Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…

Del Bigtree’s Master Class on Vaccines and Autism – Part 4

By Kent Heckenlively, JD    

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Del Bigtree’s show, High-Wire, gave a master class on vaccines and autism, featuring some of the most exciting news we have heard in YEARS.  The link to the show is below.

I have broken the two hour show down into a several part article as there was so much news I didn’t want anybody to miss it.  Here is today’s installment.

Del:  I want to bring on Brian Hooker, who is going to talk about a study I think is phenomenal.  Because one of the things we talk about, as Senator Pan pointed out, and the study from the sheepherders in England, was only of high-functioning Asperger’s people.  So I guess they found a bunch of lawyers and bankers who were awkward in public and said, “See!  They’re on the autism spectrum!  It’s always been here!”

But the truth is, what kind of autism are we talking about?  I think one of the things that has been fascinating to watch over time is “autism really was something you were born with.  It’s genetic, you have it from the moment you’re born.  That’s how genes work.” 

And so autism was described as the result of refrigerator mothers, we didn’t know why the babies never made eye contact, they weren’t involved with the parents.  They were distant.  We blamed it on mothers not giving enough love to their babies.  And so it was just this failure to thrive diagnosis.

But then what’s fascinating is over time we started hearing in the late 1980s and 1990s, we started hearing people describe something different.  “My child was perfectly healthy and in fact was off the chart on their APGAR scores.  But then all of a sudden something happened and they lost the ability to walk.  Lost the ability to talk.  For a long time we were refusing to even call that autism.”

But now you watch pharma get involved and our health departments get involved and they’ve changed the definition. 

They try to say “regressing into autism, born with it, what difference does it make?”  It makes a huge difference and that’s what Brian Hooker is going to talk about.  Brian, can you hear me?

Dr. Brian Hooker:  I can hear you.  Good morning, Del.

Del:  Good morning, Brian.  Thank you for joining us, I appreciate it.

Dr. Brian Hooker:  You’re very welcome.

Del:  We’re lucky to have you because you were doing your civic duty, right?  You were doing jury duty? So you called in last night and we’re lucky you’re here today.

Dr. Brian Hooker:  Absolutely.  I’ve done my civic duty for a year and I appreciate you featuring the hall of autism dads today.  I’m in great company with people like Mark Blaxill and J.B. Handley.  These are people I’ve looked up to for years and to be on this show.  I didn’t want to do jury duty because I’d rather do this instead.

Del:  Well, I’m glad you’re here.  Now tell me about his study.  This was a study from UC Davis and it was called, “Onset Patterns in Autism: Variation Across-Informants, Methods, and Timing.”

By the way, Brian, you scientists have got to work on your titles.  It’s like you read the title and it is the entire study.  Tell me about this study and what they were looking at and why do you think it’s important?

Dr. Brian Hooker:  What they were looking at specifically was a group of children that they followed from birth.  They took a cross-section of population and a small sampling of that cross-section and they looked at potential children with autism.  And they followed them from birth until their third birthday.  And in order to increase the numbers of the population they looked at children who were born into families who already had a sibling with autism.

When they did that they tracked the pregnancies and then the outcomes for more than 200 patients, more than 200 children.  Of them, 32 did develop autism.  Of those 32 children who developed autism, 88% regressed.  88% of those children started out with normal to above average intelligence, they were meeting their APGAR scores, they were meeting their Denver Developmental test, and then they show a regressive trajectory because over the period between one year and three years they were losing skills.

And they were not actually diagnosed with autism until after the one year time period and more towards three years.  You have kids, fully 88% of this population didn’t start out autistic, wasn’t born with it, and then showed some level of regression where they lost skills that they’d acquired before, and then were not diagnosed with full-blown autism until around their third birthday.

Del:  Wow.  And I’ve been asking this question a lot.  How many of these children are regressing versus those who are born with it?  I didn’t know this study was out there.  And that means a lot because if we are to believe we have a genetic issue, and as a matter of fact, Theresa Dyson, the stem cell therapist, and she talked about a study that was done at the University of Mississippi?

