The European Union (EU) Is Coming Apart…
The Globalists (Bankers and Big Pharma) are on the run…
“Brexit” opened people in Europe’s eyes. France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden are openly skeptical of staying in the EU.
Recent polls from the European Commission show support for the EU has dropped in all countries bar two, mirroring the rise in support for anti-EU parties.
A “Brexit,” of itself, is a very easy thing to achieve in any and all EU countries – assuming one has some backbone. And it is well on its way in Europe.
From Europe by Karma Singh
For Instance, In Britain, Only Three Points are Necessary to leave the EU…
(1) All EU institutions and regulatory bodies are to leave the UK forthwith.
a) Any employees who have lived in the UK for at least three years and have paid UK taxes or are married to UK citizens are free to seek alternative employment. Others are to return to their country of origin.
(2) The free movement of peoples, with the safeguards which have been in place for more than a decade, is of benefit both to the UK and to other EU countries. No change is needed here.
(3) Free trade has been of benefit both to the UK and other EU countries and there is no need to make any changes.
Then we have the “Red Herring” of the Northern Ireland / Eire border.
Many decades ago, before the UK joined the then European Economic Community, I was in charge of a department in a shipping company sending goods to and fro across this border. The arrangements then worked very smoothly and we never had a delay at the border. This can easily be resurrected and inconvenience almost no-one.
There is, further, not the slightest justification for the enormous bill which the bankers seek to impose upon the British people for “allowing” them the right of self-determination. This is not something that the bankers can sell because they do not own it (but selling things that do not have and do not own is the core of the banking business – so no surprise there). Such demands are to summarily dismissed.
The essential point here is that the British People have declared their will for a return to self-determination. The EU Bankocrats wish to keep us in complete subjugation to their despotic will. Theresa May has been their willing tool to betray the British people and I am rather disappointed that Parliament didn’t have the backbone to sack her.
On other fronts, however, a consortium of “lesser” EU states, specifically Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and (maybe) Austria are beginning to work together on a programme to eliminate the banker’s plutocracy and absolute rule of the European peoples and to end the connivance of George Soros who, very obviously, gives them their instructions. Their aim is the return to self-determination for the European peoples within a looser framework controlled by the people instead of the bankers.
Germany and France, on the other hand, are pushing hard to eliminate the nation states by fudging the borders, i.e., for example, Franco/German territory being forced upon Poland and Spain and vice-versa.
More details here…
Continue reading “Brexit” Now Spreading In Unexpected Directions…