Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

When it was time to testify in front of the Senate committee on anti-aging a few months ago, Mrs. Baratz’s little boy Bobbie rose to his full 4′ 9″ stature, and pranced and preened his way into the hearing room proclaiming his new appointment as “President and Executive Director of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF).” He literally had “diarrhea of the mouth” proclaiming his expertise in all things health-wise. THEN, he had a lot to say…

But that was THEN, this is now…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

California Judge Lambastes Quackpots…

Good wins again, in the war against Evil.

Judge Haley Fromholz of the Los Angeles Superior Court (Hill Street) came to work one day last October, 2001 to find a case on his desk called “The National Council Against Health Fraud vs. King Bio Pharmaceuticals.” Little did Judge Fromholz know that this case, and his decision in this case, would be driving one more nail into the “quackbuster” coffin. An important nail.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading California Judge Lambastes Quackpots…

California Superior Court Judge Rules on Quackbuster “Credibility”

This, below, is an html COPY of the original Court document signed by Judge Fromholz. The text in blue is for emphasis. None of the Judge’s words have been changed.

This was a case filed by the so-called National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) against a manufacturer of Homeopathic products.

The quackbusters were soundly, and publicly, beaten in this courtroom. The Judge’s opinion about top quackbusters Stephen Barrett, and Wallace Sampson is classic… Continue reading California Superior Court Judge Rules on Quackbuster “Credibility”

“Quackbuster” INFIGHTING, for Barrett’s Throne, HEATS Up…

There was a day, I’m sure, when NOBODY could have pushed delicensed MD Stephen Barrett (www.quackwatch.com) aside as the undisputed king of the “quackbuster” crazies. But that day is GONE.

Even though the old boy still lives, his stooges are already dividing up his clothes. And, there isn’t a thing he can do about it. He’s powerless. His hairpiece is askew – and he doesn’t even notice.

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “Quackbuster” INFIGHTING, for Barrett’s Throne, HEATS Up…

Barrett OUSTED(?) as Chief Quackpot?

It looks to me like delicensed MD Stephen Barrett may be looking at his last days leading the “quackbuster conspiracy” in North America. I think he’s going to be ousted, and replaced, with Robert S. Baratz MD DDS, PhD (Bobbie Baratz). It may have already happened – and Barrett may not even be aware of it…

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen Continue reading Barrett OUSTED(?) as Chief Quackpot?


There was a day when the “quackbusters” were a force to reckon with. But now, they’ve been beaten so soundly, in so many places, over so many issues, that they have no credibility left. They are, simply, nothing to fear. Their teeth have been pulled.

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen

The court case they recently lost in California, “Homeopath Smashes ‘Quackpot Menace’ in California,” was more than just one more victory for the forces of good. It was a MILESTONE in the war against quackbuster evil. Continue reading “THE LAST DAYS OF THE QUACKBUSTERS” – Revisited..

Homeopath Smashes “Quackpot Menace” in California…

Failed MD Stephen Barrett ran home to Pennsylvania last Friday with his tail lodged FIRMLY between his legs (so to speak).

In probably his MOST HUMILIATING defeat to date, Barrett and his toadies at the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) were handed an unvarnished, unsophisticated kick in their privates (again, so to speak) by a California Superior Court Judge who had no sympathy, or appreciation, what-so-ever, for Barrett, et al’s, claim to “expertise” in what makes up “quackery” in North America.

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen Continue reading Homeopath Smashes “Quackpot Menace” in California…

Health Freedom Wins a BIG ONE…


Health Activists all over North America can celebrate a major victory – one long overdue. The issues they have been carrying alone have reached the attention of the heavily armed warrior class – the big-litigation attorneys. That, in itself, is a victory.

The Cavalry showed up…

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Continue reading Health Freedom Wins a BIG ONE…

Hulda Clark puts “the Quackbusters” ON TRIAL in North America…

Note: Attached to this writing is a Letter from Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, ND., to the “North American Health Freedom Movement.”

It is time to turn the tables on the quackbusters. 

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen Continue reading Hulda Clark puts “the Quackbusters” ON TRIAL in North America…

Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

California law is VERY clear on the fate of those caught filing SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) against honest California citizens expressing their opinions on social issues, and exercising their First Amendment rights. California legislators couldn’t care less what a subversive group working out of a basement in Allentown, PA, THINKS the law should be. The law is clear – you get caught abusing a California court process to harass a Californian – you pay – and you pay damn quick.

And if you don’t pay damn quick? California Judges can, and do, issue CONTEMPT citations. With this they can send law enforcement officers, with shackles, to round up those that ABUSE California courts.

The Quackpot menace is learning a HARD lesson in the “sunshine” State.

