Homeopathy – An Easier, Nicer, LEGAL, More Effective Path to Immunization…

by Hildegard von Bingen (non-de-plume)

What Exactly is this Nontoxic Approach for Disease Prevention?  

Homeoprophylaxis— also known as Homeopathic prophylaxis or even “HP”–  is a nontoxic method of disease prevention in use since 1799.  The term “homeo” means “like or similar”—note that it does not mean “same”, only similar.

“Prophylaxis” refers to the prevention of a disease.  Homeopathy is an energetic form of medicine.  It utilizes the energies found in plant, animal, and mineral sources to promote healing and wellness.  In like manner, when homeopathy is used as a prophylactic, it utilizes an energetic form of the disease to promote immunity.  It has been documented to do this with about 90% success.  The body is exposed to an energetic form of the disease and is found to respond appropriately, “as if” it had been exposed to the disease itself.  Thus, all the benefits of natural disease are derived without any of the risks. 

Let’s define, as well, what a “vaccine” is.  The idea of inserting a particle of a disease into the body to promote an immunological response has technically been done for about a thousand years (1), not always successfully.  During Edward Jenner’s time, he noted how milkmaids, who were around cows all the time, did not seem to get the horrid smallpox.  He noted that cows would get a similar disease, known as cowpox, and postulated that it was perhaps this exposure to cowpox that prevented smallpox  in milkmaids.  Thus began his fussing about with the pus of cowpox to provide immunity to smallpox in people. From this came the term, “vaccine”, from the Latin word, vacca, for cow. Mass vaccination for smallpox was later discontinued in the U.S. due to many cases of brain damage as a result of the vaccine, as well as the virtual disappearance of smallpox. (2)

Let’s look even a bit more deeply into all of this. Continue reading Homeopathy – An Easier, Nicer, LEGAL, More Effective Path to Immunization…

Why Do We Need Vaccines?

by Hildegard von Bingen

It had to happen sooner or later.  BolenReport Authors and articles are first rate, so, of course we attracted an official Roman Catholic Church Saint to write for us…


Let us consider the picture: Disease is something that happens that nobody likes.  It can be very dangerous.  Every year, untold lives are ended prematurely and unpleasantly because of disease.

What can be done to prevent disease is a question pondered by people of medicine since time began.

No one likes to get sick, no parent likes to see their child suffer, diseases can be dangerous—and, with the vaccine, science today claims to have found an approach that fulfills its expressed purpose.  Because of what they tell us, the public has grown to not question the holy sacrament of vaccination.  Indeed, neither have the scientists, who are currently working on hundreds more vaccines intended to be “fast tracked” upon the public (1).  Vaccines are credited with the eradication of many diseases.  But let’s take a closer look at what has actually happened.  What do the facts really tell us?  What have we not been told?

Are Vaccines Necessary 

Injecting foreign proteins into the human body is a medical intervention.  We know that medical error constitutes the third leading cause of death in the United States. (2) With the convenience of the internet and readily available information, word is getting out. Medical science doesn’t have all the answers. Continue reading Why Do We Need Vaccines?

SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children

By David Kennedy, DDS, MIAOMT

The fluoride fiasco in tablet form– over 40 years of harm

We have all heard the story about how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is there to protect us from unscrupulous pharmaceutical manufacturers.  We also get reminders once in a while that there is a reason for their existence when we hear about candy contaminated with lead or spinach contaminated with bacteria.  I must agree that this all sounds well and good, but there is a fiasco with fluoride, and the FDA is at the center of it.

Fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first 8 years of life. Although fluorosis can be cosmetically treated, the damage to the enamel is permanent.

Fluoride is currently added to the water of approximately 60% of the American population.   It’s also found in dental products such as toothpaste and floss, fillings, cements, sealants, food and beverages, pesticides, and other products, including pharmaceutical drugs such as Prozac and Cipro.  Fluoride has been controversial for decades, and after years of debate, in 2015, the U.S. government finally recommended lowering levels of fluoride in water.   In spite of this recent change (which many decry as not anywhere near enough), fluoride is still being distributed in vitamins, which is something you can help put an end to since no one else seems to be doing much to stop this illegal practice. Continue reading SWALLOW THIS: Fluoride “Multi-Vitamins, Drops, Tablets” Are Not FDA-Approved, But Are Still Being Sold To American Children

US Federal Trade Commission Drills North Carolina Dental Board…

The North Carolina Dental board is in BIG TROUBLE…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

On Thursday June 17th, 2010 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed formal charges against the North Carolina Dental Board, saying:

