When I was younger I wrote a great deal about politics and many thought I’d eventually run for office. I mean, isn’t that the eventual goal of everybody who writes about politics? It’s just the platform they’re using to get to the next step?
But my college roommate had a different take. He said, “Kent, you’re doing just what you want to do, writing about what you think is important. There is no next step for you.”
So there you have it.
For the last fifteen years I’ve been consumed with autism, the corrupt vaccine schedule, and the political patterns which have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked in our world.
Yes, I will use the word, holocaust.
Let me say it clearly: Both democratic and republican politicians have allowed this holocaust to rage unchecked. Republicans may be salvageable at this point. Democrats have embraced lunacy and nothing short of an intervention will save them.
From my knowledge of history I can tell you that I could have easily been an FDR democrat, a Harry Truman democrat, a John F. Kennedy democrat, and although it may come as a shock to some, I voted for Bill Clinton twice, and was happy to do it. (You see, no political party really wants me, because I’m not anybody’s ‘reliable’ vote.)
Aside from his significant personal failings, Bill Clinton is the model democrats should be following in the wake of the Trump victory, but probably will not. Politics is the art of persuasion, not shouting down those who disagree with you. It also helps if you understand the weaknesses of your own arguments and the strengths of your opponents arguments.
After the democrats had lost five out of the last six presidential elections (Nixon, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Reagan, Bush), Clinton founded the Southern Democratic Leadership Council. The goal was to figure out why democrats kept losing. There were strategies that democrats could embrace that allowed them to win and he wanted to find them.
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I’ve spent fifteen years as an autism activist and probably written close to a million words on the subject. This may be the most important topic I’ve ever written about.
I’ve put together a petition on the White House web-site for them to talk to the scientist I believe may have the best guess on how to end the autism epidemic, Dr. Robert Naviaux of the University of California, San Diego.
I assembled all the arguments I thought would conceivably convince 100,000 people to sign the petition in a month, then went to the web-site to type it all in. I could only use eight hundred characters. Not eight hundred words. Eight hundred characters! That’s just a few paragraphs.
I have a very brief explanation of why people should sign the petition, but to me it’s not complete. If you already feel fully informed on this issue, please feel free to go to the bottom of this article, click on the link, and sign the petition. (And thank you!)
IF you need a little more information, please keep reading.
Suramin is a medication developed more than a century ago to treat African Sleeping Sickness, a disease caused by a parasite. The medication was used SAFELY for more than seventy-five years and was very effective.
In the 1980s suramin was used by researchers investigating treatments for cancer and HIV-AIDS. These high dosages caused significant toxicity and death.
In 2008, Dr. Naviaux became interested in the question of autism and a possible etiology. He thought that a common process known to biologists as the CELL DANGER RESPONSE might be at the root of autism, as well as many other chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Naviaux’s cell danger theory of autism proposes that when cells encounter some chemical, virus, or micro-organism that they can’t identify, (immature immune system or novel substance) they may respond by shutting down communication with other cells, prompting a decrease in energy produced by the mitochondria. If this cell danger response becomes stuck, then a chronic disease state may persist.
The persistence of this cell danger response has been quantified by Naviaux through the use of a mass spectrometer to identify the unique pattern of metabolites (cellular signaling molecules.) He identified and published on this pattern in autism and has also published SEPARATELY on a unique pattern of metabolites in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
Naviaux identified a previously approved medication, suramin, which would quiet the cell danger response. It is called anti-purinergic therapy.
Naviaux then proceeded to perform three animal studies demonstrating that suramin could at least temporarily normalize this cellular communication and the animals would demonstrate behavioral changes.
The first group Naviaux used were mice who had autism induced through ‘maternal immune activation’, a commonly accepted proxy for autism. (Antipurinergic Therapy Corrects the Autism-Like Features in the Poly (IC) Mouse Model, PLoSOne, 2014)
The second group was mice who had autism induced in a similar manner, but were the human age equivalent of thirty years old. (Reversal of Autism-Like Behaviors and Metabolism in Adult Mice with Single-Dose Anti-Purinergic Therapy, Translational Psychiatry, 2014)
The third group was genetically designed to have Fragile X syndrome, often called ‘genetic autism.’ (Antipurinergic Therapy Corrects the Autism-Like features in the Fragile X (Fmr1 knoclout) Mouse Model, Molecular Autism, 2015.)
All three groups showed normalization of their metabolites and signs of behavioral changes.
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Very early in life I realized the value of studying the history of things. In the 1980s, when I was so ill with mercury poisoning, mostly from my dental fillings on top of earlier vaccine injury, fate introduced me to Harris Coulter, PhD, who is considered one of the great historians specializing in the evolution of Western medicine from ancient times to the present day. I am blessed with having known him and I want to bring the work he has done related to the dangers of vaccinations to a new audience.
Harris Coulter, PhD
Dr. Coulter is considered a major expert on the subject of vaccines having written three books on the subject. He co-wrote, with Barbara Loe Fisher, DPT – A Shot in the Dark. This book was the first book published about the problems with vaccines and was published prior to the passage of National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law in 1986. The vaccine court that was created by the law was supposed to compensate victims of vaccine damage and let the drug industry off the hook.
A point to ponder, when DPT A Shot in the Dark was published in 1985, on the eve of the passage of the National Childhood Vaccination Compensation Law, Dr. Coulter and Fisher estimated that at least 1000 babies died and 12,000 were damaged per year just by the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) shot.
Fisher went on to found the National Vaccine Information Center which is the principle consumer watchdog group regarding the dangers of vaccines. According to her now:
The $3.6 billion dollars in federal vaccine injury compensation that has been awarded to more than 5,000 vaccine victims since 1988 doesn’t begin to pay for the damage done, not when two out of three claims are denied, 50 and not when drug companies have no incentive to make vaccines less harmful because all Americans are legally required to purchase and use their liability free vaccine products.
Every promise that Congress made to parents in 1986 was a lie. And 30 years is long enough for parents to wait for that failed experiment in tort reform to work.
