It Is All Fixable… So Let’s Make a List…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
In early 2016 the United States of America was, most definitely, in decline.
Unfortunately “we the people” let the situation get very bad before we said, on Election Day 2016, “enough is enough,” and stopped the globalist destruction train in it’s tracks.
Americans with common sense went to the polls and surprised a weary world beaten down by globalists, woke up a reaction, and proceeded to change the direction not just of America the Nation, but of Planet Earth.
But, Let’s Be Specific About What Needs to be addressed…
Below are sixteen problems created and maintained by liberal Democrats for the express purpose of damaging and destroying America. We need to fix them, and we can.
(1) America has lost 60,000 factories since President Bill Clinton organized, and signed into effect, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). If an average 1,000 people had jobs at each of those factories we lost sixty million (60,000,000) jobs.
We need to reopen, or replace, EVERY ONE of these. And add more.
(2) President Bill Clinton, in 1998, inserted an addition into US legislation, making Student Loans non-dischargable under bankruptcy. There are NO JOBS for most of these people and the interest on the loans builds. These loans can NEVER be paid off, leaving an entire generation of educated Americans dodging bank creditors, and having their fast-food employment wages garnisheed.
As Martin Armstrong says: “Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what they paid for.”
Clinton created a hopelessness in an entire generation of Americans. Overall income is down. Marriages are way down.
There are several ways to fix this…
(3) The North American Health Care System (ObamaCare) is BADLY broken… Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider connected to, and donating to, the liberal Democrats. It gets MORE EXPENSIVE EVERY DAY. And that does not work for North America.
ObamaCare was MORE about creating Democratic Party so-called “public/private partnerships” to drain off tax money rather than creating a health care system.
The vaccine issue alone, is a microcosm of what is wrong with US health care. And, US health care is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America.
We will see this issue fought out in Washington DC, and in every State. In short, we will NOT have good health care in the US until we have made “Big Pharma” into “Little Pharma.”
(4) No immigration controls – Immigration under Obama was “Open Borders” and “Midnight Delivery of Muslims in airplanes landing at hidden airports.” California alone has twenty-seven percent of all illegal aliens and spends 30.3 billion dollars a year on them – 17.8 percent of the California State budget.
All of this was designed, and activated, ONLY to destabilize America.
We have carefully thought out Immigration laws which the liberal Democrats scoffed at. It is time to enforce them.
(5) We have “Sanctuary Cities” which are, in reality, protected Criminal Enterprise Centers, where liberal Democrats will NOT turn over non-citizen drug cartel, or human-trafficking, leaders to the feds.
We need to start arresting local “Sanctuary Cities” government people and jamming them into jail cells. Once Trump has his regional Federal Prosecutors in place this can start.
(6) We have an 18 trillion dollar National Debt. Obama created most of it, making it seem impossible to pay off. How? Obama passed out money to liberal Democrats so fast the printing presses were working night and day.
But, it is fixable.
(7) We have an out-of-control banking system. Bill Clinton and cronies repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts, creating the international banking crisis in 2008, nearly destroying the world economy.
There is a solution.
(8) Liberal Democrats in power created a massive Federal and State regulatory scheme designed to destroy not only American Industry but also to remove people from rural communities into inner cities under a pile of strange city planning – all under New World Order Agenda 21 guidance.
Trump, and his teams, are already on this. He wants 3,200 people fired at the EPA immediately. Other Republicans are carrying bills to shut the EPA down completely.
(9) Fake Climate Change – caused by Obamadust. Trump stopped California’s eight year drought by simply re-directing the airplanes spraying overhead.
This fake “climate change” weather control program needs to be completely revamped or discarded.
(10) Spying on Americans – The Vault Seven Wikileaks documents show that Obama turned sixteen US Intelleigence Agencies inward, spying on Americans 70% of their time. There are cameras watching Americans everywhere.
This all needs to stop.
(11) Violating the Constitution – The liberal Democrats set up networks to violate Americans’ rights in every way they could think of.
Trump teams are working on this problem as we speak.
(12) Setting up to have the US military to arrest and detain Americans under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Obama did this with a Democratic Congress.
(13) GMO farming taking over in the US – Not only does fresh produce available in stores taste like you are eating the paper bag it came in, but that pretty orange is half orange half mosquito mixed with two gallons of bug killer.
Europe, Russia, etc., won’t allow this crap to be sold as food. Why do we?
(14) Rearranging our educational system as a State Religion to counter the parental training of children to abide by the Judeo/Christian ethic.
You know there is a problem when your seven-year-old comes home from school and says “I want to be a transgender when I grow up!”
(15) The use of Federal agencies to attack competitors to liberal Democratic Party interests. Obama set the IRS on
Conservatives. Every health agency under the Obama administration attacked competitors to drug companies.
(16) Allowing the import of vaccines and dangerous prescription drugs made in foreign countries without any inspections for contamination or quality. There is no excuse for this.
