David Gorski MD – “Orac the Nipple Ripper…”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

I’ve been wondering who would pick up the reins of the quackbuster  operation once Stephen Barrett croaks, which could be very soon.   I think I found the candidate.  He’s perfect for the job – has all of the right qualifications, and seems eager to fill the spot.

For years there was a contest, among the quackpot faithful, to be crowned the heir apparent, and many were groomed for the job.  But, problems kept coming up, so there was no obvious Crown Prince.

Continue reading David Gorski MD – “Orac the Nipple Ripper…”

I Love Being Hated by Quackbusters…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen  –

New Orleans area doctor James Carter MD, PhD, author of the famous book Racketeering in Medicine,” the blatant 1994 expose of the plot to destroy innovation in US health care, called me up one day, several years back, and asked me if I was coming to a certain health convention where he was going to be.


Continue reading I Love Being Hated by Quackbusters…

Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age(?) in California Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

I’ve always said that quackbuster” Stephen Barrett, as a man, just wasn’t much.  Recently he proved my point – in spades.


On November 3rd, of the year 2000, this rancid old fart, and a couple of his equally stunted cronies, filed a lawsuit against me, and others, sort of claiming that I, Tim Bolen, had been hired by world acclaimed author, and health humanitarian, Hulda Regehr Clark PhD to defame him, and that others conspired to help me.

Don’t laugh too long.  They actually wrote this nonsense down. Continue reading Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age(?) in California Court…

The Six Components of the 2008 Quackbuster Operation…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Do not, for even a second, think that the US “Quackbuster” operation, a plot to stop anyone, and everyone, from changing the broken US health care system, is run, or even maintained, by delicensed MD Stephen Barrett out of his 2421 West Greenleaf Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania address, or his condo at 287 Stoneview, Pittsboro, North Carolina.  It would be foolish to assume that this bitter, nasty, old man, who stumbles through life, tripping from one professional failure to another, is running a cleverly set up plot.  He’s just the “front man.”  The one they want you to focus on.  He’s ill.  He’ll die soon, and someone else will take his place as the frontispiece. Continue reading The Six Components of the 2008 Quackbuster Operation…

Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I’ve discovered another quackbuster scam – one to destroy a whole group of US Dentists, the head of a major Dental School, a device manufacturer, and a major emerging dental issue – NICO, and, with some very good help, I’ve begun the process of breaking up the scam.  I’ve helped engineer the destruction of about half of the scam already, and the rest is in the works.  We should be finished after a court trial, I’ll tell you about shortly,  in April.  With luck, we’ll get the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office involved in the clean-up.


Continue reading Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Court Demands Quackbusters Pay $491k – Two Pay, One Doesn’t …

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Way back in the year 2001, when Quackbusters Stephen Barrett, Terry Polevoy, and their attorney Christopher Grell decided to file their cockamamie lawsuit (Barrett v. Clark) in Oakland, CA Superior Court, they brandished it on the internet as their crowning activity.  Little did they know, then, that it would NOT be just one more stumbling, bumbling, fumbling, act, typical of their machinations.

In fact, this lawsuit would lead them to laughable internet infamy, drawing the wrath of virtually every internet giant, worldwide, in opposition to their goals.   Nor did they deduce, then, that filing a false claim in California, called a SLAPP suit, would gain them the wrath of the California legislature.  But it did. Continue reading Court Demands Quackbusters Pay $491k – Two Pay, One Doesn’t …

Ilena Rosenthal to Seize Quackwatch?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Time is running out for Stephen Barrett (quackwatch.com) and Terry Polevoy  (Canada’s low-budget, with garish colors, version of Barrett).  They’ve got until about June 3rd, 2007 to come up with $433,715.93 in bonds – $264,311.68 for Polevoy alone, and $169,404.25 from Barrett and Polevoy, and hand them to the Judge in an Alameda County, California Courthouse.  Or else. Continue reading Ilena Rosenthal to Seize Quackwatch?

Gerson Documentary Humiliates “Quackbusters”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I almost spilled my cup of jasmine tea,  I was laughing so hard.

I had just been viewing the first part of a DVD video documentary called “Dying to Have Known,” and  I had to stop the thing right there, and rewind, to see if what I had just seen really had happened.

Yup, it did.  So I stopped it again, went and got my wife Jan and said “You’ve got to come and watch this.”  It’s worth re-playing again and again. Continue reading Gerson Documentary Humiliates “Quackbusters”…

Court Orders Quackbusters Barrett and Polevoy to Post $433,715.93 Bond…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The “quackbuster” organization is learning a very HARD lesson about the reality of the US legal system.  And, I’m very pleased.

They’re learning, in the most humiliating, and financially devastating way, that US Courts don’t want the system abused to harass those that the“quackbusters” don’t like.

In the Barrett v. Clark case, today, an order was issued for Plaintiffs Terry Polevoy MD, and Stephen Barrett MD, to come up with a grand total of $433,715.93 in bonds – $264,311.68 for Polevoy alone, and $169,404.25 from Barrett and Polevoy – within thirty days. Barrett runs the questionable website “quackwatch.com.”  Polevoy is kind of the Canadian low-budget copy of Barrett, with garish colors. Continue reading Court Orders Quackbusters Barrett and Polevoy to Post $433,715.93 Bond…

US Supreme Court Upholds “Ongom;” Quackbuster “Plan of ’96” Foiled…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The New York ad agency that actually runs the US “quackbuster” operation has to be, this week, taking extra blood-pressure medication, avoiding telephone calls from angry clients demanding to know why the “Plan of ’96” isn’t going to work as promised, anymore. Continue reading US Supreme Court Upholds “Ongom;” Quackbuster “Plan of ’96” Foiled…

Quackbuster Attorney “Suffers the Consequences”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The US “quackbuster” operation, perhaps one of the slimiest groups on Planet Earth, sank to a new low this last few weeks when they, apparently, abandoned their own attorney, Christopher Grell, leaving him, perhaps, in financial, and professional ruin.