Duke University did a study where they took the cord blood of children who’d become autistic, the parents had kept it, and they re-injected those stem cells into those children and some of those children saw huge recovery rates from it.

And Theresa Dyson called and pointed out, “You do realize you proved that you’re not born with autism because had you done that with a Down Syndrome child you wouldn’t have had them change at all.  Your stem cells carry all the code.  If there’s a genetic error that causes something it’s in your stem cells.  In this case their stem cells healed them.”

As this study is pointing out, they weren’t born with it.  This is a problem for Senator Pan, is it not?

Dr. Brian Hooker:  It’s a huge problem for Senator Pan.  Senator Pan who is an epidemic denialist only looks at the genetic model of autism and is not representing science.  He refers to himself as a doctor and I think we should rescind that because he’s looking at one fatally flawed study that had a very, very small population and in light of the current information it shows regressive autism is real.  Or if you want to follow the hashtag on Twitter, these individuals are not born with autism.

They are born normal and they are regressing into autism so there is some sort of environmental trigger, including vaccines, which is causing these children to regress.  If they are recovering skills after being injected with their own cultured core blood, then they obviously didn’t have it before.

Del:  I don’t know how people keep repeating these crazy things.  I don’t know how Pan gets away with it.  I don’t know how people repeat it.  I don’t know how they’re erasing the memory of the world they used to live in and how many healthy children there were compared to how sick these children are now.

This story very much fits.  You were featured in the film VAXXED and that was one of the first interviews I ever did while working on VAXXED.  Your story is very similar.  We see you son singing, talking, starting to work on alphabet and things and now your child is, how old is your son now?

Dr. Brian Hooker:  My son Steven is 20 years old and he had more language when he was 12 months old than he does now.  He had more verbal skills than he does now.  We have video-taped evidence of those particular verbal skills when we participated in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

The witnesses for the government which opposed my son had the audacity to say he showed signs of autism before the claimed vaccines.  We claimed vaccines at 15 months and they said he showed signs of autism because at one point in the chart it said he tugged his ears.  So evidently if you tug your ears, look, I’m autistic!

Del:  Get nervous if you tug your ears.  That could be a sign!  Brian, this story just always.

Dr. Brian Hooker:  My son had recurrent ear infections, that’s why he was tugging his ears.  We were never able to rebut that in vaccine court.  Neither were any of the 5,500 cases which were tossed out in vaccine court because they would not come to grips with the fact that vaccines are causing autism at an extremely high rate in the United States and you just can’t get around that.

Del:  You can’t.  And I want to point out to the new people who are joining us all the time, we are not saying, are we Brian, that vaccines are the only cause of autism? I believe there are children who are born with autism.  Their might be an environmental impact that happened to mom while she was pregnant, like a flu shot, or if you’re getting a DTap vaccine.  Please read the label where it says it has never been tested on pregnant women.

There could be environmental toxins in your water, air or food or something, that could bring about these issues also.  Because we are saying autism appears to be children who can’t detoxify and at some point they hit an overload, their brain swells, there are different types of symptoms that come with it, gut issues.  Am I stating that clearly?  Because I don’t want to put words in your mouth.

Dr. Brian Hooker:  You are 100% correct.  I know of cases of children who were un-vaccinated, the mom was un-vaccinated during pregnancy, and they ended up having autism.  In each of those cases you can trace another environmental trigger which could cause autism.  Environmental triggers are no respecters of persons.

If somebody is exposed to mercury, somebody is exposed to uranium, somebody is exposed to arsenic, that is going to be a toxic substance.  It doesn’t matter if it’s injected, it doesn’t matter if it’s ingested, it doesn’t matter if it’s inhaled, it is still a toxin in the body.  To say it would be vaccines only, or in the converse, everything but vaccines, is really foolish and bad toxicology.

Del:  I want to thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule.  You’re out there and you continue to speak out on this.  Your job as a professor in Redding as they stand by you in this important work, so keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing you out there.  Is there a web-site where we can find you or a non-profit you work with?

