Ebola Toolkit… What do we need in our US homes to defeat Ebola?  Why?  Because  it looks like we are going to have to fight this one ourselves, with no help, and, in fact, hindrance, from our own US health care system…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I was reading stories on the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)  website early this morning, about what is happening in Liberia and Sierra Leone, in the US CDC directed supposed “Stop the Ebola” project.

It was there that I found that virtually NOTHING is being done for patients to try to stop the Ebola within individual patients.  All they are doing is isolating patients behind what looks like construction fencing (see photo below left), where they can be watched dying.  With that, we can assume that an Ebola outbreak in the US would be treated exactly the same way.  Continue reading Ebola Toolkit… What do we need in our US homes to defeat Ebola?  Why?  Because  it looks like we are going to have to fight this one ourselves, with no help, and, in fact, hindrance, from our own US health care system…

What Russian Media Says About Ebola… They say it is “Made in America…

Note from Tim Bolen:  When I was a kid our teachers used to tell us that all Russians had was “controlled media,” and all the Russians got to read was propaganda put out by their government.  We, in the US, started something called “Radio Free Europe,” so we could tell the Russian people what was really going on in the world.

These days, it is America that has the “controlled media,”  so why not see what the Russians, who have now thrown off communism, say about what’s going on in the US?

There are two BIG Russian media – Pravda and Russian TV (RT).  So let’s, first, look at Pravda’s take on Ebola…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Just below you can find way much more information about Ebola and its precursors that you will EVER find in US Mainstream Media.  From the article:

“Ebola: Manufactured disease by U.S. Federal Government By Lord Howard Hurts 

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation if Islam wrote this a few days ago, “Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.” In essence Mr. Farrakhan said that the U.S. Federal Government is behind the Ebola virus outbreak. Mr. Farrakhan is incorrect, as his usual, in many respects dealing with the issue of the Ebola virus, but he is correct about Ebola being a ‘manufactured’ disease by the U.S. Federal Government. Here is the true story about the Ebola virus.  Continue reading What Russian Media Says About Ebola… They say it is “Made in America…

Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Big Pharma would have us all believe, through their stranglehold on US media, that the drugs, vaccines, drugs, vaccines, drugs, and more drugs and vaccines approach is ALL there is in the world.  But the fact is, there are MANY other approaches to health care on planet earth.  Ayurvedic Medicine, for instance, has been around for over three thousand years, so read THIS interesting approach to dealing with Ebola…

TR Shantha MD is a former client of mine who, after a major assault on his practice, completely cleared his name – although you’d never know it from Quackwatch.com’s article on him.  You can read about that situation here.


By:  Dr. T. R. Shantha, MD, PhD, FACA


The news about Ebola and its possible fatal end is everywhere in the news – created by many hypochondriacs.  The virus is deadly and spreads only by contact with body fluids.  Once the person gets the infection, their life hangs on a thin thread.  Mortality from the infection is as high as 50% – 60%.   Another deadly disease that kills about 35,000 people in the east, mostly young, is rabies, which is 100% fatal compared to 40-60% mortality by Ebola virus infection. Ebola will be and is curable, but not rabies. Continue reading Stopping Ebola – The Ayurvedic Approach… Water With Life – How To Cure and/or Curtail Ebola Virus Infection…

Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…

Note from Tim Bolen:  Interspersed throughout this article are photos from the 2014 event.

Guest article by Diane Miller JD – Health Freedom Coalition


2014 Health Freedom Congress held at Hamline University

Whew!!  The 2014 US Health Freedom Congress was the best ever and leaders are continuing to strengthen the unified voice of health freedom!  Thank you to all those leaders and organizations who participated this year, and greetings to those leaders who could not make it but will be joining us in the future.  We here at NHFC are working on drafting an overall summary of the Congress to send out to a large public database like we do each year for our NHFC website.  However I wanted to say a special thank you to all of you, and we are looking forward to our future work together.

A special note to all of you:  The NHFC Board of Directors has made a decision to host the Congress in 2015 and we are now in the discussion of location and dates and program beginnings.  If there are people interested in the design of the next Congress please contact me directly at [email protected]. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Follow Up…What the Organizers Say…

Autism World – Quit Targeting Mainstream Media… Ignore Them.  They Are NOT Our Friends…

I watched, with dismay, the Autism world,  using social media devices Twitter and Facebook, target certain reporters in mainstream media, trying to get the #CDCWhistleblower story into the hands of the American people.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I thought to myself “Oh My – these people are terribly naive.  They haven’t a clue about mainstream media.  They did little, or no, investigation of their target, nor the audience it serves.  All that effort aimed in EXACTLY the wrong place.” 

More, you should be careful what you ask for – you might get it  – as they found out from a very negative ABC broadcast.

Mainstream media?  All propaganda – no news. Continue reading Autism World – Quit Targeting Mainstream Media… Ignore Them.  They Are NOT Our Friends…

Health Freedom Congress Flies… Doldrums Disappear at 2014 Event…

The problem with the Health Freedom Movement in the US, sometimes, is that it has grown too big.  It is too successful, and somewhat bored.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

With, literally, Millions of Health Freedom Fighters operating; handling political, government, health care, practitioner, and product issues, sometimes it just becomes something that is just there, like a mountain range by the sea.

