The Starfield Revelation, Revisited…

Opinion by Journalist John Rappaport


In the summer of the year 2000, it was a bolt out of the blue.  The revelation.  I come back to it for various reasons—this time because I’ve been reading doctors’ attacks on the nutritional industry:  “fraudulent claims, quackery, unproven science, theft.”

You’ve heard all the accusations.

It’s interesting that these doctors don’t bother to examine their own profession.  If they did, they would fall through the deep hole, and they might never find their way back to the top.

On July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield published her landmark study, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).  At the time, Starfield was working at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.  She still is.

She is, as you can see, an insider.  You don’t have your papers published in JAMA if you’re not.

Among her findings?  The annual figure for deaths caused by medical drugs in the US is 106,000.


All those drugs were, according to her report, correctly prescribed and, of course, approved by the FDA.  No drug makes its way into the American market unless the FDA certifies it as safe and effective.  Both.

In a long, exclusive interview I conducted with Dr. Starfield earlier this year AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Dr. Barbara Starfield: Medically Caused Death in America,” she made it clear that, since the 2000 publication date, no federal agency had contacted her to consult on taking remedial actions, in the face of all these deaths.

It was also clear that the federal government had undertaken no massive campaign to cut down on the deaths caused by medical drugs.

And, of course, no mainstream news outlet has picked up the gauntlet and hammered on this ongoing mind-boggling tragedy.

106,000 deaths a year.  That means, since 2000, roughly a million Americans have died as a result of ingesting medicines.  A million.

So when I see these little doctors attacking the viability and correctness and safety of vitamins and minerals, I wonder what foul planet they are living on.  I wonder what they think they’re doing.

You should try to remember this the next time a doctor or some self-styled expert tells you the nutritional approach to improving health is dangerous.

You should try to remember the enormity of the cover-up involved here—and also note that Dr. Starfield’s study, since its publication ten years ago, has gone virtually unchallenged.

A million deaths.

Now, when it comes to fraud (a charge often leveled at the nutritional industry), think about this: how many studies carried out by drug companies had to have been fraudulent, to result in 106, 000 deaths a year?

Because, for the FDA to have approved the lethal drugs as both safe and effective, to have examined the studies and clinical trials of those drugs, there was obviously a FALSE VENEER of validity.

As it turns out, several layers of fraud are involved.  First, the drug companies bury some of their own studies on a given drug, the studies that show health dangers or ineffective results.  Then we have the FDA panels, stacked with doctors who, because of their financial connections to the drug companies, give the green light to go ahead and market the drugs.  And then we have the chronic avoidance of FDA officials, who know about Starfield’s (and other researchers’) work, but refuse to undertake a sweeping investigation of the whole rotten, stench-ridden mess.

We also need to bring the medical journals into the picture, because they publish and comment on many of the studies that result in government approval of drugs.

These journals know the death figures I’ve cited.  But they don’t take radical corrective action, either.  Not the kind of action that will considerably reduce the annual body count of 106,000.

Of course, you would think medical schools, in light of the Starfield Revelation, would revolutionize their training of students.  This, too, is a pipe dream.

On every front, it’s business as usual.

And therefore, the medical cartel needs to point the public’s attention elsewhere.  The cartel needs a distraction.  What better area to single out than their main competitor: nutritional supplements.

When you allow a staggering pattern of ongoing death to develop year after year, decade after decade, and you do nothing about it, and you are in a position to do something about it, and you are legally mandated to oversee the actual area that is causing all the deaths, and you are covering up what you know—what do you call that?

I call it murder.  RICO felony, and murder.

I don’t see any other label that fits.

So I invite all critics of the nutritional industry to come my way, and let’s compare notes, and let’s see, in open debate, what’s what.

What makes me think I won’t receive a shower of emails from experts seeking engagement on these terms?


Jon Rappoport is the author of a course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, for homeschoolers and adults.  To inquire:[email protected]