Are We Sick of The Threats, Lies and Misdirection?
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The photo at the top of this article is indeed worth a thousand words, for it explains a lot about WHO, and WHAT, attacked “Vaxxed” producer Del BigTree.
Let’s explore that WHO, and WHAT. Yes, the attack was easily repulsed THIS TIME, and yes, there will be a reckoning. For it is time for a reckoning.
For as long as I can remember there has been a version of the current “Skeptic” organization operating in North America. Each time they appear, so to speak, they have been beaten, and shoved back into the septic tank with the lid closed tightly, right where they belong.
The earlier version of the current “Skeptic” organization was called the “Quackbusters.” They were led by Stephen Barrett of the infamous scenario. It took a while to crush him and them, but, in fact, crush them we did – lawsuits, traps, media campaigns, you-name-it-we-did-it operations designed to rid the North American health care world of a cockroach infestation.
What is consistent in the “Skeptic” and the “Quackbuster” worlds is the “quality” of the people that run them.
In my earlier article on the attack I showed you another important photograph, reprinted just below. It shows some VERY important things about “skeptic leadership.” Let’s look at it again:

I pointed out, in that article, just exactly who and what James Randi is with an audio tape of him recruiting sex from a young boy. Here it is again:
After I ran this story, and it picked up all over the internet, the “Skeptics” tried to circulate a story claiming (insert laughter here) that “the local Chief of Police asked him to make those kind of calls…”
Go ahead – take a moment to laugh…
For the Story is About To Get Even Better…
Lets explain the photo…
On September 17th, 2011 I wrote a story about James Randi and his “live-in-lover” Jose Luis Alvarez (the person in the photo) called “US Federal Agents Arrest Top “Skeptic…”
Below is an excerpt from that piece that puts all of this into context:
“James Randi, the man who bills himself as the “Amazing Randi,” is one nasty little piece of work.
James Randi, along with CSICOP‘s Paul Kurtz, are the two people who organized, I believe, and run today, the worldwide “Skeptic” (pseudo-skeptic) organization. At the second level of management are people like Steven Novella, David Gorski (Orac the Nipple Ripper), Paul Lee, Stephen Barrett, etc. Although the group is essentially small, they organized to control health care articles on the Wikipedia website, and created a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) network designed to catapult their anti-good-health-care articles to the first page of Google and other Search Engines. Viciousness is their game.
On September 8th, 2011, Federal Agents working for the US State Department, knocked on James Randi’s door, not particularly looking for Randi, but for Randi’s live-in-lover, a person who calls himself “Jose Luis Alvarez,” a name stolen years ago, say the Feds, from a New York man. In their newspaper article, “Celebrated South Florida artist Jose Alvarez accused of identity theft” the Broward County Sun Sentinel says:
Here is the quote from the Broward County Sun Sentinel:
“Celebrated Plantation artist Jose Luis Alvarez has earned an international reputation with colorful, modernist paintings that have been showcased in South Florida museums and galleries.
He’s always dabbled in abstract concepts involving personal and artistic identity, an exploration that began as a young man when he teamed with famed magician James “The Amazing” Randi on the world stage.
Now, there are deeper questions surrounding Alvarez and who he actually is — a mystery about the man himself, beyond his creative persona.
To federal authorities the 43-year-old Alvarez is a cipher, a man truly without any identity. They refer to him as “FNU LNU” — law enforcement acronyms for first and last names unknown.
Alvarez is now in federal custody, accused of stealing the identity of a New York man and misusing it for more than 20 years. Goateed and scholarly looking in hip eyeglasses, Alvarez — if that indeed is his name — had his first appearance Friday morning in federal court in Fort Lauderdale.
“We don’t know who this person is,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Bertha Mitrani told a magistrate, while explaining that authorities would seek to hold Alvarez without bail at a hearing next week.
Alvarez first began performing to international audiences in the late 1980s as “Carlos,” channeling the spirit of an ancient seer in contact with other worlds.
It was an elaborate hoax carried out as performance art.
Alvarez’s transformation into “Carlos” was part of Randi’s crusade to expose mystics and psychics around the world as frauds. The two men, who live together in Randi’s Plantation home, met when Alvarez was a teen, and they put on the “Carlos” performances for 15 years.
More recently, the artist’s paintings were featured this spring at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, and have graced Art Basel in Miami and galleries in New York and San Francisco.
Alvarez’s alleged alternate reality came apart Thursday morning, with the arrival at his door of an investigator from the U.S. State Department who specializes in fraudulent passports, visas and other travel documents. Alvarez initially said he was born in Venezuela, then said New York, according to court records. He was arrested on a charge of supplying false information to obtain a passport, a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
The charge filed against Alvarez alleges he stole a New York man’s date of birth and Social Security number, which he used to obtain a U.S. passport in 1987. He has since renewed the passport twice.”
Did you get the picture here? It is ALL About Lies and Misdirection…
From another article in the Sun Sentinal comes:
“Alvarez is not just an artist, but an ardent backer of Randi’s philosophy of using science to debunk the assertions of people who fraudulently claim to possess paranormal abilities, Dmitrovsky said…
…A lecture he gave at the University of California in Berkeley earlier this year about his artistic pursuits was described thus: “Jose Alvarez will guide us through his own personal journey of investigation into the realms of consciousness, mysticism, spirituality, magic, shamanism, space exploration, and paranormal phenomena. Utilizing the concept in theoretical astrophysics of parallel universes and space as a continuum membrane with no beginning or end, Alvarez will place his cast of characters as a stand-in for the strong human desire for knowledge and transformation and his continued visual inquiry into the realms of the fantastic and the philosophical.”
State Department investigators got onto his trail last August, when a New Yorker named Jose Luis Alvarez applied for a passport to attend his sister’s wedding in Jamaica. His application was flagged as potentially fraudulent, because a passport had already been issued in his name.
“He’s had my identity for 20 years,” the New York Alvarez said Friday, when reached by telephone by the Sun Sentinel. “Why is he stealing my identity? Is he illegal?”
The Attack on Del BigTree…
Is very similar in design, and execution, to the attacks on Andy Wakefield, Mark and David Geier, AVN’s Meryl Dorey – and, in fact, Suzanne Humphries MD.
Are We Sick of The Threats, Lies and Misdirection?
Let’s make this simple. It is time for a reckoning…
Stay tuned…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Are these septic creeps doing the dirty deed biddings for Big Pharma and the rest of establishment? Oh, how nice a company. True to the saying:”Birds of the feather sticking together”.
Author 2581623W, thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Keep writing.
Crimes of The Gay Mafia