FTC Vindicates Hulda Clark…. 

Research Scientist Hulda Clark, quietly this last weekend, attended the American College for Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) meeting in San Diego, California.  I was there also.  It was a superb meeting.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

If there was a quiet smile on Hulda Clark’s face, and there was, it was for two reasons:  (1) because her attorney, Carlos Negrete, had just informed her that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioners had signed a settlement agreement over an internet website issue involving Clark’s name. Continue reading FTC Vindicates Hulda Clark…. 

California: Rejects “Conventional” Health Care Thinking

2004 hasn’t been a good year for conventional thinking in health care, anywhere. If California is a world leader in new thinking, as it usually is, conventional health care (Medicine) is in for a hard road – one it justly deserves.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

For in Election 2004, California overwhelmingly SMASHED conventional medicine in four separate ballot initiatives, clearly indicating a message – It’s over for conventional thinking in health care. What happened in California will happen throughout North America, and then throughout the world. California is the fifth largest stand alone economy in the world. Continue reading California: Rejects “Conventional” Health Care Thinking

Wisconsin:  Just a Lull in the Battle…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


According to a major new study, 39,170 people die unnecessarily, and 301,513 have severe health problems in Wisconsin due to the problems inherent in the approved American Health Care System – and nothing is being done about it.  You can find out more about this by reading an earlier article called “The American Medical System is Broken.” Continue reading Wisconsin:  Just a Lull in the Battle…

Schwarzenegger Attacks “Quackbusters”…

The “quackbuster” operation, run out of a New York ad agency, isn’t doing well in California… to say the least.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Many of my readers will remember, with amusement, the pieces I wrote about the “quackbusters” being humiliated in California when they sued over forty victims, using California Business & Professions Code 17200.  The NCAHF v. King Bio case was a classic.  It was there that top quackbusters Stephen Barrett and Wallace Sampson were declared in a three Judge Appeals court decision to be “biased, and unworthy of credibility.” Continue reading Schwarzenegger Attacks “Quackbusters”…

Quackbusters Retreat to “Liar For Hire” Tactic in Connecticut?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Big Pharma, as the “drug” industry is known, has for years funded, and operated, a covert group commonly known as the “quackbusters” whose purpose is to stomp out competition to “drug therapies.”  The operation is run out of a New York ad agency.  Previously successful, the “quackbuster” operation is now, not only facing stiff resistance, but is itself, facing attack. Continue reading Quackbusters Retreat to “Liar For Hire” Tactic in Connecticut?…

Rife With Possibilities…

If you’ve never been to a “Rife” Convention, a future of health care seminar featuring the work, and the spin-offs, of 1930s inventive genius Royal Raymond Rife, then you’re not prepared to accept the Star Trek approach to health care.

For you’ve no comparison, and no background, to comprehend the diagnostic and treatment methods used on the Starship Enterprise.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

But, I do, for I’ve seen, and been to two “Rife” conventions now,  and one “Electro-Medicine” conference put on by the United Stated Air Force.  One of those“Rife” conventions, the most recent,  was in Seattle October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2004.

Sell your pharmaceutical company stock.  The health future is upon us, and it won’t be “by prescription.” Continue reading Rife With Possibilities…

California Appeals Court, in Sinaiko Case, Stomps Quackbusters…

The California Medical Board v. Sinaiko case started in 1996, and hasn’t ended yet…

October 6th, 2004

But for some time, for the “quackbusters,” the Sinaiko case, has been the most devastating loss in their history – for with it, during it, and because of it, they lost ALL influence in California.   And worse for them, and good for California, with this case organized conventional medicine in California turned against them.  California is the fifth largest stand alone economy on Planet Earth.

And now, it’s going to get even more devastating. Continue reading California Appeals Court, in Sinaiko Case, Stomps Quackbusters…

Showtime in Allentown…..

It hasn’t been a good year for Big Pharma.

There is a concerted effort to break Big Pharma’s stranglehold on North American health care.  For example, just look at all the lawsuits aimed at that target, some filed by individuals, some by companies, some by big “Tort” law firms, and some by government agencies.

That “concerted effort” is working. Continue reading Showtime in Allentown…..

ICIM – Alt Med’s “Top Gun” Training Program…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


This October 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2004, I’ll be in Atlanta Georgia, with several hundred of my friends at the annual International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) –  International Congress – and Joint Meeting with the International Oxidative Medicine Association. This year, it will be held at the JW Marriot Lenox Atlanta .. Continue reading ICIM – Alt Med’s “Top Gun” Training Program…

The Gathering of the Forces…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


This October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2004, I’ll be in Seattle, Washington, with 500 of my friends at the annual RIFE 2004 International Health Conference. Like last year, it will be held at the DoubleTree Guest Suites Hotel – Southcenter.  There you’ll find the future of health care – everything Big Pharma can’t sleep at night over…

Like last year, there is a plethora of superb speakers, including Dr. Richard Loyd, PhD – Seattle (the host), Dr. Carl Taylor, M.D. – Canada, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, M.D. Peter Walker – Cologne, Germany, Dr. Martin Blank, PhD – New York, Dr. Nenah Sylver, PhD – New York, Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen – San Juan Capistrano, and of course Hulda Regehr Clark PhD. Continue reading The Gathering of the Forces…

The “Health” Battle in Connecticut…

There is a war on in America over the future of health care.  It is, without doubt, a classic battle between good and evil. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Simply spoken, The forces of “Health” are determined to change the system to fit the needs of a modern day America..  The forces of “Medicine”  are determined, at any cost, to maintain the status quo.    There are several battles raging.  One of those is in Connecticut. Continue reading The “Health” Battle in Connecticut…

I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…


 I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…  And, I’m underwhelmed.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I was in Allentown, PA yesterday at a hearing where delicensed MD Stephen Barrett was testifying.  I was there to testify against him, as an“impeachment” witness, should it be necessary.  Barrett was trying to convince a three judge hearing panel that there is a conspiracy against him to defame him, and prevent him from continuing his so-called “anti-quackery” work.  Barrett’s testimony was as pathetic as his personal appearance. Continue reading I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…

The Wisconsin “Suster” Case:  Important to America…

This is a story about “prosecutorial misconduct.”  It outlines the reasons, in graphic detail, why we, as Americans, have to pay close attention to the daily activities of those we delegate certain powers to – prosecutors.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There has been a lot of attention given in the last few years, in the United States, to issues of prosecutorial misconduct.”  So much so that the American Bar Association (ABA) set up a special task force to deal with the problem, and promoted a a bill in the US Congress to solve the issue. Their action was spurred by a rash of cases, nationwide, where Federal prosecutors decided that the US Constitution had no meaning for them in the pursuit of their interests. As many Americans know, though, that “misconduct” wasn’t, and isn’t, limited to the Feds.   Continue reading The Wisconsin “Suster” Case:  Important to America…

The SF-36 Project…

It’s time for us to get together to beat up the “quackbusters” again.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

As you know, I’ve become an expert on how the REAL “quackbusters” operate.  I know “who” they are, “what” they are, “where” they are, and “when” and “how” they operate.  I’ve carefully researched the “quackbuster’s” Modus Operandi, and because of that, when I get involved in a project, using that information, THEY LOSE, and the world hears about it…

So far, we, in the North American Health Freedom Movement have successfully attacked, and dismantled, the “quackbuster’s” ability to simply show up, make wild-eyed statements about health care, and damage some leading-edge health professional.  Look what happened to Stephen Barrett and Wallace Sampson in California over the NCAHF v. King Bio case, or what happened to little Bobbie Baratz, Massachusetts’s most famous hair-removal expert, when he showed up in Wisconsin.  Their “expert witness” system has been stopped cold.

Now, We’re Going to Hit Them Even Harder, in Another Part of Their Plan…

Read on, and I’ll show you how.

