Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Tuesday, August 16th, 2011
This is the eighth article in a series that, for the most part, is about Mark and David Geier, and the team surrounding them’s, effort to remove, finally, Thimerosal (mercury), from medicines – especially vaccines – and the attack on them for their efforts.
As I sifted through the issues, and consequently, the people involved in those issues, I again and again asked the question “Why doesn’t the pharmaceutical industry just make vaccines without Thimerosal?” I received a lot of different answers in the form, primarily, of hypothesis. No definite answers.
I suspect that the answers are a combination of things we’ll talk about as we go along. But, for now, let me point out some history, lest we forget about how mankind’s institutions actually function.
So-called “Medical Science” is really anything but.
I have to laugh when I see one more group setting itself up as the protectors of “Evidenced Based Medicine,” or some other equally impressive sounding nonsense cliché. You only have to look as far, for instance, as the wanna-be “Czar/God of US Health Care” Stephen Barrett for an example of the self-promoting nobodies, with no qualifications, who proclaim that they, and they alone, are the authority on proper health care. Frankly, Barrett represents nothing new. There has always been a “Barrett,“ in health care.
History shows us, quite clearly, that the “authority” figures in each medical science period, for the most part, were the biggest of fools, the most pompous of idiots, and the worst possible people to direct health care. For some reason, consistently, scum rises to the surface in our official health care systems.
So, why should we, here in 2011 think things should be any different? Why should we think that, somehow, health care could, or would, be dominated by thinking individuals who ask the proper questions, and find solutions. Nah, that’s what we have bureaucracies like the FDA, and the CDC, for. Society seems to demand that we set up systems (agencies) to do things the dumbest way possible. Of course, the FDA and the CDC excel at that. Lawrence J. Peter said it best with his Peter Principle- “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence”.
Peter also said “Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.”
Continue reading All About THIMEROSAL – Why the Controversy?…