Hundreds of pages of Court documents show the depth of Grell’s desperation.

This coming Wednesday, April 11th, 2007, at 2:00PM, a hearing will be held in Oakland Superior Court in California to determine Grell’s ability to pay the costs of his, and two“quackbuster” manipulators, delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, and Canadian pimple doctor Terry Polevoy’s failed courtroom assault.  Court documents indicate that neither Barrett nor Polevoy, outspoken throughout the case, are willing to pay their share of the Court imposed costs.  My estimates show that the trio might have to pay out about $200,000 in legal fees to their victim/Defendant Ilena Rosenthal and her legal team. Continue reading Quackbuster Attorney “Suffers the Consequences”…

Quackwatch “Defamation” Verdicts Could Reach Many Tens of Millions of US Dollars…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, of quackwatch.com infamy, announced to his followers (Barrett’s Parrots) last week that: “During the next few days, my sites will be changing servers. It’s possible that the healthfraud list will be disrupted during the switch.”

Barrett critics are concerned about this situation – for several reasons.  The questions are: (1)  Is Barrett moving his quackwatch.com, etc., servers out of reach of the US Court System after recent Courtroom losses?   (2) Is Barrett moving his quackwatch.com, etc., servers out of reach of the US Court System after the  barrage of newly files legal actions naming him, and his, as the Defendants? (3)   Is Barrett moving his servers out of US Court Jurisdiction to avoid answering legal demands for “discovery” of information on his websites? Continue reading Quackwatch “Defamation” Verdicts Could Reach Many Tens of Millions of US Dollars…

Quackbusters “On the Ropes?”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


Top “quackbuster”  Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS PhD was forcibly removed as a witness in a California case recently after it was pointed out to the State of California that Baratz was a not quite what he claims to be.  Cases all over the United States, originally initiated by “quackbusters” , are being dropped by State agencies – like hot potatoes.  Continue reading Quackbusters “On the Ropes?”…

Quackbuster Citadel Crumbling – They Face Massive Litigation…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


The conventional healthcare system in the US, rated 72nd in quality but first in cost by the World Health Organization, (WHO) and declared in the authoritative study “Death by Medicine” to be the number one killer of Americans is finally beginning to suffer the consequences of its policies. Continue reading Quackbuster Citadel Crumbling – They Face Massive Litigation…

Washington State Supreme Court SMASHES Quackbuster “Plan of ’96″…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


The Washington State Supreme Court, in its wisdom, a few days ago (December 14th, 2006), literally, for all time, smashed the New York ad agency run“quackbuster” operation’s effort to use individual State Administrative hearings to destroy innovation in health care in favor of the “drugs, drugs, and more drugs”  medical monopoly.  The sleazy “Plan of ’96” has been thwarted.

Cutting-edge health professionals around the US can breathe a sigh of relief, for the method of attack derived from the filth-encrusted “Plan of ’96” has been declared to be unacceptable by the High Court.  And, State Supreme Court decisions carry weight in every area of the US. Continue reading Washington State Supreme Court SMASHES Quackbuster “Plan of ’96″…

How to file a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against Spamhaus/SPEWS…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


There’s no question in my mind that the Spamhaus/SPEWS Project is a criminal conspiracy designed to damage legitimate American businesses’ and social activist’s ability to communicate on the word wide internet.  The Spamhaus “volunteers,” and the SPEWS manipulators, hide to protect their identities from those victims to avoid both criminal and civil legal actions against themselves. Continue reading How to file a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against Spamhaus/SPEWS…

Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


II don’t know how the “quackbusters”  can even come out in public any more.  Their constant humiliation in the US Court system has got to be incredibly embarrassing.  I don’t know how they can withstand the solid stream of laughter from the general public.

It’s not just the losses in Court (and they are legion), it’s how badly they lose, and the criticism they draw on themselves by the participants in the Court system.  They just don’t seem to learn.


Continue reading Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court…

Tim Bolen – Where’ve You Been?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


I’ve received a lot of inquiries about my newsletter’s absence over the last several months.  Where’ve I been?  Right here, trying to figure out who, and how, someone was messing with my newsletter broadcasts – and what to do about it.

Activist groups across America – beware.  This is going to happen to you. Continue reading Tim Bolen – Where’ve You Been?…

Quackpot Stephen Barrett “Mugged” Again – in Hometown Court…

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, author of the questionable website “quackwatch.com,” lost another Court case this last month.  Barrett is on a long Courtroom losing streak.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Barrett’s bigoted comments about cutting-edge health care offerings have caused concerns among health industry leaders for years – and now those leaders are reacting..  Barrett has been embroiled in, seemingly, one Court action after another.  Those court actions included two separate actions where he was named as a participant in Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) charges. Continue reading Quackpot Stephen Barrett “Mugged” Again – in Hometown Court…

Why Corretta Scott King went to a Mexican Clinic…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is no question that the extremely profitable US cancer industry provides absolutely ZERO hope, for US patients, against cancer.  I don’t think there is anybody in the US that believes the absolute drivel promoted by the American Cancer Society (ACS), a group that has come, not to represent “the fight against cancer,” but more as a “spokesperson for the rip-off cancer industry.” Continue reading Why Corretta Scott King went to a Mexican Clinic…