“Dentists in North Carolina, acting through the instrument of the North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners (“Dental Board”), are colluding to exclude non-dentists from competing with dentists in the provision of teeth whitening services. The actions of the Dental Board prevent and deter non-dentists from providing or expanding teeth whitening services, increase prices and reduce consumer choice without any legitimate justification or defense, including the “state action” defense. The actions of the Dental Board unreasonably restrain competition and violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.” Continue reading US Federal Trade Commission Drills North Carolina Dental Board…

Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I’ve discovered another quackbuster scam – one to destroy a whole group of US Dentists, the head of a major Dental School, a device manufacturer, and a major emerging dental issue – NICO, and, with some very good help, I’ve begun the process of breaking up the scam.  I’ve helped engineer the destruction of about half of the scam already, and the rest is in the works.  We should be finished after a court trial, I’ll tell you about shortly,  in April.  With luck, we’ll get the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office involved in the clean-up.


Continue reading Quackbuster Attack on NICO Flops…

Pennsylvania Dental Board Approves Cavitat Device, NICO – Dumps Quackbusters…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Public agencies have relied on the “quackbuster” operation for expertise in health care issues far too long.  The time when an agency could fly some“quackbuster” bozo in for a hearing, have them testify to nonsense for a few hours, and stuff them back on a plane, fat check in hand, with the sure knowledge they had a “win” is long gone.  The State of Pennsylvania Chief Counsel’s office and the Pennsylvania Dental Board found that out the hard way, over almost a three year period, in the “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Stephen R. Evans, DDS” case. Continue reading Pennsylvania Dental Board Approves Cavitat Device, NICO – Dumps Quackbusters…

FDA “Backs Down(?)” Over Deadly Mercury Amalgams…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen


One of the biggest scandals in American health care is coming to a head this March 27th, 2007.  In the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a case, called Moms Against Mercury, et al., v. FDA” will get its time in the sunlight, and the Defendant, the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) isn’t doing well in its Defense.

The case is simple.  Citizens are suing the FDA for NOT, during the last THIRTY YEARS, ruling on the safety, or danger, of mercury amalgam tooth fillings.  The Plaintiffs want mercury amalgam tooth fillings banned completely, and forever.

And, the FDA has virtually no defense... Continue reading FDA “Backs Down(?)” Over Deadly Mercury Amalgams…

2006 Biggest Health Threat to the United States – US Dentistry…

The US Health Care System, rated 72nd in quality, but number one in cost  – worldwide, is known, by government reports, to be the NUMBER ONE KILLER of Americans – ahead of heart disease, cancer, and strokes.  There is no argument against facts.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

But what is up for speculation are the REASONS why this is so.  No one I know of (government agencies, think tanks, etc.) has taken the time to describe, and rate, the reasons why US citizens are being so short-changed. Continue reading 2006 Biggest Health Threat to the United States – US Dentistry…

“Quackbusters” Crushed in Massachusetts Dental Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The “quackbuster” operation in North America, run out of a New York ad agency,  took another broadside last month in Massachusetts when the Massachusetts Dental Board called, not one, but two, “special meetings,” both to dismiss, with prejudice, all seven charges against cutting-edge Dentist David Satloff.  The attempt to use a State agency in a “fake” prosecution to eliminate “Holistic Dentistry,” and/or “Biological Dentistry” failed.

Charges had been brought against Satloff by the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) president Robert S. Baratz who claims to be a combination MD, DDS and PhD.  Baratz was, also, the only person to testify against Satloff – and he testified for nine full days.  I estimate Baratz was paid $125,000 for his testimony by the State of Massachusetts.  Baratz testified in an earlier hearing that he has never, actually practiced Dentistry.  He also claimed to be a“spokesperson” for the American Dental Association, and a consultant to the US FDA. Continue reading “Quackbusters” Crushed in Massachusetts Dental Case…

Washington Dental School Under Assault for “Mercury Poisoning”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Pierce College of Dentistry hired Dental Hygienist Laurie Pruett, over ten years ago, to assist the school in its teaching of the practice of Dentistry.  What they “forgot”to tell her, according to court records, is that she would be handling mercury amalgam fillings, and those mercury fillings were toxic, giving of constant noxious gases, which would, eventually, result in consequential health problems.

Ten years later, of course, Laurie Pruett began to show the symptoms of mercury poisoning.  It wasn’t long before those symptoms affected her work, and her daily routine.  When Pruett sought medical attention she was amazed to find out what competent Medical Doctors knew all along – that working in a “mercury” environment was hazardous to your health – and that adequate safeguards needed to be in place – facts that Pierce College of Dentistry pooh-poohed, again and again, according to court records. Continue reading Washington Dental School Under Assault for “Mercury Poisoning”…

American Dental Association Shmucked in Chicago …..

