All you really need to know is that the French aristocrats who lost their heads in the Revolution were unbelievably blind to the reasonable calls for reform and engaged in monumentally stupid acts which ensured their complete destruction.
It’s one thing to be on the losing side of a fight.
It’s another to know you’re losing.
The white majority in South Africa knew they were losing to Nelson Mandela’s call for justice and they took actions which averted a catastrophe. Even though the British ended up fighting a war with us, there were voices in England who thought that the whole affair was utter madness. Eventually, their views prevailed. Hell, even some Nazis could see where Hitler was leading them after D-Day and tried to change things by blowing him up.
But those Vaxxers, they’re an entire breed of STUPID unto themselves.
On the bonehead roll-call of history I think there are going to be two people topping the list, Peter Hotez, writing in The New York Times and Rachel Roberts writing for The Independent.
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I was starting to write an article suggesting that President Trump’s VACCINE SAFETY COMMISSION should take a hard look at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Why? The Liberal Democrats claim the AAP as their do all, be all, INDEPENDENT experts on everything from vaccines to proper child care. So much so that they OFFICIALLY wrote them into California’s Mandatory Vaccine Bill (SB 277) as THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY…
More, this AAP was the one who published in their journal those original “studies” claiming that vaccines did NOT cause autism. Yeah, THAT AAP.
Want to Keep Your Baby Healthy? Stay Away From Pediatricians…
“I’ll be blunt. Pediatricians, these days, are con-men – only here to push more-and-more dangerous, useless(?), vaccines on an unsuspecting public. They have absolutely no other function.
They are, in fact, a whole section of US medicine that we could well do without. It didn’t used to be that way – but it is now.
Supposedly, Pediatricians developed as child specialists – and, to hear their representatives talk, they are the one-stop shop for all health issues pertaining to children.
In that article I had pointed out that the AAP, in 2010, all together amassed $126,189,033.00 in total 2010 income. WHERE they got that money was no mystery. It was all right there on their IRS tax form 990s. Mine was a compelling argument against the AAP claiming to be AN INDEPENDENT VACCINE AUTHORITY.
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“Nearly 30 years ago, an essay in Mother Jones magazine asked: “Would JFK Be a Hero Now?” If the answer wasn’t obvious then, it certainly is now. In today’s political environment, a candidate like JFK — a conservative champion of economic growth, tax cuts, limited government, peace through strength — plainly would be a hero. Whether he would be a Democrat is a different matter altogether.” -Boston Globe
“He (JFK) was anything but a big-spending, welfare-state liberal. “I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort,” Kennedy bluntly avowed during the 1960 campaign. One of his first acts as president was to institute a pay cut for top White House staffers, and that was only the start of his budgetary austerity. “To the surprise of many of his appointees,” longtime aide Ted Sorensen would later write, he “personally scrutinized every agency request with a cold eye and encouraged his budget director to say ‘no.’
On the other hand, he was a Cold War anticommunist who aggressively increased military spending. He faulted his Republican predecessor for tailoring the nation’s military strategy to fit the budget, rather than the other way around. “We must refuse to accept a cheap, second-best defense,” JFK said during his run for the White House. He made good on that pledge, pushing defense spending to 50 percent of federal expenditures and 9 percent of GDP, both far higher than today’s levels. Speaking in Texas just hours before his death, he proudly took credit for building the US military into “a defense system second to none.”
It really is time to face Reality. The communist wing and welfare state of the Democratic Party is NOT working.
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I know, I know, the question I get most often is “where is the new lawsuit against SB 277?”
It’s coming…
Why is it taking so long?
(1) The most obvious reason is that the new case had to take into consideration the makeup of the new US Supreme Court after the presidential election.
(2) The most important reason, however, was that the case has national, and international, implications – and has to be designed to take that into consideration.
(3) Then, of course, the Communist Regime in California added a second layer of concern – California Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) designed to take ALL control of children away from California parents and make those children little socialist performance tools of the State.
California is the Test State for the Globalist Democrats…
What is happening in California is what was planned for the entire US under the “Empress Hillary” Regime. It is a dry run…
Fortunately, the American Public caught on in time, and despite all of those dead people in Chicago graveyards voting solidly for Hillary, the final vote went for America’s Choice Donald Trump.
One Political Pundit tells me that Hillary seems to have captured 100% of the Dead Veteran vote, nationwide – all of which came in as “Absentee Ballots”…
Maybe we were all wrong about Hillary not having any crowds at her rallies? Maybe we just couldn’t see them? Maybe they were all ghosts from the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the deserts? Hmmm… Look at it THAT way, and you can see why they were all “Absentee Ballots.” Did anyone look too see where they were “Postmarked” from? (dark humor intended).