Dr. Brian Hooker:  The best thing to do and I wrote an article on the paper from UC Davis is to check out the Focus for Health web-site.  Just go to focusforhealth.org and that’s got a lot of great information.  Not only information that’s written by me, but a lot of the staff which are just doing a bang-up job getting the information out about special needs children, vulnerable children, and that relation to environmental toxins such as vaccines.

Del:  Focus for Health does great work and we’re happy to partner with them with my non-profit, ICAN.  It’s a great organization and they also helped us with some of the funding on VAXXED, so really a great resource out there, so check out Focus for Health.  Brian, you do great work with them and keep it up.  We will talk to you soon.

NEXT UP – J. B. Handley

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

plagueheckiKent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing in 2014 and is now available in paperback. Skyhorse also publishes the work of Mo Yan, the 2012 recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature.

The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.


Kent Heckenlively is also the author of INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available on Amazon and at Barnes&Noble.com



5 thoughts on “Dr. Brian Hooker – American Hero…”

  1. I have two comments. The first is just an apparent spelling error. I believe the scientist you referred to is Dr. Theresa Deisher. She is quite a big name in stem cell research, having discovered adult pluripotent stem cells (capable of differentiating into other tissues). The recovery of children via their OWN stem cells gathered from preserved cord blood should set up MASSIVE alarm bells. I believe this implies that the child who develops autism is suffering some kind of mutation to their stem cells. Dr. Deisher has apparently said elsewhere that foreign human DNA, present in small fragments in vaccines is readily taken up by cells in the body. She said that autism levels spike after the introduction of new cell lines in vaccine culture and she indicated that mutations induced by foreign DNA can cause cancer.

  2. Alexis Keiser (glad others are noticing Deisher too !)
    Hooker is a true hero for sure !

    Vaccination is the delivery method for all manner of toxicity.
    Vaccines are so criminal on just so many levels:

    1. Fetal RNA\DNA fragments (Theresa Diesher and stem cells readily recombine)
    2. Retroviruses XMRV (Judy Mikovits & Kent)
    3. Mycoplasmas A…s ? Gardasil ? mass Sterilisation ?
    4. Foreign animal species viruses sv40 (cancer 120m US alone)
    5. Themiserol , mercury & aluminium working together in exponential toxicity
    6. The Gatti contaminants (all sorts of undeclared contaminants)
    7. Polysorbate80 opens that BBB and lets the poison right in
    8. Formaldehyde leukemia censored with the FDA right now
    9. MF59 squalene Gulf War syndrome
    10. Glyphosate contamination in vaccine (Seneff)

    The horrendous truth of vaccines goes on and on.
    A vaccine holocaust for sure.

    And this China story is absolutely HUGE.

    The Premier wants “severe punishment” for any persons or corporate entities found to be responsible.
    Are you reading Girbending\pr_Offit\Colon_B ?

    The #Changsheng had 470 million views over the weekend.
    (15% of the worlds population are looking at the vaccination-extermination project right now)

  3. Thank you Kent for getting the truth about Autism out here for everyone to read! You, Dr. Hooker and Dell BigTree are my Hero’s

