It’s one of the great classic lines from the movie, Jurassic Park, and it’s uttered by my favorite character, Ian Malcolm, (Jeff Goldblum) the brilliant, snarky chaos theoretician as they discuss whether it’s a good idea to resurrect dinosaurs from ancient DNA.
Malcolm is against the idea, arguing that the idea of containing these creatures is a fantasy, saying, “Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”
Later in the day, the tour endures some technical glitches, and during a storm the T-Rex breaks out of its enclosure. As Malcolm watches the giant beast lumber towards a car with a young boy and girl trapped inside, he says, “Boy, do I hate being right all the time.”
I’ve been feeling a lot like Ian Malcolm these days as I’ve watched the coverage of the Corona virus from China.
The first thing I’d like to say is I consider this virus about as terrifying as a T-Rex, maybe an Allosaurus.
For those who claim I’m always praising President Trump, let me say this: I have NO idea why he did not IMMEDIATELY shut down all air travel from China, and put ALL Americans returning from China into a fourteen day quarantine.
I do think the situation will contain itself in the United States, but there could be some unnecessary deaths. I consider Trump’s failure to move quickly as perhaps the biggest mistake of his presidency.
Now that I’ve made that clear, I want to get into my main point. I believe I am possibly the only person making this claim.
I’m not sure how I can state it more clearly. Yes, that makes me an Anti-Vaxxer, but it also makes me somebody who claims we need to SHUT-DOWN this type of research immediately.
Let me review some of the media reports and posts by experts which have led me to this conclusion. The Washington Times had an article from January 27, 2020 entitled “China Silent Amid Growing Doubts Over Corona-Virus Origins.”
Here are a couple samples from that article: “China’s government stood silent Monday in the face of growing scientific reports that the source of the deadly Wuhan virus outbreak did not originate solely from a seafood market in the city . . . Suspicions about a link to a biological warfare leak in Wuhan have been raised because the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory handles deadly viruses and its civilian and military research are intertwined in China . . . The State Department said in a report last year that is suspects China is working covertly on offensive biological weapons . . .”
The article is saying that the alleged “bat soup” origin of the virus from the local seafood market is shaky, at best.
But guess what???
You should know that the scientists in Wuhan were studying bats and corona viruses because the immune system of bats seems to be able to suppress the virus. What an amazing coincidence!
Zero Hedge published an article on February 1, “Corona Virus Contains ‘HIV insertions,’ Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon.”
From the article: The theory is that the virus, which was developed by infectious disease experts may have originated in the Wuhan-based lab of Dr. Peng Zhou, China’s preeminent researcher of bat immune systems, specifically in how their immune systems adapt to the presence of viruses like corona viruses and other destructive viruses.
Now, a respected epidemiologist who recently caught flack for claiming in a Twitter thread that the virus appeared to be much more contagious than initially believed is pointing out irregularities in the virus’s genome that suggests it might have been genetically engineered for the purposes of a weapon, and not just any weapon but the deadliest one of all. (bold is original from article.)
In “Uncanny Similarity of Unique Inserts in the 2019-nCoV Spike Protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,” Indian researchers are baffled by segments of the virus’s RNA that have no relation to other corona viruses like SARS, and instead appear to be closer to HIV. The virus even responds to treatment by HIV medications. (bold is original from article.)
Okay, let’s be honest. In all likelihood, we’re doing the same kind of research in the United States. Maybe our containment systems are a little better, but not by much.
There was a recent book written by a science writer for Stanford Medical School, Bitten by Kris Newby, which makes a compelling case for Lyme disease being the result of a failed attempt by our government to weaponize ticks with bacteria from African ticks. I found the book to be very convincing.
One of the smartest people I’ve come across in our community is Dr. James Lyon-Weiler. “Jack” as is his known to many, is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh where he is the Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core. Yes, he’s one smart dude, so I’m always interested in what he has to say. He’s always thorough and careful in his opinions.
From his article of February 1, 2020 entitled “On the Oddities and Unusual Characteristics of the 2019-NCoV Virus Genomes and Their Analyses,” he wrote the following:
There are two ways on this planet for viruses to recombine: in nature, via co-infection with a common host, and in the laboratory. I evaluated the likelihood of those two outcomes two days ago, and the article went viral, helped by the coverage by the Highwire team. Some have misinterpreted the article as saying that I have ruled out a bioweapons origin; however, I have not.
The level of evidence supporting an accidental laboratory release of vaccine type, or of a bioweapon, or of a vaccine experiment gone wrong, sensitizing people to serious illnesses and death upon subsequent exposure, are all about the same. What gives a vaccine program the edge is the match between the outcomes in SARS vaccine research in animals and the symptoms and mortality profile of nCoV in humans.
Okay, now I’m going to put my spin on it.
Chronic fatigue syndrome was first reported among 198 doctors and nurses in 1934-1935 at Los Angeles County Hospital. The common denominator? They all got an early polio vaccine grown in mouse brain tissue, along with an accompanying booster preserved in thimerosal. Dr. Mikovits found that people with chronic fatigue syndrome had what??? A mouse virus. Yes, all those cute little lab mice are probably giving us their diseases as well.
HIV-AIDS originally came from a chimpanzee which had a precursor virus known as SIV (simian immuno-deficiency virus). The two competing theories? First, that around 1900 some native hunter got infected when he killed a chimpanzee. Second, in the late 1950s more than 500 chimpanzees were killed to make a polio vaccine and their tissue used to grow a polio vaccine which was given to more than a million Africans. Which one do you think is more likely?
Oh, and now that we’ve been giving growth hormone to cows, possibly activating a latent bovine leukemia virus which shows up in their milk, we’re finding this virus in samples of breast tumor tissue from women with breast cancer. The correlation of this virus with breast cancer is higher than the correlation with obesity or drinking.
And that brings me back to Jurassic Park. In the moment of crisis, Ian Malcolm and Dr. Grant worked together, lighting flares to draw the T-Rex away from the children.
It is a primal urge to defend the children, even at the risk of one’s own life.
In putting together my new book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, I wrote about the attacks on Dr. Andy Wakefield, the campaign of intimidation against Dr. Judy Mikovits, including how they jailed her for five days with NO evidence, and the mysterious deaths of brave researchers like Dr. Jeff Bradstreet and Dr. Timothy Cunningham.
I’ve had people warn me that the books I write may be putting my life in danger. I understand those concerns and feel them deeply. I dearly love my life, but as a person of faith I have a higher duty. I must fight evil when I encounter it. I’m not just nibbling around the edges. I want to plunge a dagger into the heart of this pharmaceutical beast.
I have a duty to act…
…and if my life is forfeit because of it, I accept that as part of God’s plan for me. I wear a pendant around my neck of the archangel Michael, God’s most powerful warrior angel.
It is my prayer that I be Saint Michael’s sword in this world, revealing the truth about those who would harm our children. But that may not be my destiny. Perhaps the evil will attack and I will be the shield which shatters so that others may accomplish what they need for victory in our common struggle.
I accept that as well.
Saint Michael will either protect me in this fight, or if I fall, he will escort me directly to the pearly gates where he will tell God I died in defense of my fellow man. The way I see it, that’s two ways to win, and no way to lose.
So, gather up your courage and your strength, my friends. Together, we can stop the use of animal tissue and aborted human fetal tissue being injected into human beings.
It is quite possibly the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas. (Another great quote from Jurassic Park II!)

Kent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing, in 2014 and is now available in paperback with NEW material.
The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.
MKULTRA was banned for the CIA, and we see how that didn’t work. Banning is not the answer.
International bans on nuclear weapons etc, don’t work either. Near as i can tell, the only thing that may get rid of interest in those is the formerly rejected Thorium Molten Salt Nukes.. such a hugely better source of energy, without the impossible load of toxic waste, without the meltdown hazard, and with the ability to clean up the disastrous waste from the weapon-favoring uranium nukes.
