America’s Latest Wake Up Call…

Republican Party Legislators are Stalked, Targeted, and Shot in Broad Daylight…

You are surprised? Really?

Opinion by Sharon Anshaw

It boils down to Control. They are out there inciting a civil war to control the population. To satisfy their own agenda. To bask in their ability to control.

Every day the narrative on main stream media is HATE.  Hate Republicans. Hate anyone associated with them. Hate anyone who dares to agree or think as they do. Hate our duly elected president. Hate anyone who opposes the left-wing ideas of one world government.

Their main goal is to abolish the USA, the Constitution and our laws. To gain the control over the USA and change it to a world-socialist society. It has nothing to do with the people, other than control.


Why are they so hateful? Why are they propagating the lies, false information, hate messages? Why are they trying to turn America against itself?

Because America works. Our Constitution works. Our founding fathers guided by their faith and their experiences of an unjust society crafted a rock-solid document that works! Our founding fathers found the way to truly make all the people equal. To protect and cherish their God-given rights. Our government has always been the hated government. Why? Because it works. We have always lead the world as the beacon of justice. The beacon of truth. The society to model after. Americans have always supported the beliefs and laws of our country, even if they didn’t agree with their leader. Americans supported America.

We now have a poison in our midst, no less dangerous than the worse street drug being peddled…

It is called liberalism. It is a hate sickness that is based on greed and control. I’m not really sure if it’s actually partisan anymore. It seems to be taking its place as a new philosophy. A new regime. A new religion.

We have seen it before…

“Racism was a central feature of the regime. Opposition to the leader’s rule was ruthlessly suppressed. Members of the liberal, socialist, and communist opposition were killed, imprisoned, or exiled. Christian churches were also oppressed, with many leaders imprisoned. Education focused on racial biology, population policy, and fitness for military service. Recreation and tourism were made effective through the use of film, mass rallies, and hypnotic speechs to influence public opinion. The government controlled artistic expression, promoting specific art forms and banning or discouraging others.”

Sound Familiar?

That quote was describing another HATE regime. One that advanced so far as to justify it’s selection of which humans can live and which can die based on the betterment of society. One so offensive to the US we joined a world war to stop it.

The problem is, it fits in what we are experiencing today.

While the leader of that society was removed, the thought process apparently still remains. It is being taught in our schools. It is being fed to the public via the multi-rich media moguls, who are abusing the 1st amendment to spread their evil rhetoric, their vile thoughts.

They are inciting riots. Inducing hate. Propagating lies. And some of the pre-programmed public is buying it hook, line and sinker. Why? They have been conditioned to. They don’t question it. They were raised that way. From preschool, to public school, to colleges. There isn’t an original thought out there anymore. Liberals have made sure that to “think” is not acceptable. You must fit in. You must agree and go along with the crowd. You must not have your own thoughts. You must do as you are told to do, even if that is against your upbringing your person moral fiber.

Liberals have no compassion for people. They have no concern for “the peoples’” well-being. There is no nobility to their cause. They have infiltrated our society through the vehicle of government. Perpetuated by media. We have allowed, over time, the basic laws of our country to be modified to serve their purpose. Our basic beliefs are being squashed. Our moral fiber obliterated in the name of their definition of “fairness”. In the name of their definition of “equality”.

While the truth is …their only goal is to Control.

Doubt it? How about Welfare. Or Taxes. Or mandatory…”whatever” you fill in the blank. There are many examples out there.

Keep the masses dependent, and afraid, and you have the Control.

This reckless leading of the people of today into mass hate and rebellion is Sedition.  Too strong a word for you? Here’s the statute:

18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy

Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

Do you think it’s too strong a word now?

Isn’t this exactly what the liberals are preaching?   Turn on any Main stream media outlet. You will hear reference to doing exactly what is listed in that law.

The liberals. They are the ones out there pointing their fingers. Laying blame on what they want. Avoiding the facts. Accusing without trial. Accusing without assembling the evidence.

Inciting and approving any radicalism shown in the name of their cause.

Why are they so hateful? Why are they propagating the lies, false information, hate messages? Why are they trying to turn America against itself?

Because America works. Our Constitution works. Our founding fathers guided by their faith and their experiences of an unjust society crafted a rock-solid document that works! Our founding fathers found the way to truly make all the people equal. To protect and cherish their God-given rights. Our government has always been the hated government. Why? Because it works. We have always lead the world as the beacon of justice. The beacon of truth. The society to model after. Americans have always supported the beliefs and laws of our country, even if they didn’t agree with their leader. Americans supported America.

Surprised that it sparked violence?

If so, you better wake up to what is happening. Watch and listen to both sides of the aisle, whether you agree or not. Read the good and the bad.

Learn to think for yourself again. Save yourself, and in doing so you will save our country.

Opinion by Sharon Anshaw

PS – the photo at the top of the page is of Stalin and Lenin…

2 thoughts on “America’s Latest Wake Up Call…”

  1. While in general I agree with Sharon’s analysis and am very concerned that there could be another civil war in this country, but one based on ideology, not geology, I must disagree on two subsidiary points.

    First, the left does not hate us because we have a good government. With just shy of $20 trillion in “public debt,” an insanely interventionist foreign policy and bloated bureaucracy, its hard to believe we have good government!

    Rather, IMHO, the left hates America because we have a largely free and open market society. It is not about particularly the constitution (which the govt ignores when it can — consider the case of our unconstitutional fiat “legal tender” money system!). It is about our general prosperity. It is the relative lack of government interference in our private lives that bothers the left!

    Second, the Supreme Court has restricted the criminal law of sedition and treason through a series of cases stretching from the Aaron Burr treason case at the beginning of the Federal Republic through the Communist “advocating overthrow” cases of the 1950s.

    Revolutionary War Hero and former Vice President Burr was held not to have committed treason for plotting to remove the western territories from the Union since he did not personally “take up arms” against the United States.

    The Communists were held to have merely spoken about the “necessity of overthrowing the government by force,” but not to have engaged in any actual acts to do so.

    Well, I suppose in present-day America some may have moved rather beyond mere talk…

  2. I think there’s a correlation between the shootings at Arlington VA, Seth Rich, and Pizzagate. The usual suspects. CUI BONO.

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