It is time to stop being nice, PC, and forgiving…
Think – Grand Juries, Federal Prosecutors, chain gangs,,,
Stay tuned…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Right on!. And the solutions to all this needs total loyal real cooperation (words ad actions must match!) from the GOP, among which too many are openly and not so openly for Agenda 21 and 1 World Government aka the New World Order. If you carefully review speeches by democrat and republican past Presidents and look for the give away Agenda 21 catch words and phrases you will discover with dismay that we have enemies of our Sovereignty/Nationalism on both sides. We need to identify those and I bet too many of the GOP who are not supporting OUR PRESIDENT have significant ties to Soros for example. President Kennedy shortly before his assassination gave a speech to the press exposing, and giving us warning of the communism infiltration in the Democratic and the secret societies bent in destroying our Nation’s Sovereignty/Nationalism.
My view that the influence and power of the unholy alliance between Communism and Agenda 21 must deterred before we can achieve the entire GOP to be for American and its people ad what you have very accurately describe our actions Communism and Agenda are ideological principles that are at the heart of what is ailing our beloved Nation. Those principles are what is driving the Communists and Republicans to cry foul to each other but is what defining and determining their actions. In short if we assume to take of these problematic issues without getting at the source of them.. we will putting one fire after another, to have them reappear in a different way, format or process still following these principles.
That’s all very well Tim but I can’t help thinking that we’re treating symptoms here (sometimes you have to) but we’re not looking for the underlying cause. That’s the thing we need to find and to eliminate. If we don’t we’re just preparing things for another swing in the opposite direction a few years down the road.
Who else has got some ideas on this?
Blessed be
Absolutely right on! My opinion is that the influence and power of the unholy alliance between Communism and Agenda 21 must be deterred before we can achieve the entire GOP to be for America and its people. Communism and Agenda are ideological principles that are at the heart of what is ailing our beloved Nation. Those principles are what is driving the Communists and Republicans to cry foul to each other but it’s what defining and determining their actions. In short if we assume to take on to solve these problematic issues without getting at the source of them.. we will putting one fire after another, to have them reappear in a different way, format or process still following these principles.
Absolutely right on! short if we assume to take on to solve these problematic issues without getting at the source of them.. we will putting one fire after another, to have them reappear in a different way, format or process still following these principles.
1– You omitted the foreign entanglements we have been repeatedly warned to avoid — all of which have been a constant drain on the American spirit, wealth and health, as you will agree. Which now includes that Republican 4 years under W, with its 9/11 fraud on the American people
2– While you’re sweeping out the EPA, let’s realize that among their explicitly charged responsibilities is ‘energy’ and the Nixon militarists shut the door on the only meltdown proof nukes that would have supplied the abundant energy (with sane efficiencies favored by Americans in the late 70s) that would have kept industry’s bottom line tied to here.. so now we need the version of those THORIUM MOLTEN SALT nukes that not only run on easily found thorium but also reduce the horrid nuclear waste from the uranium nukes that paved the way for incessant production and use of wide arrays of nuke weapons…
3– the incessant wars need to be stopped by paying attention to the revelations in wikileaks 7 and the prosecution of those in the State Department who were waging unauthorized wars via every imaginable false flag and subterfuge, sometimes simply authorizing surrogates to launch the ‘arab spring’ sort of trickeries. The America people and our Russian neighbors earned that Peace Dividend, when the Russians relinquished their agendas ON THE CONDITION that NATO not be advanced further east…. that condition has been repeatedly violated, dishonoring our national righteousness… NATO HAS TO BE PULLED BACK TO EARLY LIMITS SO WE CAN HAVE THAT PEACE DIVIDEND HONORABLY. In fact NATO appears to be a major perpetrator of terror attacks.
Butter doesn’t come with guns…….. have to think of the rest of your list some more…
??? (9) Fake Climate Change – caused by Obamadust. Trump stopped California’s eight year drought by simply re-directing the airplanes spraying overhead.
If this is true it’s awesome, but even before & after the rain I saw them spraying like crazy.
Wake up America. You have a brilliant scientist in Dr Judy Wood PhD. Read her book “Where Did The Towers Go?” She assembles the MASSIVELY HUGE evidence for fraud, scientifically and impartially, leaving everyone to figure what really happened in the light of fake contradictory radar tracks, of flights with no evidence of boarding (no security cameras working at the airport and removed at the Pentagon gas station by the CIA) No plane crashing into WTO Building 7. No independent film of any planes at all. Plenty of evidence of cruise missiles! NEVER have all the black boxes disappeared. it JUST IS NOT POSSIBLE! Wake up to a new secret, directed, beamed, focused energy, with the power to win wars, create earthquakes, start hurricanes by boiling clouds and steering them the same way and now demonstrated to be able to melt and transform steel and marble to dust. Pot toilet bowls MADE IN FIRE all gone? Steel filing cabinets sold as FIREPROOF ALL DISAPPEARED! Wake up America to your criminal governments. For our sakes as well WAKE UP!
I seen chemtrails in Minnesota just before the sun went down tonight. You could add take the rat poison out of water to the list.
Tim and All,
Though Trump really made many of us quite happy with his pick of RFK Jr. to head up a vaccine inquiry panel, according to the premiere webite watching this so called ‘Obamadust’ technology,, Trump appears to be fully on board with climate engineering. If true, very very bad news IMO for We The people.