Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age(?) in California Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

I’ve always said that quackbuster” Stephen Barrett, as a man, just wasn’t much.  Recently he proved my point – in spades.


On November 3rd, of the year 2000, this rancid old fart, and a couple of his equally stunted cronies, filed a lawsuit against me, and others, sort of claiming that I, Tim Bolen, had been hired by world acclaimed author, and health humanitarian, Hulda Regehr Clark PhD to defame him, and that others conspired to help me.

Don’t laugh too long.  They actually wrote this nonsense down. Continue reading Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age(?) in California Court…

The Six Components of the 2008 Quackbuster Operation…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Do not, for even a second, think that the US “Quackbuster” operation, a plot to stop anyone, and everyone, from changing the broken US health care system, is run, or even maintained, by delicensed MD Stephen Barrett out of his 2421 West Greenleaf Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania address, or his condo at 287 Stoneview, Pittsboro, North Carolina.  It would be foolish to assume that this bitter, nasty, old man, who stumbles through life, tripping from one professional failure to another, is running a cleverly set up plot.  He’s just the “front man.”  The one they want you to focus on.  He’s ill.  He’ll die soon, and someone else will take his place as the frontispiece. Continue reading The Six Components of the 2008 Quackbuster Operation…

Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I’ve discovered another quackbuster scam – one to destroy a whole group of US Dentists, the head of a major Dental School, a device manufacturer, and a major emerging dental issue – NICO, and, with some very good help, I’ve begun the process of breaking up the scam.  I’ve helped engineer the destruction of about half of the scam already, and the rest is in the works.  We should be finished after a court trial, I’ll tell you about shortly,  in April.  With luck, we’ll get the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office involved in the clean-up.


Continue reading Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Gerson Documentary Humiliates “Quackbusters”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I almost spilled my cup of jasmine tea,  I was laughing so hard.

I had just been viewing the first part of a DVD video documentary called “Dying to Have Known,” and  I had to stop the thing right there, and rewind, to see if what I had just seen really had happened.

Yup, it did.  So I stopped it again, went and got my wife Jan and said “You’ve got to come and watch this.”  It’s worth re-playing again and again. Continue reading Gerson Documentary Humiliates “Quackbusters”…

Court Orders Quackbusters Barrett and Polevoy to Post $433,715.93 Bond…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The “quackbuster” organization is learning a very HARD lesson about the reality of the US legal system.  And, I’m very pleased.

They’re learning, in the most humiliating, and financially devastating way, that US Courts don’t want the system abused to harass those that the“quackbusters” don’t like.

In the Barrett v. Clark case, today, an order was issued for Plaintiffs Terry Polevoy MD, and Stephen Barrett MD, to come up with a grand total of $433,715.93 in bonds – $264,311.68 for Polevoy alone, and $169,404.25 from Barrett and Polevoy – within thirty days. Barrett runs the questionable website “”  Polevoy is kind of the Canadian low-budget copy of Barrett, with garish colors. Continue reading Court Orders Quackbusters Barrett and Polevoy to Post $433,715.93 Bond…

Quackwatch “Defamation” Verdicts Could Reach Many Tens of Millions of US Dollars…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, of infamy, announced to his followers (Barrett’s Parrots) last week that: “During the next few days, my sites will be changing servers. It’s possible that the healthfraud list will be disrupted during the switch.”

Barrett critics are concerned about this situation – for several reasons.  The questions are: (1)  Is Barrett moving his, etc., servers out of reach of the US Court System after recent Courtroom losses?   (2) Is Barrett moving his, etc., servers out of reach of the US Court System after the  barrage of newly files legal actions naming him, and his, as the Defendants? (3)   Is Barrett moving his servers out of US Court Jurisdiction to avoid answering legal demands for “discovery” of information on his websites? Continue reading Quackwatch “Defamation” Verdicts Could Reach Many Tens of Millions of US Dollars…

Washington State Supreme Court SMASHES Quackbuster “Plan of ’96″…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


The Washington State Supreme Court, in its wisdom, a few days ago (December 14th, 2006), literally, for all time, smashed the New York ad agency run“quackbuster” operation’s effort to use individual State Administrative hearings to destroy innovation in health care in favor of the “drugs, drugs, and more drugs”  medical monopoly.  The sleazy “Plan of ’96” has been thwarted.

Cutting-edge health professionals around the US can breathe a sigh of relief, for the method of attack derived from the filth-encrusted “Plan of ’96” has been declared to be unacceptable by the High Court.  And, State Supreme Court decisions carry weight in every area of the US. Continue reading Washington State Supreme Court SMASHES Quackbuster “Plan of ’96″…

Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


II don’t know how the “quackbusters”  can even come out in public any more.  Their constant humiliation in the US Court system has got to be incredibly embarrassing.  I don’t know how they can withstand the solid stream of laughter from the general public.

It’s not just the losses in Court (and they are legion), it’s how badly they lose, and the criticism they draw on themselves by the participants in the Court system.  They just don’t seem to learn.


Continue reading Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court…

Quackpot Terry Polevoy Sued for Libel in Canada…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 


When the New York ad agency, the one the runs the “Quackbuster” operation against innovation in health care in North America opened its email program last month, it was probably chagrined to find that one more self-styled “Quackbuster”  was being sued for what many feel they do best – libel health care providers.


Continue reading Quackpot Terry Polevoy Sued for Libel in Canada…

“Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Just a little north of the US border, in Waterloo/Kitchener, Ontario,  is the home, and acne care business, of Terry Polevoy MD, Canada’s number one self styled quackbuster.”   Polevoy, well versed in bigotry and scare tactics, operates a “hate” operation.  His hatred is for those that espouse “alternative medicine,” in any form.  His website,, is a miasma of crazy talk, odd colors and combinations, and a presentation that seems clearly out of the mind of a seriously disturbed individual. Continue reading “Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…