Meanwhile, Dr. Coulter testified at various hearings in Washington since then and he was also the one who made the connection that it was the Thimerisol (mercury) in the vaccines that was the cause of autism.
In 1990, Dr. Coulter published his book, Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality – The Medical Assault on the American Brain. The great thing about studying the history of something is that history is clear cut. Either it happened or it didn’t and usually the stuff you find out is a matter of public record not as likely to be altered in later publications for political purposes as we have found is the case with current corrupt scientific studies about vaccines. Better yet, with the distance of time, one can see patterns emerge that give clarity to events, which, at the time, made no sense.
With President Trump’s directive to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to get to the bottom of all the vaccine science corruption, Dr. Coulter’s work in this particular book is critically important because it traces the decline in brain function (like IQ, ability to study, make reasoned decisions and take aptitude tests) of several generations of children thanks to the damage done by America’s ever-growing vaccine schedule. It also traces the dramatic rise in the crime rate during the same period of time. These trends are alarming, particularly because this book came out before so many vaccines were added to the schedule in the 1990s and beyond.
In the simplest terms, by tracing trends in crime, behavior and intellectual performance, Dr. Coulter provides a frightening future for American civilization if all our vaccination policy is doing is creating more and more dysfunctional people.
An Overview Of Escalating Mental Disorders…
Back in the 1980s, the American Psychiatric Association, in its official guide to mental illnesses in the US, devoted 70 pages to “Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence”. Dr. Coulter pointed out that in an earlier edition published in 1968, only had 3 1/2 pages and the first edition, published in 1952, did not mention them at all.
Encephalitis is the culprit…
On page xiv, Dr. Coulter stated:
The following pages show that “developmental disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the United States and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program.
To be specific, a large portion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed entity called “developmental disabilities,” owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
The so-called “sociopathic personality,” which is at the root of the enormous increase in crime of the past two decades, is also largely rooted in vaccine damage.
Thus the nation’s vaccination program has served to undermine the Americanschool system–which is in collapse through inability to cope with the one-fifth or one-quarter of students who will never be able either to read or to perform simple arithmetical calculations.
And it has contributed to the wave of violent crime which is turning our cities into jungles where the strong and the vicious prey upon the weak and unprotected.
The effects of vaccination have altered the very tone and atmosphere of modern society. Because the changes are so insidious and widespread, and because we lack perspective, they have been largely overlooked. It is not easy to discern the outlines of the incubus which the vaccination program as loosed upon us.
Every day this program continues, hundreds of normal healthy babies are turned into defective goods: mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning-disabled, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents, and career criminals.
Why Johnny Can’t Read Or Do Much Else, Either…
Dr. Coulter reported that, in 1963, the U.S. Health Service listed nearly 100 signs and symptoms associated with hyperactivity and changed the name to “minimal brain dysfunction.” It is also called “minimum brain damage.” (MBD) By the 1970s, minimal brain damage was a major challenge to the American school system, as well as the most common diagnosis at child guidance clinics and the most time consuming problem to child psychiatry as well.
By the time 1984 rolled around, 13% of the children in some school districts were in special education classes, a figure that some believed were significantly under detected.
Minimally Brain Damaged children also have a high incidence of seizure disorders: epilepsy, tics, tremors, choreiform (twisting) movements, facial grimaces, infantile spasms, and others. Those with minimal MBD are disproportionately left-handed or ambidextrous also known as “poorly defined unilateral dominance”. A 1987 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 16 percent of Americans under 30 were left handed or ambidextrous while only 12 percent of people over 60 were. Another poll found that 13 percent of 20 year olds were left handed compared to 5 percent of those over 50.
Dr. Coulter noted that since 1945, an epidemic of vaccine-induced sub-clinical encephalitis actually generated a disproportionate incidence of left-handedness and ambidexterity in the under-forty or under-thirty age groups.
Among the other characteristics of dyslexia include the inability to perform arithmetic or spell words. Some dyslexics are unable to write cursively and can only print. Delayed speech and other language issues are also common along with memory issues including inability to retain certain kinds of information.
Tracking of IQ test scores and Scholastic Aptitude Tests have seen a steady decline as well. SAT verbal scores dropped from 478 in 1963 to 424 in 1980 while math scores went from 502 to 466. By the time Dr. Coulter published this book in 1990, these scores were the lowest they’d been in the 66 year history of the tests. It’s important to note the IQ test scores have become easier so this decline is even more alarming. Similar declines were found in the American College Testing (ACT) Program.
Just so you know, in 1977, a Blue Ribbon Panel was convened in an effort to figure out why IQs were dropping so rapidly. They examined 79 hypotheses none of which panned out.
Because vaccinations are such a sacred cow, no one discussed the possibility that all this mental decline was a sign of vaccine damage. Now, 40 years later, doctors and scientists who question virtues of vaccines are automatically condemned.
Violent Crime And General Criminal Behavior On The Rise…
With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963, Dr. Coulter pointed out this was the beginning of a more violent America. A point to note, Oswald was both a dyslexic and otherwise neurologically defective.
The murder rate doubled between 1960 and 1980 from four to eight per 100,000. The largest increase occurred between 1960 and 1970 and by 1990, murder was the leading cause of death for black males aged 15 to 34. Assaults were estimated to be more than 100 per each case of murder or as much as 2,500,000. The total actually reported in 1980, for people over the age of 12 was 1,600,000.
FBI statistics showed a fifty percent increase in crimes of all categories.
Dr. Coulter pointed out (p.254):
The pertussis vaccination program was only sporadic in the 1920s and 1930s, becoming widespread during and after World War II. The appearance of autism and learning disabilities reflects the concomitant growth of this vaccination program.
Autism is diagnosed in the first years of life; so vaccinations yielded the first autistics in the early 1940s. Learning disabilities emerged eight or ten years later, when the children of this same generation were seen to have chronic difficulties in school. The learning-disabled children of the early 1950s were the brothers and sisters of the autistics of the early 1940s.
But these children, of course, kept growing into adolescence and adulthood. The generation born in 1945, and thus exposed for the first time to widespread vaccination, came of age in 1963.