In short, i’d lean towards the idea that to stop the nightmare you envision, we have to SOLVE THE MEDICAL FEARS with Hippocratic POWER BEING DEMONSTRATED AND RECOGNIZED to end polio, ebola. etc etc and end the hegemony of the AMA, with their vax pushing minions……
SARS, Bird flu, Swine flu – ALL created in a laboratory…
And, what do you know? Someone has already PATENTED each of them and there is already a vaccine for it that just needs to be quickly approved (sarcasm intended).
I,too, tire of being right all the time. Read Mass Extinction SARS (google the name to get he pdf or go and scroll to the original at the bottom then look at the menu , also read Noam Chomsky’s email to me : “your theory may be of phenomenal importance to mankind’s survival .: end quote ). SARS /coronavirus is just the tip of the ice berg. Man kind is an out of control species.Mother Nature has mechanisms to stop bad species.Either we clean p the oceans right now or mankind has TWO generations /50 years and then Mother Nature pulls the trigger.Same concept as the Black Death, but with many many more diseases and mankind has NO immunity whatsoever.
Dr. Mary’s Monkey spells out in detail another treacherous, clandestine virus experiment gone wrong. Then those numb skulls decided to use diseased, infected monkey kidneys to save us from polio. I got my SV40 species to species virus transplant via the polio sugar cube in 1959. The history of this contaminated, carcinogenic vaccine has been covered up so well that almost no one in the general public realizes what was done to us all. When the cancer shows up, well, stuff happens, that’s all, deal with it. Vaccines are safe and effective they say, except that they aren’t.
Stop this nonsense, please. Viruses have never been proven to exist. This whole “new dangerous virus” is just a gigantic hype, created in a WHO conference room. I haven’t figured out what exactly China is up to, but it’s no good.
But neither does it do any good to spread fear and nonsensical conspiracy theories about a man-made virus blablabla. I say it again for those who have hearing problems: Viruses don’t exist!
Funny how people who speak truth to power legitimately fear for their well-being. The “Afghan Papers” revealed that the US government said “the public is not entitled to know the truth”.
And here we are today Mouseketeers.
Hi Rixta,
a pleasure to stand with you.
I’m not belittling you, Kent, it’s just that you haven’t yet grasped the extent or the depth of the deception.
The man who has proven all this is Gaston Naessens and I can only recommend that you study his works.
The truth is much, much simpler and much more glorious that almost everyone believes. Finding out what really happens will just completely remove the foundation of modern medicine but I warn you: The truth is so different to everything you’ve be taught from a baby upwards that it will cause digestion problems.
I’ll upload my next article with videos tomorrow – too tired right now.
Blessed be
Just a couple of comments:
No you are not the only one linking man made virus /vaccine manufacture/ bioweapons to illness and death.
Trying to protect USA from the idea they would not have released such a thing is very humble, but erroneous.
CIRS is poisoning from mould, used to be called Chronic Fatigue. I have it, and I assure you it is mould toxic poisoning. That kills the immune system, then we get every disease and virus activated. Judy Mikovits research claiming only CFS patients had this mouse virus, was very unconvincing. Reactivated, probably, as is everything eslse in AIDS – acquired immune deficiency (non HIV) ie poisoning. HIV is a bit of a wonder as well. You can test positive in one country, and negative in another. It is just a “guesstimate”. A “probability” of having HIV. ie probably a made up scam. POISONING causes AIDS, whether that be puffing on nitrous oxide (nuking your B12) or having post lyme syndrome, or toxic mould poisoning.
Hi Brad. I got the pink sugar cube too. We are the lucky ones. It doesnt seem to transmit to us through the sucking on a sugar cube. Our digestive system, copes with the crap. When the polio crap was sprayed forcibly up on the roof of the mouth ( Belgian Congo) it went into the mucosa (a bit like when contaminated water goes forcibly up the nose jumping feet first into contaminated water). I think they called that disease HIV. Injected polio of course, well those SV40 whacky cells just went straight in. No sign of cancer in any of my family, who had the sugar cube. Aged 85 – 60.
