Mike Adams (Natural News) Attacks Skeptics’ Center Point…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Right after the American Civil War a group was formed, calling itself the Ku Klux Klan.  It’s purpose was to attack, from a position of secrecy, those they hated; wanted disenfranchised (held down) on the American scene.  Their primary tactic, was the use of the white-sheet-with-eyeholes – a device to provide anonymity for the haters and generate high levels of fear in their victims.

White-robed at night – solid citizen by day.  Their targets – Blacks, Jews, Roman Catholics, European immigrants.  Their reasoning – they, themselves were afraid of change.  They couldn’t withstand the economic competition.  It took quite a while to hunt them down…

In 2016 we have a very same situation.  The group now, though, calls itself the “skeptics,” made up, I have found, of American society’s detritus.  They are just as nasty, and hateful, as the originals.

Their targets, though, are not, yet, specifically Blacks, Jews, Roman Catholics and European immigrants.  They are Christians, Jews, families in general, parents concerned about vaccines, health regimens that compete with drugs (like homeopathy), health care providers that spurn the use of drugs, scientists that question the medical status quo, manufacturers of products that compete with drugs, etc.  And, the attacks are just as vicious.

But this time there are no white-sheets-with-eyeholes.  This time it is Internet-Anonymity.  The control of Wikipedia health care articles is a prime example.  The manipulation of Google’s search engines is another.  The “skeptics” have training camps.  I’ll demonstrate below.

Then Along Comes Mike Adams…

Mike Adams, over at Natural News, shocked me the other morning when I glanced at his newest article.  There, Mike was writing about top Skeptic” Grand Dragon David Gorski MD, the one who, on the internet, has declared himself to be an Infallible Oracle.

Calling himself “Orac,” Gorski writes in angry, hate-spewing prose, attacking his betters.  He ranges from sniveling, to whimpering, to raging, about people, issues,  and subjects in health care he clearly knows nothing about.  He goes on and on.  Where 100 words would do, Gorski uses 23,421.  His personal insecurities are attached to every phrase.

Gorski is, without doubt, the 2016 Grand Dragon of the very sceptic “skeptics.”

Right after Gorski writes on his blog Respectful Insolence, the “commenters” begin to appear – within seconds.  The first thing you notice is their anonymity.  The second is the sheer nastiness of their offerings.  The third  is that most comments look to be in EXACTLY the same writing style as Gorski himself, which makes me wonder how many internet IDs Gorski actually uses.

What kind of sick-o-path would write a nasty article about someone, or some thing, and then change to ten to fifteen other fake names to make comments on his own article, so that IT LOOKS LIKE he has a big following?

Ummmm?  David Gorski?

Makes sense to me…

As I Said – Then Along Comes Mike Adams…

With his article series Mike had, journalistically speaking, reached out and punched this Gorski jackass, including all of Gorski’s fake IDs, right between his multiple eyes. And, hence, he had punched the whole bag of sceptic “skeptics.”

The next day, Mike did it again, this time, with a one-two punch, so-to-speak.

So, I called Mike and complained.  After all, Mike was operating in MY territory so-to-speak. I, Tim Bolen, am the one who calls out the “skeptic” menagerie, and smacks them around the internet room.

What the hell, Mike?  (humor intended).

Regardless of my complaints to Mike, he did it again.  Then again.  Then again, and again.  And he did it pretty damn well…

More, Mike had struck at the heart of the beast.


Continue reading Mike Adams (Natural News) Attacks Skeptics’ Center Point…

Wildfire… Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning United States..

CDC, Health Departments, Vaccine Makers, AstroTurfers, Whimpering, Trembling, Panicking, for Good Reason…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


California Senator Richard Pan probably thought he was headed for the Presidency of the United States, carried into office on mountains of drug lord money, once he successfully pushed through America’s first Mandatory Vaccine law, SB277, in California, last year.

No one in the Pan ranks EVER, I think, counted on the reaction Americans would take to forcefully injecting American children with “Made-in-China,” un-tested for use, toxic death pus mixtures, claiming them to be “Safe and Effective.”  And, that reaction is huge, and growing larger yet every day.  Good.

Safe and Effective?

Vaccines are no such thing.  Never have been.  Never will be.   It is all a huge money making murderous child-damaging scam.

Continue reading Wildfire… Anti-Vaccination Movement Burning United States..

Anger Builds in California… Pro-Vaxxer Hyenas Worried…

“Made in China” Death Pus Promoters Looking Over Their Shoulders….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Perhaps, a few months ago,  California State Senator Richard Pan MD, the consummate arrogant self-serving Pediatrician(?), had visions of being the next Governor of the State of California, maybe even the President of the US, comfortably carried into office with vaccine manufacturer money – shiploads of it, so-to-speak, being offloaded in the Sacramento Seaport.