    As some of you many know, the Sharon Brown SB 277 challenge appeal to the CA Second Appellate court was denied. First some history as to how that happened, as I understood it after talking and corresponding with Sharon, and then my short analysis of the order.
    Mathew T. Phillips, the attorney that had represented this appeal’s Plaintiffs jumped ship and requested successfully to be removed as counsel on the appeal. Sharon got a new attorney. He was going to present oral arguments in the case for a fee in the thousands of dollars (aside from the fees he had already collected for getting acquainted and for asking for leave to appear in the case).
    Then, from what appears to be the Court, and I assume via the Defendants/government, the Plaintiffs were provided a “Tentative Opinion” noting that the court was inclined to deny the appeal and summarizing the reasoning behind it for each Plaintiff argument. This is something that as far as I know is unheard of: Why would you provide the Plaintiffs with the reasoning behind a possible order against them, when you can use that to prepare and perfect your oral arguments?
    The attorney wrote Sharon, and advised in a nutshell that he did not think that he could overcome the court’s pro-SB 277 arguments, and either recommended Sharon or both agreed to not do oral arguments and to let the appeal process proceed with the written brief submitted based on its legal merits. So they did not have or did not participate in oral arguments. Then the court issued its final order where the Plaintiffs were required to pay the attorney’s fees for the government, which obviously would be in the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. This was intended for no other reason than to intimidate the Plaintiffs and anyone fighting in the future against SB 277 and related vaccine legislation. All the courts are corrupt and they work in conjunction with the executive and legislative branches to take our rights away and maintain the status quo, let us not be deceived.
    Shortly thereafter Sharon attorney proposed contacting the government to make an offer: no fees and the Plaintiffs will not appeal to the CA Supreme Court. The government accepted the offer, and the Plaintiffs being threatened by such high fees, and I assume the possibility of an unsuccessful Supreme Court challenge and more fees, agreed to drop any further court challenges. Although I cannot say for sure what I would have done, based on my knowledge, under such circumstances, I surely understand Sharon and the other Plaintiff’s fear of losing homes and impacting all their finances and agreeing to such a settlement.
    When I first read the order I did see some things that I thought could be overcome, but in particular I was impressed with a statement in the order (link below), that stated “No doubt injuries and deaths have been caused by vaccines, and no doubt there are cases of unavoidable, adverse side effects.” Yet, the order really seemed unbeatable, well founded in legal precedent (prior court rulings) and did reflect the “tentative order” arguments, but in detail.
    But after reading the order again and also after exchanging ideas with Travis Middleton, it became clear that the order is extremely flawed, in particular because most of the arguments in favor of SB 277 and the government are based on the simple but misguided belief, and I contend fraudulently intended (supposedly established science and supposed prior court judicial notice) that (1) vaccines are safe, and (2) that they are necessary to protect vaccinated children and the community as a whole: Millions saved, while “very few” are sacrificed in order to achieve the goals of SB 277, full immunization, for the benefit of all.
    In the last two years we have had many peer-reviewed scientific papers and evidence of the dangers of vaccines, including the loss of fertility due to the HPV vaccine, the discovery of GMOs and glyphosate in vaccines, and the new revelation of the HHS/CDC lack of testing of the safety of vaccines for over 30 years as required by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, etc.
    This appeals court ruling is the bad news. The good news is, this has given us a better idea of how to come back to court to defeat such erroneous and corrupt claims that vaccines are safe, using difficult-to-disprove evidence of the dangers and side effects of the chemicals in vaccines, as are noted for example in Material Safety Data Sheets, documents prepared by the manufacturers of chemicals that show their chemical’s side effects (think aluminum, mercury, etc.), which are required to be published by such manufacturers by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), an agency under the Dept. of Labor, at the federal and state levels. Such focus was included as part of the arguments in the Travis Middleton lawsuit; unfortunately, that lawsuit was dropped for lack of funding, a self-inflicted injury by the anti-mandatory vaccine community, considering the many activists that were invited to contribute to keep the appeal alive and failed to do so.
    So now, hopefully, if we bring a new lawsuit with proper funding, we might have a chance. We have the experts to back us up. As to your contribution to such future challenge, think of this. I am a member of many anti-mandatory vaccines activist groups, totaling more than 100,000 members (actually about 300K). If I were to say, I will organize and manage such an SB 277 court challenge, and will request that everyone start by contributing $10 to my fund-me account as we prepare, that would be $1M dollars. The problem is, many would think, “well, he will get a million dollars; what if this this a sham and he steels our money?” Valid argument? WRONG. For each person contributing $10, they did not lose $1M, they only lost $10 dollars, the same amount you would lose if you have an SUV and you got to an expensive gasoline station instead of a cheaper one.
    THAT’S OUR PROBLEM: Many comments on the Facebook groups supporting this fight, many good intentions, but that’s it. In other words, if I and 3 other people try to challenge SB 277 and we all present valid legal strategies and ask for contributions, even if you end up paying $10 for each, a total of $30 – isn’t it worth it to have someone go through the whole legal hassle, while all you need to do is log in and send the money? Think about it. Time is running out. Please don’t waste the next opportunity to defeat SB 277.

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