about vaccines, and wanted to be careful about how those vaccines were introduced into their children’s bodies.

Then, along came Senator Richard Pan MD, the consummate arrogant self-serving Pediatrician, introducing legislation in California to remove parental rights to make decisions about their children, and setting up the mechanism for an “anything goes” MANDATORY INSERTION of Big Pharma’s made-in-China death pus mixtures into California’s children, and assuring Democratic Party campaign financing for upcoming elections. Continue reading I like the Way the Vaccine Argument is Going… Both Nationally, and in California…

What To Do Next… “No On SB277” Teams Study Options.

California is the Torch and the Powder Keg…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


After my last article called “Strike Two,” I was bombarded with comments, only one of which was negative – and that, of course, was from one of the California Coalition for Health Choice (CCHC) drolls – those that LOST the campaign in the California legislature so grandiosely.  And that person was too embarrassed to send it to me directly.  I had to have it forwarded by an ally who thought I could use a laugh.

But let’s move on.  Almost everyone in the “No on SB277” campaign wants to come up with a winning strategy.  The conversations about my article I viewed on the Awake California FaceBook page were energized, and these people “get” where I was trying to send them.  I watched days of conversations between very intelligent people figuring out the details of a statewide (perhaps worldwide) foundation based on a simple “proposed” organizational premise.  Read, just below, what guide they were using:

A “Victory” supposition – Suppose, for the moment, that “Victory” could be defined as “Educating the public, and the government, so that they understood why Exemptions are necessary for vaccines.”  Where would we start?  In an ORGANIZED CAMPAIGN we’d put a statewide program to make the REAL dangers of vaccines known to as many people as possible, and we’d have a consistent message, a delivery system, goals and objectives, and ways to monitor progress.  We’d know who was going to do what.  Everybody involved would perform the role they chose.  Meetings would be held to monitor progress and ongoing problems.

Honest to God – the hair stood up on the back of my neck because the thinking, and planning, was so good.  Of course I have to give credit to Karri Lewis and her admins for the way they set up, and maintain, the Awake California Facebook discussions.  But, the responses were superb. Continue reading What To Do Next… “No On SB277” Teams Study Options.

Strike Two… Is There Anyone In Charge of California’s “No on SB277” Campaign?


Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The “No on SB277” people blew it again.

It is tragic.  If the issues weren’t so important, and the “No on SB277 ” activists so serious, we could laugh at what appears to be a remake of Max Sennet’s 1920s “Keystone Kops.”  But, what is happening is not funny.  It is horrible, and I am NOT going to let this stand without criticism. Continue reading Strike Two… Is There Anyone In Charge of California’s “No on SB277” Campaign?

Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors? Yes, Of Course They Are…

Why?  They’ve Tried Everything Else to Control the Dialogue…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Depending on who you read, the number of cutting-edge (non-drug) health professionals dying under suspicious circumstances varies, but is rapidly increasing.  The last doctor, 59 year-old Mitch Gaynor MD, a personal friend, and regular guest interview, of TV Doctor Oz , supposedly committed suicide in his back yard of his country home.

Bullshit – Gaynor was at the top of his game.  My thinking?  Gaynor was murdered, openly, as a message for Oz.  What message?  “Shut the fuck up, or you’re next.”

Virtually every one of the doctors that died under “suspicious circumstances” have commonalities – the largest of which is an anti-vaccine stance. But that’s not everything… Continue reading Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors? Yes, Of Course They Are…

Anger Builds… Is An Armed Revolution Imminent in California?

Sacramento is Ground Zero – Will the Democrats Bring in Storm Troopers to Attack Mothers and Vaccine Damaged Children?  Probably…

Or, Has the US Supreme Court Already ruled in OUR Favor?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


As my friend Mike Adams, over at Natural News, points out so well over gay marriage and gun issues, it looks as though the US Supreme Court has already won our SB277 Court battle for us.  Read Mike’s, as usual, excellent analysis of the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision, and the reason for that decision, and how it applies to other laws, by clicking here.  Here is an excerpt from Mike’s article:

(NaturalNews) The legal argument of gay marriage proponents is that because gay marriage is legal in a majority of states, that “right” cannot be infringed by the remaining states which opposed gay marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court, in granting this new, nationwide right to gay marriage, cited the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, Section 1, which states:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The actual ruling text of the SCOTUS decision makes it clear that its “equal protection” logic would apply universally to concealed carry gun rights which already exist in a majority of states:
And, of course, to vaccine exemptions… Continue reading Anger Builds… Is An Armed Revolution Imminent in California?