What was the money for?  It went to every sleazy Democrat in State office as payment for their passing of Senate Bill 277 (SB277), mandating “Made In China” death pus capsules (vaccines) for all of California’s children.

But today, I’d say, that grinning fool, Pan, wonders if he is going to survive the year.  There is a video out, which shows an important story of EXACTLY where the “No on SB277,” and the whole US anti-vaccination campaign, really is.  In short, Pan, and his paymaster network, are rattled.  VERY rattled. And, they should be, for their situation worsens every day.

Why?  Californians are not just angry over the way they were treated, they are livid.  And the American public is waking up very quickly. Continue reading Anger Builds in California… Pro-Vaxxer Hyenas Worried…

How Do We Stop the Killing of Our Best Health Professionals?

Is Big Pharma Really Above the Law?  

Is This What America Has Come To?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Last Saturday, September 26th, 2015, I  wrote an article asking the question “Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting Edge Doctors?”  It’s all over the internet.  Good.

In responses I found that cutting-edge Doctors in Florida have armed themselves.  Some have hired twenty-four hour armed security.  Virtually everyone from Florida, that contacted me, asked me NOT to use their name.  They don’t want to be the next target.

A climate of FEAR OF DEATH has been created.  No longer does a cutting-edge health professional have to wonder when he/she is going to be visited by a licensing board investigator provoked by some hate-spewing, pro-drug nutbag.

Now they have to worry about a strange pill, or powder, being dropped into their coffee in a public place making it look like they had a heart attack.  Then, they have to wonder if someone has broken into their home, found where they stored their handgun, and grabbed it to later shoot them, with it, in the chest, twice, and then throw them into a river, making it look like suicide so their family CANNOT collect on the life insurance.

The killing is so extensive now it is time to find ways to protect yourself…  And maybe these people can be caught… Continue reading How Do We Stop the Killing of Our Best Health Professionals?

Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors? Yes, Of Course They Are…

Why?  They’ve Tried Everything Else to Control the Dialogue…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Depending on who you read, the number of cutting-edge (non-drug) health professionals dying under suspicious circumstances varies, but is rapidly increasing.  The last doctor, 59 year-old Mitch Gaynor MD, a personal friend, and regular guest interview, of TV Doctor Oz , supposedly committed suicide in his back yard of his country home.

Bullshit – Gaynor was at the top of his game.  My thinking?  Gaynor was murdered, openly, as a message for Oz.  What message?  “Shut the fuck up, or you’re next.”

Virtually every one of the doctors that died under “suspicious circumstances” have commonalities – the largest of which is an anti-vaccine stance. But that’s not everything… Continue reading Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors? Yes, Of Course They Are…

The Doctor’s Data Versus Barrett Case… Bad News – Good News – No News…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The Bad News – on the first week of July, 2015 Jeffrey B. Levens, lead attorney for Doctor’s Data in the Doctor’s Data versus Barrett, et al, case passed away shortly after a complicated heart operation in Chicago.

I never met Jeff, except on the telephone, and via email, but I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed his writings in the Doctor’s Data case, and his management of that case through its bumpy road.  His quiet humor came through, patiently answering Barrett’s rabid legal ravings.  Jeff made Barrett’s jumping-up-and-down antics humorous, even to the court.  I quoted almost every phrase of Jeff’s writings in the case, so my readers could enjoy Barrett’s minute-by-minute courtroom demise.

Jeffrey B. Levens told it like it was…  with style, and kindness..

Worry not about the case though.  Jeff knew his upcoming operation was at best, risky, and prepared his staff, and his partner. Al Augustine. for a takeover.

My last conversational exchange with Jeff was on June 30th, 2015 where I asked him my usual question about the case “Why is it taking so long?”  His response was classic.  He told me that judges get busy with other cases and that this case was on hold for only a year or so.  I responded “Only a year? Do judges do that?”  He said “Yes they do, and I’ve had cases on hold much longer than that.  I’ll send you a copy of my latest article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.”  Jeff was telling me about a case he had had on hold for nineteen (19) years…  In his email he said: Continue reading The Doctor’s Data Versus Barrett Case… Bad News – Good News – No News…

Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

What I have to tell you, below, about the sea-change in the Autism Leadership world is way more than startling.  For awhile I have been seeing measured changes happening – an awakening, and an encouragement, of organization primarily centered around AutismOne, the biggest annual event of what I call the REAL Autism movement.