Brain Damage Behavior That First Showed Up In The Radical 1960s..
(P.254) Any analysis of the 1960s radicalism at once discloses the themes which have already figured in our discussion of the sociopaths, post-encephalitic syndrome. For example, “Roots of Radicalism”, by Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter, touches upon: ego weakness, feelings of worthlessness, childish egotism, impulsive violence, impatience, narcissism, the need to be in control. megalomania, alienation, lack of meaning, rage, paranoia, ambivalent hostility to authority, unfocussed aggression, the search for experience and sensation, inability to form intimate relations combined with sexual licentiousness, anxiety, depression, pyromania (“Burn, baby burn!!), sociopathy, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
Explaining The Vaccine Crisis In Ordinary People Terms…
Dr. Coulter, in the role of statistician, collected an array of data, only some of which I have provided here, which shows just how destructive vaccinations can be in destroying the ability for someone to function normally.
Just so you know, it was only after I read this book years ago that I realized that my various learning difficulties had a name…..dyslexia. As a first grader, my parents were told I was retarded but, since I was basically very alert, my parents didn’t buy that diagnosis and did a wonderful job of raising me with a very enriched and ego-supported childhood all the while I was suffering my way through public school. No one had any idea that my left handedness (also ambidextrous skills), my inability to write legibly, my inability to do arithmetic, my memory problems, and my inability to read with any proficiency were all clues to a pattern of brain damage.
The prep school I was sent to in the 8th grade was an unique place because they thought all children had special needs and in that way, the faculty had no difficulty shoring up my weaknesses at the same time encouraging my strengths to soar. I had no difficulty getting into several excellent colleges. It wasn’t until a year or so ago, I took what is called the ANAM test that I was reminded I am one the millions of walking wounded, robbed of a fully-functioning brain and not counted in any statistic.
The ANAM test, developed here in Oklahoma to test brain function, was available to me when I was helping out at thePatriot Clinics projectI wrote about in an earlier article. The clinic specialized in healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBI is not just a whack in the head or a sudden change in air pressure, it can also be caused by toxicities of all kinds. The test is a computerized test where you look at a screen on the PC, then go to the next screen and answer questions related to the contents of the previous screen. I FLUNKED royally as did a surprising number of others who were volunteering at the clinic. I was consistently unable to recall most of what was on that earlier screen.
What piqued my interest in re-reading Dr. Coulter’s book was the knowledge that when a person has PTSD or TBI, they can be helped through hyperbaric oxygen treatments and various detox methods. As a victim of major mercury poisoning, thanks to my dental amalgam fillings, I also know that detox is possible and over time, one can potentially clean up the whole mess. Also, mostly unstudied by scientists, academics or statisticians, are the millions of us in the health freedom movement who have been living out our lives trying everything we can find at the health food store to help us sharpen our brain power. We are people with Minimal Brain Damage only nobody bothered to tell us we had it.
Also in our great debate over the issue of vaccines and autism, we are ignoring millions of others in the health freedom movement who have other diagnoses, or no disease name at all, for their ailments, that should also be included in the vaccine victims list. Continue reading Millennials Are Vaccine Brain-Damaged – We Can Help…
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“Note from Tim Bolen – The North American Health Freedom Movement has been around forever. When it takes on a battle it wins every time. Tedd Koren DC is one of the senior members of the movement now. Read his bio linked below, and see why…”
OK, I admit it, I kicked a beehive, or perhaps a hornet’s nest.
I commented in a public discussion group about childhood vaccination. A mother wrote asking for advice (“is my kid in danger if she sits next to a non-vaccinated child?”) and about 20 MDs (med heads) wrote with the usual party-line pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo foolishness. From their comments, it appears that there is not an IQ over their hat size in the bunch.
I felt compelled to answer (below). Let me know what you think of it.
There is scientific controversy as to whether vaccines provide any benefit at all.
The current medical school of thought believes that the injection of vaccine ingredients makes children healthier by preventing disease symptoms from appearing.
However according to the classical hygienic school of health (which is based on experience rather than belief), the symptoms we associate with diseases are not the diseases – they are the mechanisms by which the body externalizes (gets rid of) toxins (or “disease”). As Hippocrates (The “Father of Medicine”) famously said, “We call them diseases but they are the cure of diseases.”
From that perspective vaccines do not prevent disease – rather vaccines cause illness.
Childhood vaccination is an 18th century medical procedure that injects toxins such as bacteria, viri, and various drugs, and synthetic (unnatural) chemicals deep into a child’s body. This is a bizarre procedure that drives these substances so deep that the child is unable to externalize the poisons (i.e. have symptoms). The child becomes sick on a very deep level and as a result is more likely to be weaker, less healthy and more prone to chronic (lifelong) diseases.
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Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We are living in interesting times…
On the one hand we have the globalists and their activation of the “Agenda 21” program, in essence, trying to make America into a Third World Country, reducing Planet Earth’s population with some crazy, half-baked notion of super-environmentalism and super-vaccinating our young people making them into confused sex, mini-zombies who cannot function outside of their parent’s homes. Pure EVIL…
On the other hand we have the massive group known as the anti-vaxxers, caring people who have figured out what the Obama/Hillary life-scum were actually up to, and decided to back a Populist candidate, Donald Trump, for the Presidency of the United States – and won. GOOD personified…
The “globalists” HATE Trump. In fact they HATE everyone. They make lists of EVERYONE they HATE. If you are a black, or white, yellow, blue, heterosexual that has a Judeo/Christian upbringing you are on that list – and they want you unemployed, separated from you family, and ultra-vaccinated so you can’t make your mind work. They want control of your children, of course. And they don’t know why you would object to them having sex with your children – to them, they are entitled…
It is a True Battle Between Good and Evil…
Liberal Democrats today, in the United States, as a group, are LITERALLY human slime. The filth of the filth – and I don’t know why we treat them nicely sometimes. They want the death, and destruction, of the United States of America. They do not hide that fact at all…
In California, it was the liberal Democrats who passed the Mandatory Vaccine Bill – SB 277. Republicans voted against it. Across the country 99.9% of the time it was a Liberal Democrat who tried to get similar legislation passed in other States – but, except for California, we were able to stop them each time.