I am totally poisoned by vaccines though, CIRS, and what they call viruses (I agree with Rixta) are reactivated, and the only way I could have got some of those viruses are in contaminated vaccines, including Lyme.
A truly powerful message Kent! We’re aggregating information about Coronavirus and will be posting a link to this article here:
I find a lot of the ideas shared here very intriguing and helpful. I’m sure our bodies begin life with multiple defenses to protect us from disease, at least most of the time. I have a strong suspicion that most of “germ theory” is wrong and that “the terrain” really is the issue. In any case, whether or not you subscribe to the idea that viruses can be causative of illness or not, one thing strikes me as abundantly clear: None of the blog posts or comments I read here would ever lead me to believe that taking a vaccine is a good idea. If there is a good one, I haven’t heard of it yet. And I have reached the same conclusion as Kent regarding how sensible it is to do in labs the things that God would call abominations.
What Rixta and Karma said.
There is no such thing as contagion and if there was, visiting (let alone being) a doctor would be instantly fatal.
Self-replicating pathogens are not even mathematically possible because there is no such thing as a dynamic system without negative feedbacks (any posited “immune system” is a positive feedback).
It doesn’t matter if you describe this thing as a deliberate bioweapon or a mutation from bats – you are still falling for the propaganda.
A few people died (nothing unusual about that) but then a few idiot doctors decided to blame some “virus” that they found on these few people. They then decided – in the absence of any evidence – that this “virus” was novel. How could they have known it was novel? Did they invent a time machine and test everybody who had ever lived?
Of course not.
They made it all up.
That is not to say they don’t believe their own bullshit. Doctors are very stupid. Nonetheless, they certainly made it all up. They simply believe it because it fits in with their narrative.
Once it was decided (based on zero evidence) that this was all caused by a novel virus then the panic ensued. Once this panic ensues, doctors blame anything and everything on the virus – even if they bother testing people, their interpretations of the results are basically predetermined.
From that point on, everything they do just exacerbates the problem. They give people poisonous treatments and quarantine them in horrific conditions. Many are starved. Parents are whisked away from their children.
During the Black Death, tens of millions died.
Zero died because of rats, fleas or bacteria.
They all died because they were whipped, burnt, had feces rubbed into their wounds, starved, isolated, told to eat glass, lived in sewers, and drank arsenic and mercury.
Tens of millions of people died because of doctors and panic.
I have been thinking about the best way to explain the process in the past couple of days and here it is:
1. Doctors blame new “contagious disease” for a few perfectly normal deaths.
2. Doctors launch massive medical response. This kills many more people.
3. People panic. They run to their doctors who kill even more.
So this is a reinforcing mechanism. So how do the “pandemics” then die down?
Well what happens is:
4. A few doctors (surreptitiously) realize it’s their treatments that are killing the patients and they start to hold back.
5. Less people die. Less people panic. Less people run to their doctors.
6. People start to believe that the “contagious disease” has run its course in the population (eg that everybody is now immune or the virus has mutated out of existence (neither of which makes any sense of course)). Not only do they not run to their doctors or demand the government quarantine people, they pretty much forget everything about the disease.
7. “Pandemic” over. Nobody questions doctors over what just happened though.
There is no way of knowing when 4. will occur. If it happens quickly then you get a SARS. If it takes years then you get a Black Death (the Spanish Flu was a little different because it ran its course when the governments stopped handing out the deadly World War One leftover vaccines).
What Rixta and Karma said.
There is no such thing as contagion and if there was, visiting (let alone being) a doctor would be instantly fatal.
Self-replicating pathogens are not even mathematically possible because there is no such thing as a dynamic system without negative feedbacks (any posited “immune system” is a positive feedback).
It doesn’t matter if you describe this thing as a deliberate bioweapon or a mutation from bats – you are still falling for the propaganda.