But what just happened came out of nowhere, so to speak, and represents a take-over of the autism dialogue, and, as I see it coming, the beginnings of a winning strategy team that works together.  What was just accomplished was astounding.  A reorganization, and a victory, of monumental proportions.  Let me tell you about it.  For sure read the paragraph below about WHY they did what they did more than once.

The “skeptics,” and their paymasters, are NOT going to like this… Continue reading Well, Shut My Mouth… The Autism Community is VERY, VERY Awake, and On the Move….

Suing Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) – It Has Always Been an “Alter Ego” Case…

Stephen Barrett, and Quackwatch, Have Always Been Just the Figurehead.  The Judgment Money Will Be Seized Elsewhere – from the Cabal.

There is no question that Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch Inc, and the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) are going to lose the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case.  It is a foregone conclusion.  There are only two real considerations for the Court to decide:  (1)  How much Actual and Punitive damages to award, and (2)  Who, specifically, is going to have their assets seized to pay the award.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It is obvious when you look at what is happening behind the scenes in the case, that Barrett and the other Defendants have no Defense at all – and never did.

When you look at the fact that, right from the start, Doctor’s Data was looking for twenty million in damages, and Barrett, in his egomaniacal arrogance, after the lawsuit was filed, added MORE injury, you get a picture of what a Federal jury is going to be looking at.  More, history shows that courts do NOT like Stephen Barrett. On the stand he is his own worst enemy.

The strategy, all along, it looks to me, has been to sue, and name as the visible Defendants, that which the real cabal running the operation wants us to see.  Then, once the case is finished, and the visible Defendants lose, then comes the next process – Collection.  And with Collection comes the ability to IDENTIFY who the REAL Defendants are.

This is where the fun starts… Continue reading Suing Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) – It Has Always Been an “Alter Ego” Case…

The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

O.K. people – it is time to GLOAT again.  Get on the internet, find a sleazy “skeptic,” drag out your favorite way to rub someone’s nose in something icky, and deliver this article, and all of its strong points, and wait for the explosion.  It will be worth the wait.  You’ll be able to FEEL the rise in blood pressure of your target.  The first response will be DENIAL, then will come an attack on me, Tim Bolen, personally, claiming I am “not reliable,” blah, blah, blah…

But, you can start smiling in anticipation right now… Continue reading The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Inept “Skeptics” Attack NVIC FaceBook Page… Laughter Erupts

A Story about the stumbling, bumbling activities of two nincompoops (E. Allison Hagood and Stacy Mintzer Herlihy) attempting to damage the NVIC FaceBook page…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I received a message from my friends over at the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) the other day, asking for some help defending against an all-out attack on their NVIC FaceBook page – an attempt to downgrade their credibility level.  So, I went to investigate, in my usual thorough manner, finding, along the way, a few interesting things I didn’t already know about the pro-vaccine baby killers.

The trouble was that, before I got up to speed to “reveal” the giant conspiracy against the NVIC, and call for action, NVIC stalwarts manned the barricades, intercepted the “skeptic” assault, spanked them thoroughly, and sent them home to bed without dinner.  I’ll let you read one of the “skeptic’s” TOP STRATEGIST’S comments about what happened to them down below.  You will laugh. Continue reading Inept “Skeptics” Attack NVIC FaceBook Page… Laughter Erupts

Fun Down Under – The “Skeptic” attack on the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) Gets Turned Back On Them Every Time…  It is really fun to watch…

I have not figured out, yet, why organized male homosexuals, calling themselves “skeptics,” would be engaged in viciously attacking proponents of common sense in health care – but they do, just about everywhere in the English speaking world.  The country of Australia is a striking example.  The LGBT community should be ashamed of itself.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I have a few theories about why that is, why they do that, but since I’m not going to circulate in that world (I am content as a heterosexual, thank you very much), I am not going to carefully investigate this seeming anomaly.  In my world tractors are important (have I shown you pictures of my 1944 Ford Ferguson 2N I’ve been restoring?), tools – both indoor and outdoor, guns (of course), high-country, white water rivers, and mountain-tops.  I have no interest in face creams and cute shoes (not on ME, anyway). Continue reading Fun Down Under – The “Skeptic” attack on the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) Gets Turned Back On Them Every Time…  It is really fun to watch…

Doctor’s Data Files For Summary Judgment Against Barrett… “The Defense” Has “No Defense” Says Attorneys.

Federal cases take forever to wend their way through the court system.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

This case, the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch, and NCAHF was filed June 18th, 2010, and it still isn’t finished.

