Let me begin by observing that some lowly twenty-something White House staffer has ALREADY BEEN YELLED AT, or WILL BE CHEWED OUT IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, for such a colossal screw-up.
Everything that follows in this article comes with the warning that we must NOT OVERREACT to the screw-up of this lowly White House staffer. However, this is an ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY to move things in a POSITIVE DIRECTION.
Those who have been paying attention know of the claims that the tech giants, Google, Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Amazon are doing their best to squelch conservative commentary, as well as those allied with the health freedom movement.
President Trump has been talking publicly about these issues and decided to convene a Social Media Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 with many prominent figures who have been targeted by these media platforms. Cartoonist, Ben Garrison was among those invited.
I’ve had personal experience with Ben, having him work on a cartoon depicting my banning from Australia because I wanted to talk about pharmaceutical corruption. We hit it off immediately, as he shared with me how many of his cartoons had been altered to make them appear anti-Semitic.
Ben understood how the claim that individuals like me are “anti-science” was out of the same playbook. It appears that the biggest purveyors of the lie that Ben Garrison is anti-Semitic is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which had a copy of one of his cartoons which was altered with Nazi-type propaganda. Whether the ADL knew of these alterations to Ben’s original work is unclear.
Because some low-level White House staffer fell for these lies…
…Ben found himself uninvited from the White House meeting. Here is Ben’s statement on the issue.

Later in the day there appeared to be something of a fight between cartoonists…
(I really wish I could say I made this shit up) when Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, seemed to back away from supporting Garrison. Here is some of that exchange.
Scott AdamsVerified account@ScottAdamsSays4h4 hours ago
It might help to do a “What the hell were you thinking?” clarification on your Rothschild comic.
GrrrGraphics CartoonsVerified account@GrrrGraphics
Replying to @ScottAdamsSays
Don’t play the Left’s game. If you criticize Soros/ Rothschild you’re anti- Semitic. If you criticize Obama you’re racist. If you criticize Hillary Warren you’re misogynist. If you criticize Open borders you’re a xenophobe. If you criticize climate change, you’re anti science. 12:55 PM – 10 Jul 2019
I think that Scott Adams may have been unaware of some of the larger forces at work. Personally, I don’t think he should have been as Adams has been publicly critical of Google images for photo-shopped images of him in Nazi garb. Adams was able to use his immensely powerful skills of persuasion and large audience to get them to take the pictures down. Garrison has a large following, but Adams has more influence at this point.
Here’s what I would say to Scott Adams.
Ben Garrison is a true gentleman. Think about what Garrison reveals in his statement. He gets invited to the White House. He gets dis-invited to the White House. He agrees to keep quiet and the White House says they will do the same. Was Ben planning to say some family came up? That is what a gentleman does. That is what a person of honor does. He doesn’t want to spoil the day for everybody else. But then he wakes up to see the story plastered on CNN. It’s the same old story. The citizens of this great country have honor. Those who work in government (both sides) are generally lacking in these virtues. Shame on them.
I encourage Scott Adams to have an actual phone conversation with Ben Garrison, rather than simply exchange thoughts over Twitter. Scott may have missed this tweet from well-known constitutional attorney, Robert Barnes, who is currently defending Info-Wars.
FollowFollow @Barnes_Law
It will be ironic to have to sue the “Anti-Defamation League” for…defamation. (ADL covered up racism previously when it suited their allies). Yet, they continue to libel @GrrrGraphics with a fake cartoon falsely ascribed to him. Retract, or get sued @ADL
This story is still in process and I wouldn’t be surprised to find in the next few days that the White House staffer involved in this fiasco is fired, but let’s simply hope it is a painful lesson to that individual.
At Bolen Report we are heartened by this statement from Ben Garrison.
GrrrGraphics CartoonsVerified account@GrrrGraphics
UPDATE- I know everyone is upset today over the manufactured outrage about my cartoons- Everything will be made good- Trust the plan- Do not Blame @WhiteHouse Blame enemy of the people. FAKE NEWS Bigger Things Ahead! 4:11 PM – 10 Jul 2019
However, we will continue to monitor this situation as it develops. A good man should not go undefended.
However, we will continue to monitor this situation as it develops. A good man should not go undefended.
Ben Garrison was originally invited to the White House to discuss internet censorship. The alleged need to censor health freedom news is to alleviate “vaccine misinformation.” What a sick projection! The lies are in MSM, funded by Big Pharma and their sock puppets at HHS. “Vaccines are safe.” “There is no link between vaccines and autism.” “Every vaccine has a wonderful ratio of benefits to risk.” It is already a battle of Truth vs. Money. The primary purpose of exempting vaccine manufacturers from tort liability is to fund liars.
From my perspective, this White House governs from mess to mess to mess ad infinitum. For anybody to think this is an ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITY to move things in a POSITIVE DIRECTION is not smelling the coffee.