The strategy team that runs the REAL “quackbuster” operation, several years ago, came up with a “disinformation” campaign designed to create doubt about “alternatives” to drugs, in the public mind.

One of the things they did was to set up their minions to screech as loudly as they could, to anyone who would listen, that “alternatives are ‘unproven, untested.’  They haven’t been double-blind studied.”

You’ve heard that statement often, right?  Everyone, without exception, who says that about “alternatives” is a scam artist intent on deceiving, with intent to damage, the American public.  Period.  It is a criminal, fraudulent, act to make such a statement.

Why?  For two reasons (1)  double-blind studies are only one of about 43 different types of ACCEPTED forms of scientific studies, and it IS NOT the type of study that would be used to determine the effectiveness of a “therapy” either conventional or alternative.  It is used for the testing of the safety and effectiveness of dangerous drugs.  (2)  Scientists, involved in the scientific process, are part of the “testing and proving process.”  The “scientific method”  IS the proving process.  Scientists “prove” and “test” their subject carefully, using the “scientific method” as they work each, and every, day.

Anyone who says different is a liar, and a scam artist.

Here’s How We’re Going to Hit Them Back For That Lie…

The Rand Corporation, several years ago, developed a health care testing system that was eventually labeled “SF-36.”  It is, in medical jargon, known as a “Patient Outcome Study.” It was, and is, designed to monitor the efficacy of virtually any kind of health or medical paradigm.

The “SF-36” is a LEGALLY ACCEPTED form of study. Period.  Don’t let some “quackbuster” scam artist tell you different.

I’m going to show the “alternative” health world how to use it, for themselves.  I’ve been working with experts for months, putting this program together – and I’m willing to share it – tell you how to do it.  If you’re interested in doing your own, or if you have questions about this one, contact me at “[email protected].”

For months, my friend Hulda Regehr Clark PhD, and I, have been working out the details of “how” to use the SF-36 format for individual processes within therapies. therapies themselves, tools used within therapies, etc.  We came up with a plan.  I’m going to show it to you right now, and ask you to participate in phase one, and help me work out the bugs.

Now, its possible that you might not have ever been involved in any of Clark’s protocols, per se.  It is possible that you may have done, or are doing, one of these protocols using directions from another scientist, or practitioner.  That’s OK.  The determining factor, in whether or not you can participate, is in THE DESCRIPTION of the protocol.  If you follow, or have followed that description, then participate please.

So, here’s what we are going to do.

Hulda Regehr Clark PhD has a myriad of preventive programs she recommends in her books.  These include the use of a “zapper,” and a “synchrometer.”  Besides those, several important programs are described.  Among these are: the Kidney Cleanse, the Liver Cleanse, the Parasite Program (18 Day), the Bowel Program,  the HIV/AIDS Program,  and Plate Zapping.

You can go to any, or all, of these “SF-36” studies by clicking on them one at a time, and by clicking on the apprppriate text, can read the actual protocol, except for the last two.  The last two;  the HIV/AIDS Program,  and Plate Zapping, are not explained with backup pages.  They are very specialized.

If you are using any of the Clark programs at this time, or have used one (or more), Dr. Clark, and I, would like to know about it.  Again, if you’re interested in doing your own, or if you have questions about this one, contact me at “[email protected].”

All of the answers provided will be used for Dr. Clark’s research activities.  Once the study has progressed, the results will be posted on the internet.

Important Note…

I know that the “quackbusters”  infiltrate my e-mail broadcast lists.  I don’t mind that.  I don’t mind telling them how badly they’re getting beaten and humiliated.  But, I know they’ll see this survey as one more opportunity to attack Clark, by engaging the survey with false names, and false results.  I’m prepared for that – and want to remind all of them that this is, in fact, a business arrangement between Clark and myself.  Interference with that business arrangement is actionable.

