By Frank Cousineau – President Cancer Control Society
Since 1973 the Cancer Control Society has provided real solutions, for real cancer patients, in real time. Information is the difference between life and death. Information is everything. That’s our Mission.
So, what’s changing?
What is changing? We now have a larger venue for the 45th Annual Cancer Control Society (CCS) Convention, that’s what.
After fifteen successful years at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City, it was determined a new venue is in order. We can’t say enough good things about the Sheraton Universal and the wonderful people who made us feel at home for fifteen years.
This year, we will stage our 45th Annual event at the Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California. Please follow the links below for more information and to make your reservations.

What is so special about the Cancer Control Society Convention?
We’re glad you asked.
Since 1973, the Cancer Control Society has brought life-saving information to thousands of patients and their families. The highlight of the year is when the CCS sponsors their Annual Cancer Control Convention, featuring Medical Doctors, Clinical Researchers, Nutritionists and Authors on Alternative Medicine, sharing their latest findings for treating Cancer and Other Diseases.
Every Labor Day Weekend since 1973 over 40 speakers, 6 movies and 80 exhibits are presented – this year, at the Glendale Hilton Hotel, in Glendale California.
We believe it is the greatest conference/show devoted to Alternative and Integrative Therapies. Beyond our opinion, allow us to share what others have told us over the years.
Your Convention is the best anywhere!
Your Convention made it easy for us to understand real options for my cancer.
Your Convention provided us with the knowledge and confidence to break away from Conventional Cancer Treatments.
Your Convention was a real eye opener.
Your Convention saved my life.
My mother is still alive because I attended your Convention.
Your Convention gave us a great balance between informative lecture presentations and personal discussions with exhibitors from various clinics and treatment centers in a relaxed, comfortable environment.
What will I learn at the Cancer Control Society Convention?
Among the many topics to be presented and discussed at the 45th Annual Cancer Convention:
What are Alternative Cancer Therapies?
How are Alternative Cancer Therapies different from Conventional or Allopathic Cancer Treatments?
What does non-toxic cancer therapy mean?
What is Mainstream Medicine?
Can cancer really be cured?
How do I know if I really have cancer?
Does a biopsy spread cancer?
Does a Mammogram detect early breast cancer and increase my chances for survival?
Can I visit some Alternative Cancer Clinics?
These and many additional topics will be presented over five exciting days at the 45th Annual Cancer Control Society (CCS) Convention, Labor Day Weekend 2017.
Follow this column every week until September. Each week, we will provide you with updates; we will introduce our speakers and tell you how to register for the Convention, Doctors’ Symposium and Tours of the Tijuana Cancer Clinics.
Who We Are, and Why We Are Here…

CCS President Frank Cousineau and Vice President Charles Wintner co-host the Annual Cancer Control Society Convention, introducing 40 speakers over a three day period and moderating a Doctors’ Symposium on day four.
Throughout the year, the Cancer Control Society distributes literature, books and videos on everything in Alternative Medicine from amygdalin to zinc.

Lorraine Rosenthal, the organization’s Co-Founder, answers many calls each day, giving direction and hope to those in need. She also attends many other conventions and public events throughout the year, distributing information on CCS and the latest findings in Alternative Therapies.
CCS also publishes its Green Sheet, a directory of doctors practicing Alternative Medicine, and its Patient Sheet, a list of names, addresses and phone numbers of patients who say they were controlled by Alternative Therapies. You are invited to call any of them.
The Cancer Control Society is a non-profit organization, dependent upon donations for its mission: to prevent and control Cancer and Other Diseases through Nutrition and Non-Toxic Therapies.
Alternative Treatments For Cancer Information Available Right Now…
(1) CCS maintains a library of twenty-one videos that introduce, and explain alternative cancer treatments and immune system enhancement.
(2) A copy of each lecture from the last sixteen convention years is avalable on DVD, singly, or in groups.
(3) There is a list of Doctors that perform alternative cancer therapies, sorted by category, with contact information.
(4) There is a list of former patients that will talk to people.
(5) There is a list of Alternative Medical Doctor groups that can be contacted for even more information.
(6) There is a list of nutrition minded doctors in California..
(7) There is a list of the times and dates of tours of the Tijuana, Mexico Alternative Cancer clinics.
(8) There is an interesting “Prevention Diet.”
Our History…
Just below is an excerpt for the history of the Cancer Control Society originally published in the Townsend Letter 6/15/2010:
“The history of the Cancer Control Society actually began in 1959. Cecile Hoffman, an English School Teacher in San Diego, California, was told that the radical mastectomy recently performed on her body had eliminated all the cancer. The often-heard expression is that the surgeon “got it all.” Three years later when symptoms from the inevitable metastases surfaced, our heroine was informed that the disease had spread so much, no further treatment was possible. In fact, her death was prophesied to occur within a matter of months.
In March of 1963, quite by chance, her husband happened upon a copy of Laetrile: Control for Cancer by Glen Kittler. Being a chemist, he read the book with great interest. The science described in the book made sense to him. That led him to speak with Dr. E. T. Krebs, Jr., and eventually to the McNaughton Foundation in Montreal, Canada, where he took his wife in May of 1963.
At the time, the McNaughton Foundation was one of a very select group of locations where Laetrile Therapy was being administered. Laetrile Therapy uses amygdalin or Vitamin B-17, along with other non-toxic natural substances, to attack cancer, while at the same time supporting the healthy parts of the body. This is in contrast to more Conventional Therapies, which utilize surgery, ionizing radiation and toxic chemotherapy, which make the patient sick and often lead to premature death.
Cecile Hoffman did not die as prophesied. She started to recover. However, when she and her husband returned to San Diego, her family physician was advised by his attorney NOT to treat her with Laetrile, because it was not approved by the government. With a strong desire to live, Mrs. Hoffman turned to prayer and a search for a medical professional to continue her Therapy. Her prayers were answered when her search led her to Ernesto Contreras, Sr., M.D., a well-qualified Pathologist and Oncologist, in Tijuana, Mexico, just across the border from San Diego…”
To read the entire history click here…
Last, But Not Least…
In conclusion, we invite each of you to the 45th Annual Cancer Control Society (CCS) Convention, Labor Day weekend 2017, at the Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California. We hope to see you there, September 2 through 6, 2017.
Follow this link for additional details and to reserve your room at the Glendale Hilton Hotel.
Cancer Control Society: 45th Annual Convention
By Frank Cousineau – President Cancer Control Society
This looks like a great convention and I applaud your work with alternative therapies. But I must say, the ‘Control’ part of the society’s title seems to me ridiculous. Clearly, it is the allopathic crew that CONTROL rather than CURE cancer. Who chose your name, for heaven’s sake?
Thanks very much for writing this piece. I plan to attend!
Best wishes,
Candyce Estave