It is Time to Stop This Vaccine Nonsense… It is all One Monstrous Horror Show…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

There is no question that vaccines are unsafe and ineffective.  Despite the billions of dollars spent by the drug lords to say differently, facts are facts.  Science is science.  Vaccines are crap.  it’s time we simply shut down the entire Vaccine Construction.  It isn’t doing America any good.  In fact, the opposite.

Mainstream US media claims that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But, the rest of Planet Earth’s media tells entirely different stories – stories we NEVER see or hear in the US about the dangers of vaccines, and the VERY WRONG thing they are being used for.   We’ll look at this more, below, in the section on what vaccines were used for in the country of Kenya just three months ago.  What they did in Kenya they’ll do here.

Any American who watches television, at all, knows the truth of the words I am about to write just below.  Manufactured drugs are dangerous in any form.  The most dangerous are those INJECTED into the human body bypassing the body’s built-in protective network.  The US Supreme Court has declared vaccines to be “unavoidably dangerous.” Continue reading It is Time to Stop This Vaccine Nonsense… It is all One Monstrous Horror Show…

Of Course I’m Anti-Vaccine… I Have a Brain.

I don’t care one bit about the fact that 102 people across the country have measles.  I do care, very much, however, that one in sixty-eight children in America are now Autistic (vaccine damaged).  I care even more that one in six children in America are neurologically damaged.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I had measles, as a child, and I got to stay home with Mom, who, on my third day in bed, inveigled me out of my room into the kitchen with the distinctive smell of her coffeecake in the oven.  Before that Mom dosed me with Cod Liver Oil (vitamin A).

The measles outbreak story is just one more bullshit pro-vaccine campaign conducted by the Vaccine Construction.  There is NOTHING to it.  Read what expert Marcella Piper-Terry from  says about it here.  She puts the whole thing into its true perspective. Continue reading Of Course I’m Anti-Vaccine… I Have a Brain.

There’s a Hole in the Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza… Then Fix It, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry… Repairing the Floundering Autism Leadership …

On January 24th, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota an event was held sponsored by a self-styled Autism Leadership group calling itself either the “Canary Party or “Health Choice,” whichever name,  I think, sounds catchier to whomever they are talking to at the time.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The event, allegedly a book-signing at a University, by authors of ten books on autism issues, was advertised by hiring a billboard somewhere near Minneapolis, and the most meager of FaceBook campaigns.  Of course, no one showed up.  The event was a massive failure.  The temperature outside in Minneapolis on an average January 24th was high of 32 and a low of 26.  It was a grandstanding to NO audience.  Authors flew in from all over the country to sign books for each other.

Just one more massive failure, by this group, to add to the list.

Like the characters in the old Children’s Song titled above, some of what is known as Autism Leadership, have been locked into a solution pattern that did not work in the past and will not work in the future.

Thankfully though, there is a big, long overdue, power shift going on in the autism community. The move is away from the Canary Party/Health Choice  partying, preening, and posturing, towards determining actual solutions – then working towards actuating those solutions.  Continue reading There’s a Hole in the Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza… Then Fix It, Dear Henry, Dear Henry, Dear Henry… Repairing the Floundering Autism Leadership …

HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Damages Hearing to Follow.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I predicted that this, or something like this, would happen.  The Maryland Medical Board, and the employees that work there, are and were, completely out of control.  They believed, and they believe now, that they are the ultimate law of the land, that they have no oversight, and that they are immune from scrutiny by the Maryland Legislature and the court system.  They also believe that they are not required to engage in “due process,” and that whatever rule or procedure they make up, for the moment, is uncontestable.  I have seen, in my career, Boards that exhibited bad attitude, and were, hence, brought back under control, but I had never seen before anything like the employees of the Maryland Medical Board exhibited. Continue reading HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

What I have to tell you, below, about the sea-change in the Autism Leadership world is way more than startling.  For awhile I have been seeing measured changes happening – an awakening, and an encouragement, of organization primarily centered around AutismOne, the biggest annual event of what I call the REAL Autism movement.

But what just happened came out of nowhere, so to speak, and represents a take-over of the autism dialogue, and, as I see it coming, the beginnings of a winning strategy team that works together.  What was just accomplished was astounding.  A reorganization, and a victory, of monumental proportions.  Let me tell you about it.  For sure read the paragraph below about WHY they did what they did more than once.

The “skeptics,” and their paymasters, are NOT going to like this… Continue reading Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

O.K. people – it is time to GLOAT again.  Get on the internet, find a sleazy “skeptic,” drag out your favorite way to rub someone’s nose in something icky, and deliver this article, and all of its strong points, and wait for the explosion.  It will be worth the wait.  You’ll be able to FEEL the rise in blood pressure of your target.  The first response will be DENIAL, then will come an attack on me, Tim Bolen, personally, claiming I am “not reliable,” blah, blah, blah…

But, you can start smiling in anticipation right now… Continue reading The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Oh My, Oh My!!!! The CDC Whistleblower Story Just Keeps Getting Better…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Last Friday, August 29th, 2014 I attended, and spoke at, the combined AutismOne/Thriiive conference in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Cancer Control Society – held at the Universal Sheraton Hotel in Universal City, California.  Brian Hooker PhD spoke just before me.  Dana Gorman right after.

There were SIX IMPORTANT NEW REVELATIONS: two newly released pieces of evidence, and four startling Conclusions, that came out of Brian Hooker’s speech.

Many of you have probably already heard that CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson has written a letter, and posted it on his lawyer’s website, VERIFYING Brian Hooker’s complaints.  The Big Pharma “spin” machine is operating at full power – but their efforts to contain the whole story are laughable.  The story is growing, appropriately, as it should, for there is no denying that the CDC got caught with their pants down, and, consequently, their credibility is gone.  Fini.  The whistleblower, in his letter, verified EVERYTHING Hooker said happened.  Read William Thompson’s letter hereContinue reading Oh My, Oh My!!!! The CDC Whistleblower Story Just Keeps Getting Better…

Autism World – Quit Targeting Mainstream Media… Ignore Them.  They Are NOT Our Friends…

I watched, with dismay, the Autism world,  using social media devices Twitter and Facebook, target certain reporters in mainstream media, trying to get the #CDCWhistleblower story into the hands of the American people.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I thought to myself “Oh My – these people are terribly naive.  They haven’t a clue about mainstream media.  They did little, or no, investigation of their target, nor the audience it serves.  All that effort aimed in EXACTLY the wrong place.” 

More, you should be careful what you ask for – you might get it  – as they found out from a very negative ABC broadcast.

Mainstream media?  All propaganda – no news. Continue reading Autism World – Quit Targeting Mainstream Media… Ignore Them.  They Are NOT Our Friends…

Hear This Well…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

We don’t see as many of those annoying drug ads on TV anymore because, simply, their patents ran out and all of those drugs became available in “generic” form at a tenth of the price.  For a while the drug industry was in a panic, but then they came up with a new idea – that, for now, is working very well.

The idea that the drug industry in the US could, after their big patents ran out in 2012 and 2013, shift their profit center to an INCREASED CHILDHOOD VACCINE SCHEDULE, with NO legal liability (they can’t be sued), using, what are supposed to be OUR “watchdog” groups; Federal, State, and local governments, as their marketing tool, is at best absurd…

But, that’s what we have, and…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate

WhistleBlower Apologizes to Andy Wakefield…  Interview at 9:00 PM Tonight on Robert Scott Bell Radio Show…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Celia Farber, Editor of The Truth Barrier just a few hours ago, released a breaking news story titled “BREAKING NEWS: CDC WHISTLEBLOWER TEXT MESSAGES TO ANDY WAKEFIELD: STUDY WOULD HAVE “SUPPORTED HIS SCIENTIFIC OPINION”

You can read her shocking story by clicking on the blue article title just above.  But, before you do that I want to point out that you can hear MUCH MORE from Celia Farber on Robert Scott Bell’s Radio Show at 7:00PM EST (today).  If you can’t listen to the radio broadcast live, then Robert will have a recording of the interview available on his website front page.  To listen to the interview live, or the recording, click on the Robert Scott Bell’s Radio Show and then click on the  “Listen” word in the line just below the page title. Continue reading WhistleBlower Apologizes to Andy Wakefield…  Interview at 9:00 PM Tonight on Robert Scott Bell Radio Show…

The CDC Whistleblower…   The Story Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Run…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I got the email, with video attached, from Andy Wakefield about the Brian Hooker PhD whistleblower revelation the same morning many others did.  It’s just that I was OUT running errands all day, and failed to check my messages before I left.

What I am referring to is Andy Wakefield’s latest nine minute video with Brian Hooker.. It is called “Senior government scientist breaks thirteen years of silence on CDC’s vaccine fraud.”  If you haven’t seen it yet – Go watch it.  Click on the blue title in this paragraph. Continue reading The CDC Whistleblower…   The Story Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Run…