A few people died (nothing unusual about that) but then a few idiot doctors decided to blame some “virus” that they found on these few people. They then decided – in the absence of any evidence – that this “virus” was novel. How could they have known it was novel? Did they invent a time machine and test everybody who had ever lived?
Of course not.
They made it all up.
That is not to say they don’t believe their own bullshit. Doctors are very stupid. Nonetheless, they certainly made it all up. They simply believe it because it fits in with their narrative.
Once it was decided (based on zero evidence) that this was all caused by a novel virus then the panic ensued (both amongst doctors and the populous). Once this panic ensues, doctors (and the populous) blame anything and everything on the virus – even if they bother testing people, their interpretations of the results are basically predetermined.
From that point on, everything they do just exacerbates the problem. They give people poisonous treatments and quarantine them in horrific conditions. Many are starved. Parents are whisked away from their children.
During the Black Death, tens of millions died.
Zero died because of rats, fleas or bacteria.
They all died because they were whipped, burnt, had feces rubbed into their wounds, starved, isolated, told to eat glass, lived in sewers, and drank arsenic and mercury.
Tens of millions of people died because of doctors and panic.
I have been thinking about the best way to explain the process in the past couple of days and here it is:
1. Doctors blame new “contagious disease” for a few perfectly normal deaths.
2. Doctors launch massive medical response. This kills many more people.
3. People panic. They run to their doctors who kill even more.
So this is a reinforcing mechanism. So how do the “pandemics” then die down?
Well what happens is:
4. A few doctors (surreptitiously) realize it’s their treatments that are killing the patients and they start to hold back.
5. Less people die. Less people panic. Less people run to their doctors.
6. People start to believe that the “contagious disease” has run its course in the population (eg that everybody is now immune or the virus has mutated out of existence (neither of which makes any sense of course)). Not only do they not run to their doctors or demand the government quarantine people, they pretty much forget everything about the disease.
7. “Pandemic” over. Nobody questions doctors over what just happened though.
There is no way of knowing when 4. will occur. If it happens quickly then you get a SARS. If it takes years then you get a Black Death (the Spanish Flu was a little different because it ran its course when the governments stopped handing out the deadly World War One leftover vaccines).
..if viruses don’t exist, as some claim, then where did the DNA come from that the lab-frankensteins are sequencing under the noses of the GENETICS EXPERTS..? hmmm…
..and as for the ‘causation’, that’s a different thing all together… and yeah the simple presence in many cases of a microbe [of some kind] in each and nearly all cases of the disease under study DOES NOT MEAN THE MICROBE IS THE CAUSE… But the microbe is still a SUSPECT in secondary damage EVEN IF WE REMOVE THE DEFICIENCY THAT MADE THE VICTIM SUFFER….
.. however, clearly there is SOMETHING that causes polio, and the proven efficacy of intravenous vitamin C in CURING POLIO in 60 out of 60 cases, including after paralysis had started, says that ‘anti-viral’ is real, so what is the point of C being a UNIVERSAL ANTI-VIRAL.. not just polio, but all infectious diseases.. if there is no virus causing infectious diseases……
Maybe the description of the process of virus hunting should be offered here, as i saw it in a JON RAPPOPORT article ‘recently’….. [quote]
My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” [end quote]
From the layer of all things that have the density of viruses, they then extract that layer’s contents….
Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate.
(1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus.
Then you have to examine this isolate further,
to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme]
will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate… [end quote] .. able to cause a disease if not stopped……
……. pure physics…….. fini…… ttyl
The corona virus outbreak seems headed towards a crisis level. Can a call for mandatory vaccination be far behind? Why don’t the Chinese call for vaccinations, so we can see how poorly they work, before they are made mandatory here?
The last article i was reading on the ‘fright’-causing rate of increase in the number of cases, did the math wrong, and were quadrupling every 4 days…. but when i searched around i noticed that China had rejected some CDC ‘help’ and another said, China was favoring an ANTI-VIRAL MED, which we can assume is NOT Tamiflu.. it was their own..