Don’t forget that the California liberal Democrats legalized childhood prostitution, and tried to take ALL children away from parents (SB18) and turn over control to a homosexual run non-profit organization connected to Hillary Clinton.
It is not a coincidence that the same people, liberal Democrats, who want EVERYONE SUPER-VACCINATED, want all of America’s population unemployed, without roads, utilities and hope – it is what the liberal Democrats are all about. In fact, it is ALL they are about. We saw all of this unfolding in Montana and Wyoming – and we stopped it dead. The liberal Democrats there were trying to shut down the economies of BOTH States.
In California, it was obvious, that Obama was trying to destroy, with his ObamaDust program, completely, California’s food growing industry with a FAKE eight-year drought. Trump cancelled the FAKE drought, made it rain restoring the industry, and it is still raining like it did before Obama.
I could write ten pages on what the sleazy liberal Democrats did to the American MidWest.
Trump’s Revision of US Health Care…
Donald has four thousand (4,000) presidential appointments to make, only a thousand (1,000) of which need to be approved by Congress. The liberal Democrats SHREIK at every one – and well they should – for their Party is Over… The Trump Team is proceeding methodically, taking control of certain infrastructures first, getting rid of toxic, sick-brained, destroy-America-from-within, Obama-ites where they find them – first in the Military, Intelligence, Homeland Security, the Veteran’s Administration, and the cabinet positions. One government agency after another.
I am VERY pleased with how and where the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is heading…
There are going to be major changes in US Health Care – and it is time. We are going to end up with a system that actually works – and it is NOT going to be a Single-Payer (Socialist/Communist) one-size-fits-all, vaccinate-the-shit-out-of-everybody, psuedo-health care system like the one Commie-Bama initiated. Unlike ObamaCare, the new plan will be read, and understood, by everyone BEFORE Congress passes it.
Before we do that we are just going to let Commie-Bama’s ObamaCare self-destruct.
And of course it will. We the people simply are NOT going to pay for sex-change operations every three months when the over-vaccinated millennials feel the need – after drinking too much Starbucks coffee.
I have to admit that it is GREAT FUN watching the lib-Dem screech-whiners on national TV as they watch their whole socialist collective house of cards fall down and blow away.
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Folks, we here at Bolen Report are in the front lines of what we all know is a civil war.
A legally-elected president is under siege 24/7 being accused of all manner of criminal activity with hints of mental illness thrown in. Every day we see demonstrations in the streets and on our college campuses against anyone who speaks conservative values and most recently there were protesters in front of the FCC demanding that DrudgeReport and Alex Jones be banned from the internet. Who knows. We might be next.
If you think this constant assault on President Trump and the American values he is espousing is wrong, please contact your elected officials and let them know what you think and let them know you expect them to support Trump in his efforts to clean out the swamp even if they are Democrats…….
Trump’s Biggest Problem – How To End The Drug Industry’s Control Of The Media
In regards censoring critical information about America’s most serious health crisis, at the recent Revolution For Truth Rally in Washington about the problems with vaccines, this is what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., told rally attendees about media censorship:
“I talked to Roger Ailes, who I have know since I was 17 years old, he’s very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts. I said to him, “I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.” He said to me, “I can’t allow you on any of them. I’d have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station.” Because, he said, “My news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. If Big Pharma uses the power of its advertising dollars to dictate what is and is not said about vaccines, it stands to reason that it can dictate the content of the rest of the news as well.
The US is only one of two countries (New Zealand is the other) that allows advertizing of drugs directly to the public. The justification is so that consumers can be “educated” in the proper use of these products. Yeah. Sure. Who reads the 4 point type on the magazine page across from the glossy ad, or can understand the TV voiceover that is speaking in triple time telling you if you take this stuff, you’ll die.
The REAL reason drug ads are legal is so they can control the content of what goes out in print or on the airwaves including directing the propaganda slant on sitcoms, talk shows, late night comedy and drama shows.
I say drug ads should go the way of tobacco and hard liquor ads. The question is, do the DC swamp dwellers have the backbone to ban them.
Trump has committed a mortal sin against Big Pharma. Eager to help Autism Speaks raise money for the cause by allowing them to use his beloved Mar-a-Largo for a fundraising event, he spoke publicly as far back as 2007 that he thought vaccines were the cause of autism and chided those who refused to consider that possibility.
To Big Pharma, the idea that as president, Trump could (and now is) putting the full weight of that office behind a complete investigation of the vaccine industry, is unthinkable.
By 2021, financial experts estimate the annual business to be worth $43.03 billion a year. Based on what we already know, and what our colleague here at BolenReport, Kent Heckenlively, has already written about in his book Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism, the likelihood is that all the fraud, deliberate manipulation of scientific studies, destruction of evidence (government records), conspiracy to suppress critical information, not to mention providing false testimony, the vaccine industry will likely take a very big hit if not be destroyed altogether.
By all the revelations already coming out, unreported by the press, some executives, scientists and government officials might even be subject to being tried for committing crimes against humanity, the subject of two articles here and here on BolenReport.
Thanks to this ongoing embargo on information, discussing anything that Trump is doing to clean up the swamp is nowhere to be found on Main Stream Media (MSM).
Trump Officially Ends “Political Correctness” As A Government Policy…
The media has also partnered with others who don’t want Trump to succeed by taking direction from social agitators aka Community Organizers. In an earlier article, I wrote about the history of Political Correctness and explained how it was developed in the 1920s as a Marxist/Socialist tool to intimidate people into silence at the same time turning basic cultural norms of all kinds upside down. In an internet website called The Obamafile, a group of researchers provided a summary, with examples, of just how bizarre some of these mind-manipulating “facts” are.
There, our Founding Fathers are deemed nothing more than“sexist, slave-owning, 18th century white men in wigs and breeches” presumably with nothing important to contribute to society.
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Folks, one of my big gripes about talking about health care reform is that nobody really knows much beyond their small area of interest.
