Cancer Report:  2 August 2017 – Time for a New Cancer Paradigm

By Frank Cousineau – President, Cancer Control Society

Note from Tim Bolen – The so-called “War on Cancer” started with president Richard Nixon in 1972.  Every year HUGE amounts of research dollars are allocated across America to defeat cancer.  It is a massive rip-off – NOTHING has been found in the way of a cure, and there is NO INTENT to find one.  Researchers are taught to look EVERYWHERE but where the answers are.  In 2017 the “War on Cancer” is a HUGE welfare program for universities and their PhDs who NEVER INTEND to find an answer. 

If you, and yours, want to live after a cancer diagnosis you better do YOUR OWN research.  Below is a good place to start.


Last time we shared you the story of the false hope hype inside the Conventional / Allopathic cancer industry.

Why is this important? 

Cancer patients and their families are deceived about prognosis, treatment success and the cost(s) to get well.

Some of this deception is unintentional, perhaps genuine wishful thinking on the part of the Conventional / Allopathic Oncologist.  There is also a sinister element attached to this the current medical model; not only within the cancer industry, but with medical treatment and delivery, in general.

The current model in medicine is based on deceiving people into believing that the delivery of medicine is somehow related to healthcare

Healthcare and the current method of providing and distributing medical treatments, are actually, incompatible.

Medical care is not healthcare.  Moreover, neither healthcare nor medical treatments are entitlements.  They are commodities available to those who can afford them.

The choice of medical treatment should also be a conscious decision made by the receiver of the medical treatment or procedure.  It should not be dictated by government, insurance companies or the pharmaceutical industry.  Individuals and their families, should be free to engage the services of a physician-of-choice and mutually agree on specific protocols and procedures.

When a patient is coerced by government, insurance companies and/or the pharmaceutical industry to accept one kind of treatment and denied a treatment he would prefer, health suffers and costs increase due to the economic realities of the administrative state.  Tim Bolen has written extensively on this topic.  Those articles are all available for your perusal and study.

Consistent with what Tim has described in numerous articles over the past six months (or so), there is some optimism that President Trump will change this model.  Our point here, is that we need to develop the new paradigm to replace the administrative state.

Many of the other contributors to The Bolen Report have described particular elements of this new paradigm

When freed from the shackles of deliberate deception, collusion and disinformation, we can begin to define this new paradigm, not only for cancer, but for the delivery of genuine healthcare

Cancer statistics indicate both the incidence and deaths from cancer are not declining.  They are increasing.  More people today are being diagnosed with cancer.  More people today are dying of cancer.

 Where do we start?

For the long-term, we look to the free flow of ideas and the sharing of experience of patients and physicians who have successfully implemented healing strategies.  In addition, we collect this information in journals (written), various video formats and public conferences.

The advantage of public conferences is the person-to-person interaction.  Public conferences regularly present topics of interest, where theoretical information is shared.  These public gatherings also normally include exhibitors who provide ways to implement the theoretical information.

For the immediate term, we suggest the  45th Annual Cancer Control Society Convention,  This annual assembly will take place Labor Day weekend in Glendale, California, at the Hilton Hotel:

September 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2017

As we shared with you back in April, here is what you can expect at the 45th Annual Cancer Control Society Convention:

What is so special about the Cancer Control Society Convention?  We’re glad you asked.  We believe it is the greatest conference/show devoted to Alternative and Integrative Therapies.  Beyond our opinion, allow us to share what others have told us over the years.

Your Convention is the best anywhere!

Your Convention made it easy for us to understand real options for my cancer.

Your Convention provided us with the knowledge and confidence to break away from Conventional Cancer Treatments.

Your Convention was a real eye opener.

Your Convention saved my life.

My mother is still alive because I attended your Convention.

Your Convention gave us a great balance between informative lecture presentations and personal discussions with exhibitors from various clinics and treatment centers in a relaxed, comfortable environment.

What will I learn at the Cancer Control Society Convention?

Among the many topics to be presented and discussed at the 45th Annual Cancer Convention:

What are Alternative Cancer Therapies?

How are Alternative Cancer Therapies different from Conventional or Allopathic Cancer Treatments?

What does non-toxic cancer therapy mean?

What is Mainstream Medicine?

Can cancer really be cured?

How do I know if I really have cancer?

Does a biopsy spread cancer?

Does a Mammogram detect early breast cancer and increase my chances for survival?

Can I visit some Alternative Cancer Clinics?

Later this week we will share details of the program itself and who are some of the Exhibitors.  In the meantime, we encourage you go to [  insert link to the page Reggie set up  ].  If you live outside the Los Angeles area or you want to stay at the Hilton Hotel, so you only have to walk to the nearest elevator, make you reservation at the Hilton in Glendale, as soon as possible.  There is a special Convention Rate guaranteed for the next 12 days.  [  insert link to the page set up by the Hilton  ]

Your Pre-Registration will guarantee you have a seat (or ticket) for the three days of live lectures and all the Exhibits.  We also believe you will benefit from the Doctors’ Symposium on Tuesday, September 5.  The Doctors’ Symposium participate in a lively discussion among the professionals who participated in the Conference and ask your own questions.

There are still a few spaces for the Wednesday, September 6 Tour of the Tijuana Cancer Clinics Tour.  Don’t forget your Passport.)

Look forward to seeing you in Glendale in September.

By Frank Cousineau – President, Cancer Control Society

2 thoughts on “Cancer Report:  2 August 2017 – Time for a New Cancer Paradigm”

  1. Sadly, my sister lost her fight against breast cancer this past October/2016. From what I understand, and for whatever the reason, she waited until she was in Stage IV — in the last stages of Stage IV — before she finally decided on Sanoviv as her treatment facility of choice (in Mexico).

    After several months of treatment at Sanoviv, she became tumor free. They literally brought her back from the dead. In fact, after several months of treatment, she was able to participate on a week long excursion in San Diego. Although she appeared very thin, she looked otherwise radiant and healthy, all things considered.

    Yet, once back in the states, she worsened. She had to resort to more conventional forms of treatment, but did not experience the success she had when undergoing treatment at Sanoviv.

    Obviously, there is no way for me to know for sure, but my gut instincts tell me that Sanoviv was able to help her far better than had she undergone the more conventional route, at the time she was diagnosed. Sanoviv utilizes both mainstream and alternative treatments, which I am absolutely convinced helped keep her alive.

    I can recall, years ago, a lady of whom i worked with, who was insistent that her husband, who was with one of the abc’s at the time, had told her that he knew for a fact that a cure for cancer was known, but that the powers-that-be would never allow that fact to gain momentum; too many $$ to be made with so-called treatment protocols.

    At the time, I wasn’t so sure I believed this woman, but after all these years and now knowing what I know about our medical institutions, etc., I have no doubt whatsoever this woman was telling me the truth.

    Just sickens me…

  2. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 2 throat cancer when he was in his early thirties. He had been a smoker since he was 11. He had to have his voice box (Adan’s Apple) removed.

    My friend’s oncologist recommended chemotherapy and radiation as the most effective protocol to follow. He said that without chemotherapy and radiation my friend would only live one year. After several weeks of chemo, my friend was barely recognizable. He became skinny, pale and almost lifeless. Nutritionists, dietitians and physical therapists were able to help him regain some of his strenght back, and he was looking and feeling much better. His last round of chemo was one year later.

    After an analysis performed by his oncologist my friend was now cancer free. Sadly, five years later my friend lost his life in an auto accident.

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