Warning to “quackbusters…”  I know that your discussion groups are monitored, both, by government agents, and members of the North American Health Freedom Movement EAGER to catch you individually, or as a group, in a criminal act.  In addition, myself, and Clark’s legal team, are EAGER to pursue you with litigation, should you be so stupid as to interfere with this survey.  There is no such thing as being anonymous on the internet.

Why Adopt This SF-36 Method?

Because there is no rebuttal to patients getting better – and these studies will show which therapies work, and which don’t.

Please participate in the study, and…

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate

Wisconsin: The Vander Heyden Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


A couple days ago I wrote an article called “The American Medical System is Broken…”  The material for it, the original study called “Death by Medicine,” sat on the corner of my desk for months.  The material was so shocking, even for a skeptic of the medical system like me, that I simply needed to digest it.  I needed to think about what it all meant – for the study makes it crystal clear that organized medicine is the number one killer of Americans.

And number two, and number three… Continue reading Wisconsin: The Vander Heyden Case…

Homeopaths Now “Own” the Quackbusters…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


A few years ago a couple of quackpots strutted into a courtroom (or two) in Los Angeles, California fully intending to “end, for all time, alternative health practices”  in California, by using California’s Business & Professions Code section 17200 (fraud in advertising).

Over forty cutting edge supplement companies were brutally sued by the Braintree, Massachusetts based National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) who, in court documents, made some of the weirdest, and most wild-eyed, legal claims, possibly ever heard in the California Court System. Continue reading Homeopaths Now “Own” the Quackbusters…

The Stuart Suster MD Case – the Most Sadistic, Vicious, and Cruel So-Called Prosecution I’ve Ever Seen…

I’m reading court documents involving, and surrounding, a case called “Wisconsin DRL v. Suster.”  I’ve got a file box full of documents at my feet, all of which I’ve read, and I’m, literally, STUNNED at what I’m seeing.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This case, I believe, is an example of what can happen when “we the people” aren’t VERY CAREFUL about who we give authority to, to act on our behalf.  In this case, every rule of fair play has been thrown out by the perpetrators: Thexton and Moore. This case, “Wisconsin DRL v. Suster.” is a “railroad” – a sheer, arrogant abuse of State power by unprincipled, unregulated employees. Continue reading The Stuart Suster MD Case – the Most Sadistic, Vicious, and Cruel So-Called Prosecution I’ve Ever Seen…

Top “Non-Drug” Cancer Researcher Under Attack, Again…

Independent Research Scientist Hulda Regehr Clark PhD is the most frightening woman in the world to “Big Pharma.”  Her five best-selling books provide scientific basis, and argument, for significant social change in North American Health Care. Clark severely criticizes current cancer methods.  She says that the whole “War on Cancer” is an expensive, and deadly, scam. I’m not surprised she’s under attack, once again.

And, under attack she is…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Top “Non-Drug” Cancer Researcher Under Attack, Again…

Wisconsin is the “Test Case…”

Wisconsin has, for the last several years, been a “showdown” between the waning quackbuster forces and the emerging, and awakening, North American Health Freedom Movement.  To some, the problems in Wisconsin represent a microcosm of the whole health situation on the North American continent. To me, the study of how the quackbusters entrenched themselves in Wisconsin, brought out valuable, and usable, information on how to beat the quackbusters – everywhere.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Recently, purely by accident, in Wisconsin, we discovered another important aspect of the suppression of cutting-edge health care – the health insurance industry.  Oh, we knew the health insurance industry doesn’t want to pay for new things, but we never knew, or understood, the extent they’d go to to damage a provider of cutting-edge health care.  Below, you’ll read about how we found out.  You’ll also read what the health insurance people did to a health practitioner who found a way to demand payment using the US Government. Continue reading Wisconsin is the “Test Case…”

Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) “quackbuster” prosecutors Arthur Thexton, and James Polewski, in a series of actions, are openly defying new DRL policies set down by recent Governor’s appointee, new DRL head Donsia Strong Hill.  In this test of wills, it will be interesting to see who wins – the Governor of Wisconsin, or the “quackbusters.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…