These days, it pretty much boils down to “How much will I have to pay?”“I have a preexisting condition. Will it still be covered?” “Can I keep the doctors I like?” Me, I don’t use the allopathic health care system because what they offer is of no help to me. I go to the alternative. It’s much cheaper, safer and more effective.
Almost nobody knows much about how the system got into such a costly, bureaucratic and ineffective mess. For me, as an historian specializing on the politics of natural healing arts, I think it is very important for people to know what happened so we can see what Trump will have to do to fix it.
Just so you know….
Two landmarks related to how things are paid for are……
TheNew Deal – which introduced third party payment schemes that your employer buys for you and calls health “insurance”….
TheGreat Society – and the intrusion of government into deciding all aspects of what products and services you are allowed to have and how much they’d cost. As for who really runs the system – BIG PHARMA!
If you’ll hang in here with me,
I’d like to give you the Cliff Notes version of how we got from a free-market (read affordable), state-of-the-art medical system in Colonial America to the over-priced, chemical-dependent monopoly and rationed care system we now have. Then I’d like to speculate as to what will happen when Trump’s ideas become a reality.
What Our Founding Fathers Had In Mind…
In Colonial Times, most people were treated at home and thanks to the efforts of Benjamin Franklin, thefirst hospital was built in Philadelphia to take care of the poor. Historian Daniel Boorstin said that the mortality rate at this hospital was half the rate of any hospital in Europe. Thomas Jefferson said that the natural health care we offered here in the states was superior to medicine in Europe. Until after WWII, most hospitals were run by religious groups or by local communities.
Until the end of WWII, the American health care system was a free market affair where patients had complete control of who they did business with and how much they paid for services.
Yes, plenty of chickens and various other goods and services often paid the bill. Charities helped the poor. In fact, until the turn of the 20th Century, there were no monopoly regulations to restrict who actually practiced medicine. Most practices were botanical in nature and in this free market for health care, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Eclectic Medicine, Thomsonian Medicine and other new, creative systems of healing emerged to meet market demand.
Allopathy, which is the kind the AMA doctors practice, was either avoided, or shunned altogether, by members of many religious sects such as Christian Science, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Church of the First Born, Seventh Day Adventists etc., in favor of prayer, diet and more natural means, as spelled out in the bible.
Allopaths were still stuck with bloodletting and use of toxic medications such as arsenic and strychnine.
A high dose of mercury was considered the magic bullet for everything. All these treatments were miserable to endure, destroyed health and also often led to a premature death. These treatments were based on a medical philosophy called humorism that dated back to ancient Greece.
Homeopaths started coming to America in 1825 and presented the Allopathic community with particular difficulties. Homeopaths were educated people who practiced a medical system totally alien to Allopathy. Their success with epidemic diseases was one of several reasons they became a real challenge to members of the AMA. Based on actual public death records of epidemics, it was obvious Allopaths hadn’t a clue how to nurse people back to health, much less help patients avoid illness in the first place.
Forced Schooling to Condition People to Accept Government Authority —
You might wonder why I’m suddenly talking about public schools in the middle of an article about health care. Stay with me, folks. You’ll see the connection in a minute.
In the early 1800s, Prussia and surrounding German states were going through big changes. First, Prussia suffered a major defeat in the Napoleonic Wars that led to the idea they needed to raise a well-organized army. To do that, they decided they needed to establish a compulsory school system to create obedient soldiers.
Since Prussia and much of Europe were already in the throes of experiencing the Industrial Age, the Prussian school model’s goals, as described by school historian, John Taylor Gatto, were to train: 1) Obedient soldiers to the army; 2) Obedient workers for mines, factories, and farms; 3) Well-subordinated civil servants, trained in their function; 4) Well-subordinated clerks for industry; 5) Citizens who thought alike on most issues; 6) National uniformity in thought, word, and deed.
These goals, of course, were opposite from the way Americans thought, and forcing public schooling on a population that was already extremely literate by their own initiative, was unnecessary, except for the fact the powers that be wanted to create a conformist society here in America. Marx once said, ” The first battlefield is the rewriting of history.” Forced schooling was established before the turn of the 20th Century here in America.
Teaching Civics was dropped from the national curricula.
Hmmm… no teaching about the history of how we were endowed by our Creator to be able to run our own lives and/or how government is supposed to protect our liberties and the Constitution clearly defines the limits of government power…..????
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Should Homeland Security, and the US Military, be grabbing them off the streets, and jamming them into Guantanamo?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
We all know that the US media, called “Mainstream Media” takes its marching orders from Big Pharma. That fact isn’t hidden. The enemy of the people of the United States of America is Big Pharma.
Big Pharma is at war with the duly elected government of the United States and seeks to overthrow the Trump administration so as to KEEP control of the US Health Care system, focusing it, and all of the money generated, on drugs, drugs, and more drugs.
Mainstream Media kneels in Big Pharma’s presence, competing, as it were for favor – in terms of more Pharma advertising dollars.
We are not going to be able to revise US Health Care until we shut down Big Pharma’s influence. Trump’s plan, the one where he revises the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc., by shutting down Big Pharma’s direct influence on the federal process – eliminating those agency’s usage as a tool to protect Big Pharma from smaller competitors, is going to change the entire US Health Care game.
But, as we see, Big Pharma, has its cash tentacles right into the media, calling the shots, as-it-were, every minute of every day, attacking our duly elected President, in every way possible, so as to shut down the government of the United States.
And THAT is Treason….
It is time that “We the People” did something about that…
Can we? Oh yeah – we have the tools, and we should start using them right now.
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The Anti-Vax Community Had Reservations About Scott – But I Knew Something Others Did Not…
And now that he has been APPROVED by Congress I am going to tell you what that is…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
US Health Care cannot be changed by just shifting HOW it’s paid for. We need to change WHAT we are paying for. A Big Pharma/vaccine dominated system is NOT in our best interests.
Americans, under ObamaCare, are/were paying for a system that offered junk health care at a high price. But, we are fixing THAT right now.