So, let’s talk about the Health Freedom Congress of 2014,  held at Hamline University in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 26th and 27th, with a “Meet and Greet” held on the 25th at the Hilton Airport Hotel. There were NO doldrums here – for more than one reason.  There was even drama. Continue reading Health Freedom Congress Flies… Doldrums Disappear at 2014 Event…

Hear This Well…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

We don’t see as many of those annoying drug ads on TV anymore because, simply, their patents ran out and all of those drugs became available in “generic” form at a tenth of the price.  For a while the drug industry was in a panic, but then they came up with a new idea – that, for now, is working very well.

The idea that the drug industry in the US could, after their big patents ran out in 2012 and 2013, shift their profit center to an INCREASED CHILDHOOD VACCINE SCHEDULE, with NO legal liability (they can’t be sued), using, what are supposed to be OUR “watchdog” groups; Federal, State, and local governments, as their marketing tool, is at best absurd…

But, that’s what we have, and…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate

WhistleBlower Apologizes to Andy Wakefield…  Interview at 9:00 PM Tonight on Robert Scott Bell Radio Show…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Celia Farber, Editor of The Truth Barrier just a few hours ago, released a breaking news story titled “BREAKING NEWS: CDC WHISTLEBLOWER TEXT MESSAGES TO ANDY WAKEFIELD: STUDY WOULD HAVE “SUPPORTED HIS SCIENTIFIC OPINION”

You can read her shocking story by clicking on the blue article title just above.  But, before you do that I want to point out that you can hear MUCH MORE from Celia Farber on Robert Scott Bell’s Radio Show at 7:00PM EST (today).  If you can’t listen to the radio broadcast live, then Robert will have a recording of the interview available on his website front page.  To listen to the interview live, or the recording, click on the Robert Scott Bell’s Radio Show and then click on the  “Listen” word in the line just below the page title. Continue reading WhistleBlower Apologizes to Andy Wakefield…  Interview at 9:00 PM Tonight on Robert Scott Bell Radio Show…

More Revelations From CDC Whistleblower…  This Time on Thimerasol in Vaccines For Pregnant Women…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Things are coming to a head quickly in the Autism world.

Below is a link to a video with comments by Dr. William Thompson, a United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Whistleblower, on Thimerosal. Among his comments, in addition to the inappropriateness of routinely giving Thimerosal-containing vaccines to pregnant women, is that “There is biological plausibility to say right now that thimerosal causes autism-like features.”  Continue reading More Revelations From CDC Whistleblower…  This Time on Thimerasol in Vaccines For Pregnant Women…

The CDC Whistleblower…   The Story Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Run…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I got the email, with video attached, from Andy Wakefield about the Brian Hooker PhD whistleblower revelation the same morning many others did.  It’s just that I was OUT running errands all day, and failed to check my messages before I left.

What I am referring to is Andy Wakefield’s latest nine minute video with Brian Hooker.. It is called “Senior government scientist breaks thirteen years of silence on CDC’s vaccine fraud.”  If you haven’t seen it yet – Go watch it.  Click on the blue title in this paragraph. Continue reading The CDC Whistleblower…   The Story Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Run…

Yup. It’s Happening… The Autism Community Is Re-Forming – and the Prognosis Looks Good….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


This is the 14th article in a series focusing on the fact that Autism is a social issue that could have been, and should have been, solved a long time ago.

As you already know, I don’t leave “Autism Leaders” alone.  If they want to call themselves leaders than they need to lead.  They need to have a plan (one they can SHOW the world), and they actually need to be moving in a problem solving direction.

After my last newsletter on this subject I got invited to some, sort of, secret meetings – a group putting together a real plan.  And, out of these meetings came results. Continue reading Yup. It’s Happening… The Autism Community Is Re-Forming – and the Prognosis Looks Good….

Big Shakeup…  The Autism Community is Re-Forming?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

This is the 13th article in a series focusing on the fact that Autism is a social issue that could have been, and should have been, solved a long time ago.

I’d heard about ” the backstabbing” among Autism Leaders.   I’d even seen a few examples, and I wrote about them, creating, with Jake Crosby, a huge argument in the Autism world.

It was like I set off a bomb.

Mind Boggling…

I wrote a whole series, you’ll find in the column on the right, about why Autism is still with us – and I wasn’t blaming Big Pharma, or the CDC.  I was pointing right at the so-called organized autism community – pointing out the obvious.  I said, in an earlier article: Continue reading Big Shakeup…  The Autism Community is Re-Forming?…

Their Health Is In Your Hands:  Your Essential Role In Helping Protect Future Generations From Toxic Medical Practices

By Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, President of the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD), Dr. John Kall, DMD, Chairman of the Board of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), and Amanda Just, Consumer

Monday, June 9, 2014


The health of the future generations in the United States and around the world is in your hands.