Meanwhile i looked around for data to PUT THE NUMBERS BEING SPREAD BY GOOGLE’s FAVORING-ALGORITHMS into good perspective….. and………
yeah, the CDC loves the hysteria-media.. but……
Courtesy of the CDC itself, the average flu ‘burden’ [involvement in ‘medical visits’] is about 3% of the US population in recent years.. and that 3% of population affected in likely most-only China numbers would be almost 50 million cases in China alone….. which sort of number size is what people take as shocking in the USA……. BUT 50 million is NORMAL PRESUMABLY IN CHINA.. so far the cases amount to 2thousandths of 1% of China’s population… so that leads to examining their ‘rate’ picture..
At the extreme of doubling every 4 days [not the table goofup in the linked article we were finding], it would be MARCH 23rd by the time it reached the upper NORMAL range of flu burdens.. for China….. and that’s near the end of flu season…
AND LAWS OF NUMBERS in statistical data says……………
It just doesn’t seem credible that such a doubling would continue long term… amazing increases are not unusual when the base for the increase is small enough, but such an increase pattern would be extremely unusual to persist once the number of cases becomes large enough…….
And then there’s the death rate.. so far IN CHINA, the death rate among the Chinese population from coronavirus with its respiratory challenge –[[in a population already suffering respiratory challenges of extreme air pollution]]– is 2% OF CASES… which so far IS NOT LOOKING LIKE THE DEATH RATE ELSEWHERE but we’ll see.. so far ZERO deaths for those LIVING IN western pollution-fighting populations WITH [a dozen INSIDE the USA, three dozen in EUROPE, half dozen in Canada, and over a dozen in Aussie/nz] OVER 70 medical-visit CASES SO FAR KNOWABLE.. ZERO NOT 2%
So Trump is right to simply send China help, though they may not accept the CDC’s ‘help’……. ttyl
Einar Dale. Vaccinations have been made mandatory in China, as of Dec 1, 2019. I understand that at least some shots have already been compulsory (for Chinese school children) for some time, possibly years, before this new law came into effect; but this new law intensifies the obligation while the penalty for refusal could be severe. It is not quite clear if the new obligation extends to both children and adults, or just children and whether expats/non-citizens are included as well. Expat blogs have previously stated vaccination is compulsory only for Chinese citizens but not for expats.
As for this “coronavirus” I don’t think it exists. I think the arguments made that there may not be any viruses at all could have some merit, though the point of my post is not to debate that, but rather, to confirm my feeling that Jon Rappoport is right in saying that viruses serve as the perfect “cover story” for disease and illness caused by poor sanitation, filth, human and animal waste, lack of clean drinking water, extreme poverty, pollution and various other causes.
Then there’s this article (see below), supposedly written by a Chinese intelligence officer. Now I don’t know if this account was planted perhaps by someone in our own western intelligence services, someone with a very creative mind who wants to divert our attention away from what’s going on; or whether it’s genuine or how much of it is true, but much of what is mentioned seems plausible. It suggests, like Jon Rappoport hypothesizes, a chemical as the cause for this “outbreak” and that “coronavirus” is made up as a cover story. That and ordinary seasonal flu cases being misdiagnosed as “coronavirus”. The same chemical poisoning story being blamed on a virus has been suggested by people such as Rappoport as being the cause for previous “ebola” outbreaks in Africa.
It’s possible that the pathogens blamed for various pandemics such as West Nile, SARS, Swine Flu etc. so-called viruses exist, or not. Even if they do exist, it’s unlikely they will cause everyone in a given area to become infected, much less to contract a disease. Everyone’s immune system operates on a different level. Only a chemical of some sort will cause everyone to become sick; pathogens and germs don’t. Therefore, whatever West Nile, SARS, ebola etc. are, even if they’re “weaponized” and created in a lab, they can’t possibly cause everyone or even necessarily a large percentage of the population to become ill. That’s the domain of science fiction movies, not of reality.