Opinion By Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

Quackpot menace BLOWN AWAY in Florida…

Stephen Barrett, and his stumbling minions, have lost ANOTHER major battle…

It happened quickly, like a hurricane building off the coast. Before anyone realized it, a whole State full of people were contacting their legislators demanding action. And, action they got… The Florida Legislature acted.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot menace BLOWN AWAY in Florida…

Quackpot Menace “Left Their Heart In San Francisco…”

The “quackbuster conspiracy” is having a “bad day” in America – EVERY day. Anyone, and everybody, that takes them on seems to beat them EASILY. This time the victory was in San Francisco – and a SWEET one it was…

The bottom line – the quackbusters are a paper tiger – all sound and fury – and absolutely NO bite.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Menace “Left Their Heart In San Francisco…”

Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, slithered into a Canadian Court last month with every intent of sinking their fangs into the top Public Relations company in North America in the anti-mercury amalgam movement. But now, Barrett and Baratz, must think they got run over by a fleet of cement trucks, as they slithered out of the courthouse (so to speak).

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Wayne Obie ([email protected]) got on Stevie Barrett’s “hate list” almost as fast as I did – and Wayne never uttered a word about Barrett’s sleazy activities – he allegedly just repeated my words on his yahoogroups. Barrett, and Baratz, went together and sued Wayne, and his wife, in Toronto after Wayne told Barrett to “stuff it” (so to speak), in answer to Barrett’s (extortion?) demand for money. Wayne’s wife doesn’t even own a computer. Continue reading Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

Quackpot Menace STEAMROLLERED in California…

The North American Health Freedom Movement is delivering a crushing defeat to the minions of dubious conventional health care. In California this Tuesday June 26th, 2001 is a LANDMARK action on the part of GOOD, in the battle against EVIL.

On Tuesday, June 26th, 2001, the California Senate Health subcommittee is holding a hearing for the express purpose of SHUTTING DOWN THE CALIFORNIA DENTAL BOARD.

I think they should do exactly that…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Menace STEAMROLLERED in California…

Barrett’s “Back” BROKEN (figuratively speaking)…

Say goodbye to the “HealthFraud Discussion list.” The lid’s been put on the cesspool.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

In a message, the other day, members of the “HealthFraud Discussion List” were informed that the list would cease operation August 31st, 2001. They didn’t say why they were shutting the list down. But, I suspect that it’s because they got named in the lawsuit filed against Barrett, et al, by New Century Press (NCP). Details of the suit can be found at www.healthfreedomlaw.com. Commentary at www.savedrclark.com. Continue reading Barrett’s “Back” BROKEN (figuratively speaking)…

Ba-a-a-a-ad Week For the Bad Guys…

A California Judge, on July 25th, 2001, SLAPPed de-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, and his minions, around an Alameda courtroom (so to speak).  Judge James A. Richman, in a twenty-seven page decision DEMOLISHED Barrett’s campaign of terror against those that criticize him for his sleazy quackbuster operation.

I’d love to be able to claim credit for this – but I can’t.  The credit goes to our friend Ilena Rosenthal, director of the Humantics Foundation, and author of the book “Breast Implants: The Myths, The Facts, The Women.”  You can thank her for her work at [email protected].

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Thank you, Ilena.  You’ve done a good thing for America. Continue reading Ba-a-a-a-ad Week For the Bad Guys…

Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett (and several of his henchmen) got sued last Monday, July 23, 2001 in Alameda Superior Court in California. The quackbusters were charged, among other things, with Racketeering (RICO), Violation of Civil Rights, Abuse of Process, and Malicious Prosecution.

And, it’s only the beginning…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

Mexican Federal Judge Orders Re-Opening of Clark Clinic…

On Friday, July 20, 2001, a Federal Judge in Baja California signed the order re-opening Clark’s clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

“The Pink House” should be open and ready for patients some time this coming week, following issuance of the judges orders.   

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Mexican Federal Judge Orders Re-Opening of Clark Clinic…

Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

The same Judge, in the same Court, that declared delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, et al, as SLAPP artists, ruled again against the questionable actions of the quackbuster conspiracy. SLAPP stands for “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.”

Barrett, and his bludgeon squad, isn’t doing well in California…

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Stephen Barrett, who claims to be a “retired Psychiatrist,” but court documents show that he never was able to fulfill the minimum qualifications to be board certified as such, along with Canadian Polevoy, and their attorney Christopher Grell had tried to circumvent normal court procedure in “serving” alleged defendants. The Judge was not amused – and HAMMERED the trio into submission. Continue reading Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

Quackbuster “expert witness” may be charged with PERJURY in Florida Case…

Massachusetts “QuackbusterRobert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD hopped on a plane last January, from Boston to Florida, to show up in a West Palm Beach courtroom as a “surprise rebuttal witness” in the Florida Dental Board vs Phillips case.

What a belly laugh that was. Baratz made a total ass out of himself during the deposition, then walked out when he didn’t like the questions he was being asked. And, after the dust settled, the story got even better…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbuster “expert witness” may be charged with PERJURY in Florida Case…