It is in your hands because you have the power to teach parents, pregnant women, women of childbearing age, and caregivers something they absolutely need to know but often don’t:  patients have a right to opt for non-toxic options when making health care choices for themselves and their children.  Sadly, the public is largely unaware of toxic amounts of mercury in such essential things as vaccines, flu shots, and dental fillings.  Continue reading Their Health Is In Your Hands:  Your Essential Role In Helping Protect Future Generations From Toxic Medical Practices

Fun Down Under – The “Skeptic” attack on the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) Gets Turned Back On Them Every Time…  It is really fun to watch…

I have not figured out, yet, why organized male homosexuals, calling themselves “skeptics,” would be engaged in viciously attacking proponents of common sense in health care – but they do, just about everywhere in the English speaking world.  The country of Australia is a striking example.  The LGBT community should be ashamed of itself.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I have a few theories about why that is, why they do that, but since I’m not going to circulate in that world (I am content as a heterosexual, thank you very much), I am not going to carefully investigate this seeming anomaly.  In my world tractors are important (have I shown you pictures of my 1944 Ford Ferguson 2N I’ve been restoring?), tools – both indoor and outdoor, guns (of course), high-country, white water rivers, and mountain-tops.  I have no interest in face creams and cute shoes (not on ME, anyway). Continue reading Fun Down Under – The “Skeptic” attack on the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) Gets Turned Back On Them Every Time…  It is really fun to watch…

Doctor’s Data Files For Summary Judgment Against Barrett… “The Defense” Has “No Defense” Says Attorneys.

Federal cases take forever to wend their way through the court system.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

This case, the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett, Quackwatch, and NCAHF was filed June 18th, 2010, and it still isn’t finished.

But the circumstances surrounding the case never cease to provide amusement for the North American Health Freedom Movement.  It is VERY satisfying watching Stephen Barrett and his band of worthless toadies suffering one indignity after another in the case, as the Court slowly, inevitably, jams Barrett’s idea of who and what controls US health care up their combined rectal cavities – publicly. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Files For Summary Judgment Against Barrett… “The Defense” Has “No Defense” Says Attorneys.

Federal Court Allows Doctor’s Data’s Third Amended Complaint Against Barrett, Quackwatch,  and Co-Conspirators…  It is going to be a Very Happy New Year…

I’ve been holding onto this article for a while so as to not disturb the happy holidays with thoughts about the scum and filth that inhabit our US health care system, attacking everything that competes with drugs, drugs, drugs, and more drugs.  But, Thanksgiving and Christmas are now behind us.  The turkey is gone, the family units are back in their own nests, and its time to catch up.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

De-licensed MD, Stephen Barrett, with his group of hateful, sleazy, websites (Quackwatch, etc.), coupled with the activities of the “skeptics” who have banded together to propel Barrett’s gangrenous articles to the top of Search Engines like Google, have had a long, free run – so far.  But it is all coming to an end, and that end is going to be VERY costly to the perpetrators – tens of millions of dollars, I predict, in court judgments alone.  Continue reading Federal Court Allows Doctor’s Data’s Third Amended Complaint Against Barrett, Quackwatch,  and Co-Conspirators…  It is going to be a Very Happy New Year…

Doctor’s Data Files For Third Amended Complaint Against Barrett and Co-Conspirators…  They Are In For the Kill…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

On June 18th, 2010 attorneys for Doctor’s Data filed what’s now known as the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case in Chicago, Illinois.  It has turned into an epic.

Not very often does it happen, in a court, that three years four months into a case the Plaintiff files a Motion asking the Court’s permission to file an Amended Complaint.  But that’s just, exactly, what attorneys for Doctor’s Data did. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Files For Third Amended Complaint Against Barrett and Co-Conspirators…  They Are In For the Kill…

He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

One unexpected benefit of the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case is the cornering, so to speak, of the skeptic rodent base.  They have been totally silent about the situation – and for good reason.  Fear.

And their blatant fear is justified.  For, Doctor’s Data’s legal team has kept the federal judge in the case, John J. Tharp, Jr, apprised of Barrett’s support network, including skeptic internet defamation tactics, using a simple court device – a Motion for a Protective Order.  The Judge hasn’t even had to issue one yet – just consider it.

The skeptics have panicked.  Like mice cornered by a cat, you can hear them SQUEAK two rooms away.  One Example:

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well… 8/7/13  Continue reading He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Where we left off in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case saga was the point where Doctor’s Data had asked for a  formal Protective Order to keep it’s Expert Witnesses from being attacked by Barrett, and his minions. I had written two different articles on that subject:

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well… 8/7/13

You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…  8/15/13

But something far worse has happened to Barrett, and company.  You are about to read about it. Continue reading For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

This Sums It Up…  The “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” Story…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I criticize the fact that what I call “Autism Leadership” does not generally organize, goal set, plan, and execute plans.  My complaints are valid, for those in power are not getting far in solving the autism problem.  I keep saying that the Health Freedom Movement needs to take over this issue and help the autism world – setting a timetable to mitigate autism issues – for they are all fixable.

But, in Autism Leadership’s defense I need to point out that some of the problems the autism community faces are absolutely insane – like the story I am about to reveal to you today.  The “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” story. Continue reading This Sums It Up…  The “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” Story…