Ill Wind In Illinois… For Quackpot Barrett

Good triumphs over Evil – one more time…

Quackpots all over North America have to be gritting their teeth in anger, suffering the embarrassment of their leader’s NEWEST defeat.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Stephen Barrett, who brags he’s written 49 books, and declares he’s “an expert in the fields of peer review. psychotherapy, fraudulent health claims, the scientific standards for proof of health claims, and the ‘alternative’ health marketplace,” was, this week LAUGHED OUT OF an Illinois court.

Illinois Judges, apparently, aren’t impressed with Barrett’s questionable self-proclamations. They threw his court claims against Health Freedom Activist Owen Fonorow STRAIGHT INTO THE TRASH CAN. Illinois 18th Circuit Court Judge Hollis Webster, this last week DISMISSED Barrett’s claims against Fonorow – with some STRONG language…

You can read about it at

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate


Cowardly “Quackbusters” DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?…

The self-styled “quackbusters” have LOST ANOTHER court case in California… This time, before they even went to trial. And, it looks to me, that they lost it INTENTIONALLY to avoid having their leadership legally “deposed.”

Last year, to hear the “quackbusters” talk, you’d have thought they’d found, and activated, the perfect plan to rid the world of what THEY define as “quackery.”

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Cowardly “Quackbusters” DISMISS Case to Avoid Being DEPOSED?…

Florida Dental Board Backs Down…

I love it when a plan comes together…

The people of the State of Florida, WERE in imminent danger, until yesterday, January 18, 2001. Not from a terrorist attack, not from a hurricane, but from a source few would suspect – their friendly, neighborhood dentist. And that dentist – held hostage – was going to be forced to cooperate, in what some Health Freedom activists characterize as “the forcing of a known deadly toxin into our bodies”

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen

Everyone in the world knows that MERCURY is a deadly poison, and wreaks havoc with the human body. The problem is so well known in government circles that US Congresswoman Diane Watson, on Monday November 5, 2001 introduced a bill OUTLAWING the use of mercury fillings in the US over a five year period. Continue reading Florida Dental Board Backs Down…

Quackbuster Baratz and Barrett Both Hiding Under the Bed…

The quackbusters are on the run. The smell of fear is in the air. Quackpot leaders are in hiding – avoiding subpoenas. And there is no way out for them.

In a laughable assault in California, top quackpots Bobbie Baratz and Stephen Barrett, attacked about thirty-nine internet health providers in a California Superior Court, activating what is called “the private Attorney General Law.”

Opinion by consumer advocate Tim Bolen

Among other LUDICROUS claims, the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) had defined the entire health discipline of “homeopathy” as health fraud, because, as they stated, “it has never been scientifically proven.” In the very first court case, the NCAHF claim was thrown out of court with the declaration of a “Non-Suit” by the Judge – the reason given by the Judge – was that the NCAHF has little credibility. The Judge’s decision is online, and can be found by going to and clicking on “California Judge Lambastes Quackpots.” It will take you to the Judge’s actual words. Continue reading Quackbuster Baratz and Barrett Both Hiding Under the Bed…

Quackpot Barrett LOSES Motion for Reconsideration ~ Rosenthal’s SLAPP Motion Upheld

I’ll bet the Judge’s laughter, when he read Barrett’s so-called Motion, could be heard all around the bay area… Barrett never learns, I guess. He still thinks HE makes the rules.

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett filed a “Motion for Reconsideration of the Court’s Order of July 25, 2001” (granting the Special Motion to Strike filed on behalf of Defendant Ilena Rosenthal). In his court papers Barrett had claimed that because Christopher Grell (the attorney) had dismissed HIS OWN CASE against Rosenthal, that the Judge had NO Jurisdiction to rule on Barrett, et al.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Here is what the Judge said about that on the Court’s website:

TR – Motion for Reconsideration – Denied

“This Tentative Ruling is issued by Judge James Richman. The Motion by Plaintiffs Stephen J. Barrett, M.D., et al., for Reconsideration of the Court’s Order of July 25, 2001 Granting the Special Motion to Strike filed on behalf of Defendant Ilena Rosenthal is DENIED. The proffered “new” evidence in the form of the June 4, 2001 dismissal establishes that only Plaintiff Christopher Grell voluntarily dismissed his action as against Defendant Ilena Rosenthal following the Court’s May 30, 2001 hearing on the Special Motion to Strike. Plaintiffs provide no authority to support their contention that a voluntary dismissal by one Plaintiff deprives the Court of jurisdiction to consider whether any remaining Plaintiff has met his burden to establish a probability of success on the merits of any claims that any remaining Plaintiff has against Defendant Rosenthal. Each of Plaintiffs’ alternative arguments in support of the Motion for Reconsideration is denied for failure to present any new or different facts, evidence or law to support it.”

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen

Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

When it was time to testify in front of the Senate committee on anti-aging a few months ago, Mrs. Baratz’s little boy Bobbie rose to his full 4′ 9″ stature, and pranced and preened his way into the hearing room proclaiming his new appointment as “President and Executive Director of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF).” He literally had “diarrhea of the mouth” proclaiming his expertise in all things health-wise. THEN, he had a lot to say…

But that was THEN, this is now…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

California Judge Lambastes Quackpots…

Good wins again, in the war against Evil.

Judge Haley Fromholz of the Los Angeles Superior Court (Hill Street) came to work one day last October, 2001 to find a case on his desk called “The National Council Against Health Fraud vs. King Bio Pharmaceuticals.” Little did Judge Fromholz know that this case, and his decision in this case, would be driving one more nail into the “quackbuster” coffin. An important nail.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading California Judge Lambastes Quackpots…


There was a day when the “quackbusters” were a force to reckon with. But now, they’ve been beaten so soundly, in so many places, over so many issues, that they have no credibility left. They are, simply, nothing to fear. Their teeth have been pulled.