We are heading for a much better “Patient Centered“ system – and here at the BolenReport, we will tell you where it is going to end up.
To get there we have to remove Big Pharma’s influence over our “Administrative Structure” – period. And that effort is turning out to be far easier than we thought.
You can hear the shrill screech/screaming from Big Pharma’s mainstream media toadies.
I, for one, want to turn up the heat. Scott Gottlieb’s approval for FDA head did just that. We are going to make Big Pharma into Little Pharma.
So, listen to this…
Scott Gottlieb is NOT Big Pharma’s friend. The story below will explain why Scott is/was THE LAST PERSON Pharma should want as FDA head – and why the cutting-edge, and anti-vax community DEFINITELY WANTED him. And now we have him in place.
For years, in my Crisis Management role, I attended cutting-edge health care conventions all over the United States. I spoke at many. During one of those experiences I ended up, at about 10:00PM, in a Seattle-area Hotel Bar with several Bio-Physicists, sharing our second pitcher of the local brewery’s Draft Beer. The conversations were getting much better, freer, so to speak, when another guy (also a Bio-Physicist) drifted in trailing his suitcase. He was a friend of the guy sitting across from me.
The new guy was offered a glass, but declined, saying he’d see us in the morning. But before he left he asked his sitting friend “Hey, the other day in the lab. How’d that come out?”
The sitting guy chuckled and said: “Three drops under your tongue and you’re ready to go…”
Do I have your attention yet?
Most people have never heard a story like this about health care – but it is all very true – and a complete nightmare for Big Pharma. And the FDA has been trying desperately, and not completely successfully, to keep the lid on this.
I told this story back on September 28th, 2005 on George Noory’s Coast-to-Coast radio show. So many people got on my website the next few days, my server was overloaded and shut down. I had close to nineteen thousand new subscribers sign up for my newsletter. The story included here was probably the primary reason for all of the attention.
“Three drops under your tongue and you’re ready to go…?”
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Greg, sometimes it takes a funny man to be the right kind of hero.
Think of all the action heroes we love from the movies, Iron Man, Indiana Jones, John McClain (Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies), or even my personal favorite, Daredevil.
You’ve got the humor. Now, do you have the kind of heart necessary for this fight? As Bill Nye might say (before he got old and creepy) “Consider the following!”
This is what Robert Kennedy, Jr. said at the Revolution for Truth Rally on March 31, 2017 in Washington, D.C.
Kennedy said,“The press has been compromised, 5.4 billion dollars annually [from the pharmaceutical industry]. I talked to Roger Ailes, who I’ve known since I was seventeen years old. He was very sympathetic with this issue. He saw the film, Trace Amounts. I said to him, ‘I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.’
He said to me, ‘I can’t allow you on any of them. I would have to fire any of my hosts who allowed you on my station. Because,’ he said, ‘my news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.’ And if you turn on the evening news, you will see it’s just a vehicle for selling pharmaceutical ads. So the press is gone.” (Kennedy speech at the Revolution for Truth Rally, Washington D.C., March 31, 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KEoMNxxJRc, 31:40-31:30)
Greg, you know that’s not journalism.
That’s corruption. That’s evil. That’s God, the devil and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. Just the kind of fight for a guy like you. Save the world, give us a funny one-liner, then head out to the bar for a beer. You’ve seen it a thousand times in the movies. You know what you’re supposed to do.
I say this as a friend. I have generally liked Fox News. I believe that no other network has been as fearless in taking on the liberal narrative of the mainstream media. I consider myself a libertarian. If it’s big, it’s probably bad. If force has to be used to get people to do something, it probably means their liberty is being taken away. Show me a big government, and I will tell you it’s probably corrupt. Show me a big company, and I will say the same. I strongly believe in the idea that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
If I have liked Fox News, I have LOVED your irreverent humor.
I must confess that when I watch your show, I often have fantasies of sitting with your fellow guests on the couch and when you get to me you say, “Kent Heckenlively, he’s so sharp that butcher knives live in fear of him!”
Like you, I don’t follow the pack. I was encouraged to read a statement from you recently in which you said,“I became a conservative by being around liberals and I became a libertarian by being around conservatives. You realize that there’s something distinctly in common between the two groups, the left and the right; the worst part of each of them is the moralizing.”
You will need such courage if you are to follow my advice.
But I think you are up to the challenge. You see, I think really funny people are usually the most courageous. Left to my own devices, and without an evil of unparalleled proportions bearing down on humanity, I’d probably strike most people as a lovable goof-ball like you.
However, given current conditions, I have no choice but to saddle up and go all Star-Lord like Chris Pratt in “Guardians of the Galaxy.”It’s just the way I’m wired.
You know Fox News is in a time of upheaval. Roger Ailes is gone and the Murdoch kids are trying to figure out what to do with you, as if you are an island of misfit toys. I don’t believe that the rule quoted by Robert Ailes to Kennedy is applicable to you.
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In Part 1 we saw how the science, and the people involved with developing vaccines, have been completely corrupted in order to support America’s mandatory vaccines policy – no matter what.
What we didn’t mention were two of the most influential medical associations that are primary promoters of mandatory vaccines for all children…no matter what! They should most certainly be included in the IG Farben-like cabal that has been created and enforce compulsory vaccines in America.
“Under new policy, the AMA will seek more stringent state immunization requirements to allow exemptions only for medical reasons,” the organization said in a press release.”
Similarly, the American Academy of Pediatrics, whose members make much of their living vaccinating children during their “well baby visits”, are in the front lines in the campaign to vaccinate all children in America.
These two groups, along with all the other organizations, civic groups included, not to mention members of the press who refuse to do their due diligence as watchdogs of our government, should all be considered part of the American IG Farben-like cabal of common interests.
After WWII, the people responsible for IG Farben’s group behavior were those who were put on trial at the Nazi War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg. The hideous nature of their crimes against humanity resulted in the creation of the Nuremberg Code.
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
Politics Make Strange Bedfellows…
For committed Anti-Trumpers, no matter what, this info is for you.