And, of course Hillary COMMANDED the Illegal Alien vote – but, hey, we all expected THAT, right?
James Steyer of “Common Sense Media” – sponsor of California SB 18, the legislation to take all California children away from their parents.
“During her first public speaking engagement since her concession speech, Clinton accepted defeat but encouraged American’s to continue to push forward and focus on making changes that will benefit the children of the country.”
“I know this isn’t easy. I know that over the past week a lot of people have asked themselves whether America was the country we thought it was. The divisions laid bare by this election run deep. But please listen to me when I say this: America is worth it. Our children are worth it,” she said Wednesday night.
Now, we can see the Globalist Plan – a complete State takeover of our children…
There is an interesting group in California called “Democrats Against UN Agenda 21.”I encourage you to familiarize yourself with their website.
Why? Two reasons.
(1) I tend to pick on liberal Democrats a lot, leaving the impression that they are, as a whole, shallow self-serving entitlement dolts incapable of complete sentences and coherent thought beyond analyzing the latest TV episode of Honey Boo-Boo while ordering silk panties on-line for the men in their lives.
Considering what happened in California over SB277 (the bill to force-vaccinate all California children with untested Made-in-China death pus tubelets)) it would be hard to refute my analysis of what actually happened with BOTH sides of the SB277 arguments.
But, I am going to show you a group of Democrats right here in California that, frankly, reminds me of the OLD Democratic Party – like during the Jack Kennedy days. I already mentioned their name, just above.
(2) With this group of California Democrats there just might be a chance to revive the two-party system.
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According to the US Supreme Court in the 1979 Parham Versus J.R Case:
California Senator Richard Pan’s attack on Californian’s Parental Rights has morphed into an all out assault on family and religious rights – in complete defiance of the US Constitution.
Senate Bill 18 is the culmination of all of a totalitarian socialist state’s hatred for liberty and freedom.
Senate Bill 18 is dangerous because it is made to look not harmful or offensive, so that it might pass easily.
Senate Bill 18 allows “professionals” approved by the state to make these decisions, and more, for your child.
This bill is the FOUNDATION for the rules and regulations that Senator Richard Pan will add at a later date; most likely under the radar and away from the prying eyes of the public.
Senator Pan currently sits on 17 different state committees, including the Children with Special Needs committee, which is ironic considering all of the additional vaccine injuries that his Senate Bill 277 has caused.
Senator Pan has a lot of influence in Sacramento and with the other California Senators.
Many believe that since Senator Pan has strong ties to Big Pharma that he intends to add MANY REQUIRED Medical Interventions for Children.
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As if hell bent on destroying the family unit; and enacting the state of California as guardian (sic) of ALL of the state’s children, Senator Richard Pan wasted no time in beginning another attack on parental rights.
Senate Bill 18 is a parent’s worst nightmare come true.
In a townhall event put on by Senator Richard Pan in June 2016, it was announced that James P. Steyer from Common Sense Media was co-hosting the, “Talk with Experts and Provide your Input on the Children’s Bill of Rights Legislation,” advertised event.
Jim Steyer Common Sense Media
The flyer with that information can be found here.
This describes the non-profit, Common Sense Media’s mission statement according to Wikipedia:
“Common Sense Media reviews thousands of movies, TV shows, music, video games, apps, web sites and books. Based on developmental criteria, the reviews provide guidance regarding each title’s age appropriateness, as well as a “content grid” that rates particular aspects of the title including educational value, violence, sex, gender messages and role models, and more. For each title, Common Sense Media indicates the age for which a title is either appropriate or most relevant. An overall five-star quality rating is also included, as are discussion questions to help families talk about their entertainment. In addition to Common Sense Media’s traditional rating system, they also offer a set of learning based ratings, which are designed to determine complex educational values.[7][10]
Common Sense Media partners with a number of media companies that distribute the organization’s free content to more than 100 million homes in the United States. According to Common Sense Media’s website, the organization has content distribution contracts with Road Runner, TiVo, Yahoo!, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, DIRECTV, Disney, NBC Universal, Netflix, Best Buy, Google, AOL/Huffington Post, Fandango, Trend Micro, Verizon Foundation, Nickelodeon, Bing, Cox Communications, Kaleidescape, AT&T, and NCM.[11] The organization’s current rating system differs from the system used by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Entertainment Software Rating Board. It has received positive support from parents, and was singled out by US President Barack Obama as a model for using technology to empower parents.[12][13] Common Sense Media began allowing studios to use their ratings and endorsements in order to promote family-friendly movies in 2014. The first film to use the endorsement was Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.[14]”
Why on earth would Common Sense Media, a supposedly family friendly company, support the stealing of parental rights by the state of California via Senator Richard Pan?
