CPSO Investigates Polevoy (ROC45040)…

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has opened an investigation into the activities of Terry Polevoy MD. The Case number is ROC45040. If you have information to contribute to this investigation you may wish to refer to this number.

Polevoy virulently attacked Dr. Clark on his website (www.healthwatcher.net) prior to her appearance as the keynote speaker in Toronto last March. He now labels her as a “dominatrix grandmother,” and claims she is a fraud.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

If you are a Polevoy victim (ie; he’s trashed you on his website, libeled or defamed you publicly, followed you around, etc.) then this is the time and place to add your information.

If you wish to comment to the CPSO about Polevoy’s activities in general, this is also the time and place.

The CPSO, itself, is under investigation by Canadian elected officials for some of its activities. There is curently a bill in the Ontario Parliament to remove “self-governance” from Ontario MDs, and put the CPSO under a citizen’s committee. Because of this, we don’t believe the CPSO will sweep complaints about Polevoy under the rug. The appropriate elected Canadian officials are being apprised of the Polevoy situation – and are watching to see what CPSO will do.

Address complaints to:

May Chin

Triage Assistant

Investigations & Resolutions

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

80 College

Toronto, Canada M5G2E2

investigations&[email protected]

Reference : Case #ROC45040 – Polevoy