When you are active in politics, you quickly learn that the folks who are your bitterest enemies in some political fight this week may turn out to be your greatest allies in the next big fight. The issue of compulsory vaccinations is one of those fights.
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According to an article published April 17, 2017 in USA Today, titled “Cancer treatment hype gives false hope to many patients” conventional cancer treatment is really about the fact that “Of course there is plenty of money to be made.”
The article starts out:
“After Michael Uvanni’s older brother, James, was diagnosed with a deadly form of skin cancer, it seemed as if everyone told the family what they wanted to hear: Have hope. You can beat this, and we are here to help.
The brothers met with doctors at a half-dozen of the country’s best hospitals, all with impressive credentials that inspired confidence.
Michael Uvanni was in awe when he visited the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston (shown in the photo above) , one of the world’s most respected cancer hospitals. It was like seeing the Grand Canyon, said Uvanni, 66, of Rome, N.Y. “You never get used to the size and scope.”
Even the MD Anderson logo on buses and buildings — with “Cancer” crossed out in red, above the words “Making cancer history” — made the family’s battle seem winnable.
“I thought they were going to save him,” said Uvanni, an interior designer.
Even the American Cancer Society admits it’s all “Bullshit.”
They said in the article:
“I’m starting to hear more and more that we are better than I think we really are,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. “We’re starting to believe our own bullshit.”
The consequences are real — and they can be deadly. Patients and their families have bought into treatments that either don’t work, cost a fortune or cause life-threatening side effects.
“We have a lot of patients who spend their families into bankruptcy getting a hyped therapy that (many) know is worthless,” Brawley said. Some choose a medicine that “has a lot of hype around it and unfortunately lose their chance for a cure.”
Although scientists have made important strides in recent years, and many early-stage cancers can now be cured, most of those with advanced cancer eventually die of their disease.
Cancer Treatment is probably the most important area of US healthcare we need to change – RIGHT NOW.
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The US Health Care system is in shambles. Revising or repealing ObamaCare, by making the US system less costly, is only one of the issues, and not the main one.
Our US health care system is paying for expensive nonsense (chemotherapy, Statin Drugs, vaccines, mammograms, etc) , that has little, or no validity, and does NOT improve health. Worse, is that what DOES work, and is far less costly, is suppressed.
One of the problems is that the “science” system we rely on to make decisions on what works, and what doesn’t work, is a bad joke, controlled by Big Pharma.
The “Science” bad joke…
Let’s start in 2015 with the then editor of The Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton[1]
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Richard Horton[1]
There’s More…
But that’s not the only editor of a prestigious medical journal who has pointed to the obvious problems with the way “science is done” in the globalized economy.
Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) opined:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine”[1]
These science scholars, seeing the problem from the perspective of the responsible parties in science journal world, decry the lack of real science being reported.
How did the science become so distorted? What structural conditions have contributed to this sorry state of affairs?
There is a lawyers’ secret that may explain what happened to the science, especially with regard to health care. Let’s call it the “Crony Corp Square Dance.” It’s a way of dancing around legal restrictions.
The dance goes like this:
Step One… do-si-do to the market researchers and find a potentially profitable medical condition.
Step Two… identify a patentable chemical that suppresses symptoms of the condition.
Step Three… run a pilot study on the so-called “afflicted” as Dr. Horton notes by the panoply of crony conflicts. Repeat as clinical trials. Remember to remove anyone who dies during treatment, since they didn’t complete the experiment.
Step Four… apply for a Patent based on the “sanitized” crony clinical trials.
Step Five… apply to FDA for drug approval based on the approved Patent claims.
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The Nuremberg IG Farben “Crimes Against Humanity” War Crimes Trial Began 27 August 1947….
The text below was part of the opening statement of General Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor of the Nazi War Crimes Trial of IG Farben where 23 top executives were put on trial for their leadership in Hitler’s war effort.To believe these men, among the most respected businessmen and scientists in their industry, knowingly, willingly, and with purpose, put their companies at the disposal of Adolf Hitler seems beyond comprehension.
The Trial started with this statement below:
“God gave us this earth to be cultivated as a garden, not to be turned into a stinking pit of rubble and refuse. If the times be out of joint, that is not accepted as a divine scourge, or the working of an inscrutable fate which men are powerless to effect. At the root of these troubles are human failings and they are only to be overcome by purifying the soul and exerting the mind and body….
The crimes with which these men are charged were not committed in rage or under the stress of sudden temptation; they were not the slips or lapses of otherwise well-ordered men….What these men did was done with the utmost deliberation and would, I venture to surmise, be repeated should the opportunity to recur. There will be no mistaking the ruthless purposefulness with which the defendants embarked upon their course of conduct.”
Before the war…
Otto Ambros (standing) during the pronouncement of the judgement in the I.G. Farben Trial… June 30 1948
IG Farben, a community of companies that banded together for common purpose, dominated the chemical industry with relationships reaching into every major country on the globe. IG Farben was the fourth largest industrial organization in the world. Some of Farben’s scientists were Nobel Prize winners and world famous for their contributions to the advancement of medicine.
So the question we must all ask is, how did this happen, and is it happening again?
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Tucker, I was enormously pleased by your interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the issue of vaccine safety. I have received so many positive comments from people who NEVER imagined they would compliment Fox News that I think you are building an entirely new audience for your network.
With every fiber of my being, I want you to keep up the fight. You can ONLY become a GIANT-KILLER by killing actual GIANTS. Consider what Robert Kennedy, Jr. said at the “Revolution for Truth Rally” on March 31, 2017 in Washington D.C. about the CORRUPTION that exists across the broadcast media about vaccines.
Kennedy said, “The press has been compromised, 5.4 billion dollars annually [from the pharmaceutical industry]. I talked to Roger Ailes, who I’ve known since I was seventeen years old. He was very sympathetic with this issue. He saw the film, Trace Amounts. I said to him, ‘I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.’
He said to me, ‘I can’t allow you on any of them. I would have to fire any of my hosts who allowed you on my station. Because,’ he said, ‘my news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.’ And if you turn on the evening news, you will see it’s just a vehicle for selling pharmaceutical ads. So the press is gone.” (Kennedy speech at the Revolution for Truth Rally, Washington D.C., March 31, 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KEoMNxxJRc, 31:40-31:30)
Tucker, you know that’s not journalism.