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen

The court case they recently lost in California, “Homeopath Smashes ‘Quackpot Menace’ in California,” was more than just one more victory for the forces of good. It was a MILESTONE in the war against quackbuster evil. Continue reading “THE LAST DAYS OF THE QUACKBUSTERS” – Revisited..

Hulda Clark puts “the Quackbusters” ON TRIAL in North America…

Note: Attached to this writing is a Letter from Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, ND., to the “North American Health Freedom Movement.”

It is time to turn the tables on the quackbusters. 

Opinion by “Consumer Advocate” Tim Bolen Continue reading Hulda Clark puts “the Quackbusters” ON TRIAL in North America…

Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

California law is VERY clear on the fate of those caught filing SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) against honest California citizens expressing their opinions on social issues, and exercising their First Amendment rights. California legislators couldn’t care less what a subversive group working out of a basement in Allentown, PA, THINKS the law should be. The law is clear – you get caught abusing a California court process to harass a Californian – you pay – and you pay damn quick.

And if you don’t pay damn quick? California Judges can, and do, issue CONTEMPT citations. With this they can send law enforcement officers, with shackles, to round up those that ABUSE California courts.

The Quackpot menace is learning a HARD lesson in the “sunshine” State.

Opinion By Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackpot Barrett May Have To Sell His Basement…

Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, slithered into a Canadian Court last month with every intent of sinking their fangs into the top Public Relations company in North America in the anti-mercury amalgam movement. But now, Barrett and Baratz, must think they got run over by a fleet of cement trucks, as they slithered out of the courthouse (so to speak).

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Wayne Obie ([email protected]) got on Stevie Barrett’s “hate list” almost as fast as I did – and Wayne never uttered a word about Barrett’s sleazy activities – he allegedly just repeated my words on his yahoogroups. Barrett, and Baratz, went together and sued Wayne, and his wife, in Toronto after Wayne told Barrett to “stuff it” (so to speak), in answer to Barrett’s (extortion?) demand for money. Wayne’s wife doesn’t even own a computer. Continue reading Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett (and several of his henchmen) got sued last Monday, July 23, 2001 in Alameda Superior Court in California. The quackbusters were charged, among other things, with Racketeering (RICO), Violation of Civil Rights, Abuse of Process, and Malicious Prosecution.

And, it’s only the beginning…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Smoking Out Barrett’s PAYMASTER…

Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

The same Judge, in the same Court, that declared delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, et al, as SLAPP artists, ruled again against the questionable actions of the quackbuster conspiracy. SLAPP stands for “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.”

Barrett, and his bludgeon squad, isn’t doing well in California…

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Stephen Barrett, who claims to be a “retired Psychiatrist,” but court documents show that he never was able to fulfill the minimum qualifications to be board certified as such, along with Canadian Polevoy, and their attorney Christopher Grell had tried to circumvent normal court procedure in “serving” alleged defendants. The Judge was not amused – and HAMMERED the trio into submission. Continue reading Quackpot Menace “Drop-Kicked” (again) in Alameda…

Quackbuster “expert witness” may be charged with PERJURY in Florida Case…

Massachusetts “QuackbusterRobert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD hopped on a plane last January, from Boston to Florida, to show up in a West Palm Beach courtroom as a “surprise rebuttal witness” in the Florida Dental Board vs Phillips case.

What a belly laugh that was. Baratz made a total ass out of himself during the deposition, then walked out when he didn’t like the questions he was being asked. And, after the dust settled, the story got even better…

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbuster “expert witness” may be charged with PERJURY in Florida Case…

The Attack on Clark-  Two Parts EVIL, One Part CRACKPOT…

Everyone in the North American Health movement knows about the legal troubles (the Indiana case, the Figueroa case, the defamation case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark.

What many don’t know is that there is, and was, a plot to cause her these problems – and that there is one specific individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating out of his basement in Allentown, PA.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Barrett, with his minions, is now, and has been, conducting a “wild-eyed” onslaught against world health humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND, for the express purpose of stopping, or slowing, the research she has devoted her life to.  Barrett and his minions know that Clark’s programs have helped thousands of people – and for that reason they want them stopped. Continue reading The Attack on Clark-  Two Parts EVIL, One Part CRACKPOT…


Subject: A precedent setting “Landmark Case” is going on in Florida. The “Health Freedom Movement” has taken a significant interest in it. It is precedent setting because the support network operating behind the scenes intends to make an example out of the Florida State employees involved.

Health Freedom activists feel that the dental establishment, backed by the “Quackbusters,” really messed this one up, and there is an opportunity to make them pay DEARLY for their mistakes.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading THE FLORIDA DENTAL BOARD vs. AMERICA…

CLARK UPDATE: The Figueroa vs. Clark case – WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING….

Everyone in the American Health movement knows about the legal troubles (the Indiana case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark – and the outcome. What many don’t know is that there is, and was, a plot to cause her these problems – and that there is one specific individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating out of his basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett is now, and has been, conducting a “wild-eyed” onslaught against world health humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND.

Early in 1999, Barrett ordered his minions, including his personal attorney Christopher Grell, to mount an all-out, anything goes, attack against Clark.

Clark’s books had been selling well, far better than Barrett’s books.

Opinion by Tim Bolen Continue reading CLARK UPDATE: The Figueroa vs. Clark case – WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING….