Part 1…
By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst
The Nuremberg IG Farben “Crimes Against Humanity” War Crimes Trial Began 27 August 1947….
The text below was part of the opening statement of General Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor of the Nazi War Crimes Trial of IG Farben where 23 top executives were put on trial for their leadership in Hitler’s war effort. To believe these men, among the most respected businessmen and scientists in their industry, knowingly, willingly, and with purpose, put their companies at the disposal of Adolf Hitler seems beyond comprehension.
The Trial started with this statement below:
“God gave us this earth to be cultivated as a garden, not to be turned into a stinking pit of rubble and refuse. If the times be out of joint, that is not accepted as a divine scourge, or the working of an inscrutable fate which men are powerless to effect. At the root of these troubles are human failings and they are only to be overcome by purifying the soul and exerting the mind and body….
The crimes with which these men are charged were not committed in rage or under the stress of sudden temptation; they were not the slips or lapses of otherwise well-ordered men….What these men did was done with the utmost deliberation and would, I venture to surmise, be repeated should the opportunity to recur. There will be no mistaking the ruthless purposefulness with which the defendants embarked upon their course of conduct.”
Before the war…

IG Farben, a community of companies that banded together for common purpose, dominated the chemical industry with relationships reaching into every major country on the globe. IG Farben was the fourth largest industrial organization in the world. Some of Farben’s scientists were Nobel Prize winners and world famous for their contributions to the advancement of medicine.
So the question we must all ask is, how did this happen, and is it happening again?
Continue reading Vaccines – Are They the New “Crimes Against Humanity?”