Homeopathy – An Easier, Nicer, LEGAL, More Effective Path to Immunization…

by Hildegard von Bingen (non-de-plume)

What Exactly is this Nontoxic Approach for Disease Prevention?  

Homeoprophylaxis— also known as Homeopathic prophylaxis or even “HP”–  is a nontoxic method of disease prevention in use since 1799.  The term “homeo” means “like or similar”—note that it does not mean “same”, only similar.

“Prophylaxis” refers to the prevention of a disease.  Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine.  It utilizes the energies found in plant, animal, and mineral sources to promote healing and wellness.  In like manner, when homeopathy is used as a prophylactic, it utilizes an energetic form of the disease to promote immunity.  It has been documented to do this with about 90% success.  The body is exposed to an energetic form of the disease and is found to respond appropriately, “as if” it had been exposed to the disease itself.  Thus, all the benefits of natural disease are derived without any of the risks. 

Let’s define, as well, what a “vaccine” is.  The idea of inserting a particle of a disease into the body to promote an immunological response has technically been done for about a thousand years (1), not always successfully.  During Edward Jenner’s time, he noted how milkmaids, who were around cows all the time, did not seem to get the horrid smallpox.  He noted that cows would get a similar disease, known as cowpox, and postulated that it was perhaps this exposure to cowpox that prevented smallpox  in milkmaids.  Thus began his fussing about with the pus of cowpox to provide immunity to smallpox in people. From this came the term, “vaccine”, from the Latin word, vacca, for cow. Mass vaccination for smallpox was later discontinued in the U.S. due to many cases of brain damage as a result of the vaccine, as well as the virtual disappearance of smallpox. (2)

Let’s look even a bit more deeply into all of this. Continue reading Homeopathy – An Easier, Nicer, LEGAL, More Effective Path to Immunization…

Why Do We Need Vaccines?

by Hildegard von Bingen

It had to happen sooner or later.  BolenReport Authors and articles are first rate, so, of course we attracted an official Roman Catholic Church Saint to write for us…


Let us consider the picture: Disease is something that happens that nobody likes.  It can be very dangerous.  Every year, untold lives are ended prematurely and unpleasantly because of disease.

What can be done to prevent disease is a question pondered by people of medicine since time began.

No one likes to get sick, no parent likes to see their child suffer, diseases can be dangerous—and, with the vaccine, science today claims to have found an approach that fulfills its expressed purpose.  Because of what they tell us, the public has grown to not question the holy sacrament of vaccination.  Indeed, neither have the scientists, who are currently working on hundreds more vaccines intended to be “fast tracked” upon the public (1).  Vaccines are credited with the eradication of many diseases.  But let’s take a closer look at what has actually happened.  What do the facts really tell us?  What have we not been told?

Are Vaccines Necessary 

Injecting foreign proteins into the human body is a medical intervention.  We know that medical error constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States. (2) With the convenience of the internet and readily available information, word is getting out. Medical science doesn’t have all the answers. Continue reading Why Do We Need Vaccines?