Just when I thought CNN couldn’t go any lower, they surprise me.
How about an attack on Melania Trump, our beautiful First Lady (and mother to Barron) on Mother’s Day?
The title of the article published on May 12, 2019 by Betsy Klein says it all, “Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ Pushes for Kids Well-Being, But She’s Silent on Vaccines.” You can read it HERE.
To be honest, the CNN article is really underwhelming.
Melania didn’t say she was anti-vaccine. In fact, she said nothing at all on the subject. How is that a story?
Here is the relevant section from CNN:
“Celebrating one year of the ‘Be Best’ in the White House Rose Garden Tuesday, Trump highlighted her efforts promoting children’s kindness, healthy living and respect, as well as a newly expanded focus on online safety and talking about the dangers of opioid abuse. National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins was invited to the podium to make brief remarks, and he emphatically said something the first lady didn’t.
“To make an important and timely point, vaccines are a highly safe and effective line of defense against measles and other infectious diseases. So if you want your kids to Be Best, do what the President said last week: get them to get their shots,” Collins said to applause. A spokesperson for the NIH declined to comment further.
The first lady’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment to this story. Her opinions on vaccinations remain unclear.”
How is her silence a story to shake the foundations of western civilization?
In the tales of Sherlock Holmes they often discussed the concept of the “dog that didn’t bark,” the idea that something should have happened in a certain way and didn’t. It points to something else going on.
The public story should have been something like this: America elects a President who has expressed some skepticism about vaccines. He even says he’d like to appoint well-known environmental attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head a Vaccine Safety Commission. It doesn’t happen.
An alleged measles outbreak scares the country and the previously skeptical President tells people to get their measles shot. Story over, right? A brief glimmer of hope is snuffed out, right?
Except I can’t get over the sneaking suspicion that something’s not quite clear. (The measles shot? There’s no such thing. There’s an MMR shot, but that’s for more than measles.) Big Pharma should have been doing a victory dance over Trump’s statement.
Instead, they attacked his wife on Mother’s Day for saying NOTHING.
What am I not seeing in this picture?
It would have been very easy to ignore Melania not saying anything about vaccines. If she is anti-vaccine, why is Francis Collins going out of his way to annoy her? If she is not anti-vaccine, why make a big deal over the fact that she talked about kindness, healthy living, respect, and on-line safety? (Personally, I think Trump should fire Francis Collins IMMEDIATELY. Put in my personal favorite, Dr. Judy Mikovits!)
Trump has a magician’s trick of doing something with one hand to distract from what he’s doing with the other. Notice how he praises his close relationship with President Xi of China at the same time he isn’t giving an inch in the trade battle. He likes to fight, but he knows he can get the best result if it’s not personal.
Just the other day he was out there praising Gilead pharmaceuticals for their agreement to provide HIV-AIDS drugs to 200,000 people a year who could not afford their drugs:
“Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America! – President Donald Trump, May 9, 2019, 3:34 pm”
And that’s how Big Pharma thanks Trump, by trashing his wife three days later?
I think we’re going to know pretty soon what’s really going on behind the scenes. You don’t attack the First Lady unless you know the President is ready to unleash holy hell on you.
I suspect the media knows what we have long suspected: the President and First Lady are on our side and have come up with a plan worthy of Machiavelli to dismantle the Big Pharma Deep State. Opioids and transparent pricing on television advertising are just the first step in a multi-pronged approach.
That’s the way I see it. How about you?
Kent’s book PLAGUE was released by Skyhorse Publishing in 2014 and is now available in paperback. Skyhorse also publishes the work of Mo Yan, the 2012 recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature.The book is co-authored with Judy Mikovits PhD. It is an indictment of the “Fake Science” we find so prevalent in the US.
Kent Heckenlively is also the author of INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, available on Amazon and at Barnes&Noble.com
It all makes sense once we all realize that Presidential election 2020 is actually “Big Pharma vs Trump.” Everyone know that we are NOT going to be able to get a REAL health care system in place in the US and world-wide, until we make Big Pharma into little pharma…
Trump has started in dissolving Big Pharma’s influence on America – and they are not used to being reined in. With the Opioid people Trump went after them with arrests, and early morning raids, prosecuting them not for the deaths, but for the methods they used to promote their drugs – and as every insider knows, EVERY drug company uses EXACTLY the same methods. Drug Execs FEAR Trump and worry about those early morning raids – and they should.
Trump has issued an Executive Order forcing the drug lord slime balls to post the cost of the drugs they advertise to the public. Most people have NO IDEA how much Big Pharma rips us off…
But “we the people,” along with our friend Donald, have a plan, and we are activating it…
Wait until you see what comes next.
#FireCollins #VaxxFreeWorld
Great article Kent. The First Lady’s silence on the PC “necessity” of putting that pinch of incense on the Emperor’s vaxx altar is a powerful expression of her independent thoughts about forced vaccination!
Support Counsel Kent’s vaxx petitions. Tell Trump “No!” to the mandates here: https://tinyurl.com/vaxxfreeworld
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Somehow, I think, big pharma will always be big pharma. Trump can’t just shut them down. Money talks.
I worry about future generations. More and more kids are getting messed up, disabled and killed by these vaccines and nobody is seeing it except antivaxers. Will we ever get a grip on this epidemic? Will the powerful drug companies continue to flourish? I hope not but I don’t see even a long term solution.
How can the US bring back manufacturing and make America great again unless they pin down the causes making 54 going on 59% of our youth suffer chronic illness by the time they are ready to join the workforce. Mercury, vaccinations, amalgams, fluoride glyphosate etc?? I submit those? responsible are committing a mass act of global treason against humanity. How come the largest riches company in the world German Pharma survived WWII larger and richer than before.
Thanks Terry Harnden. Lets keep on telling the truth. To your list, I would like to add the widespread destruction of the minds and bodies, of America’s children with psychiatric medications.
And by the way, has anyone checked the facts on people of today living longer than before. ???? Who is trying to misguide us with all the media headlines that talk about Americans living to be 100 years old. I mean, how is that going to happen when you bomb so many of the elderly into Alzheimers with mercury amalgams and flu vaccines with mercury. I’d love to see the real facts about how long Americans are living.
We have the same problem in Canada with Statistics Canada issuing phoney press releases with no detailed references for verification.