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Like a prize fighter intent on pleasing his sponsors, California State Senator and Medical Doctor, Richard Pan is back to his parental-rights-stealing-ways.
Talk about Deja-Vu!
As if 2015’s Senate Bill 277; the stealing of parental rights for the right of pharmaceutical companies to forcibly inject poison into innocent school children (vaccinations), in exchange for Pharmaceutical Money and Vacations wasn’t enough; Senator Pan has set his sights on the State Ownership of ALL of California’s Children. Anyone noticing a theme here?
Introduced by Senator Pan on December 5, 2016, this is where Senate Bill 18 comes into play.
While the title of the bill seems innocuous, “Bill of Rights for Children and Youth in California,”this bill expands the California Bureaucracy’s endless control over your child.
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OK, in the interest that Tim Bolen doesn’t tell anymore “Trophy Wife” stories, even though that story was completely adorable and Jan has to put up with so much; I decided that I needed to write another article that is pertinent to defeating forced vaccination mandates.
In local California political races, there are two great candidates that need our support.
I first met Fullerton City Council candidate, Joe Imbriano, when we connected through the AWAKE California facebook page. In the very early stages of senate bill 277, we spoke on the phone a few times. Our discussions were about stopping this terrible infringement on parental rights and the horrible consequences of forced vaccinations.
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While the people of California have some challenging times ahead of them in the fight for health freedom, there are folks that are gathering and willing to work together with TRANSPARENCY and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
55.000 Member Texas Health Freedom Coalition Guides Texas State legislation and more…
(1) The meeting was significant in a number of ways. First, the participants agreed to cooperate under the umbrella of the newly formed Texas Health Freedom Coalition (THFC).
The rationale was that a large umbrella organization acting cooperatively would be more influential, by virtue of their greater numbers, at the state legislature than a number of smaller groups, and simultaneously would be less vulnerable to attacks by the trade union organizations seeking to monopolize various segments of the health care field.
(2) Second, since the THFC would be the actor of record, the credit for victories and advances would be shared among the groups as a coalition. Each group would play its own meaningful role, and it was agreed that no single group would claim primary credit. As Radhia so aptly stated, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
(3) Third, our interactions among the groups would be transparent. While each group would, of course, continue to operate within their own governing structure, their THFC-related activities and decisions would be visible to all. No behind-the-scenes jockeying for advantage, no intramural squabbles, and no ego trips.
(4) Fourth, the groups agreed to work together on issues of common interest, with no public criticism of another group’s individual organizational agendas. Those common interest items were two: advancing health freedom of choice legislation in Texas and opposing the Texas dietitians who, as it turned out, had betrayed the clinical nutritionists and were now pursuing exclusionary licensing legislation benefiting only themselves.
Additionally, every one of the Texas leaders attending that meeting did so in their collective capacity as volunteers. There were no professional state level organizational leaders, which meant that no one had an overriding personal (i.e., economic) agenda.
The final agenda item was the selection of the THFC chair. To my surprise, I was asked to fill that position. In hindsight, it made sense. The combination of my military/organizational background and the equally important fact that I represented no organization other than one advocating strictly for health freedom meant that I could assume the role of honest broker, should any intramural disputes arise.
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You are allowing your city to be sprayed with pesticides to kill mosquitoes cause they carry a virus that has never been proven to be the cause of microcephaly in Brazil?
You know what is going to happen?
Cases of microcephaly are going to happen and health authorities will say, “See… Zika is in New York and Zika causes microcephaly.” Then they will spray you more and there will be even more microcephaly.
Two larvicides, Altosid and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI), are being sprayed in NYC to kill mosquitoes suspected of carrying the Zika virus, which the CDC has confirmed (without evidence) causes microcephaly.
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Anne Dachel, author of The Big Autism Cover-Up, wanted the public to know what the reviewers from the New York Times and other controlled main stream outlets were really saying in their lame reviews of Dr. Wakefield’s film.
So, she has translated their double-speak into clear unambiguous English:
We’ve been helping to cover up the link between an unsafe, unchecked vaccine schedule and autism for so long, we can’t suddenly start to legitimately report on this topic.
We’re so dependent on advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical industry that we won’t say anything that could jeopardize that income.
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CBS has a well deserved BAD reputation among News journalists. It’s a fact one considers when dealing with them. Yet, I wasn’t a bit hesitant to let them into Jim Shortt’s story – for good reason – the old adage “There’s no such thing as bad press.”
There’s a war going on in North America between the forces of “Health” and “Medicine.” “Health” is winning, not because it has more money and power, but because the people of North America, and the world, have found out that there is a definite difference between the two – and that it is better to be healthy than medicated.