But the circumstances surrounding the case never cease to provide amusement for the North American Health Freedom Movement.  It is VERY satisfying watching Stephen Barrett and his band of worthless toadies suffering one indignity after another in the case, as the Court slowly, inevitably, jams Barrett’s idea of who and what controls US health care up their combined rectal cavities – publicly. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Files For Summary Judgment Against Barrett… “The Defense” Has “No Defense” Says Attorneys.

He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

One unexpected benefit of the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case is the cornering, so to speak, of the skeptic rodent base.  They have been totally silent about the situation – and for good reason.  Fear.

And their blatant fear is justified.  For, Doctor’s Data’s legal team has kept the federal judge in the case, John J. Tharp, Jr, apprised of Barrett’s support network, including skeptic internet defamation tactics, using a simple court device – a Motion for a Protective Order.  The Judge hasn’t even had to issue one yet – just consider it.

The skeptics have panicked.  Like mice cornered by a cat, you can hear them SQUEAK two rooms away.  One Example:

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well… 8/7/13  Continue reading He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Where we left off in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case saga was the point where Doctor’s Data had asked for a  formal Protective Order to keep it’s Expert Witnesses from being attacked by Barrett, and his minions. I had written two different articles on that subject:

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well… 8/7/13

You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…  8/15/13

But something far worse has happened to Barrett, and company.  You are about to read about it. Continue reading For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

This “Skeptoid” will not pass “Go” and is going directly to Jail…

An Exemplum – Top Skeptic Brian Dunning Federally Indicted for FRAUD…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  

Exemplum definition – In literature, rhetoric, and public speaking, a narrative or anecdote used to illustrate a quotationclaim, or moral point. Plural: exempla.

In classical rhetoric, the exemplum (which Aristotle called the paradigma) was considered one of the basic methods of argument. But as noted in the Rhetorica ad Herennium (c. 90 BC), “Exempla are not distinguished for their ability to give proof or witness to particular causes, but for their ability to expound these causes.


I have several “skeptic” stories coming up.  Most of them involve charges being hurled around, and at, top skeptic leadership of rape and sexual harassment – none of which surprises me.  They did what they did in Australia, didn’t they?

Every time I tell another skeptic story, it seems, another facet of their combined persona is revealed.  This one on Brian Dunning is one of those. Continue reading This “Skeptoid” will not pass “Go” and is going directly to Jail…

You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The unfolding Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case is, for many, just one continuous bag of exciting good news.  Kind of like when we were kids and we went trick-or-treating on Halloween night – when we got home and reached in the bag to take out all of those different things – everything at hand was a delight.

However, Stephen Barrett, and the Board Members of both The National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF),  and Quackwatch Inc, right about now, are probably checking out what life might be like living in South America.  For judgment day is coming. Continue reading You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


As you might suspect, things are going VERY BADLY for Stephen Barrett, and the other Defendants, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case.  Go ahead and smile.

In fact – Grin.

However, as you might also suspect, there is growing concern that Barrett’s masters and minions, desperate as they are, might fall back on the kind of tactics the “skeptics” employed against Meryl Dorey and the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN).  There, you will remember, the “skeptics” were caught calling Dorey’s home telephone with death threats – in fact, “death by fire,” death threats.  Then too, violent pornography was sent to her in the mail. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well…

The “Skeptics,” An Organized “Hate Group,” Will Hold Their Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in July…  

The South Point Hotel Will Have to Burn the Sheets After They’re Gone.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  

In case you haven’t noticed I’m not exactly known to be “PC.”  Sorry about that…

Actually, I’m not sorry at all.  Somebody has to say something about the ABSURDITY of a group of angry male homosexuals calling themselves skeptics (I call them homoskeptuals), setting themselves up as the MORAL COMPASS  for anything – churches in general, Christianity, Judaism, family values, moral code, life-style, etc.

And certainly there is no qualification for mentally and physically pint-sized James Randi, who you can listen to an audio recording of soliciting sex from a young boy, to criticize anything what-so-ever. Continue reading The “Skeptics,” An Organized “Hate Group,” Will Hold Their Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in July…  

The Skeptics:  Who are they?  What are they?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I have written a series of articles on who and what the “skeptics” (pseudo-skeptics) actually are.  The articles are not flattering, for there is nothing good about the skeptic organization.  Hence, there is nothing good about individual skeptics.

Nothing at all.  They are all about “hate.” Continue reading The Skeptics:  Who are they?  What are they?

The “Skeptics” Are An Organized “Hate Group”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The rape, mutilation and death threats against Meryl Dorey, President of the Australian Vaccination Network. (AVN) make a very clear statement about the reality of the international skeptic” organization.  The activities of Australian Skeptics, with their Stop the AVN subsidiary attacks, took the lid of off their formally secret plans. Continue reading The “Skeptics” Are An Organized “Hate Group”…