Opinion by Health Freedom Advocate Tim Bolen


2005 has not been a good year for the American Dental Association (ADA).

And that’s good…

Congratulations, are in order, for all of you that helped make that happen. Continue reading American Dental Association Shmucked in Chicago …..

American Dental Association Flummoxed in Philly…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The American Dental Association (ADA) spent a fortune last month holding its annual convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  If it had hoped for a public relations coup to help promote its aims, its hopes were dashed by the Pennsylvania chapter of the North American anti-mercury-amalgam movement, the Pennsylvania Coalition for Mercury Free Dentistry” Continue reading American Dental Association Flummoxed in Philly…

“Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The world-wide war between “health” and “medicine,” “conventional” and “alternative,” rages across continents.  “Big Pharma,” in an almost uncontrolled panic in the US, is shoveling so much cash, by the truck and trainload, at US television networks, trying to buy their way back to Americans, it’s laughable.

If you thought North American television was buried in “drug ads” last year, this year is far worse.  Sheer panic has hit the drug world.  New York ad agencies are in a heyday. Continue reading “Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

ADA Gets “Kiss of Death”…


It had to happen sooner or later.  The ADA (American Dental Association) has had a long run – with the posse chasing them.  I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


They’ll scream,  they’ll holler, they’ll whine, they’ll whimper.  They’ll threaten, and they’ll lash out – but in the end it won’t matter – the American Dental Association is finished.  Nail their doors shut.  Board up their windows.  It’s soon to be all over for them. Continue reading ADA Gets “Kiss of Death”…

“Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …


Everybody knows that, in my advocation, I hunt “Quackbusters,”  The fact that there exists at all, a group whose purpose is to stop innovation, and progress, in health care, in favor of the “drug world” status quo, raises my ire.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Continue reading “Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …

Is American Dentistry Killing Us?…

Is American Dentistry killing us?  Probably.  There are certainly good reasons circulating around the campfires to believe so. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

It’s time, I believe, for the North American Health Freedom Movement to focus on Dentistry, and its problems, because what happens in the mouth effects the whole body.

I believe that the American Dental Association (ADA), as the primary representative of Dentistry, is in “siege mode,”  meaning that their Modus Operandi, these days, seems more defensive of position than promotional of healthy Dentistry. Continue reading Is American Dentistry Killing Us?…

The “Quackbuster’s” Attack on Dental Medicine…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I’m a severe critic of the broken North American Health Care System.  For the most part, so far, I’ve focused my commentaries on the medical world.   I’ve not ignored the dental world – I just haven’t given it all the attention it deserves.  From what I’ve seen, though, North American Dentistry may be in worse shape than Medicine. Continue reading The “Quackbuster’s” Attack on Dental Medicine…

Black Days For Quackbusters…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There’s a change in the tide…

For years the battle to provide appropriate health care for Americans was fought by the “healers” and their support groups – one defensive action after another, with each individual interest group re-inventing the wheel, almost every time.  Then came the “activists,” those who sort of understood the political system – they introduced legislation here and there.  Then came the “philosophers,” and the “educators” – bringing social awareness.

But Big Pharma kept coming.  The stakes were high. Continue reading Black Days For Quackbusters…

Quackbusters Accused of “Racketeering” (RICO) in Colorado…

It happened today.

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, his dubious website “quackwatch.com,”  Bobbie Baratz, the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), and a big chunk of the organized quackbuster conspiracy got themselves named in a lawsuit, in Colorado, for “were and are each employed or associated with an enterprise, and participated and participates in the conduct of the enterprise affairs through a pattern of  racketeering activity in violation of 18 USAC1962(c) and C.R.S. 18-17-104(3).  Said pattern of activity included and includes, but was and is not limited to, the preparation, publication, dissemination and transmittal of information by US Mail and by wire through internet websites by wire and other media which falsely represented the Plaintiff’s product and technology, constituting a violation of 18 USC 1341, 1343, 1347 and 1349, and CRS 18-17-103(5)(a)…”

There IS a God…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbusters Accused of “Racketeering” (RICO) in Colorado…

Wisconsin:  Preparing for the Vander Heyden Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The Administrative hearing set up by the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) in the Vander Heyden matter will begin at 9:00 am Tuesday, June 8th and continue through June 9th, 2004, at the DRL offices – 1400 East Washington, Madison, WI.  Check with the front desk for the meeting room.

Health activists from around Wisconsin will be attending, for good reason.  This prosecution, in Wisconsin, is the “quackbuster’s” latest effort to twist the regulatory process to fit their desire to destroy innovation in health care. Continue reading Wisconsin:  Preparing for the Vander Heyden Case…