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“60 Minutes” Producer Andy Court believes, strongly, that the piece on Alternative Medicine practitioner Jim Shortt that ran Wednesday January 12th, 2005 was“fair and balanced.” He called me, and told me so.
But from the phone calls, and e-mails, I’m getting, much of the real world doesn’t agree with him. They say it was a typical CBS – Dan Rather, “make up the news as you go along” report. Something CBS is publicly known for.
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Big Pharma’s “quackbuster,” operation went into overdrive a few months ago trying to find a story, any story, to take the heat off Merck’s mass murder of over 55,000 Americans with their deadly “Vioxx” product. Merck had been caught spending over 500 million dollars to mass market Vioxx after they were well aware, and took steps to cover up, Vioxx’s deadly characteristics.
As yet, no arrests have been made of the Merck executives involved – or of the US Food & Drug (FDA) agents involved in the cover-up.
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Wisconsin has, for the last several years, been a “showdown” between the waning quackbuster forces and the emerging, and awakening, North American Health Freedom Movement. To some, the problems in Wisconsin represent a microcosm of the whole health situation on the North American continent. To me, the study of how the quackbusters entrenched themselves in Wisconsin, brought out valuable, and usable, information on how to beat the quackbusters – everywhere.
Recently, purely by accident, in Wisconsin, we discovered another important aspect of the suppression of cutting-edge health care – the health insurance industry. Oh, we knew the health insurance industry doesn’t want to pay for new things, but we never knew, or understood, the extent they’d go to to damage a provider of cutting-edge health care. Below, you’ll read about how we found out. You’ll also read what the health insurance people did to a health practitioner who found a way to demand payment using the US Government. Continue reading Wisconsin is the “Test Case…”
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A Guest Editorial by Joel M. Kauffman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
By now you must believe you have heard every possible objection and outrage to the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit plan of 2003 that is now law. The loudest screams are opposites: that there are gaps in the benefit, the “doughnut hole”, which should be plugged, and the maximum benefit should be set higher, meaning that it ought to cost us taxpayers more. Others cry that drugs cost too much, that the plan is a drug company subsidy, so costs should be forced down because drugs are in the same class as a public utility. The drug companies object that this will stifle all innovation. Continue reading Prescription Drug Benefit Under Medicare…
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I have a jaundiced view of the media, especially national media. I wrote about this a few months ago in article called “Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…”
So when members of the Wisconsin Association for Health Freedom (WAHF) thought about approaching CBS affiliate Channel 3’s “I-Team” in Madison about the quackbuster onslaught in their State, I was supportive, but not real enthusiastic. To me, TV has a fleeting sense, and doesn’t take the time to examine an issue, unless there’s a lot of blood, a car chase, bare skin, or inter-marriage between species. There is also that segment of the media who likes “shock” and has no compunctions about charging into your life with a camera, and making you look as bad as possible for their audience. Continue reading In Wisconsin: The Exception Proves the Rule…
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I have to hand it to CBS. They were able to capture, on Television, the true ESSENCE of quackbusterism, it’s REAL meaning, and the TRUTH of quackbuster existence.
In the second day of their special investigative report, CBS played the tape of little Bobbie Baratz, The PRESIDENT of the not-so-illustrious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) crying his heart out, sniveling, and sniffling his way through testimony (and life). Thank God we had the presence of mind to tape the TV show, for the laughter was SO contagious while viewing the show, it had to be replayed several times on VHS to get the full flavor of the event. Continue reading CBS Airs “Sniveling Quackbuster” Expose’…
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Who says the national media isn’t interested in the attack on Alternative Medicine? If it was YOU, don’t say it any more, because it just happened in Madison, Wisconsin. And, it wasn’t that hard to accomplish.
I intentionally forgot to mention, in my articles about the War in Wisconsin, that CBS television was filming our every move in Madison, Wisconsin’s capitol. I also neglected to mention that CBS was traveling around the State, interviewing top AltMed leaders on camera.
Of course, I kept it to myself that CBS was carefully directed to take a HARD look at the Quackbuster operation nationwide, including the dubious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), the questionable website, and their relationship with two card-carrying quackbuster members employed as Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutors, Arthur Thexton, and James Polewski.
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One of the questions I most often get asked is one version, or another, of the plea “How does a loser like Stephen Barrett, and his dubious website (, get quoted in the media, so often?”
That question is definitely on the minds of thinkers in the North American Health Freedom Movement. After all, it just doesn’t make any sense for American media to offer the blatherings of a failed MD, operating out of his basement, as legitimate comment on the American health scene. Continue reading Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…
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