That’s corruption. That’s evil. That’s God, the devil and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. If you will not stand up for children at this moment in time, do you think God will welcome you into heaven when you arrive? You know, they’ve got EXTREME VETTING to get into the place!
I say this as a friend. I have generally liked Fox News. I believe that no other network has been as fearless in taking on the liberal narrative of the mainstream media. I consider myself a libertarian. If it’s big, it’s probably bad. If force has to be used to get people to do something, it probably means their liberty is being taken away. Show me a big government, and I will tell you it’s probably corrupt. Show me a big company, and I will say the same. I strongly believe in the idea that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
Tucker, you really are the new face of journalism.
You were born near me, in San Francisco and you went to Trinity College where you studied history, one of my favorite stubjects. I appreciate, how like many of our generation you bounced around in many jobs, from CNN to MSNBC, and started the political news website, Daily Caller. I have already been effusive in my praise for allowing Robert Kennedy, Jr. on your show to at least scratch the surface of this issue.
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On March 31, 2017 I was bumped from my speech at the “Revolution for Truth Rally” to make time for Robert Kennedy, Jr., who needed to catch a plane.
I didn’t mind the delay, as it allowed me to listen especially closely to his speech. I heard something which made me angry. It SHOULD make everybody angry.
Kennedy said in his speech, “The press has been compromised, 5.4 billion dollars annually [from the pharmaceutical industry]. I talked to Roger Ailes, who I’ve known since I was seventeen years old. He was very sympathetic with this issue. He saw the film, Trace Amounts. I said to him, ‘I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.’
He said to me, ‘I can’t allow you on any of them. I would have to fire any of my hosts who allowed you on my station. Because,’ he said, ‘my news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies.’ And if you turn on the evening news, you will see it’s just a vehicle for selling pharmaceutical ads. So the press is gone.” – (Kennedy speech at the Revolution for Truth Rally, Washington D.C., March 31, 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KEoMNxxJRc, 31:40-31:30)
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Why is it a joke? Because pediatricians who jam seven to nine Made-in-China vaccines into a small child at one time NEVER want to turn themselves in for that 108 degree fever, and the beginnings of autism, they caused. They’d be drummed out of the pediatrician clique – and those trips to Europe paid for by big Pharma would quit. They can come up with endless reasons why they will NOT file a VAERS report – and they simply do NOT file them.
But it is the second system that is most important…
(2) The second system is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and it is an entirely different thing – and the data collected is totally TOP SECRET. Every possible trick is used to hide this data, including, I’m told, contracting out the storage of the twenty-seven years of data to companies in foreign countries so it cannot be subpoenaed by lawyers involved in vaccine litigation.
Got that?
If there is no problem with vaccines why can’t Independent Investigators look at that twenty-seven years of data recording the health records of MILLIONS of American children after they were vaccinated with each, and every, CHILDHOOD VACCINE from January of 1991 to the present?
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Those people who were, and are, worried that Tucker might have gotten in trouble with FOX News management for bringing up the Kennedy/Vaccine story OBVIOUSLY didn’t do their homework about Tucker.
It is all tied together…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Tucker Reveals Who the Liberal Democrat Leadership REALLY is…
In earlier articles here in the BolenReport we have revealed the makeup of the liberal Democratic Party leadership, explaining the role of the (1) fake “Climate Change”Agenda 21 nutbags, (2) the entrenched bureaucrats making up the “Administrative State,” controlling US health care for Big Pharma, and (3) the LGBTPQ/Feminist community. But Tucker goes a few steps further…
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I’m talking about the April 9, 2015 appearance I was supposed to make at the Commonwealth Club of California with Dr. Brian Hooker and Dr. Judy Mikovits. We were “dis-invited.”
It seems we were the leading edge of a new trend sweeping the country in which the First Amendment and open dialogue are thrown away like yesterday’s trash.
Here’s how it happened.
On February 18, 2015 I was the master of ceremonies for a showing of the wonderful documentary film, Trace Amounts, at the Opera Plaza Cinemas in San Francisco.
One of the audience members was a delightful woman named Christie Dames, who fell all over herself when she found out I was the co-author with Dr. Judy Mikovits of the book, PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases. She quickly introduced me to her husband, Kevin, who was at the time Chairman of the Business and Leadership forum at the Commonwealth Club.
If you don’t know about the Commonwealth Club, it bills itself as “the nation’s oldest and largest public affairs forum” and they’ve hosted people like Martin Luther King, Jr., Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Gates. To say I was proud to be included in their company is an understatement.
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California has become SURREAL. It’s like we are living in a “B” movie…
“The Borg” are a fictional alien race that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind, called “the Collective” or “the Hive”.
“The Borg” use a process called assimilation to force other species into the Collective by injecting microscopic machines called nanoprobes, as well as with surgically adding cybernetic parts.
The Borg “Queen of the Hive.”
“The Borg” are driven by a need for ‘perfection’, and assimilate other races to further that goal.[1]
Also referred to as the “hive mind” or “collective consciousness”, the Borg Collective is a civilization with a group mind. Each Borg individual, or drone, is linked to the collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance. -Wikipedia
A Very Astute, AWAKE California member pointed out:
“As the sickest of all industrialized nations, what assures our uninterrupted de-evolution is the decline of intelligence and education where perfectly healthy people willingly accept being forced to take potentially dangerous drugs and vaccines. Without a squawk.
Exempting one’s child from vaccines has always been a path chosen by a small percentage of the most educated people. The militantly uneducated will always accept as many vaccines as they are told. That will never change.
What has changed dramatically is that now we have arrived at a dangerous and uncharted new crossroads in national politics, where the will of the uneducated mob is being imposed by law on the educated. Such a trend will ensure the continuation of the academic, ethical, and moral deterioration that we have witnessed since 9/11. Today’s measles hysteria is just a symptom of that more systemic, more profound malaise.
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